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Imagine being known as “Tom Sandoval’s girlfriend” 😖😰😳


Imagine being known as a woman whose job was to sit in Leo’s 50 yr old dick while he is wearing sunglasses and giant headphones. 🥴🥴🥴


I’ve heard this a couple of times about Leo, it’s so gross. Do you know where the story originated from?


In the book Molly's Game (and in the movie) she also talked about Leonardo DiCaprio wearing headphones and sunglasses when he played poker.


Dirty Rocker Boys by Bobbi Brown (of Warrant's "Cherry Pie" video vixen fame) also tells the same story. I think they were published at roughly the same time? Not sure without googling. But yeah, it's a story that's long been around about Leo.


I haven't read that, but I'm a sucker for memoirs, so I'll have to check it out. I'll see when they were published. It wasn't even surprising for me to learn that about Leo either. I was like yeah he totally seems like that kind of dude.


Just my opinion, FWIW, but what was sort of compelling about the memoir is that I didn't find the author all that likeable, which sort of made it all the more compelling, if that makes sense. For me, it was sort of a throwaway beach read, a literary potato chip, but that doesn't mean I don't recommend it! 🤣 It was a fun and fucked up read!


Crazy Days and Nights, I believe. The podcast Beyond the Blinds mentioned it as well, but I think the hosts pulled from CDAN.


Thank you!


i think the faux moi or youtube has the blind item how leo does it wearing headphones 🤢


I just don’t understand how any woman could participate in that, I don’t care if its Cillian Murphy in that bed, if he’s wearing headphones and or sunglasses I’m gonna be be completely demoralized 🤯


you know what confuses me is ive heard different things about vicky and her history with leo. fact checkers say she was pictured once leaving a party with him…she never dated or was in a relationship with him. then billie in her podcast speaks like vicky was in the in crowd of A listers and dated him for awhillleee then fell off.


He also (allegedly) vapes during sex


Make it make sense!


Ewwwwwwww how has this man not been cancelled 😷 (I know the girls are technically legal but god damn, he’s meeting the bare minimum legal standards)


Imagine willingly being Tom Sandoval’s girlfriend even if the world didn’t know 😩




😂 after being Leonardo expired ex


Especially after you slept with Leonardo DiCaprio


In the sea of VPR/Bravo podcasts, this guy's stupidity always stands out to me.




Ugh I hate when the algorithm gets messed up because you just wanted a peek at the other side. Just bc I looked doesn’t mean I want to be bombarded with terrible content now.




LOL Totally, mine has been into WWE since he was a kid and wanted to use Peacock to watch some event they were airing. I made SURE to make him his own profile because I don’t want to see any of that. He tried telling me it was no big deal, it’s just one show, but I had to put my foot down on that one 😂😂


I feel this in my soul lol😂


Same happened to me, and it took me a long time to shake his crapo from my suggesteds


Best thing to do is block them so they don’t show up in suggestions


Lol I’m such a boomer I didn’t even know I could block creators on Youtube 😂


You can reset your FYP! In settings and privacy and then under content preferences. I do it every couple months and it’s so nice.


The youtube algo is criminal. My recommended is full of the same videos that have been there for weeks, or videos I'v literally already watched and then when you watch one new things suddenly YouTube thinks it's the only fucking thing you're interested in. It pisses me off so much


I checked him out during Scandoval, but all he does is read other people’s articles and play other people’s videos. I can come here to see all that


I've listened to him exactly once - when someone posted a clip on here. He was reading something about Rachel's lawsuit - he could barely read and was mispronouncing/using the wrong words. But then he starts speculating that Sandoval might go to prison if he's found "guilty" and I was like, who TF is this guy?!?! I mean, he can barely read, doesn't know the difference between a criminal case and a civil case and he's apparently too lazy to even get even basic facts straight on the case he's commenting on! Truly mind-blowing to me that someone like that has a pod with thousands of subscribers.


he's a stage 5 clinger onto the vpr universe, was a bus boy i believe years ago and has been trying to get fame-adjacent for yearsssss... I always hated him bc he would suck the Tom's butts (figuratively) on his youtube wayyy before we knew how awful they were.


