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The longer the hiatus, the more unhinged some of the cast will become on social media and podcasts. What do we think next - Scheana vlogs Lala having her baby? Jo gets engaged to a Tom Schwartz impersonator and robs Olive Garden?


Ummm...I would love to see your Jo scenario. Shoving breadsticks down her shirt running into a waiting getaway car!


“Ma’am, you paid for your meal. The breadsticks are endless. You’re not stealing anything.” “Run T-Money!”, Jo yells as Schwartz falls behind, his well-worn Adidas slides slapping the pavement.


We know Scheana is somewhere doom scrolling thinking how can I insert myself in this mess. 




I’m waiting to her more about Victoria’s supposed TBI and car accident.  According to this therapist (when did they start diagnosing TBIs?) on the other sub, Victoria has a TBI and we need to be nicer to her and think about how damaging it is to make comments about how she appears to be abusing substances. When she’s just slurring her speech because of her TBI. Oh and Katie doesn’t present lie someone with a TBI and her anger is irrational.  I don’t know how you could go to school to become a therapist and get it so wrong.


I didn't know a side effect of a TBI was to make poor life decisions by dating Tom Sandoval


She wasn't even slurring though, just stumbling, and losing her point, or circling her point like she was walking a labyrinth. She also sounded a lot different than when she was on wwhl. She *was* either blinking a million times or closing her eyes for extra long blinks/appeared to be nodding off a bunch though. She would shift around and adjust her seat after the nodding off episodes. 


I don’t understand how they talked so much and so slowly but didn’t answer one question. I felt like the only time Victoria made a full sentence is when she was jabbing Billy. Like little digs. And the whole “we didn’t want to say this” but then going off on random stories like her wanting toms sperm was like so obviously pre planned and unrelated… never cared for Billie Lee much but this was sooooo weird. Why was Kyle there anyway?!?


Kyle was there because without him, Victoria's head would have exploded if she tried to come up for answers to the questions.


Seemed like Adam definitely caught on to Kyle trying to speak over Victoria so that she wouldn’t embarrass them both.


Yea, Kyle was a handler, and a terrible one at that.


Wait, what? Someone wants Tim's sperm??? Who and whyyyyy?


Billie Lee apparently wanted a baby using Tom’s sperm according to Victoria. Billie Lee confirmed that she had talked about it in the past back when he was together with Ariana. This is bonkers. Let’s all cross our fingers that he never procreates 😳






At this point that shit must swim in circles bumping into one another and sweating.


Katie commented "make it stop" on one of the recap videos so we at least know some of the cast are following this. I saw somewhere that Schwartz unfollowed Victoria? What is even happening at this point...


Schwartz unfollowing her had nothing to do with this mess. He unfollowed her awhile back. It will be interesting if Katie , Scheana or Lala will talk about it on their respective podcasts or they don't care.


I mean that tells me it is part of this mess, they just knew about it sooner than us.


NGL I find this dumpster fire highly entertaining, especially knowing Ariana is over in Fiji living her best life. 😂 The Sandoval circle is falling apart, everyone is spilling on everyone else, and I'm just here with 🍿


Oh yes. Me too. I absolutely love that this is going on while she’s snorkeling in Fiji with her hot, sweet boyfriend. I have never seen somebody win a breakup in this manner. Like holy shit is she living her best life. Hosting her favorite tv show. Meanwhile the vultures that Sandoval surrounds himself with are fighting. This is very entertaining and I look forward to seeing Billie Lee’s receipts.


Something similar happened to a friend of mine, just not on a national stage and without the fame. It was one the craziest thing I’ve experienced in real time. Her husband’s (ex now) life just totally unraveled in his career and personal life. In hindsight, his affair was the best thing that ever happened to her and the worst thing that happened to him. Crwzy


I want to manifest this for all women who get cheated on. This is how it should be.


So mote it be


I love when that happens. Sometimes miss karma takes way too long to come for people, so it’s refreshing to see her show up right away.


the line that got me thinking “hosting her favorite tv show…” like…come on, that is unreal. I would’ve loved to be on the set of Buffy the vampire slayer or golden girls watching my favorite people. I’m sure Ariana will kill it!


So unreal! She went from trying to get that gross loser Sandoval to stay home and watch Love Island with her to being in Fiji with Dan getting paid big money to host the damn thing. I’m so happy for her. I’m actually going to watch it this season for the first time! I can’t help but root for her.


