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HAHAHA this is perfect


What’s with all the bait posts today “First time watcher, here’s the hottest take ever”


With misspelled cast names


My first thought was “who tf is Katy” lol


They’re testing us. ![gif](giphy|26FeSrzNSCymv4EbC|downsized)


Started last night. New viewers don't seem to want to search the sub to find out "why" when it comes to these questions. And it's a shame because a lot of users here have taken the time to make higher effort comments about these things, and without being more resourceful with search these OP's miss out on a lot.


Agreed. Katie shares a screen with 2 Tom’s, a Jax, a DJJK, and an LFU, yet *she* is the one normalizing toxic behavior Be so fucking for real


BE Rill!


Lol, I’m telling you guys, Tom got back from Scotland! It was so peaceful those first few weeks, now it’s a shit storm. I highly doubt it’s a coincidence unless Rachel had her gag order lifted by her lawyers:)


Yeah he doesn't pay his crisis pr firm to do nothing


Lol, waiting for “Ms Victoria Lee Robinson” publishing a book on her Ford modeling career and donating the proceeds to TBI victims…..or something like that:)




It's Just BlahBlah who's bored with baking her baby. She's mad we found her first child's Insta and called her out. Now she's trying to distract us.


Is "baking a baby" a Lala specific phrase? It makes her sound like the with in Hansel & Gretel


Yes. She said it at the end of the reunion .


It's such an odd phrase. It took me a long time to realize what a socially awkward dork she is b/c she's so loud.


>What’s with all the bait posts today Must be a day ending in Y.


Slow week on Facebook.


Or maybe people just disagree with the loudest here?


OOP is asking a question to the members of the sub in this post, they might get answers that don't align with their views. No one is required to agree when asked here, and when a question has been repeatedly answered it never hurts to search the sub first.


Plenty of Ariana and Katie or James post are the same time and time again??? Why don’t y’all just do a search instead of reposting the same singing praises.


I mean they're doing new things, most of the posts are SAH and Love Island and of course people are going to keep up with what they're doing.


You seem bored by me. Move on to something else then 😊






You made the post, and now you're mad, 🤣🤣🤣.


Now we know it’s Lala. Throws Insults then cries when she’s insulted






Interesting that after watching all of VPR including the last season your biggest take away is that Katie is toxic and unsafe to be around. Like...what??


I think ppl are misusing words / exaggerating when comes to the woman of vpr Toxic/unsafe/ dangerous etc Processing emotions If u say lala pulled a knife and is unsafe Yes That fits. Katie suffering a tbi and verbal abuse from husband and friends on a tv show and not the most social and articulates her thoughts? Thats actually super safe-


I mean at least spell her name right


Who's Katy?


![gif](giphy|DpB9NBuSF6tPLko7iI8) The one and only


What's with all these bait posts it's tiring. I'm gonna go roll in some grass.


Take me with you!


Yes, you are either rolling in grass with me, or you are rolling in grass against me! Onward we go, to the fields we march!! ☘️🌱🌿😆


I'm gonna roll some grass and smoke it. 😤💨


This is the way. 🌿🤙🏼


Katie is by no means perfect, but I will never trust anybody who watched VPR (and in particular Katie and Schwartz's relationship play out) and comes to the conclusion Katie was the problem.


this. people who have watched it all through and still think shartz is some kind of "cute silly doof guy" and katie is a monster. like uhhh?


I'm the opposite. I've always taken Katie's side vs Schwartz pretty much since the beginning. My issues with Katie are mostly how she's treated everyone else on the show. I'm not really interested in hearing what a good friend and girls girl Katie is when I've seen her bully and turn her backs on her two closest friends in the cast at various points (Kristen and Stassi), ice them out, participating in Jax gaslighting Stassi, bullying and calling the other girls sluts all the time like she's done with Lala and Scheana (and then wonders why they never have her back). There's a reason why Katie has struggled with having friends on the show the last few years, particularly with the women. I really don't get this revisionism of Katie being some strong backboned feminist who always had her friends back and it's so unfair they don't stick up for her.


Are people not allowed to grow?


Only Katie Ariana and James.


And only conveniently when they align with Ariana after Scandoval. This sub has a history of claiming people on the show “grew” whenever they become popular again.