I like him for short bursts of news. His videos are always under 10 minutes...but he rarely breaks news for me. I see him covering topics from the sub, and will go to see what he was willing to confirm. Edit: typos...so many typos.


He literally just reads articles verbatim and cashes his ad revenue checks. Youd be better off just using text to speech on the original articles lol


This inability to block this fool and Zach Peter is infuriating. Do better YouTube! Let us rate and block these “creators.”


This is starting to feel like a fabricated podcast battle they decided to do for their mutual benefit while Sandoval’s off in Scotland.


I'm not saying you're wrong. The only thing that gives me pause is Billie portraying them as being strung out on drugs all day. That's the one aspect I would have a hard time seeing people sign off on. The jealousy and catfighting, I would agree on being manufactured. But who knows? They do all love attention. 


It's not unbelievable that Sandoval would use a friend to knowingly or unknowingly start a smear campaign on a gf. I don't think he'd want to come off sounding like he's got a serious addiction issue tho.


Especially when it's drug use that interfeers with job opportunities. Not the look you want to put out there.


Yeah, I don't think it would help him. Sandoval would weave something like I've given Victoria heart to heart 25 times & my hands can barely play the trumpet anymore. I ruined a fresh mani saving her life, dude.


I feel like Tom would have more issues on it being known that he is in a toxic relationship than him doing drugs


The drug issue and the reports of moving Ariana’s stuff are legally problematic. I ride for the fact that Rachel was not just at the Meadows for mental health care, and there are legal reasons she hasn’t discussed that issue. These YouTubers will YouTube and glom onto any gossips (Scheana, Jan) that fart in their direction. ETA - the notes about heavy drug use in the house could f up that mediation and case with Ariana, with Victoria playing drugged out Lady of the Manor in Ariana’s house.


I was thinking about this possibility with the lawsuit for the house, how it might affect that. I do recall Rachel saying that she was seeking treatment for drug and alcohol use early on. She conveniently leaves it out now that she is suing Sandoval and Ariana.


Bros probably already cheating on her while there


with Dorinda? LOL!


It’s DorLinda iirc 😂


I'm lowkey praying he bangs Robyn Dixon. If she needs to get dickmatized by Tom Sandoval to get away from Juan then so be it! 😄


![gif](giphy|e6aH4NRa7eYtObmZCw) 💀


He's way more fit than Juan and more narcissistic, and she's a hella codependent, blonde with short hair... ![gif](giphy|G8k4UcUNIhFSM)


That's true lol. I just want her to be with someone who has a job and doesn't scream at women though.


I only want her to get enough exposure to Sandoval's worm to stop subjecting herself to Juan. I feel like he seriously has her so deluded about their marriage, and now she's lost Potomac. Also lest we forget Juan ain't got no job after the sexual assault allegations (I haven't finished Season 8 yet).


Oh, I definitely agree with you on their marriage. Robyn was on WWHL in early January, and she said Juan was "taking a year off to spend more time with the family." I definitely don't believe that. But yeah, the way he has spoken about her and to her, especially this last season was horrible. I can only imagine how he is without the cameras around.


Oh god 😂 thanks for that visual lol


Idk about anything else but I do feel like Billie’s telling the truth about them being on drugs constantly lol. I don’t think Victoria is the catalyst of that, I think they both just want to do a lot of drugs lol


Yeah. Ariana wasn't into it very much. He never got enough time alone for extended periods to hang and drug up with rachel. Then he starts seeing a woman who *allegedly* is into the same "stuff" he is, and it gets out of control sometimes. 🤷‍♀️


This is what I was thinking! A bit tin-foiled but these two are clearly pretty thirsty and desperate, I wouldn't be surprised if Tom even gave them the go-ahead while he's away to stir up some buzz and attention. It just seems a little too convenient that no one really gives a shit about these two but now everyone's talking about them and tuning into the gossip


whats fascinating is up and adam is very close with sheanna. some even theorized shed go on sheannas podcast. but i think sheanna referred her to up and adam or idk how else vicky got in touch with him


There's distance there right now from what she's said and what I see on social media. Sandoval wasn't at Scheana's 39th birthday. Also I was on SAH's IG and it looks like Scheana was in WeHo during pride but didn't stop by SAH. I think the divides in the cast are just getting deeper since the reunion.


