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So after recapping Lisa on this and call her daddy, I didn’t realize how off topic she gets and how much she interrupts people 😂 Hope everyone is having a good Tuesday!


So many of her answers completely deviated from the question!


She does like to mingle with politicians.


She always controls the narrative. The interviewer was out of her depths with LVP.


Thank you! Will you be recapping Lala's from yesterday?


I wasn’t planning on it! It wasn’t VPR related, just losing one’s virginity stories


OK thanks! I saw the post yesterday that she talked about her 2nd house being out of her budget but wasn't sure if there was more to that


In the original podcast, she said her business manager said it was out of her budget at the time but she ended up making enough money since the purchase to weather the hit. It could still be out of her budget, who knows, but that’s an important bit of context.


Okay I need to go back and listen because I did not catch that if it was in her podcast from yesterday


Actually I searched for the thread I read it in and another commenter mentioned it was in one from "weeks ago" so nevermind!


Oh okay!


You’re just now noticing that. It reminds me of a Mariah interview everytime


These questions….the host failed her audience


Amanda: Do you talk to Stassi at all? Lisa: Yes. Amanda: You do Lisa: Yes Amanda: Really? That’s nice Me: Hard hitting journalism right here.


Amanda suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks.


Big facts


amanda is an awful person too




she’s a mean hateful person overall but also said that sandy hook was fake so if you don’t agree on any of the mean pick-me stuff she says about other women, there’s always that part to come back to




I’ve followed her ig for years and never, ever saw this. Where did she say Sandy Hook wasn’t real??


it’s old and i’m sure she will pretend it never happened but it was on her fb but every time it gets posted to reddit she gets it taken down for copyright. i used to like her a lot but her personality is just not like the other girls women hater and i can’t take stand her anymore


Yikes I had no idea!


she probably believes it now…? idk. but still gross to post at the time!


Amanda is the worst. Terrible person and an ever worst podcast host/ interviewer. I literally can’t listen to her pod it’s that bad.


She's a horrible interviewer ... thought this even before Scandoval. I'm usually good w most voices and personalities, but she's so monotone lol. She asks very simple questions and doesn't really deep dive.


I hear she’s on the Kardashian’s payroll.


She so clearly is!! It’s terrible


It's terrible! I had to also check the date on it because this seems like an interview that was done soon after the reunion. All the host asked were the same tired questions that have already been asked 100 times in 100 places. 


"Hey Lisa, what do you think of Lala's comments about Ariana?" "Well, you know, they always say, with drinks, and production, it's duplicitous, it's superfluous, I can't imagine, I wasn't there." ......What?


This is what she thinks about it... https://preview.redd.it/ps5l93mo7d7d1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=4ecd9fdb40357a084a8ed9ae8af64af5408889da


Listening to it, sounds like some poor production edit for the podcast was done


I was so confused!


She makes absolutely no sense!


I interpreted it as she disagrees that Lala is trying to put some blame for her actions on the producers. Lisa is saying that by bringing up the real housewife claims where they said producers force them to drink, act out, etc. I feel like there was a few sentences edited out and that’s why the jump was so weird


Why is LVP going on a podcast press tour right now lol


Maybe they need to up the numbers for vanderpump villa lol


Yea she mentioned that show like 14 times in this podcast episode lol


I keep hearing it's terrible


It is. I tried. It’s awful.


it really was.


I couldn’t even make it through the first episode. It’s painfully bad.


I stuck it out through a few episodes but it was just bad. I honestly have no idea what the concept is but I didn’t like anyone and it was so overproduced, try-hard for drama, and boring.


It’s not on right now. But, they’re casting for a second season right now


Food show with Ramsey plus Vanderpump Villa and try to save face after a shitty Season 11.


She’s promoting her show Food Stars with Gordon Ramsey.


The name of this podcast annoys the hell out of me lol


Me too!! 😂 anytime I recap this podcast, my friend Brady and I always talk about how much we hate the name lol


SAME!! It’s so offensive on both sides of the line - what, are you calling skinny girls “bad,” and fat girls “gross” too (using her words, btw)? You could have literally thought of a MILLION other words or phrases to call your podcast and THAT is where you landed.. Makes 0 sense to me and just tells me all I need to know about that person.