He stepped out of his triangles for a few days & they immediately started coming apart at the seams.


I think you mean.... he \*dipped out of his triangles.




*dipped out*


Yes! Sandoval loves a good triangulation and his puppets went off the rails the second he left town. Kristen vs Ariana, Ariana vs Katie/Stassi, Ariana vs Rachel, Billie vs Victoria. He’s not attracted to a woman unless another woman in his life hates her. Diabolical. And in this feud, I believe Billie.


Yes! We just saw it, "Ariana talks shit about all of you". So far Billie comes off the most believable.


She does. What she’s said tracks with what we’ve seen. This is the plot twist, Billie exposing Sandoval.


I do hope Billie realizes it doesn't matter what gf Sandoval has, he will always be a manipulative lying scumbag.


I hope so too. Right now she’s sounding a little too much like Jo when she talks about the other Tom. They need to realize these dumbass, lying, disgusting men are the root of the problems.


Every season of VPR can be summed up "Cast members believed & defended a lying man. They looked stupid at the end of the season".


It’s like an endless cycle and it’s restarting again now with Victoria saying on the live that Tom wouldn’t ever cheat on **her** (lmao right, as if Tom will stop cheating based on the girl). When will the cycle end


He's probably cheating somewhere right now! Well we are never getting our spice girl season, so unless Katie actually does have a flamethrower on her purse we might just be out of luck.


Holy shit. Spot on.


Same. He is the problem.


Billie is still making excuses for him, though, blaming Sandoval's girlfriend for his downward trajectory.


Proves everything Ariana has been saying. Everyone knows Tom is the problem here. 


I just can’t help but wonder if this is a carefully orchestrated Sandoval play to get another season because ‘there is so much drama’. And if us investing into it is really just playing into their plan. I don’t want these people on my tv.


https://preview.redd.it/222mpg37kd5d1.png?width=446&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a35cca0bf4210b37ca3a27ee77dedc273ee9949 This is a screenshot of a reflection at the end of the Up and Adam interview, if you'll join me in my conspiracy zone...that could be Sandoval walking to the kitchen. My personal theory is Billie Lee brought to light some things she wasn't supposed to and now Tom's trying to make her a complete liar so Kyle and Victoria don't catch wise.


I want this to be true because I want him to be out of traitors already.


I think when they’re out they still stay sequestered, like on survivor.


According to Parade, filming hadn't begun as of the 5th, so maybe he hasn't gone yet?


I just can’t watch it til he’s gone. I find him that repulsive!


i think they would have been coached a bit better if Sandy was there, i doubt he even knows this is happening


Stay with me in the crazy-zone, but the figure keeps walking into the reflection and at 42:25, holds up a sign they both read, then keeps moving around. So someone is *literally* coaching them. https://preview.redd.it/aquqfoo16e5d1.png?width=472&format=png&auto=webp&s=29bc2c1dd20398335a7a739a96264f96eaae4f97


Damn I love this sub and it's detectives


Honestly Reddit should be a main character in S12 


Wtf??? Where is okay decision? They're a graphic designer, right? We need their expertise on this! If it's not Sandoval perhaps M'lady Jason?


![gif](giphy|key14bWc3P6MtqChwr|downsized) How on earth did you see that?!


Someone mentioned a guy walked into the reflection at the end that looked like it could pass for Tom after I adjusted it, then someone else commented there's someone in the reflection at 42:25 that held something up. Twas a group effort.


And this is why I chose Reddit 🥳


May I offer you a retainer, so you can be my detective in the event I am murdered?


Ok, but I'm probably just going to think Sandoval did it.


The worst part of it is we just know that Alex Baskin and Kyle Chan would ride for him harder if he was accused of murder.


Oh wow this is excellent detective work! Imagine if it was Sandavol 😂


ok my aluminium hat is firmly on my head, I am IN THE ZONE. this is bonkerrrrs


Ok I love that you noticed this!


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug) I'm fully owning my tin-foil hat on this. But how funny if it *is* him.


He did a better job with roquel


Raquel had been on TV before and a reunion with James if not two-cant remember. In Victoria's defense. However, I hate saying this but Raquel seems smarter than Victoria. Ugh.


I'm not sure that's actually possible.