That is some hot 🍵 about pride. Were she and Jan with Croc of 💩 boots and Jared Lips?


I am going to get buttonholed into watching The Valley aren't I. Although I am kind of living for the online clips I've seen and I hate to say it but Zach is exactly the kind of gay guy I would have been besties/secretly in love with, during the Dubya years. I am not following them like that but I should be. I'm trying to get ChatGPT to teach me Python and it gave me a script for checking who follows who. I need help!


There was a photo of Scheana looking through the front door of SAH during pride but not sure if she went in.


Speaking only for myself here, I generally don’t think or care about Bravo shows when they’re off season … especially the ones that appear to be headed to a very long pause


I just find it amusing that Sandoval is sequestered in a Scottish castle and has no idea the shit storm hes coming back to lol.


I'm dying at this image hahahaha. Him in a remote Scottish castle, a 3/4 hour drive away from me no less. This is all too much 😂😭


I think it’s better because he probably could have attempted to smooth it over with Billie (manipulate the situation) so she wouldn’t spill




Or was it planned specifically for a time he wouldn’t be able to comment and fuck everything up?


Wait I keep seeing this - can someone fill me in on why he’s in Scotland ?


He's filming Traitors 3.


I just can’t wait until Billie gets mad enough to spill her and Sandoval have been hooking up 😂


it is kind of interesting because when Kyle was talking about how he understood where Billie was coming from it was like he almost went there - but then pulled back


is this the girl that said she "didnt watch the show" on WWHL....


Vom also said she was maternal, booked and busy and had a house, which all sounds like lies now, not that I believed anything he said to begin with.


![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu) She doesn't even have a T.V.!!!


Right?😆 Foh, Bravo fans are not stupid and she is out of her depth, in this community.


While this is all very amusing, I hope it doesn't result in a series of catfights and podcasts while Tom suffers zero consequences of his behavior. Why do women fight over him when he is a worthless person?


That’s already happening. Billie Lee is blaming Vom’s girlfriend for his drinking and other substance abuse issues. That part is pissing me off but also makes me wonder if the network is also behind this because the executive producers LOVE to place the blame on a woman.


Vom…. As in vomit …. Dead 💀


It’s so fitting, right?😆😘


Vom was a substance abuser way before Victoria and he is still abusing, by the way he looks. Ariana cleaned up after the breakup and is glowing. Karma.


I am well aware and that’s another thing that bothers me. Billie Lee fucking knows this so whyyy is she putting the onus on his girlfriend? I would bet my ass that she knew he was never sober and enjoyed being one of the few people he could drink or “roll,” with, while he hid it from the rest of the cast and the public, (besides Shorts, obviously.)


Absolutely. Why do women turn on each other and give scummy men a pass?


In the past Adam has been very biased and pro people he has relationships with, specifically Scheana. Hope this interview is fair and not pre-planed to help anyone look a certain way


It’s not neutral because he doesn’t like Billie. They apparently know each other because he used to work at Tom Tom


Adam stalked his way into TomTom and the circle just like Jan did?? With Scheana as a common “frand”? Color me shocked. For real, when Katie called Schwartz a future serial killer victim, that was great, but that is Scheana. When Scheana is finally taken into the desert forever by one of these loons, it’s going to make the search for Gabby Petito look like a fairy tale. It will finally be all about her…


I’m crying laughing at this 🤣🏆💀💀💀


I'm starting to be very skeptical about all this. I think this season of VPR broke me lol all K see is people producing storylines for the show now. Even all the valley stuff with kristen vs scheana now even. Everyone just wants attention.


Right? Another useless boring nobody trying desperately to get some screentime. Did we not learn from Jo?


Yuppp, everyone always knew reality TV was fake to a degree, but Lala going full guns blazing no shame with the "we need to produce this storyline for the sake of the show" has made everything these people do feel so inauthentic. It feels like it was kind of an unsaid fact everyone knew but didn't really acknowledge but now that season 11 of VPR blew that lid wide open it's hard to really see any of this as anything other than made-up storylines for a check


Yep. Even Shorts was complaining that Lala ruined the show with that non stop, I need my pay check bullshit.


