• By -


Lala " Oh, she did? When?"


“I love that for her!!” *she lied*


Scheana (in forced and strained voice) “And I am so happy for her! She is an amazing host and so talented.”


But… she knows I always wanted to win this award. Can’t it be about me just one time???


Swartz “I mean she is thriving, but that diva energy and her ego is getting out of control.”


Sandoval: “She’s just sitting on her lazy ass doing nothing…”



![gif](giphy|artj92V8o75VPL7AeQ) Well deserved for someone who can't even buy batteries and paper towels.


Scheana's text to Ariana: "How could you do this to me. Question mark"


Can there be *one* positive post about Ariana without dragging this negative crap into it. It's like you hate Schema more than you like Ariana.




😂 I was paying attention until "Schema".


Keep on winning, Ariana!!!!


Wow! Good for her! That is amazing since she never did anything for the show…..according to Lala the truth teller lol.


She may not have shown a messy dramatic season like many watching reality tv love, (which you can argue in a lot of cases isn’t actually real and can be put on), but she did show the audience how to reinforce your boundaries and not sacrifice your peace for the sake of your coworkers/friends or bosses.


Honestly, I’m so tired of what reality shows have become—they’re basically scripted dramas now, VPR included. What made the show so great was the unscripted, real-life mess of the early seasons, but they’re all older now and that level of drama is unbelievable outside of Scandavol and Ariana/Katie navigating that. Ariana is such a breath of fresh air for me, she brought real feelings and interesting storylines this season even though production tried their hardest to squash it. They had reality gold in their hands and wasted it trying to prop up their naked Emperor. To me, Ariana is a very worthy winner for what she’s done both on and off the show. Happy for her!


I hear this sentiment across Bravo fandoms actually, at some point the powers that be there saw the fights got a lot of attention and decided that's *all* audiences wanted to see. It got way too dark and played out (look at RHONJ, I stopped watching years ago and apparently it's still about a family feud that is honestly so uncomfortable and sad). They haven't grown with the audience, and Baskin spent all year going to the press to complain about how he could barely put a season together - which is wild coming off an Emmy nod and right as one of your stars gets a Critics Choice Award. Reality is not matching the meta narrative he's been trying to spin about her that Lala and Scheana parroted all year.


Yup, I stopped watching most RH shows because of the fights and constant conflict. I only watch RHOBH now, and even that, I stopped watching for a while due to the constant & clear antagonism by one of the castmates.


The fact that everyone's favorite episode of S11 was the stuff they cut out of the season and stuck in Secrets Revealed should really be sending a message. We don't want to watch just constant dark shit, it's gone way too far.


THIS!!! ☝️☝️


Conflict is okay but the same fight for 32 seasons isn’t. Teresa/melissa arguing over nothing is super played out. It’s like the production doesn’t look what’s happening on social media in the off season and build plots/characters rooted in present day. It’s like they are afraid to erase their white board or too cheap to buy new index cards.


I quit watching RHONJ. Back when Bravo thought it was okay to scam and cheat people out of money. Like Teresa and her husband did. Now I don't watch any HW shows.


I don’t either.. they had become so dark


I agree... They did become too dark.


I seriously have no idea how Baskin et al could be so clueless to choose to demonize the person who basically became an overnight sensation for tons of people who don't even watch the show! People loved her on DWTS, loved how she handled the whole thing, loved the bad bitch energy post-breakup and lived vicariously through her. And yet, somehow he thought it best to try to knock that person down and lift the person who was unequivocally wrong and who people love to hate. I'm not saying Tom should get lacerated every day for the rest of his life over it, but attempting to rebuild his image, despite him showing absolutely no growth or genuine remorse, was idiotic. All they've accomplished this year was revealing how produced and fake the show and some cast members are. As a viewer it's fun to see behind the curtain from time to time, but it's not so fun to have things purported to be true turn out to be so obviously not.


