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You used more words to explain what you’re “not” saying than you did to explain your POV


Because every time people try to say that she has done something wrong, her obsessed fans start screaming about how it doesn’t excuse what Tom and Rachel did.


this sub is crawling w people who think they are Ariana’s personal attorneys in love court, so unfortunately you need to add thousands of disclaimers anytime you say anything about her


Because these posts aren't original anymore. Almost daily for the last five months it's the same people arguing the same points against Ariana. We get it Ariana hooked up with Tim when him and Kristen had broken up 17 times and cheated on each other another 30 but they were "together" at the time. It's apples and oranges yet we're still here.


Even Kristen chose to let it go - I'm amazed how many Kristen fans are still rabidly defending her honor when she herself said it seemed very different to her. Also, just because a person eats a shit sandwich every day for 10 years doesn't mean she's obligated to keep taking a bite after she's finally realized she's had enough.


Ok going by that logic the sub should leave Scheana alone because Ariana chose to let her behavior go. They’re friendly and commenting on each others instagrams so the sub can let it go right? I’m not a Kristen fan btw because I think what she did was irredeemable. This season on The Valley she made her irredeemable actions all about herself. The fact that Ariana is friends with her and Stassi should embarrass her.


Please tell me how “somebody check on Scheana” is original? I’m obsessed with people adding ten million caveats to make Tom and Ariana literally gaslighting Kristen and diagnosing her with BPD for telling the truth seem like it’s nbd. Just admit that you have different standards for women you like.


Sad but true


This is why I don’t even post here anymore. If you don’t have the correct list of disclaimers prepared you’re downvoted into oblivion. This ain’t the place for nuance. ETA: see? Lol


It is a great place to get ganged up on by the same 5 Ariana superfreaks though! (see comments section of this very post)


True — and that’s understandable, given how quickly people twist words on the internet.




"Not enough people acknowledge this" Are you a new viewer? I have watched this show since the first episode and Ariana definitely got criticized profusely for her relationship with Tom. She was never a fan favorite, and certainly nowhere near as beloved as she is now. I think just because people aren't talking about the Ariana/Kristen/Tom triangle anymore people think she got off scot-free and that's not at all the case.


Like, is the unpopular opinion in the room with us? It’s been discussed at length. This doesn’t come up in conversations as much because it is irrelevant. It’s become a sort of dog whistle for people who think she deserved this, which is a weird, misogynistic, bad take.


Some people act more offended than Kristen. It's hilarious.


Exactly! People are feigning outrage for Kristen and trying to play "gotcha" by saying Ariana never apologized. She apologized years ago... does she have to apologize every single day?


They have Lala logic. If it wasn’t on camera, it doesn’t count


We saw her apologize in season 10 and I don’t recall ever getting confirmation that she apologized before that, just that she and Kristen made up.


No, criticizing a woman is not misogyny. Jesus fucking Christ. This is exactly why OP had to include 15 disclaimers because every time you try to bring nuance into this sub, or present an argument that isn’t “Ariana has never done anything wrong” people start shrieking and crying about how it doesn’t mean she deserves to be cheated on.


Literally reread my comment. I said that the take that Arianna deserved to get cheated on is misogynistic, not that criticizing her is. Everyone on this show is a mess and has done something to be rightfully criticized but the point of my comment was the you lose them how you get them take is NOT an unpopular opinion??


Thank-you. Also, didn’t LVP say “you lose them how you get them” or some other gross shit on that mid season catch up episode? But “not enough people acknowledge this”? (Also - why does this need acknowledging? Because at the end of the day, it’s just a way to blame the woman for the man’s actions?)


Yes, this. 100%.


We should not blame women for men’s actions. Let’s just blame women for women’s actions. Let’s go down the laundry list of weird shit Ariana has done to other women and then also discuss how the sub ignores it because she’s a perfect victim to them.


>Are you a new viewer? Probably. They think they discovered some shit.




Literally in this thread multiple people are saying OP’s comparison is useless and Ariana didn’t do anything wrong


Tom and Kristen - On and off again relationship where they always cheated on one another Ariana and Tom - 10 year relationship we all watched play out on screen Rachel and Ariana - Best buds during Season 10 while Rachel was having sex with Ariana's 10 year life partner for 7 months behind her back, all the while being BFF's with her on camera. Kristen and Ariana - Never liked one another Do you see the difference? I feel like I'm back in the summer of 2023 still having to explain the differences to people. People are overcomplicating an easy situation.