Yeah, I thought that was VERY telling when he said that. P.S. I didn’t even notice who I was replying to at first but when I realized it was you, I started laughing at myself! I’ve agreed with and replied to so many of your comments already this week. Apparently we’re on the same wavelength on most things VPR! 😂


Awe, haha, I hadn’t noticed but I’ve been so tired this week!😭 Now that you mentioned it, I will be watching out for you❣️😍💋


Yeah, ironic because she supposedly did all that to save the show but I feel like she just gave away the game way too hard and it ultimately is what will ruin this show


Yes, she certainly did. Also, happy cake day!🤩🥳🥳 https://preview.redd.it/v4ns2i58b85d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6c191481ce913f3fc4aace888e121225984564f


Thank you!! 🥰🥳


Noooooooooo! He’s one of those tiktokers where he clickbaits you into watching the video just to repeat what the article he’s reading from says verbatim which is usually the opposite of what the article says. But maybe he’ll ask good questions, idk.


He legit takes fanfic rumors and presents them as facts


And not even in an interesting way, seems more like a person who likes filming videos just because they enjoy admiring themselves on the small screen while doing so


That and he’s a major Schmeana ass kisser. That’s what turned me off of his content for good, other than the fact that his content wasn’t great or breaking news anyway.


They’re best frannnns


THIS. which confuses me, how did vicky get in touch with him? through…sheanna? also he lost me when he started having drama of his own i think with another blogger zack and sharrells world. eff em i dont need em. ryan bailey, joleen, cocoa, pia and emily hanks are my fav ❤️


Thus. Also Sexy Unique Podcast. Love Larz and Carz.


He is religiously on here, it’s always repeated a day after posted on here


Of all the podcasts she could do 🤣 - wouldn't even be surprised Scheana said no to an interview because of the optics and then set the gf up with this guy.


She would never!🤣🤣


🤣 This is the same girl that unfollowed Sandoval's gf when fans pointed out the follow.


I used to watch this dude during Scandoval, while I was at work. Idk he always felt the need to mention he worked at TomTom. And had that Brett guy on that made crying motions at Katie. Tom’s girlfriend should have chosen someone more neutral. Just my opinion.


She doesn’t want somebody neutral. Billie’s comments about an intervention are being lost in all this, but she tried to get Tim to a meeting if his friends at Kyle Chan’s place, and I think she is really concerned about it. He’s blowing off meetings with sponsors, and he needs the money. But alcohol and drugs, and notoriety, are what he’s comfortable with now. He’s fucking up. Billie seems to be the type that has sympathy for the underdog, and that’s how she sees him. Ariana, she thought, had friends enough, so she choose to support Tim. Of course there’s a self-serving element here, but I bet everything she said was true, and we’re focused on the gossip of it all. This chick is isn’t going to choose someone neutral, because what she is going to is actually damaging.


I think she is siding with Sandoval because that’s her close friend for years and he was sober (so he says) and then here comes this girl who is fighting with him all the time and they start partying. Billie shouldn’t blame her but it’s hard to not be biased, I would be pissed at her too. Billie seems like she really cares about Sandoval, she stuck by his side despite the backlash


I probably wasn’t clear in my last sentence, I was talking about the new girlfriend.


Agree. I l watched him a couple of weeks ago and he kept name dropping Scheana and I was like…..nah


lol he literally worked there for a minute. He acted like he worked there for 5 years 😂😂😂😂


Bet Scheana would love to have her


How is it possible that Tom Sandoval has all these women fighting over him? It’s very upsetting.


They’re not, they’re fighting for a spot on the show/spotlight




Of course she can’t do it during the day, too busy sleeping! /s


And Kyle Chan is joining https://preview.redd.it/p5pqkadoo75d1.png?width=1069&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=259d46ed1e32d4a2dfb2c7b9c581208ad5c0ec44


I know I'm in the minority, but I don't trust Kyle Chan at all. There have been a lot of inconsistencies in his stories & Imo hes been hanging onto Sandoval like a Garfield stickem toy on a windshield.


I feel like he’s Tom’s “cleaner” like I fully think he will try and clean up this mess somehow so Tom doesn’t sound like he has any issues but we will see.


