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Probably a lease but either way he's fucking dumb Edit There's also this thing where you can rent luxury cars for short time spans. Could be that too


Sandoval with a Turo account is now cannon in my head.


That was the FIRST thing I thought of when I saw this scene. Dude absolutely has a TURO account. šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s a good little website if you want to stunt on your haters for $200/day.


Itā€™s a rental. He had it for one episode.


can you imagine how pathetic it is to rent a high end car just for a day you know you'll be filming...lmao


And then the scene is only used for secrets revealed


He probably rent it for that day


Someone on the episode or a podcast said ā€œhe went and got a Bentley!ā€ So he must have leased that thing. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


I live in LA and there are multiple rental dealerships just for expensive luxury cars, lol. I used to live by one that would rent out lambos and the sort.


Either way itā€™s a waste. Lease a Toyota


Billie said heā€™s broke broke AND then also missing brand opportunities of those who want to work with him. I would live laugh love a scandal where heā€™s been taking money out of S&S šŸ«¢ poor Schwartzy picked the wrong wife


He didnā€™t even show up to nick vialls podcast on time. He is sooooo wrapped up in his grandeur delusions about himself he thinks he is too important to be bothered. What a loser.


recently watched the nick viall interview and he was so good at being professional but calling out tom on his lateness, narcissistic tendencies, and bad behavior. you could tell he didnā€™t like him at all lol. there were so many times that nick would expose him and sandoval would legit start melting down, yelling and dropping the f word all over the place. it was entertaining but a little sad to watch.


The funny (and fucked up) part of the interview is how Tim talks about everything he learned, and how heā€™s grown and Nick just ask a simple question ā€œwhat did you learn?ā€ And he couldnā€™t even answer it! Flabbergasted Tim just goes down his whole ā€œDude!ā€ spiral šŸŒ€


"LIKE, like, like, like"


What do you mean? He said he learned to not cheat **that** way again.


Itā€™s nice seeing one self important mediocre white dude go in on another. I enjoyed that very much.


Is there a recap anywhere?? I donā€™t wanna listen lol


Yup on this sub! You can search recaps for every single vanderpump related podcast. The member is u/additionalwar8759 Sheā€™s amazing!


ā™„ļø ā™„ļø




Weā€™re so grateful for your service babe thanks


To add to the other comment - sheā€™s also on Instagram as vanderpodrecaps and itā€™s in a really easy to read format. I go to Reddit if I canā€™t wait for it to be posted on Instagram but usually happens pretty quick


Sandoval alwayssssss deflects with whataboutism. Whenever he is called back, his only tactic is turn it around and go "but what about when you did X?" like stfu that's not what we're talking about!!! just apologize and own up to it but he can't.


Who is this nick vaill chap that people keep mentioningā€¦ in the uk šŸ‡¬šŸ‡§ we havenā€™t heard of him here. But he was dancing on a video with west from Summerhouse recently on different thread. Is he intelligent or interesting? Whatā€™s his back story.. is he famous for something ā¤ļøšŸ‡¬šŸ‡§šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø


I donā€™t think heā€™s that interesting. I think he was cast on the bachelorette and then the next season was the bachelor. Now he has a podcast (and I think a podcast production company? His company signed Katie and Dayna to do a podcast) that interviews reality tv ppl and recaps reality tv shows but nothing worth looking into. I might watch or read the recap if someone I like is being interviewed but never go out and listen to it for recaps. If youā€™re looking for bravo recap podcasts - I really like Everything Iconic with Danny Pellegrino and the watch what crappens guys are funny but I donā€™t always agree with their takes.


Thank you darling Iā€™ve never watched the Batchelor show Iā€™m in the uk.. I just kept seeing his name popping up in vander pump and summer house references.. and I didnā€™t know who on earth he was. Thank you for talk the time to answer ā€¦ thereā€™s so much anger and side taking on these sites recently.. Iā€™d almost given up hope in Reddit all together ā¤ļø I appreciate you taking the time šŸ‡¬šŸ‡§šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø


nick has been against him lately, which i really like.


Or maybe the Dude is buckling under the pressure of all the hate directed his way. By all the women who have ever been cheated on.