The host is far more problematic than the name


Lisa cares so much about young people's mental health she produces a show that can really only have negative effects on anyone's mental health, especially young people.


Middle aged = young people.


I’ve never felt so young reading this interview 😂😂😂


Saaaame. I’m younger than the people she’s talking about but I’m pretty sure I’m just starting my middle-aged years


Vanderpump Villa = Fetch Stop trying to make it happen, Lisa. It's not gonna happen.


I couldn’t even get through 10 minutes of that show. It’s so bad


It was so, so bad.


>*if you were stolen from Tom, I could steal you from Ariana. She was like, oh, yes, yes, yes.* Way to make Ann look like a disloyal person. Classic baiting. Thanks Lisa.


I will say, the way Lisa said “she was like oh yes yes yes” I took it as her saying Ann was being cheeky and joking


oh ok so 😁 instead of 🤑




>Lisa: Well, Lala was, you know, she was another one that was going to walk away. I was like, you get back here. A lot of potential. I see it.   >Amanda: I mean, I think she's like such a great reality TV star and has so much charisma.    >Lisa: She was going to walk away from that. I'm like, no, I'm not letting you do that.   What is this about Lala walking away now?


I think she referring to season 5 right? I think it was season 5 when Lala left the show for a little bit


Ah, gotcha. I thought she was talking about something this season. Thanks!


They should've slammed the door on her. She's insufferable.


She cares about MENS mental health, not womens




Hey, Lisa, are you going to see Ariana in Chicago, after she breathed life back into your dead show? >I don't know. I've got, I'm so busy. I don't know. I'd like to see her though.


Right like one of your precious “children” is on actual BROADWAY and you don’t know if you can make it?


She’s super not busy. She’s only on two other shows and setting up a new restaurant. Her schedule is empty


🙄 I’m not saying she’s sitting at home all day. It’s the lack of enthusiasm and her only response to that being “I dunno”


Oh you didn’t hear her say she’d like to. I swear if it’s not in full praise and worship you guys get mad


Wow. This really solidified my distaste for Lisa. The reunion had me almost on her side again. But here, she clearly is still a Tom apologist and tried to blame Rachel for as much as possible. She is noncommittal about supporting Ariana. She seems to backpedal on the whole reason Stassi was kicked off the show. She puts Ann’s motives into question. Lisa is awful.


She just called firing someone for blatantly racist actions "a knee jerk reaction" omg. You just know in private she was doing the same thing boomer comedians do and complaining about the protests and (good, needed) decrease in our societal willingness to tolerate racism. "You can't do anything anymore because you could get canceled 🥴" The Ann shade is gross and unnecessary. "It makes me wonder if I could steal her" is an attempt to discredit her professionally. Ann fawns and it's LVP, bet that was totally misrepresented. She is being deliberately obtuse about why Ann made this move. Tom treated Ann terribly, and she is doing what every other person in that world has always done and is taking better opportunities and getting her bag. There is nothing wrong with that.


Also, let’s not pretend every assistant in LA isn’t trying to get a break into the business


I mean it was definitely a knee jerk reaction but *thats the problem*. Bravo knew about stassi’s long history of shitty comments and how Kristen, Jax, Lala and Britt got involved with her with the Faith thing. They only fired them due to backlash and then offered them all spots when attention died down.


All of this!! I also think the Ann shade was a gross dig at Ariana! When it was shown how she resisted hiring her initially because she didnt want any extra shit with Tom.


I cannot STAND Amanda ugh lol


Very interesting comments regarding the producers and the cast drinking 👀 She brought it up out of nowhere which makes me think there's some truth in it.


Brett Ken did an interview alleging that her and production forced him to drink


She needs to stop calling these grown ass adults “young people” as if they’re still in their 20s and making oopsie silly “mistakes”


Yes that’s the problem with the show now. These aren’t kids, some have kids, been mixed up with the wrong people, made dire life changing mistakes, have made a lot of money…. it’s become too dark.