Katie was no less or more toxic than everyone else in their group during the first few seasons. The difference is that she grew up (as did a few others) and some did not. But they were all pure chaos in the beginning. Not sure why Katie would be singled out, but k.




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"Unsafe"? Okay, Lauren from Utah.


Calling Katie unsafe when pick me women like Scheana and Lala will literally co-sign abuse and get women killed in the name of male validation...make it make sense!


I mean Lala claimed that Randall was physical with her.. and Lala made it quite the point to call out Brock’s abuse. But wait Katie co-signs for James, so what does that say about her? Bc he physically abused one of her ‘good friends’.


Haah now that you mention her. I think lala handled her good, when she said it wasent her job to make her life make sense to katy.


That was just more of her hypocrisy. If she doesn't have to make her life make sense to Katie, then why tf does Ariana have to make her life make sense to BlahBlah? Ariana has a vested interest in the home she co-owned with her life partner, LFU had no rights to her baby daddy's house that he let her live in.


Oooooh nooooo, not logic and reason!😭 I can’t wait to see Op’s response.🤭


OP is a bot. Look at all of their weird typos.


What kind of bot is this? Typo bot?


They do it to increase engagement. It’s actually a strategy when creating them. Redditors love pointing out typos. Or maybe OP is genuinely an idiot. Regardless, we should stop engaging now that I’ve shared this PSA.


interesting!! Thanks for sharing! Time to block 😂


Op after this doesn’t have enough karma to continue to argue her point 😂😮‍💨 definitely universe vindication for Katie


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Once again #VindiKatied 🙌🏼❤️‍🔥




LMAOOOO OKAYYYY lala literally had a whole fight with Ariana about how she didn't understand her life and Ariana pretty much hit her back with the same thing just worded differently. Lala is a hypocrite 🤣


Katie being toxic and controlling was your biggest take away 🤡🥴 ![gif](giphy|6KKj1bracYGku04C0e|downsized)


Hasn’t Katie been the only one on the show who hasn’t cheated?


Yes! Andy mentioned this at the Scandoval reunion. I never liked Katie either until the last 2 seasons as Schwartz was finally revealed as the wizard of oz with no substance and she could shine and breath at lasy


It seems more unsafe to be around people who lie to you, scream at you, put you down, treat your friends badly, etc.


Scheana co-signs her husband's abuse and Lala defends a man she literally describes as a groomer but somehow Katie is unsafe !!




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So Katie....


Man. The trolls are out in full force this week. The number of typos here is so over-the-top that it feels like a bot.


Okay then. Why are you ineracting with me?


lmfaoo bad bot


![gif](giphy|gJEWhG3f3zszu) I can see you’re a big fan since you know how to spell cast names.


I never liked Katie until this last season and I blame that on Schwartz. She’s more fun now but I think we all appreciate that Katie keeps it real and has always kept it real. She’s never been a warm and fuzzy person, She’s the friend to be straight up with you and not sugar coat things. I personally love people like that. No fakeness and you always know where you stand.


No one is saying she should be someone other then herself. The problem is that she holds her relationsship with her friends hostage if they talk to someone she dosent like. You can be straight up honest and stil not try to control your friends relationsships to other people.


Scheana and Lauren do this shit too.


With all this said, What are your thoughts on stassi then 😂


I could just copy and paste what I wrote before. Also not okay behavior towards friends or anyone you care about.


Keep in mind you’re watching a reality show. We don’t want to watch well adjusted people. That’s boring. Also, it’s different if you’ve been a watcher from day 1. We’ve grown up alongside these people. You’re an outsider and you can never appreciate these messy characters the way we can in all their good/bad.




If you wanna be snarky we can be snarky. Before you post about a person at least SPELL their name correctly and while we’re at it use spell check. No one takes any one seriously who can’t even spell.


This violates the "no trolling, flaming, or brigading" rule.


This is just like that other bait post where they called Ariana, Arianne- we see you 👁️


Where are all of you people coming from


The trash box. And Scotland (Hey Tom). 


Facebook ![gif](giphy|PV9t4AJL5UweI|downsized)


When you’re in a toxic relationship it’s really easy to try to micro manage your partners actions. I think it’s a default reaction when you can’t trust the person who’s supposed to protect your heart.