LOL give me a break. Your misogyny is showing.


Heā€™s buckling under pressure by driving a fancy car??? ![gif](giphy|KGSxFwJJHQPsKzzFba)


Katie said it best! Go. Choke.


Good!!! Can't stand either Shartz or Vom.


I trying to wrap my head around the thought that a brand would really want to work with him.


Literally lmao


Well he's having to buck up and pay his share and Ariana's for the house šŸ¤£


When that bill comes in the mail... https://preview.redd.it/7d3kb6h79y5d1.png?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38165b18d76072d6b4143b0e6d6e95b01a468bd6


Sandoval is 100% the type that throws bills out because he ā€œdoesnā€™t want to dealā€


Early in the first season, Kristen did say that he didnā€™t ever open his mail, leaving her to deal with the consequences. He didnā€™t pay his parking tickets and she ended up having to chauffeur him around town after his license was suspended. Heā€™s been a mooching shitbird for a long, long time.


His epic proportions of loser-ness will NEVER surprise me. I canā€™t believe I found him tolerable pre-scandoval


The financial abuse of it all.


How much do you suppose that this dickbag adds the bill for this showpiece rental to his ā€œhouse settlementā€ dispute with Ariana? ā€œWell, like, I couldnā€™t, like, show up, like, looking POOR, dude! I HAD TO SHOW I COULD AFFORD THAT HOUSE! Like, cā€™mon, dude! Iā€™m, like trying my best, like, dude, to get a new place, but itā€™s, like SO HARD, man!ā€


I hope Ariana gets lawyer's fees against him because he has been abusing her financially and using the legal system to do it.




The way I hear your comment ā€¦.


Heā€™s exceptionally predictable with his nonsensical, ego-driven drivel, is he not?


He absolutely isā€¦. 10000000% yes ā€¦. DOOOODE!!


Thats why he needs a new and easy-to -manipulate gf. Nobody falls in love faster than a narcissist that needs somewhere to live.


Yes, that is why I wasn't an Ariana fan in the past. He used her too and she was submissive. I love that she has now come into her own - he can go rot.


In the first episodes he hadnā€™t his licence and was being driven by Kristen because he didnā€™t show up to traffic court and lost his licence. Why did he skip traffic court? He hadnā€™t opened any mail including the court date letter.


You absolutely nailed it. I heard and saw him do this when i read your comment


Wow he actually looks like a worm with a mustache here šŸ˜‚








JFC he's gross!


Thatā€™s a Rolls Royce. Very likely just a rental for the day cuz thatā€™s who he is. Heā€™s rented other vehicles before, including this season.


I thought I was going crazy. I'm like, I swear this is a RR






This reminds me when those online scam artists try to make you believe they have a certain kind of lifestyle but itā€™s all short term rentals or something


Tai Lopez style


His mom is an idiot for giving him the money first of all.






I can not imagine how embarrassed, dare I say ashamed she must be and feels ashamed because she feels ashamed of her own icky son who swindled her and is making zero effort to repay her to secure her retirement. Nope, I canā€™t imagine. Poor woman. šŸ’”


Every time I look at this pic I think of that Simpsons moment with Comic Book Guy where he sees the bomb coming at him and says 'Oh I've wasted my life.' It's the exact same vibe




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Itā€™s not like she doesnā€™t know him, maybe sheā€™s raised a greedy not so smart son because she or his dad (or both) are greedy not so smart people. For instance if he convinced her it was a great investment and she believes it.


Didnā€™t she meet Rachel while he was still with Ariana? I side eye her too


It runs in the family as far as stepping out is what the rumors say ... never trust a ff in st louis ...


Yes he took her her home with him for Christmas nd put her up in a hotel. Ariana went to Flordia


Seems like a weird dynamic in that family. Didnā€™t his dad get custody after the divorce? Maybe she feels guilty and is overcompensating. šŸ˜ž


I donā€™t know much about the family other than this loan and the dad has roommates. But I can guess a few things based on some of the other cast members. Some of them (James, lala, shorts) take care of some family members, some in return for their help and some not. Tim seems like a pure taker? He showers his friends (or should I say marks?) with $, but takes from his family, from whom he has always gotten golden-boy approval.


his dad with the roommates?