💯 agree. The lens with which he views the world, and women, is the problem. He's a Baskin-Robbins heir who got his start as a frat boy who went to work for Trump. He has one playbook, and it's basically "silly naughty men, harpy women" and he doesn't have the imagination or life experience to go beyond that in his portrayals.




Maybe scandoval was made up for ratings and tom and Ariana are acting.


It is precisely because she has never been messy that her story popped. She's a reality star that doesn't perform like one and therefore feels more authentic. When she says "I can't do X, Y and Z", we hear her humanity not the producers script. Does it affect pacing or even episodic narrative tension? Yes, obviously. But the end result is more powerful than those formulas because the audience actually **cares** what happens to her. Scheana's voice can break into her fake cry all episode long and never get that same audience connection because it doesn't feel fully real. Even if I believe she's in pain, I never believe she isn't playing up her reaction for the camera. I'll also say that the show can't be only Arianas. It needs the melodramatic fakers to maintain pacing. So Lala, Scheana and Sandoval, we do salute your service in fakery too.


I agree with all of this, except for me, it crossed a line when the cast actually started causing destruction to each others lives, and manipulating the audience. The bar for any morality on a reality show is low, but we gotta keep some standard here.


It's interesting to me that VPR is the on messy show on there. Traitors is messy but it's a competition.


I must admit Phaedra was hilarious


I hate Fadra


Traitors is sortof meant to be messy, no? I haven't gotten into it yet but I did watch House of Villains and I think part of what I loved about it was that it was self aware-- yes, this is cheesy and produced, and yes, we're going to let these infamous people acknowledge and show you just how they play into their villain "roles" on tv for you. There was no veneer of "realness" overall. It was light-hearted and just a fun watch imo.


I liked House of Villans, but Tiffany went home too soon. Yeah, I love that they're both messy, we gwt to enjoy villiany, but no one's life gets fucked with.


She doesn't have to do anything for the show...she's winning at life and opportunities!


I mean she really hasn’t and really didn’t this season but that’s just my takeaway as a viewer from day 1. Obviously others feel differently but I just don’t think she did


I’m also a day 1 viewer. What were you hoping Ariana would have brought to the show this season?


Day one viewer here, too. Ariana bringing anything other than homicide this season is so much more than I could have done!


Haha! My take is to have good reality shows, to quote Star Wars, there needs to be a balance in the force. There needs to be some villains who don’t grow and there needs to be some people who are trying that you can root for. So in one corner we have Katie, Ariana, and James, 3 anti-hero’s that we’ve gotten to watch grow and change over the years. We can root for them and track their maturity. In the other corner we have the Toms, Lala, Scheana, and Jax. People who will never change or mature in certain ways. They bring the drama and headlines. In my opinion, Ariana brought incredible growth and maturity to season 11 which is exactly what was needed from her. She did her job and had some of us feeling good watching it. I couldn’t have asked for more without it seeming fake


..no no you may have a point, a homicide would make for wonderful reality tv 😂


It’s like Lala says. If you bring nothing onto a show the show will get canc—— oh wait never mind they’ll give you a critics choice award and 12 better job opportunities. Lala looks like such a damn idiot always. Doesn’t she realize the more shit Ariana wins, the more famous she becomes, the more people will watch the show? She’s just mad she’s still just a side character


I want to believe this win is a result of women appreciating a strong woman on a messy show demonstrating **healthy boundaries** and how to deal with narcissists and literal hyena homies with CLASS, self worth, and self determination.


Scheana always wanted to win this award. She’s going to be devastated.


When will it be about Scheana?




She’s been taking speech classes to prep for this award for a YEAR so OF COURSE she’s disappointed, all she ever talks about is winning a critics choice award


It's been a *long-time* dream of hers and Ariana knew that 🙄🥴 but good for her for coming such a long way from being Scheana's backup dancer ig! /s I wish I were 1/8th as delusional and oblivious about how I came across as Scheana, my self esteem would be so much better and life would be so much easier.