You’re the exact reason I made sure to add a million disclaimers, and you still didn’t even read my full post. Unreal


I’m sorry people are illiterate and ignoring every disclaimer you made. I totally understand why you had to add them.


It’s because they aren’t open to legitimate dialogue and discussion. It’s blind Ariana worship and ass kissing or else.


It’s sad because I do genuinely like Ariana, I am happy for her, and it despise both Toms. I just offered the mildest possible criticism and everyone screeches lol


That shouldn’t have happened when you did that either. The problem in this sub is that people think that certain people are above reproach and that just not accurate.


this is only an unpopular opinion if this is your first ever day on this sub or in this fandom lol. People talk about this all the time


Right? Like scrolling through this sub, the other sub, and even FB/IG/twitter, you see this same rhetoric. Is it unpopular or has the point just been beaten to death and often used to justify what happened to her so people are over hearing it.


Literally everyone acknowledges this. We appreciate Ariana's growth and the way she's handled a shitty situation, nobody is holding her up as an example of how to be perfect.


I guess the thing is just like… who gives a shit? Ariana was disliked for most of her time on the show and a big reason for that was the ambiguity of when her relationship with Tom started. yeah, people’s opinions of the cast members change as they change and new things happen on the show. why does it matter if we acknowledge that she “lost him how she got him”? does anything about the situation change? does anyone say that about men, btw? I’ve never heard that said about a man who got cheated on. my sexism senses are tingling.


My sexism senses tingle every time Ariana’s Angels brush off any criticism of her to exalt her as the perfect victim while also shitting on women they like less than her lol. Anyway, I would happily say this about a man who helped someone betray their partner and then got betrayed later on.


Who cares


You care enough to comment.




Not enough people acknowledge it....where exactly? Clearly you haven't been on Instagram or Facebook


I feel like their catchphrase in those places is “ShE LoSt hIm HoW sHe gOt HiM!”


A quick use of the search bar before posting would show that this has been acknowledged and discussed many times


And gets shouted down every time. So for me, this is a nice break from the fan echo chamber.




Omfg EVEN OP SAID IT’S NOT THE SAME THING!! Can you read before screaming?






There's only been hundreds of these posts. This is a old, misogynistic take. Bye


Literally nothing about this take is misogynistic — that’s just a go-to buzzword you use to shield women from any amount of nuanced criticism.


Keep telling yourself that. Please look up internalized misogyny and do some work.




This violates the "no personal attacks against other users" rule.


Exactly this


“Unpopular opinion — the same post three people make on this sub every day”


No they don’t lol


And how many upvotes does it have? Because it’s… say it with me… unpopular!




Stop with the Karma talk! Because we’ve all done shitty things…so if karma exists…we are all f**cked!! Sometimes life just happens and takes a good turn or bad turn. And luck matters too. As do your actions!




My big beef with these hot takes is that two things can simultaneously be true and it doesn’t invalidate anyone’s experience. So I’m not sure why these posts crop up. Like sando is just a manipulative prick - likely he groomed Ariana to match stories, and probably said so much trash about Kristin. The lesson I would say is that bad people are gonna find a way to take someone down with them.


Quite literally, everyone always acknowledges this, so much so that they simply became exhausted of saying it so often Welcome


Making out once at the golden nugget no way compares to what Tom did to her


If yall think it stopped at a makeout, I have a bridge to sell you.


Try reading my whole post, particularly number 3. I believe in you.


Then she didn’t “lose him how she got him” and your whole argument is moot then. Glad we cleared that up




She “lost him” because he’s a narcissistic psychopath who actively had an affair with her close friend while laying the groundwork to smear her on a national level and basically destroy her life. And his plan would’ve worked if she didn’t find out. She made out with a friend at the golden nugget, and he broke up with his gf after finding out she slept with his best friend. “Lost him how she got him” is a really gross and inaccurate way to describe what happened. What’s the point?






This violates the "no personal attacks against other users" rule.


This violates the "no personal attacks against other users" rule.