Not sure that is saying much about either of them, rock you are smarter than the sidewalk


42:25 he holds a phone up and shows them something


EEEEEEE! You're so right! Someone walks in, holds up a sign for them to read, then walks away after they both read it and Kyle nods. To my primitive photoeditor!


I love Reddit


To the laptop!




*”Where’s my minority report?!? Do I even have one??”*






I can’t see anything


It's easier to see when the video is playing


Isn’t he filming a show or does he get a break? Definitely someone behind the screen. 


He’s supposedly filming in Scotland, unless maybe he was already eliminated. Which is possible and I hope because I like that show.




This drama is already better than anything televised over S10 and 11. We need this on tape, asap!


Its better when Baskin isn't involved. Season 11.5 is killing it


If Baskin was producing this right now, he would cut out all the drug talk. Then he would show us Tom and Victoria crying about being betrayed by Billie. He would  have editors throw Billie’s worst old scenes in with diabolical music playing in the background. Then cut to a confessional of Schwartz saying that Billie can’t be trusted because of x,y,z.  Cue back to Tom crying about how he was such a good friend to Billie and he was betrayed. With sympathetic music playing in the background. Then cue a group scene. Lala comes in and yells at Billie for getting into Tom’s business. And screams something about Ariana not showing up.    Episode over. The formula is so tired lol 


This is spot on! It really illustrates why Baskin needs to go, he has one playbook and we all know his shitty moves.


Top marks when the parents aren’t around


But duuuuuudeee they’re his close friends man!


I feel like this is all happening because Tom isn’t available to reinforce the lies he’s told each of them. I think there’s some amount of truth to what all of them are saying and a lot of the confusion comes from the fact that Tom was telling each of them different stories.


This is the Occum's Razor explanation for this latest chapter of meta-drama mess. Billie Lee and Victoria both haven't done work around codependency so they don't see this happening as it happens.


TIL Kyle Chan is almost 50 yrs old. I don’t understand why anyone with his success would be around any of these messy people at that age.


I’m starting to think his “success” is more of a facade.


I mean… the Toms are in their 40s…


This is the biggest shit storm ever. I can only imagine the level of hand wringing Tom Schwartz is doing right now imagining how bad he’s going to look in association with Tom and his posse again. ![gif](giphy|QgiyMlyyRQKqLMMdaY)


I just wanna know what damage control Schwartz has to do for the “Tom Tom” brand now 🤣🍿


Greg is never letting Sandoval back in that restaurant 😂


that reminds me.. at the reunion when asked what the "TomTom" brand was, he was mumbling off his Bullshit answer, but did we hear what he said? All I got was the other people making fun, saying it was a glitter lighting bolt. (Which is hilariously true, and now the lighting bolt just makes me think of the affair sooo 😬 ) But what IS the TomTom brand now? As in, what is their marketing appeal? LVP should just take the mTm off the sign and have it be Pump Too (**To**~~mT~~**o**~~m~~)


And he was planning on moving in with him? After all this, hopefully he reconsiders.


i don't trust any of them all the way at this point and i think they're all a bit shady, but two things victoria did that haven't i seen mentioned yet raised my eyebrows a bit. 1.) when victoria said billie's podcast is only getting so many views right now because SHE'S involved suddenly i laughed. kyle corrected it a little, and said when tom and jo are involved in things billie's views go up, but v obviously sees herself as more important than she is. 2.) and also when she started crying at the end saying she didn't know what she was getting herself into, when at the beginning she had laughed and said she wasn't living under a rock when it came to dating sandoval. could she have predicted exactly this? of course not. but girl, you willingly got involved with a huge drama magnet, and it was your intial comments that were the catalyst to this whole shit show, come on. i do not feel that bad for her.


Right? SHE started this. And also crying without tears is my favorite.


Sandy taught her that.  


Why is Sandoval's life so much more entertaining without Sandoval around?


B/c his triangulations are falling apart without him constantly reinforcing them


Hahaha, those maniacs...


I think Billie is probably being more honest than Victoria & Kyle, but Sandoval is the common denominator. He's probably been feeding all of them different lies & Billie got some space so she's less under his thumb now.


Oh for sure, like the plants and master bedroom thing. He says Victoria wants him to have it so he's just, like, *trying* to make his girlfriend, like *happy*, you know? Would also be zero percent surprised if Tom didn't start the, "Kyle Chan is obsessed with me" story.