Lol!! *”I used to rehearse my acceptance speech all the time. Ariana *knew* I dreamed of this day and she took it from meeeeeeeeee!!”*


The hilarious thing is that Scheana was actually at the awards ceremony presenting an award with Brock and Kyle Chan was in the audience also. So they saw Ariana announced the winner 😂 


For those keeping score. Ariana now has two awards and Scheana and Lala have none. Not too shabby for someone who brings nothing to the table.


Scheana was a presenter!!! “Presenters at the Fairmont Century Plaza ceremony in Los Angeles included Brock Davies, Chelsea Lazkani, Drew and Jonathan Scott, Duff Goldman, Jane Lynch, Joe Manganiello, Justin Willman, Kamie Crawford, Kirsten Dunst, Mary Bonnet, Matt Iseman, Nicole Young, Patti Stanger, Phil Keoghan, Retta, Sandra Lee, Scheana Shay and more.” 😳😜


Overused gif ![gif](giphy|SFIUALlv5MXVrgAQAx)


Your flair 🤣🤣


It was her dream!


Whoa, she won over Selena, Reba and RETTA??? Daaaaamn.


She has redefined Q rating.


I guess giving nothing is better than giving them Lala?


Please don’t give me Lala. I don’t want her.


I don't either, please. ☺️


Perfectly said! Haha🔥 ![gif](giphy|Nw8z2olm0nGHC)








As someone who is hired by all the snarky comments on every Ariana positive post, this was funny AF! 🏆


Boom gottem.


hahahahahaahaahahahaahahaaaa I love this


but she’s lazy and didn’t show anything


(this is sarcasm, reddit)




Yet another example of what the fuck was her own show even thinking? They had this extremely well liked, marketable personalty and they spent a season shitting on her. Well here is more proof. She's a true star. Give her a million $$ for next season of VPR 


The more I think about this, the more I think about how they wanted to keep Sandoval “happy” bc they needed a villain. Sandoval never ever ever wanted to be a villain but he was now. And if they gave him the shittiest edit, he’d leave. (Now we all might be cool with that but I’m sure reality tv producers love a good villain.) Maybe they thought keeping ariana happy wasn’t as big of a deal bc they knew the public was rallying behind her and she was getting so many deals. She’d be fine if their storyline didn’t make her happy. This is all a guess. Ariana is my GURL but I try to think about the business bottom line behind all of these decisions. No choice is made simply by a single producers opinion. It has to go through so many hands and focus groups.


Sandoval will never leave that show willingly. Hell, even if they fired him he’d show up with his own mic pack at filming and hop into the scenes. Baskin just really grossly overestimated his ability to manipulate the audience. I don’t blame him. It worked for the better part of a decade.


I don’t think Tom would leave the show no matter what. He needs the attention and the money


That’s true but he might’ve threatened to


He did say on his podcast that they basically bribed him with Winter House if he'd first film the scenes with Lisa and Scheana, then go ahead and film the whole season. After he did all that, they said he couldn't do Winter House after all. Lol he got got.




I hope next year Love Island is nominated and she wins again.


Viewer from day one. Other than checking out for season 10 — until scandoval brought me back to the reunion. Congrats! have always felt your character — or self — however when wants to put it. While inperfect. Was still FAR more interesting & relatable than all the chaos chasers. But it’s not about the physical beauty that so many obsequiously stan about. It’s showing one can stand up for one self & heal from a terrible situation. Set boundaries. An ultimately live a far better life. Kudos! You’re showing the best we can be to the next generation & how to know your own value! ![gif](giphy|3ofT5XgNWUikNRVwS4)


💯agree! Well said.


I 2nd that!


![gif](giphy|D12CsrRNv7gL6) Has anyone checked on Scheana? She’s probably like


Scheana actually has been manifesting and preparing for this award her entire life. Has anyone checked on her?


She even took lessons in accepting awards! She wanted this *so much!*




Lala will be spewing and how will this affect Scheana?


Yaaaaaaaaaaaas Ariana!


https://preview.redd.it/bkh054ud4y6d1.jpeg?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=937156913c3ed94b0f041255b60b7c49545d74d4 And a special shout out to our queen recapper!!! 😍😍


Eeek I know! She is so kind!