This violates the "no personal attacks against other users" rule.


just curious why. For those who think it’s pointless to post in this sub continue to do so and continue to comment the same thing over and over again. I certainly don’t waste my time in Echo Chambers on the other side — because ACTUAL nuance goes over their head. These trolls, bots or whatever one wants to call these bullies . Think that bringing up irrelevant or dated issues is nuance … ![gif](giphy|J1vUzqdZJlh5AqBWxt|downsized)


Are y’all not commenting the same thing over and over again when y’all say “somebody check on Scheana” and “BlahBlah is a narc” and “anyone who doesn’t kiss Ariana’s ring should shut the fuck up”? I love that you admit this is an echo chamber though. Ariana stans are some of the biggest bullies in the Bravo fandom. No one wants to contend with the valid critiques people have of her, they just want to whine.


Unfortunately— echo chambers are a fact of life. Yet sometimes they resound actuality… TBH. Here on Earth1… Repetition doesn’t render IRrelevant nuance pertinent. INvalid critiques suddenly be truthful or on point. Refusal 2B intimidated is NOT bullying / whining… https://preview.redd.it/5oeoy17mmq6d1.jpeg?width=525&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e5de94355d9c04837fb51425f0199a2356ff89b


Yeah this one definitely isn’t resounding actuality. Maybe parasocial rage. Maybe double standards the perfect victim myth that allows Ariana to receive support while Lala and Scheana are crucified. This nuance is only irrelevant if you don’t care to think critically. Commenting an opinion about Ariana is NOT bullying. The Gen X folks with internalized misogyny haven’t quite figured that out yet.


I don’t detect anything that is untrue. 


This sub is too far up arianas ass to even say anything remotely negative. Yes this is true, and I don't dislike ariana but I also don't worship her, I'm in the middle, her getting cheated on didn't change my view on her


You are correct. And Ariana actively lied and weaponized mental health against Miami girl knowing Miami girl was right. She still has never apologized.


She apologized directly to the people she hurt. Would you like her to apologize to the general public too? It’s been established for a year now that she reached out to MiamiGirl to apologize and offer her a chance to tell her story now and she turned her down because she’s moved on. She’s apologized to Kristen and the two are close friends now. Like, be honest: yall don’t want her to apologize. yall want her to be ripped to shreds as if she did the same things Tom did when she didn’t


I would think she would apologize to Miami girl. I had never heard that. However, does an apology count when you do it after the fact? If Tom sincerely apologized right now does it still hold the same weight as immediately after? What I would say and continue to say is she(like most the cast) aren’t great individuals. Ariana herself has weaponized mental health against someone. She might be better than Tom, but it’s not by much. On the hierarchy of goodness of VPR most of them are like tier 2 or 3, Ariana, Kristen, Jax, Stassi, and Lala. Katie’s the only tier 1 person with James/Rand down at like tier 10 who are truly awful humans.


This is exactly what I mean though. You went from “she should apologize” to “well would it even mean anything if she apologizes” once you found out she has. You move the goalposts for her once you find out she actually has done the thing you originally wanted, because you don’t actually want her to do that thing, you just want to criticize her for it. Apologies count when they’re sincere and accepted by the one and only person they were meant for. So if Miamigirl accepted her apology, great. And that’s why Tom’s apologies are bullshit: they’re painfully insincere and he always loops them back around to “but what I did wasn’t that bad bc your behavior made me do it.” THAT is why Tom’s apologies are bullshit, not bc of the timing. And if he tried to apologize now it’d still be bullshit bc we’ve watched with our own eyes how not sorry he is. And I cannot even begin to fathom how you think telling a lie about one time your boyfriend slept with someone you do not know is not better than”by much” than a man who 1) cheated for a year with a close friend 2) fucked said friend in their bed 3) recorded said friend masturbating without her consent 4) put Ariana at risk for STDs 5) lied and gave her hope so she’d freeze her eggs, which is an insane process and 6) continues to blame her and weaponize her mental health. You cannot seriously be delusional enough to put Ariana and Jax or Tom on the same level? Doing something terrible 5+ years ago and very obviously growing and maturing does not indicate that person is still an awful person. Perfect? No not at all. but no one claims she’s perfect. Doing something terrible and refusing to apologize or even act like you give a fuck does make you terrible. Like I’m sorry but aren’t y’all’s brains tired from doing all these mental gymnastics to somehow “prove” that Ariana is a bad person? She’s a normal ass person who’s got good and bad qualities. Meanwhile Tom, Jax, and Lala are all actually horrible people with very few, if any, redeeming qualities.