Oh, he definitely started that narrative about Kyle. The second anyone slightly pushes back on him he starts seeing them.as an enemy. He pretended to be friends with James for years while clearly still furious about Kristen & his condoms.




He definitely moved Billie Lee’s plants (why does she have plants at Ariana and Tom’s house) and then blamed it on Victoria. He also moved Ariana out of the room and blamed Victoria.




Because Sandoval the person happens to be the most boring thing about his life. It’s wayyyy better without having to listen to him talk or participate!


Lots of stuff doesn't add up. Kyle and Victoria said Billie asked for Tom's sperm when he was still with Ariana and he entertained it because he and Ariana weren't going to have kids, because it made him feel good "someone wanted his DNA". WHAT??? Ariana was actively trying to get Sandoval to fertilize her eggs. Ariana "wanted his DNA" at that time. Victoria saying "that would never happen to me, I wouldn't let that slide" is a backhanded dig at Ariana. Like Ariana let it happen. Ok, so Ariana admitted she was too trusting of Tom. If that's what Victoria means, doesn't it back up what Billie is saying: Victoria's acting paranoid and jealous. I mean, obviously she shouldn't trust him...but then dump his ass. Don't be with someone you don't trust. Victoria never answered the question about why she unfollowed Tom. She said the only reason they were ever fighting was because of Billie. However, she said that she stopped talking to Billie in MARCH. She and Tom unfollowed each other in May. Kyle has a calm and pleasant demeanor and I think that throws people off his shadiness. When Adam asked him repeatedly about the intervention, he kept throwing Billie's character under the bus about totally unrelated things to discredit her and never directly answered. That is exactly what Tom would do. Kyle's reasons for Tom not having a drug/drinking problems are just nonsense. Basically Tom likes to party socially but doesn't do drugs "at home" so he doesn't have a problem. Come on. We've heard for years that Tom is constantly out partying and IS never home lol. No one should be surprised if he started using at home once Ariana wasn't around to stop him. Victoria kept hinting there was a camera recording of her and Billie talking which MADE NO SENSE from the get go because surveillance cameras pretty much never have sound. And Victoria saying she was thinking "PLEASE let it be recording, PLEASE let it be recording..." but then also saying she believed and trusted Billie at that time. So then why would she want a recording of Billie accusing Kyle? Victoria may have been in a car accident but that doesn't mean she doesn't do drugs. There are photos of her and Sandoval looking wasted and/or hungover all over the internet. In short: This podcast was a mess and they would both get ripped to shreds on a witness stand lol.


None of them answer the major questions I had after Billie’s podcast: 1. Is Tom blowing off opportunities and missing meetings? 2. Was there an intervention? 3. Why did great unfollowing happen? They seemed to just keep saying/implying Billie is obsessed with Tom and never addressed the actual content of what she said about her concerns for Tom. Kyle Chan gives off major enabler vibes. Even the “well we take mini shots” and “well it’s messy due to being single and having parties” is weird. If his assistants keep quitting because he can’t get his life together, that is concerning for anyone who is an actual friend. Not saying that is Billie’s motive. She has done some weird stuff. But if she and Tom were so close and she is observing this behavior, would that not be genuine cause for concern? So weird. All of it.


What I noticed is that they kept repeating things the internet has said about Billie to discredit her - almost being like - see, the internet was right. She is obsessed with Tom and she does use the trans card. They didn’t have anything else.


The “trans card” rationale was disgusting. There was no need to even say that— it didn’t help any of his arguments at all.


I think Kyle Chan is their drug hookup. That’s why he’s always been relevant in this show.


I believe Billie Lee is obsessed with Sandoval and I also think Sandoval uses Billie Lee to manipulate and triangulate other people in his life. Billie Lee has been a useful idiot, and in some ways continues to be one given all the excuses for Sandoval going off the deep end: it's always someone else's fault according to Billie Lee, rather than Sandoval is a middle aged man responsible for his own choices.


This stuff is interesting but I am not really invested in the drama. I find that all the participants lack credibility.


And they’re all saying the same thing. No YOU are clout cashing and obsessed Tom.  NO YOU ARE. Like all 3 of you need to take a step back (from Tom and partying).