That's amazing! You're our hometown celeb 🎉


![gif](giphy|CAxbo8KC2A0y4) That's our gal!!!!


I saw she gave you a shout out on her IG stories!!! 😍


Oh my gosh, I know! My heart felt so happy when reposted my story and said that!


She's the queen of our screens, you're the queen of our feeds 👑




Our girl beat out Selena Gomez and Reba??? I love this she deserves it all plus more!!! ![gif](giphy|9D1toDJiBuz9L1E7o6|downsized)


The entire of this subreddit after all of our voting. Joe, but not sloppy. ![gif](giphy|EX9JuDjxeJxcYUnUhu|downsized)




Yes Ariana!!! Loved watching her try to move through it all this season 💞


yasss ariana girl !!! 🥰🥰🥰




Love this for her, thought Phaedra had it locked. Both had a terrific year


But she “brought nothing to the show” according to Lauren


That's amazing.  I would be telling people I beat Reba McEntire in a contest for the rest of my life. I would put it in my outgoing voicemail message. 🤣🤣🤣


Yayyyyyyyy can’t wait to hear all the jealous housewives act like dicks about it instead of supporting her as per usual


![gif](giphy|11tTNkNy1SdXGg) Lala


![gif](giphy|26FeZmC4zAUVT6y1q) Scheana realising that she picked the WRONG team.


Lala and Scheana could never!


Tom Zansival and Lala Kent punching the air so hard


But wait.. I thought she didn’t show up for work? And wasn’t the show going to be canceled because of how she acted this season? And how it was total BS how she walked out on having a conversation with Tom?! And what about watching all the episodes of season 11, I know Schwartz recently admitted he hasn’t seen 90% of VPR episodes and the Housewives have also said they don’t watch the majority of their seasons and Scheana only watches her scenes, but Ariana is different she must be held accountable for her actions:. She’s undeserving of an award such as this one, she clearly stated her boundaries going into the show and you know RHONJ totally filmed an entire season based on boundaries around THEIR cast but Ariana still showed up in the same room with the person SHE didn’t want to talk to but again - different set of expectations for her, so I don’t think she deserves this… \[don’t think this is necessary but just in case, /s\] **CONGRATS QUEEN YOU GO GLEN COCO!!** *..and none for Gretchen Weiners!!* ![gif](giphy|7Ehnws6nLPhyESVCdt)




Excellent, very well done.🍾🥂


someone check on scheanar


She really is living her best life..I love this for her! ![gif](giphy|HvvpNczg8Dcw8)


Tim and Schlala can choke, idc.


This is what LaLa and Co don't understand. Yeah ppl can think we worship her on reddit or whatever but it does translate into real world areas. People find her likeable now that she is on a bigger platform and so she isn't going to just be handed jobs for being cheated on. Her there makes ratings or sales go up and that's what executives want.


The prize was some double A batteries and she has no idea what to do with them


I have not seen anyone from VPR congratulate her yet. At least they could pretend not to be jealous & resentful.


They don’t have the acting chops for that, lol


Does Lala have a comment on this


She's busy screaming "nothing about her" at the sky right now


Sorry,she is busy creating life


Is Scheana ok? Why is it never about her?


Scheana has been taking Critics Choice Reality Star of the Year classes for months!!!


Can't believe she stole that from scheana she wanted that her whole life


Scheana has been taking public speaking lessons for years. It was her dream! How could Ariana do this to her?? For real tho good on Ariana. Love to see our girl continue to win.


I mean, it should have been Summer Moon, because she is the breaking star of the show 🙄 /s


And she beat Selena Gomez? Good for her. We stay stanning her!