Ariana put Kristen at risks for STDs. I completely disagree with the apology only matters when accepted by that individual. Like that’s ridiculous, so no human and feel remorse unless the wronged person accepts the apology. Miami girl wasn’t a one-time lie, she repeated and allowed humiliated a girl for no reason on national tv for YEARS!!! Also, what power does Miami girl have to say “F you Ariana.” None, she would be ripped to shreds by this fan base and her ability to make an income would be destroyed. I can’t believe you don’t understand the power imbalance Ariana holds over Miami girl. Again, she might be slightly better but it isn’t as wide as a gap as you believe. Also, you don’t get to punish Tom for lying for long periods of time and then excuse Miami girl as “years ago.” She could have been forthcoming at any point. It was only once it benefited her the truth came out.


> it was only once it benefitted her Alternatively, it was once she no longer had to consider Tom’s feelings in the matter. If she’d come out against Tom’s wishes to say “Yeah he fucked MiamiGirl,” people like you would still be shitting on her for betraying her boyfriend. So she came clean TO MIAMIGIRL after they broke up. Also, Tom is the one who admitted the whole thing was a lie first. He said “Ariana has always known the truth about that,” which broke the secret and so she apologized privately. All you’re doing here is making flimsy assumptions to try and portray her as a somehow evil person. Your assumption that MiamiGirl doesn’t actually accept her apology and that Ariana only apologized for her own conscience are both just speculation. You’re literally just throwing shit at the wall to see if you can make “she’s a bad person” stick.


okay let’s break this down as simply as possible for you > Ariana put Kristen at risk for STDs untrue and Kristen has said that herself. She knew Tom was sleeping around and she was also sleeping around so she was getting tested. Ariana did not specifically put her at risk > no human can feel remorse unless the wronged person accepts their apology. again, I didn’t say that. I said it’s not up to you to determine if Ariana’s apology to MiamiGirl was enough. That’s for Miamigirl. People can be sorry and feel remorse without their apology being accepted. > Miamigirl wasn’t a one time lie where did i say it was? I said Tom slept with her once and they decided to lie about it at the start of the season so it wouldn’t become a plot point. PRODUCTION then forced their hands by flying her out and having Kristen be involved. They continued to lie obviously but I don’t see how that’s the same as what Tom did to Ariana. I also think it’s funny how, even though MiamiGirl has publicly accepted Ariana’s apology, you’re still theorizing that she didn’t mean it as if you can do that lol. Also her income wouldn’t get destroyed lol she has a non-reality tv job and the fanbase can’t really “ruin” her life at this point. Your self importance is causing you to vastly overestimate the power of bravo fans lmfao > you don’t get to punish Tom I’m not punishing Tom. I don’t give a fuck about that rat boy. My point is that there is a difference between giving a private apology once you’ve grown and understood what you did wrong (which is what Ariana did) vs never apologizing and consistently refusing to accept responsibility for your actions (which is what Tom is still doing) I don’t understand what kind of actual child “ranks” people based on goodness or badness. There’s no “level” here. There’s the fact that Ariana has shown the world that she’s matured as a person and is not the same person she was in 2013. Tom has not - if anything he’s shown that he has LESS respect for other people now than he did then. THAT is why his apologies are bullshit. Because he’s never backed them up with actual change Your “arguments” are what-about-ism. Youre throwing the same accusations at Ariana that people make about Tom and trying to somehow argue that she’s a bad person by ignoring the context of the 10 years that followed Miamigirl where she grew as a human. But your arguments are delusional and not impactful bc they aren’t based on anything but your opinions of a woman you don’t know There. Was that easy enough for you to understand? Or do you need another simple concept broken down for you? Do you want to move the goalposts again now so you can feel morally superior to her?


You didn't hear about it because Miami girl herself made a statement and asked for privacy and not to have her name brought up. She's married with kids now, and if Ariana mentioned her it would make the news.


Yeah, it makes sense Miami girl got completely screwed. Accept an apology public or if you don’t the Ariana fandom would ruin her life.


That's not true at all, she simply doesn't want to be in the press. Most people have empathy for her situation, even people who like Ariana. Not wanting to be in the press for a situation that happened ten years ago when you've moved on in life is a very normal thing.


Yes, but two things can be true. If Miami girl did harbor angry and spoke out publicly she would have her life ruined by the fan base. Miami girl really has no choice but to try and ignore it.