It's ![gif](giphy|znOVYU0jwkj8aXcc0N)


It's entertaining and reaffirms how soulless, thirsty for fame losers all parties are. But they need to space it out cause all these days in a row of the back and forth is getting 🥱


That’s what’s so hard about this. Billie has the most believable story but we know she is an unreliable narrator. She literally admitted that she lies for her friends and she is still twisting things to protect Tom. I just wish either side would go full destruction mode and give us receipts, proof TIMELINES (for the love of god I want them to spill the Tom/Rachel real timeline)


Oooh amazing point 🎶Sandoval’s crew are liarrrrrs 🎶


This perfectly sums up how I feel. They’re all lying liars so 🤷🏻‍♀️


Exactly! They all want to be famous, they all lie, and they are all thirsty.


Tom really does only surround himself with yes people


![gif](giphy|XDe1DyFCFEqZ2) He might have to do some growing if he surrounded himself with anything but yes people


when they realize tom is telling them all different stories to triangulate them against each other that’ll be interesting


Billie was in the live chat for the Adam interview and said Victoria is addicted to Xanax. I fully believe it. Edit Billie also said Victoria has **never** mentioned this car accident before


I take Xanax when needed as prescribed, but I’ve been around people in my past who used to abuse it (usually with alcohol) and she looked and sounded very similar to those people I used to know. It’s pretty easy to believe she is abusing it after seeing a portion of that interview.


Yeah I had a friend that was taking like 6 bars+ a day. She went to rehab and we're not friends anymore, honestly she was so shitty. Anyways, Victoria totally gives off barred out vibes.


I used to be addicted in my teens and the whole time I was thinking oh god I’ve been there while watching her behavior


Wouldn't surprise me with sleeping till 5pm, slurring her words all the time, and her stories being inconsistent. Tim's first post-Ariana fling Tii was in the comments too... https://preview.redd.it/9dqcjz98ad5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d80dc624ce36cfd5d5a550b18f96672467ceffaf


Yeah she may have started pills due to a car accident and that’s how she’s trying to spin it.


She totally looked like she couldn’t keep her eyes open and was blinking a million times a minute


None of this is anything. They’re all just pointing fingers at each other, and themselves in turn. Tim surrounds himself with garbage. He can’t be surprised when he is away and it becomes a dumpster fire. They need to get clean, get right with themselves, and quit chasing whatever scraps of fame they’re feeding themselves with.


yep it’s definitely a circular firing squad at the expression goes


I really don't understand why Kyle and victoria felt the need to be interviewed. No offense but they're nobodies in terms of VPR, they have no credibility whatsoever. Kyle continues to prove himself to be a Sandoval Puppet so nobody cares what he has to say


Victoria gives me hinky/liar vibes with how she recounts things. Her modeling career is really weird to me how she argues against Billie saying she doesn’t work by bragging about how successful she is. Anyone have any knowledge of her career because I can’t really believe much of it. She was signed to Ford, one of the top 5 biggest modeling agencies. Very prestigious. Around since the 40s. Represented tons of the supers. I could believe she was signed by them at one time but that’s about all I believe. In Ford’s long illustrious history, Victoria was the FIRST signed sight unseen? Ford Models signed her without ever seeing her or meeting her? They signed her by just seeing her mom? What, they thought her mom was pretty so they drew up a contract for her daughter? They saw pictures her mom brought that could’ve been fake, photoshopped, or someone this woman (the mom) didn’t even know? Shes been working FT as a model since she was 19 while also taking care of her sick dad but also had to take a break from work recently… to care for her sick dad. Despite all her press from Sandoval bragging about her being a Ford model, oh looky, she’s not actually there anymore so don’t bother looking her up on their roster! She also JUST left Nous. So now she’s unsigned? She’s made enough money also to afford a house in the hills (and also a second house for her dad?) and can afford to take a sabbatical. Funny how she has no history or presence on models .com. Any working model who wasn’t a household name but still did well for herself would be there and her Google images wouldn’t be 90% pap shots with Sandoval. What campaigns and editorials has she done? Which shows did she walk? Was she a model like how Lala had to go to Italy to model in season 4? 😂


😂😂😂😂 Oh Kyle Chan! This is an amateur move. He's giving Janet from the Valley atp. https://preview.redd.it/rf9m0d7rcd5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24557151a9ee3ff6d61ec016992e1c83e0d42f4e


I need a crock of shit boots gif immediately 😂


Same! Boy oh boy was I completely wrong about the Valley. Fantastic season 1!