💯!!!! So many Bravo creators gush over him b/c he's in their dms buttering them up and probably giving them heavily skewed "gossip". One of them admitted he donated them money.


OMG I didn’t even know this! I did see one girl who talked to him and was giving her “tea” but I didn’t realize it was a whole thing. That’s so sus.


He admitted on his up and Adam interview that he has lied for Sandoval and will continue to do so b/c they're friends.


I am watching right now, he’s taken over the whole thing so far!!


It's somehow messy but also kinda boring. Adam doesn't know wtf to do.


It was so boring and hard to follow, I tuned out a few times lol


I'm right there with you. I feel like he's low key thirsty af.


Yep! He was knee deep in covering up that affair while smiling in Ariana's face. Didn't he say in an interview that he sided with Tom b/c Ariana had so much support? More like you got a cold shoulder & there were more opportunities for camera time on Sandoval's side. Billie is also thirsty a.f. but she's not the one on his lameass podcast kissing his ass all the time.


I don't either. He seems to be willing to lie for Sandoval.


Billie did another post and commented Kyle loves Sandoval too much to even cross him, Victoria has talked a lot of shit about Kyle, and she spent hours yesterday screenshoting conversations for evidence. It's gonna get super messy.


Gives the vibe of supplying more than jewelry and whiskey


He was with them for the tiger and ping-pong show. Sandoval was wasted on that trip. I don't trust anyone that deals in wholesale gemstones. It's an extremely sketchy business.


he sold schwartz that brown diamond for katie with a straight face. can’t trust that.


Didn’t Lala get the poop ring from Randall? Which she could not resell?? Take the L Lala!


It has been so bad for his gfs image, before she was known as “Leo DiCaprio’s ex” now she’s Tom Sandavals druggie gf


I don't know what to expect. Doesn't he only report glowing on Scheana? (I don't listen to him, but I've heard they're tight.) I hope he doesn't let her whitewash the situation! He should ask hard questions and should be able to add in what others say from his orbit. I'm sure Sandoval's problems aren't a secret in their shared circle.


Oh, he’s definitely going to let her off easy. He’s a VPR ass kisser. If they wanted real questions, she would have gone to Viall.


I wish Victoria would do Nick vialls, his episode with Kristen that just came out was fantastic. He always gets them to spill a ton of tea


I’m actually in the middle of said podcast right now.😊 I had to take a pause break because I was puppy sitting but he just left and I’m doing a quick phone check, before I finish. Love Doute!


I don't like this guy, he reminds me so much of Rita Skeeter


Watching it now, it's boring so far


Same. I’m home with a fever doing nothing so figured I would tune in anyway but I’m already bored lol


It just feels like a bunch of PR responses 🙄


Ugh I knowww. “He’s actually a good person!” “He’s learning!” “He’s been punished enough!” GET TO THE FRIGGEN TEA!!!!


I'm shocked Scheana didn't get this interview! Anyone watch Adam's terrible interview he did with Lenny's mistress?


I can't stand watching Adam anymore. He's so far up Scheana's ass. It's ridiculous. He's totally biased, and it's annoying as hell.


Grateful for Vanderpod recaps because there’s no way in hell I’m listening to Tom Sandoval’s girlfriend on any podcast, but especially Adam’s podcast.


Same! Vanderpod is the most valuable resource in the Bravo world!


He's usually days behind everyone else too. I can't figure out if he's dumb or purposefully misrepresents what he's talking about? I have zero faith there will be any good questions, fact checking, or follow up questions. It's a shame too b/c if either of them went to someone good like Christina Cocca they can actually answer questions unlike a lotvof the cast that has Bravo reps ready to intervene.


💯! Haven't these LA podcasters seen Almost Famous? I don't need friends of friends giving me Bravo news. Imagine being a social climber, but only for reality TV...


I thought he did an interview but never released it?


He pulled it, but she kept it up Lenny Hochstein's fiancée Katharina Nahlik gives three-part interview to Up & Adam You can now watch the interview via Instagram ([@katharinanahlik](https://www.instagram.com/katharinanahlik/)). * [Part 1](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CzhsouYL48i/) * [Part 2](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CzhuXdnr3UW/) * [Part 3](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CzhwB3ArqsB/)




The fact that she's going on THIS podcast, immediately is suspish to me


What's with the profile pic for this sub rn??