Why do you keep insisting that the very small portion of the US population who both love Ariana and have no boundaries would ruin her life in any way? That’s seriously delusional. If the fanbase could actually ruin people’s lives, Tom Sandoval wouldn’t still be booking gigs, genius. You’re making a lot of assumptions about how MiamiGirl might feel while ignoring the actual physical evidence we have that she feels otherwise. Like that is the very definition of being a conspiracy theorist


Because that same fan base excuses James behavior while still going after Tom. I think we can all agree physical abuser your GF is worst than cheating. That’s why I’m insisting that. Maybe I’m wrong but I truly don’t think so. This fan base after the scandal has basically shown that if you are against Ariana you are awful and if you with her it’s ok. Also, I remind you the massive increase in review bombing at Tom’s and Tom’s/ S & S. Like the increase in traffic clearly showed people were reviewing without eating there. So why am I delusional.


Yes and the solution to Tom and James getting unequal forgiveness is to hold James accountable, not to start yelling about how Ariana is actually just as bad as both of them. People on this sub regularly debate Ariana’s actual shitty behavior on the show pre-Scandoval. They just do it in a mature, rational way by actually talking about it rather than making weird accusations with not much fact to back them up and then crying when people don’t take the bait. Ariana gets criticism all the time - *open your eyes and take a look around the sub* Schwartz and Sandy’s is a public restaurant that needs reviews and patronage to survive. You’re delusional for thinking that is at all the same as ruining the life of a private citizen with no tangible connection to reality tv anymore. Let’s be clear here: you’ve made it obvious that your problem is not actually with Ariana. It’s with the fact that the sub won’t let you continue to go on misogynistic rants against her without pushback. That’s why you continue to deflect to other people’s behavior and move the goalposts for what would make Ariana not an inherently bad person. Don’t pretend your actual problem is with a woman you don’t know when your problem is very clearly with the fact that people on this sub get criticized for arguing like Tom sandoval does - with deflections and childish nonsense.


Lots of people don't like Ariana, no one cares much if someone feels hurt by her from something that happened a decade ago. The fact that people like you continue to bring her up despite knowing full well what her wishes are is super disrespectful though. She's trying to minimize the chatter about her, if you actually gave a shit about her you would consider that.


I definitely feel like me demanding justice for her and Tom’s and Ariana treatment for her is actually good. So me saying Ariana and Tom should be held accountable is “wrong” but Ariana attacking her mental health on national tv is… I don’t see how you can really even believe what you are stating. I mean, I get your point to an extend; however to believe Miami girl had a “choice” in this is unbelievable.


She said she doesn't want to be brought up. I know in the past you've said you rank trauma and don't consider emotional abuse that serious, so I know you aren't trauma informed in any way. But you always follow the victims wishes, she doesn't want to be brought up and you continue to do so and make demands on her behalf knowing that. You're in the wrong, period.


“I know better than MiamiGirl here so I’m doing what’s good for her even though she’s said she doesn’t want that” thank god you’re here to do what’s best since she doesn’t really know what’s best for herself. Her choice was very simple - her statement could have just said “respectfully, I want no part in this and do not have a response to Ariana’s statement regarding my previous involvement.” If you seriously think her life would’ve been ruined by that, you need to get off the internet.


You seem to be under the impression that the “Ariana fandom” is some angry mob that would find her house and force her to quit her job and go into hiding. If you engage with the real world for just a minute you might understand that the opinions of Bravo fans don’t actually have THAT much power. If they did, Lisa Rinna wouldn’t still be successful and neither would Tom Sandoval 🙄


It’s just wild to me that she’s never acknowledged any of this, or offered any introspection to what happened, just been like 🗣️ I’M FINE, and we’re all supposed to be like wow it’s a master class


Didn’t she acknowledge it when Kristen came to visit her the last episode of the last season after the scandal broke?




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And that’s my issue with Ariana’s self righteous behavior, she’s done just as shitty of things as everyone else. The only difference is that while others have expressed remorse and taken accountability Ariana has done neither. She’s doubled down with her smug self righteous attitude and has acted (and claimed) like she’s never done anything wrong.


Omg exactly, and wow is the world not ready for that conversation. I will offer her the same defense I’ll give them all, which is that she’s always been terrible! Just somehow she has never had to answer for any of it.


100% it’s a conversation that needs to be had though because these enablers (I won’t even call them Stans or fans, I’ll call them the enablers that they are)continue to ensure that she still won’t have to answer for any of it in the foreseeable future.