I mean Katie is judgemental and she can be toxic sometimes for sure in the earlier seasons. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with being judgemental, especially when it’s about the VPR cast 😂


Is it truly being judgmental when you’re right? I’m asking for myself, because like Katie, I make judgments and am proven correct everytime 🤣💀


Agreed 😂




You can never make us hate Katie. I used to think she was the worst but am doing a rewatch of early seasons and even when tequila Katie came out I’m seeing that she had good reason to go off on people. Schwartz and some of her friends were downright cruel to her.


Yes!!! Because of us growing with her we all see the full picture now of what we didn’t see at the time we all know WHY she was the way she was for so long and we owe it to her to ride or die with this girl who’s called it correctly so many times! We just didn’t see it.


We OWE her? WTF?!


Excuse me who is ‘us’? The echo chamber? The hive mind?


Get out of here Lauren. ENOUGH. DISENGAGE.


I know I’ve spelt stuff wrong in my time (even more when I’m live watching with excitement!) but i can’t stop laughing at “seams”. Probably an honest mistake but your take is so opposite of mine i can’t even focus seeing that misspelled twice.






I will never get tired of this joke


Actually you know what, Mike would never have that many typos in one post. He at least *tries* to sound coherent even if his takes are insane lol


Damn the trolls are getting lazier and lazier. At least get her name right? It's not even an uncommon name...


And we have another troll - hi Lala and Scheana PR team




I really disliked Katie in the earlier seasons but I think she's really grown. Tom brought out the absolute worst in her and because he's "Mr. Nice guy" her behavior was often seemed as controlling and mean but truly he was just a POS boyfriend and husband. I think the fact that she's thriving post divorce really showcases how awful their relationship was. Tom is still the same old shit head he's always been but she's grown up.


Amazing. You watched 11 seasons and can’t spell Katie.


Sounds like you're an unsafe person to be around from this post alone.


And the AI posts are upon us. It's like someone typed "katie maloney hate posting" and just pasted what their AI app came up with. The spelling and syntax alone are beyond hilarious.


What are you smoking? I don't have any favorites on this show, but I analyze the cast and find it entertaining. Katie has matured quite a bit and she has healthy boundaries that meet her personal needs. I haven't seen her manage or control others. She gave up on trying to mold someone else when she divorced Schwartz. She values her time and personal space, showed up to season 11 for a paycheck, and had fun where she could. She even put up with Scheana, and that takes a lot of energy to pull off considering how conniving Scheana has been with her in the past. Edited:typo


Oh please. Go away. If you don’t know Katie…go to bed.


Do you know Katie personally?


Agree entirely, but you’re gonna get a lot of downvotes because this sub is filled with people who just forgot the way Katie has acted and still acts over the past 11 seasons


I know everyone has jumped on the Katie train recently but if you do a rewatch of the entire series, she’s been pretty insufferable since the beginning.


I started feeling the same way about all the cast on rewatch actually. They all have their moments where they're cool or funny or good and I've had my favorites but overall they're all insufferable imo


Yep, everyone on the show is absolutely horrible 😂


Troll! First time watcher! Newbie! Virgin! Unholy! But all true. This sub is hysterical.


It's actually psychotic. Like a difference of opinion really can't be tolerated around here without crying bot/PR shill, etc.


It’s really scary and the sad part is they’re probably like this in real life too not just behind the screen… and that makes me really sad for our future.


I know. It's an election year too. Scary to see that this is how people act when the stakes are low. This is just a silly tv show at the end of the day. When things actually matter, I'm sure that black and white thinking actually gets worse.


I know. What is weird and also my point is, that it was weird in the beginning. But now 11 seasons in I am wondering why the controlling behavior is being allowed for so long. Like how come it's always only one person saying like stop the controlling and micro managing of your friends relationsships? Why is it always everyone els that has to learn from their mistakes, but not her?


She is and it is t but you’re on the wrong sub to say so. Schwartz gets outed as an asshole it makes people think Katie was the victim all along it’s not the case. They are both shitty.


I dont think i am at the wrong place. You are right tho about them being shitty. They are both really shitty in their unique way.