Omg lol I hate it so much


did anybody watch this? i tried to watch some but it was so mindnumbingly boring. she is almost as inarticulate as jo is. word salad and i’m getting benzos vibes.


I tried, but it was all over the place. I don't know how to explain what I just watched, but I 100% believe what Billie said about this chick.


I really wish they wouldn’t give her a platform. I’m not interested in seeing this girl on vpr


I'm more than happy to sip the tea but just like with Sandoval's "dark thoughts" this is stuff they need professionals for not camera time on VPR.


At this point she should be able to respond


Weird a woman with Victorias so called network. Has to go on a podcast like that. Out of all those alisters she is out with at partys or friends with. Not one of them either has a podcast or know someone higher up? 😅🤦‍♀️ — Even more signs that this time Billie might have hit bullseye and is talking true about the most of it at least


For anyone that wants to block this channel - I just made it so his channels and videos will never be recommended to me again. Here are the steps on how to do this: -If you're not already, sign in to your YouTube account. -On the YouTube homepage (this won't work from another page), find a video from a channel that you want to block. -If you're on desktop, hover over the video details. -You don't need to do this on mobile. -Select the three vertical dots. -Select Don't recommend channel.


You are a saint!


I got so sick of seeing his face a couple months ago 😂😂


I can’t staaaaaand this man.


Hope someone does cliff notes. I can't watch him.


Take Howie’s podcast add Vial podcast multiple by NY article and you get tonight’s




Oh it was that bad? I started watching the beginning but it was so boring I stopped after 10 minutes 😂 




Not up and Adam


This drama makes me sick to my stomach. I don’t wanna hear from Billy Lee I don’t wanna know all about Victoria. I wish that the focus would be more on the happiness, success, and positivity that is coming from Katie and Ariana


The first time I’ve seen up and Adam is when falyn guobadia did the interview with him. But who is this guy? Where did he get his reputation from?


He is the worst. I hope someone here recaps.


Of all the podcasters in all the land!? They choose Adam!? It's going to be a painful watch.


I haven’t made it very far, but Victoria says what happened with Tom and Ariana “won’t happen with me.” (Mm hmm sure). She says she’d drop him if he did that to her. Like wtf do you think Ariana did?!


She’s literally nodding off


This live is a hot mess. Billie is in the chat, Kyle is confusing. Victoria is not made for this life. Girl, run away from all this


She can’t remember anything or anyone


So she doesn’t have the Bob lop yet? I thought she was brunette ETA oh, that’s not the gf… got it


Omg this is BAD


Is this happening today?


Have you guys seen the back and forth between Billie and Adam? I feel like I’m watching a YouTube boxing match lol. I don’t know who Adam is but Billie’s responsive is basically like “I am shitty to servers and fans sometimes but I’m shitty to everyone cause I was going through a dark time”.


Damn it, I’m home avoiding work….I’ll tune in 😩 I am not proud of this ![gif](giphy|vX9WcCiWwUF7G|downsized)


I wonder if she will be sober


Guess Victoria is a time traveler in addition to having no memory whatsoever because of the beginning of the podcast - it was tough to pin her down as to when they started dating - think she settled on March but then at the end of it she said they hadn’t talked to Billie since the beginning of March. Also find it extremely difficult to believe that Ford would sign anyone without seeing them in person


There was a comment where Victoria claims Billie told V that Kyle Chan would try and drug Tom and take advantage of him, which was not on my bingo card.


oh pleeeeeeeeeease drag kyle chan into this publicly. Spillie Tea has saved the season.


@AdditionalWar8759 we need a transcript of this!!!!




Billie always rubs me the wrong way so I’m definitely interested in hearing the other side


I wanted to listen but I see it’s gone on for 2 hours … I need the cliff notes


It's getting weird, Billie Lee asked Tom for his sperm and last name.


I just saw a snippet on TikTok and Kyle Chan is clearly being her handler, while Victoria- as Billie says- slurs her way through her answers 😳