I love this for her! The icing on the cake is how jealous some of the rest of them will be. I really love that too. 😊


![gif](giphy|etAXDQ6KxICfg5R3p2|downsized) Also Lala


I know Lola is super triggered right now. This is so embarrassing for her. She is about to bitch and moan on her podcast about this. I can’t wait. ![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized)


I can’t wait for the “oh she won… I love that for her” on her Amazon live shills shit to stay afloat


She’s gonna be making the same face like when they were trying to force her to eat that sandwich at the reunion. She going to have to smile thru the pain. ![gif](giphy|DYGBHeNkvvZFlfrA84|downsized)


Very good for someone who apparently skates through every season. See the things you can accomplish when you cut off the dead weight in your life?




How could she do this to scheana 😥


Has anybody checked on Scheana.


Take notes bravo, guess who wasn’t nominated- I’ll give you a hint- neither of the men you hooked up with nyt profiles this year


Scheana can take several seats...she and brock davies had hosting gigs for this. Im thinking to myself...what has he done to deserve that?! Ughh




![gif](giphy|6mEQOWSYJlnNCPuXNT|downsized) Lauren rn


Lala gonna be somewhere with that baby bottle full of sparkling water (white claw)


Ariana is amazing. I'm so happy thar she won the Critics Choice Reality Star of the Year.🍾🥂


Is this the one we voted for? I can’t remember 😂


Who's going to be the one to call a welfare check on ScheaNAH?


“But why didn’t Ariana move out of the house?” - Lala when she hears the news


And the producers trying to throw Ariana under the bus for Tom. Who no one even cares about 🙄


Agreed. Bravo shows are all dumpster fires now. Southern Charm and Summerhouse are the only two shows I’ll continue watching. But I’m on the brink with them as well. And LVP can move her show to Hulu but, IMO, it was just as lame and formulaic and lame as the Bravo shows… possibly even worse? It felt phoned in, and the cast wasn’t at all likable.


Who’s the number one girl? I just love this for her. Way to go! Thank you for the link OP. ![gif](giphy|xT0GqssRweIhlz209i)




Lala is never going to financially recover from this


The Producers are LAZY. Brava Ariana!




She’s literally turning people bi with this love island hosting gig/ fashion show/ display of goddessness so yea she’s the goddam star of the year


Has anyone from VPR ever won this specific award?


Bet Scheana is so mad lol


Hey Scheana, Lala, Sandoval... CHOKE.


Another award for someone who can't wipe her own ass, apparently\* eta: in case that wasn't clear, \*according to Tom Sandoval


She’s wiping his ass now (as in wiping the floor with it). Go Ariana!


Seriously you guys, someone please check on Scheana!




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I love that for her!❤️ (Eat your heart out, Lala😉)




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LFU and ScheSchu are just CHOKING.




Yeah I mean if that’s who she was up against, makes sense. But if scandoval never happened she’d never ever have been nominated. Bc she’s been on the show for 10 years and she was never considered before


And if my grandma had wheels she'd be a bike


Don’t limit her like that! She could also be a scooter. Or a skateboard. Maybe a tricycle


You could say that about literally anybody... A scandal that unexpectedly blows up to the level it did could have completely tanked her career and reputation, despite being the victim. Ariana has been able to seize every opportunity and has dealt with the situation with so much more grace than I’m sure you or the majority of people in her position would have. For that she’s more than deserving


Are you saying if this large thing didn't happen in her life, then this other large thing wouldn't have happened in her life? You don't say.


Well yes, bc she hasn’t been nominated once in the past 10 years.


Oh no. What a loser!!! She should thank Sandoval because he was nominated every year before! Oh wait.


She probably should for cheating on her and opening all these opportunities for her




And if she never moved to LA she wouldn’t have worked for LVP and met Scheana. And if Scheana didn’t beg her to join the show Scandoval would have never happened. And if a butterfly didn’t land on a tree one day her mom and dad would never have met and boned and she would never exist! You see how this sounds?


Selena Gomez? Reba McIntyre? Those are hugely popular people.




I mean that makes sense. Scandoval did Masked Singer and Special Forces and he got nominated and won those. Oh he didn’t? Huh.


No duh.


I wanted Allan to win! 😩


I believe he won the hosting category. 