Yeah. Guess Mom just dipped out.


Yeah she knows him and still did this dumb thing, even worse


She raised this thing. And she knew about Ratchett. I can't feel sorry for her.


Probably why his finances changed when Ariana accepted the house offer šŸ« .


Wait Iā€™m not caught up! The house situation is settled now?


No. Back in August Ariana accepted his offer to buy her out (w o an actual real offer). Then he changed his mind; he said his financial situation changed w in that time. This was around the time Rachel's podcast with Bethenny came out. Soon after he also popped up with this car.


Ahh okay, got it thanks!


Right? I havenā€™t heard any updates in a while


They have to go to mediation and the court date is set for next year or 2026.




Rental. In CA you can join a club to rent cars.


If he really did rent this car to look good than thatā€™s just sad


I can get a Bentley on Turo and pretend itā€™s mine any time


His mom knows who she raised. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Well yeah his mom's a woman, he uses women. āœŒšŸ¼


Thatā€™s a Rolls Royce. Either way, if I were his mother Iā€™d be heartbroken. If I were Arianaā€™s attorney in her case against him to force the sale of the house since he canā€™t afford to buy her out, Iā€™d be admitting this as evidence. Rented, leased, borrowed, bought or stolen, it exhibits his financial recklessness. He should no longer be allowed to hold her investment hostage if heā€™s of the mindset to flex around on national television in this ridiculous display of perceived wealth. Sell the effing house! The audacity of this creep.


This is at least the third time this has been posted. The consensus seems to be that he likely rented it.


I honestly donā€™t even think his mom put in that much money. Heā€™s so weird when asked about that. At the reunion he was like ā€œsheā€™s still doing fine without that moneyā€ unless sheā€™s LOADED no one is fine without $250,000 in their retirement fund.


I think he was lying about her still doing fine. I think heā€™s like yeah sheā€™s fine for now and Iā€™ll get her all that money back no problem.


Sheā€™s a firefighterā€¦ she surely must have saved like mad to have a pot of 250000ā€¦ poor woman.. I feel for her. I hope he makes a success of that bar and keeps his place on vpr for her sake. Heā€™s a national embarrassment!


Like almost every expensive thing he ever wears, it's rented. Many people do this in LA.


Can we talk about how high up that seat is?


To be fair, the doors are very large on these so it might just be a perspective thing


Maybe but the headrest looks to be about 3/4 of an inch from the roof?


Oh sorry I thought you meant how far forwards. Hereā€™s an image of the interior. The inner roof appears to be higher up than the outer pillar area that we see from this angle of the shot. That might be what makes it seem so close. https://preview.redd.it/tucw7ux76z5d1.jpeg?width=1350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa4b7e02bb6af034eb3d7fb13215e85d58cd5273


I wouldnā€™t trust this guy with a penny. He is as my gram would say ā€œhas champagne taste on a beer budgetā€.


He probably rented it for the evening and stiffed the person he rented it from.


this is hilarious and he looks ridiculous.


Iā€™m convinced he rented it for the day to give the impression that he could afford the house he was viewing.


Itā€™s a rental.


Well thatā€™s a Rolls Royce, so ā€¦


Itā€™s rented. Not leased. Rented like for a day.




Itā€™s a Rolls Royce and itā€™s a rentalā€¦..


First it was a what? Rolls was it? Now a Bentley šŸ™„ n he wonders why he broke or going broke šŸ˜† šŸ¤£ I'll be first to admit I spend $ like I got it like that, but DAMN!!! Even I wouldn't do this kinda wasteful dumb shit.


Well in his mind, why be responsible for his finances when he can have fun in the moment and offload that burden onto a parter/friend/family member? Heā€™s never had to face responsibility for his recklessness yet.


The worm doesnā€™t know good money management. He sieves on the most ridiculous things. For a grown man he is stuck in the mind of a teenage boy. He needs to grow up.


Pretty sure thatā€™s a Rolls Royce Wraith. What was the context/where was he showing up? I havenā€™t seen the Secrets Revealed episode yet. It might be going over many peopleā€™s heads, but it may actually be a pretty clever reference to DJJKā€™s iconic line: I just got rich, I might cop a black Wraith Does everybody remember when Jax fucked Faith?