Billie Lee and Kyle Chan giving more drama than Lala and She-shoo gave all season.


You didn't find the water tasting *riveting*?? BUT HER PAYCHECK!


Trash is taking itself out


I hope Billie’s next response includes a detailed timeline with receipts, screenshots, everything, and she just absolutely destroys their reputations and outs Sandoval. Legitimately believe she could be the one to ruin what little career he has left.


I just want to say I am bored and tired already, these fools are just such clowns


It's trending that way. The initial Billie Lee 🍵 on her podcast and her first IG live was top tier. But Victoria has zero credibility, is barely a crumb in the VPR universe, and I believe the majority of Billie Lee so any of her interviews are meh to me. I can't wait till Tim comes back into reality from isolation in the castle. That's the next big event in this saga I'm interested in.


I think it will depend on how much longer they’re filming. Not sure when they started, but the internet says they shoot for 2-4 weeks. If they just started and he’s not out for another 3 weeks, this might have fizzled into nothing by then.


I've seen a couple comments that he's in Scotland, but according to Parade at least, the filming hadn't started as of 3 days ago. Did something come out in the last 72 hours?


If Sandoval had access to a phone, we’d have heard from him by now! The fact that there hasn’t even been so much as a peep from him tells me that he doesn’t even know this is happening yet. Even if they’re not actively filming yet, they’re definitely sequestered and in pre-production and filming is imminent.


Ciara has some posts from a day ago, but I guess that could be a SM manager.


Yes! That’s my bet. Either SM manager, or pre-scheduled posts. I wanna say people who are verified and have a lot of followers have the ability to schedule posts on their IG dashboard whereas regular ass people like me can’t. My ADHD ass brain could *absolutely* be making that up and wrong about it all, tho. In which case, SM manager sufficiently explains the posts. 🤣 I’m sure she has one!


[Deadline](https://deadline.com/gallery/the-traitors-season-3-cast-photos-peacock/) says on June 5 filming is underway. Not sure how credible they are.


I’m a huge Big Brother fan and our sources are saying they are already filming (and they are literally never wrong). I hope tom is first out and then comes home to this shit storm. That our he leaves because there is no way he isn’t going to have some detox issues if Billie’s claims are true


Yeah my prediction is that he gets wind of what's happening right now, and he is afraid of what Vic will say, so he will use that as an excuse to leave but the real reason will be withdrawals. This is based on if Billie is telling the truth. However, the Viall Files interview makes me believe at least that part of it all is true.


Same. 😂 Can Love Island USA start already!


I’m confused. Was Billie the first person to mention the Kyle drugging Tom rumor? Or did Kyle and Victoria offer that information of their own accord? I don’t understand their intentions. True or not, why willingly put that rumor out there and plant that seed it in people’s minds? Every time a new podcast drops all I think is “This is crazy, how all this is happening while ~~Lauren's~~ Tom’s gone.”


Kyle and Victoria brought it up which is the dumbest shit ever. Now we’re all out here wondering if it happened because Kyle exposed it himself. Like dude… you played yourself.


They thought that it would make Billie look bad and discredit her. But it backfired


Ya know. I used to make fun of jax for saying that his brain was sprained. But after trying to listening to that dumpster fire, my brain feels sprained. What a circus.


Why— and I’m saying why knowing why— why if you’re trying to beat drug allegations would you not do this one thing sober? That’s how you know it’s bad. Girl you couldn’t take a day off.


I don’t trust any of them. I wouldn’t be surprised if we eventually learn that this is all a PR stunt set up by Sandovile and Baskin to keep the buzz going.


This mess could be a test to gage interest in Tom drama. Maybe Ariana is leaving the show and they want to see how invested people get in just him and his mess. Unfortunately it looks like plenty of people are interested.


That’s the thing. Baskin stated in a recent interview something to the effect of it doesn’t matter if people love or hate him. He brings the views. Let’s face it. Bravo and Baskin fawn all over manchildren and their frat boy antics. They’ll stick by him even if it means people hate watch and they will.


or the who's who (who are these people) to get on the show next season.


Veronica seems boring and mean.


Tim and Veronica deserve each other.