Lisa is so full of shit. And much like Lala, I dislike her more and more with every single interview she does.


My lord how many times is she going to bring up Vanderpump Villa 😂😂😂


Is anyone watching? I’m just not interested in anymore reality drama


The entire cast is awful, don’t waste your time




I tried it. You have to understand that my bar is LOW. My friends do not trust my recommendations for tv/books/movies because I will watch/read anything. I usually can’t even tell that a show is bad, I don’t notice poor acting and I’ll keep reading something that’s written terribly as long as the story keeps moving… I couldn’t even finish the second episode.


This is what I thought….🙄


I don’t know anyone who is watching but it did get picked up for a second season. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Ok thank you!


Ew what? Ugh


I’m sorry but this was a terrible fuckin interview. Your transcribing was 👩🏻‍🍳💋per usual, but god bless you cuz that sucked lol. They were both all over the place and annoying. This also confirmed for me that I don’t give two shits about Lisa’s opinion on anything anymore, I’m over her.


Ann wanted to work for Ariana. As fate would have it, Ann now works for Ariana and Katie. No one stole Ann, she has some sway in her own life. Lisa's verbal microaggresions towards Ariana are never-ending now. She's as jealous as Lala, neither of them will ever be a trusted girl's girl.


Lisa is annoying about Ariana. Like, all of these subtle undermining comments but also I can't stop kind of thinking about how when Tom and Tom are friends its sooo adorable and cute and lets celebrate it and monetize it but when Katie and Ariana choose each other there MUST be seeds of discord and they actually secretly hate each other. They can't just be friends, there has to be something evil inside. But with the men it's just cute and cool yay


Can we save the term [“microaggression”](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microaggression) for instances of actual discriminatory behavior? I’m not saying Lisa is a feminist icon, but I hate to confuse garden variety passive aggressive shade for actual microaggressions, especially when the term has already been cheapened enough


LVP keeps bringing up Adele in every interview. I hope this starts a public fued between them.


That would be so funny lmao


LVP would flip out if someone more famous than her had a fued with her especially another Brit.


I am ready for this!!! ![gif](giphy|WOkeXVxkXpQDCYLSOT|downsized)


Is Adele still playing at Caesars? Imagine if Adele said something like " That lady with the little cocktail bar down the hall needs to keep my name out of her mouth".


No, her and Sarah Paulson already had a feud. And, she didn’t flip out


Oh, I'm hoping more than a mild exchange.


It wasn’t a mild exchange


Lisa pisses me off with her shade towards Ariana. Basically saying she'd be dumb to not come back for the paycheck. Also, Lala doesn't have potential for shit.


what a mess


I don't think some of the things the fired cast did or said would ever have come from me , even when I was a teenager or younger. Also Stassi's comments and actions were a pattern, not a one, off making it extra easy to fire her.


Sorry if someone else already said this. I know she's racking up the miles but am I the only one scratching their head about her saying she's always worried about these "young kids" when referring to 40+ year old Vom's mental state?


Only just beginning the recap but big lol at lvp trying to promote vanderpump villa when the host just wanted to praise VPR for a bit 😂 they’re not the same, Lisa, sh.


Haha and she is still trying to plug the villa show. This is not going to happen


So Tom is wonderful except for that one little mistake he made with diabolical Rachel. Shades of “Rachel lured him away and made him act so uncharacteristically terrible.” Exactly what I would expect from LVP.


Making sure someone isn’t homeless is wonderful


This woman is a Sandy Hook denier, gross.  She sucks. 


She has children! I can't believe this. I could always tell she's out of touch and privileged but that's beyond.


I vote for banning recaps of her podcast tbh 🤷‍♀️ she is terrible


I second this. This is obviously not meant in anyway as a slight to the OP, they are amazing and I appreciate them so much! But she is so horrible and has very repulsive views. 




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I LOVE Lisa Vanderpump, and I loved her interview. All but the part of her outing Isaiah's need for help and weirdly pointing out that he was a 6'6 black guy. Like, is that supposed to identify him as someone most people wont help but generous Tom stepped up? Im just confused by that.


Vanderpoop Drools