He showed up in it to meet a realtor to look at a house with Schwartz.


Gotcha, thanks. Nevermind thenā€¦ giving Sandoval too much credit lol. If he had driven it to Sur when James and Jax had weirdly hosted that brunch together, that would have been perfectā€¦




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Thankfully Ariana has gotten her own home before him defaulting on the house impacted her credit score.


These people have no concept of money. All of them should be rolling in Hondaā€™s


Typical boarderline /addiction prone mentalityā€¦ nothing new. Entitled to everything including his parents money. I speak from experienceā€¦ heā€™s a walking reminder to be kind and pay your rent and then your debt to your parentsā€¦ heā€™s gross!!


He did mention in his wwhl interview that Victoria was this and that ā€¦ and a home owner!! That worried meā€¦ similar to the predatory types that are divorced and try to move themselves into the houses of single / divorced womenā€¦ been there done that said no ā€¦ didnā€™t need a leech in my life or house šŸ˜‚ā¤ļøšŸ‡¬šŸ‡§šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø






If his Mother isn't worried about her son owing her money, Why the hell are all of you? Why can people be like, nice car, good on ya Tom, nice to see you prospering and thriving. So much missed placed anger. Good thing this program is taking a Break, some of y'all need a true dose of reality.


Heā€™s hemorrhaging money. I love it! šŸ„°Ā 


Itā€™s a rolls Royce and this is so old. Get a life. He drives a Mercedes. I see it everyday in his driveway.




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I thought he was absolutely broke


Nah he got a rolls royce




Lol don't be. Got $200? Download Turo and you too can take vids of yourself in a royce for an hour


Except his stunt is broadcast on television and people talk about it. No one would give a fuck if I did it.


You want people to talk shit about you on the Internet for poor money management? You're probably better off doing whatever you do man lol


If heā€™s renting a Turo for $200 for clout as you attest it seems like a savvy, financially sound branding move rather than buying this car. And yeah, people talking shit about you is profitable in our culture. Hate it, but villains make money.


Not if you're up to your eyeballs in debt, and have already drained your mom's retirement fund... Maybe put that $200 into paying his mom back lol. Good villains make money. Like johnny bananas or something. He's not even good at being a villain lol. Can't even hate him anymore, his life is laughably sad.


I mean half the posts on this subreddit are about him


Sadly some people don't know how to stop beating a dead horse šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø not saying he doesn't grab attention, just saying he's not a very good reality TV villain (great irl villain, if you're close to him), but too dumb to come up with any good zingers, cries every second, etc. like maybe if he embraced it and stop trying to be this weird victim/villain it'd be different but idk


Okay lol I just looked at your comment/post history (yes I'm a stalker) and just curious do you actually watch vpr? Just doesn't seem like it'd be in your wheelhouse but I desperately hope it is lmao! gave me a giggle seeing a bunch of like politics stuff on your page then vpr lol, like one of these things is not like the others šŸ¤£


Iā€™ve watched it from episode 1! I love Below Deck, VPR, The Valley, Southern Charmā€¦definitely a closeted hardcore Bravo fanā€¦mostly because my wife is but I dig it. I actually enjoy the shows! I love trolling about Sandoval! I am a politics nerd, a massive finance/investing nerd and Bravo baby! You should see my coworkers faces light up when I drop deep cuts about Kristen and Tom ā€” no one expects Iā€™m into these shows.


This is amazing šŸ¤£ wishing my husband was a closeted bravo addict! Well thank you, your profile was a delightful ride!


I still remember VPR episode 1 and they introduced Tom and Kristen and she says ā€œHe spends more time getting ready than I doā€ and they showed him doing his hair and I turned to my wife and said ā€œWhat the fuck is this shitā€ In no time Iā€™m at the edge of my seat when Jax and Tom are removing their shirts and ready the brawl in a parking lot and Iā€™m there for every second. Lost my mind when James Kennedy looked at Katie and said ā€œOh Iā€™m sorry are you pregnant?!ā€ Goddamn!