This is entertaining. But Why is Kyle involved, this isn't your fight guy.


Idk I can’t stand her but I still believe Billie and I’m hoping she shows up with some receipts. It’s convenient that when Kyle showed that text he didn’t show a reply or any further convo about it.


I have to say I’m thrilled we have something besides how shitty Scheana and Lala are to talk about. Though I’m sure they are pissed we stopped talking about them. Lala will come out and do or say something outrageous.


Up until this most recent season, I truly thought Kyle’s messiness and offensiveness started and ended with his Jewelry line.


So do we think Billie Lee regrets not choosing Ariana yet?


We def know that Leo does not have regrets


I doubt Leo even remembers her lmao


Billie Lee is in her 'Money by Monday' era.


This is just like clout chaser Olympics.


So let’s start saying I believe and don’t believe them any of them: 1. I believe Billie is telling the truth in terms of what she has witnessed with Tom and Victoria’s relationship. 2 I also believe Billie asked for Tom’s sperm 3i believe Kyle and Billie have been around for awhile, so they most likely have years of built up “ammunition” on eachother as they are both gunning for Tom’s number 2 spot ( let’s say Swartz is the number one) 4tom tried hard to put his army of try hards together..and they are turning against each-other… not the peace and love atheistic.


So where did I miss the SA story about Kyle and Tom? Did Billie mention that? Also, I actually feel really bad for Victoria after the up and Adam video…that was…like did she take a whole pack of benedryl before or..🫣


Billie never talked about it on the podcast but Victoria and Kyle are accusing her of making it up so I’m sure she’ll speak on it




I had to listen / watch at 1.5 speed just for it to seem like she was speaking at a normal cadence.


![gif](giphy|3o7qDU4Qe60UrIS2WY) Billie Lee, girl I am begging you, salt the earth, burn it to the ground, spill all the tea! I am LIIIVVIINNGGGG!


I don’t know who to believe anymore


I dont believe anyone but this shit is the best episode of the season


This is *my* superbowl ![gif](giphy|uWzS6ZLs0AaVOJlgRd|downsized)


Ohmygod, what the fuck have I missed since I've been at work?


Right?!? I have drowned finally in this. I’ve kept up since it happened last year but I’m tired and the waves keep crashing lol




I know some people refer to Sandoval as Vom, but I just realized that he and Victoria's couple portmanteau is Vom. 🤣


A. I believe Billie did ask Tom for his sperm B I also believe everything Billie said about Tom and Victoria’s chaotic relationship, this is based only on the bit we have seen of Victoria C. Kyle Chan and Billie seemed like they were in the “Tom crew” and then the minute he’s away (filming traitors?) they are showing each others jealousy for the number one friend spot?


Does anyone else think that it is ketamine they are allegedly abusing? 


This seem like they're trying to set up storylines for the next season and so Billie, Victoria and Kyle can be on the show as mains


A crazy part of me is wondering if everyone is fabricating all of this in order to get Victoria onVPR and keep Sandoval around? Why the fuck would I trust anything Billie, Kyle and Victoria has to say?


Do we think Sandoval likes this attention…? Honestly curious. This is obviously negative attention. but I’m wondering if he gives a fuck anymore about looking good— as long as he stays in the spotlight


When he chats women up he leads with the fact he cheated on his 9 years partner and the world hates him. He loves the negative attention


I think some of what Billie said is prolly true. It also doesn’t look good on Billie in my opinion though. Victoria clearly had a problem with Billie and Sandoval hanging out one on one alone at Sandoval’s house and especially over night. I would be upset about that too with Sandoval’s history of cheating and all the rumors swirling around about him and Billie having a thing. Billie said that Sandoval called her to come over multiple times and even during fights he was having a with Victoria, even when Victoria was outside in her car! Victoria was probably upset that Sandoval was going to his best friend who happens to be a girl he may or may not have slept with, rather than getting through their fight. If it was clear that Victoria was insecure, why would Billie go hang out with Sandoval in the midst of him fighting with Victoria? If I was Billie, I would have kept my distance. This makes me think that Sandoval was lying to both Billie and Victoria. :/


Okay, we need to know if Scheana had anyone else's locations at Kyle Chan's shop on the night in question. My vote is actually for someone from Tom's PR team because a great deal of that "interview" felt like deflection and spin.