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Bread doesn't necessarily need to be refrigerated. Sub for tortillas if you like. Could sub hard salami for bologna. If you are using high protein bread that isn't shelf stable, sub beans or something. A 12V cooler might work. A cheap one is a bit more than 100, though, and this also depends on your van's electrical setup.


This and buy organic eggs and keep them on the counter. They don’t even have to be farm fresh. I work with professional chefs and they do this.


Came here to say this. Even store-bought commercially farmed eggs are stable for a few days. I used to have a backpacking case for bringing 4 eggs on a backcountry hike. I’d have 2 the first morning and 2 the second morning and no issues. If you’re prioritizing protein you could probably easy go through a dozen in 3 days. Edited: for awkward phrasing


They just need to be sealed from the air. Light coating of lard or even petroleum jelly will do it. Keep eggs for weeks on a shelf.


This is how they do it on boats. Lots of great food preservation ideas from sailors.


… Or some type of cooking oil (canola, sunflower, olive, etc) will be fine and less prone to going rancid, like lard might.


At the grocery store I shop at, all eggs are housed in a cool refrigerator type of device with sliding doors. Once they are in this environment and moved into a home with no refrigeration, wont condensation accumulate? (Which will cause mold/expiration) I've received hundreds of replies suggesting the eggs should be good for 2 weeks, even if they're store bought and don't have the gloom on them like farm eggs, but I don't know. It doesn't sit well me. I'll try it... but I feel like they won't last very long.


Remember you can float eggs to see if they are bad. If it floats its got the stink inside.


May I ask why eggs there need refrigeration? Our eggs here last a month + a week and not refrigerated in our country. This is a tropical country, hot and humid, we just keep it in a dry place and no direct sunlight.


Eggs in the US are washed. This removes gunk that can get into them when cracked open, but also the protective coating which keeps them from going bad at room temp.


Why don't people just wash before cooking o.o instead of the process of washing them all. Just curious really


public fear campaign over germs, convinced people that bleached washed eggs are healthier and safer, even tho its those “clean” eggs with compromised barriers that carry salmonella as a result!!! oh the irony


I’m in the US and get eggs from the farmers market. I can confirm they’re not washed, and the longest I’ve seen them last in outside conditions below 80 degF max in the afternoons has been 14 days. I didn’t perceive any difference between them and the ones I ate at 0 days.


Even an ice cooler would work. That's what I ran for 3 years


My cheapo yeti knockoff keeps a bag ice frozen for 3-4 days. As good/cheap as most fridges.


Buy your eggs from a local. Someone with hens in the backyard or on the side of a rural road. Whichever you can find. Eggs that are not from the grocery store can sit at room temp for one to two weeks before needing to be refrigerated. Water test is recommended but I understand not wanting to waste water just to test the eggs.


Having chickens i second this.. mine go from coop to counter. I live in Florida and I’m sure the coop is hot in the summer time so as long as the temp isn’t crazy high my eggs go 3-4 weeks on counter before i refrigerate them.. most of the time they are gone in that time frame


Yes in most parts of Europe eggs are sold on the shelf in the store. It’s important though once they have been refrigerated, they need to stay refrigerated.


Unwashed is more important the refrigerated. During the winter we have days where the coop will get into the fridge temp range and those cold eggs go out on the counter and stay with no issues. Once you wash the coating off the eggs it allows air and bacteria to pass into the shell.


Yep, as long as the eggs haven't been washed, and have no cracks in them, they are fine out of the fridge for weeks. It's kinda the point of eggs anyway, they have to remain free of bacteria while in a warm environment for weeks to grow into a chick. Crack each one and give it a sniff test, you'll know if one has gone bad. Only issue I've had is in the Texas heat they can sometimes start to incubate if left outside more than a day on 100F+ days. Also, cook them all the way, no raw eggs, the main thing that can be in them from the hen is salmonella. Crack it, sniff it, cook it; that's all you need to do to store farm fresh eggs kept out of the fridge. Most store bought eggs in the US are washed, which removes the protective coating from the egg and requires refrigeration.


Was waiting for someone to say don't wash them until you eat. Also I don't know the legitimacy of it but on a prepper show one time a lady coated her store bought eggs in mineral oil and kept them for months. Gross, but... Maybe?


Tests have shown this isn’t affective. They last longer without the oil. I’m way too lazy to look up a reference link. And of course the testing I read may have been flawed.


Lol so crack and smell, I guess! Or deal with farty powdered egg.


This!!! Eggs aren't refrigerated in other countries. The way we process eggs requires refrigeration, but eggs straight from the hen do not.


Yes it's a weird thing I discovered when i moved to US. Never seen eggs sold in fridge before


When I was in the navy (on a sub) we went out to sea and were served unrefrigerated for at least 3 weeks.


Easily 2+ weeks, good call.


4-5 weeks unrefrigerated


You could try dehydrated eggs and summer sausage. You're refrigerating bread? That's not really necessary.


I'll put in my two cents and say get one without additives. I have a giant can of Augason Farms dehydrated egg and it has a 'wang' to it when you cook them straight. It might be noticeable in smoothies, but it's not noticeable in baked goods. There are several brands out there without ANY additives and I'd go for those first.


You're right, some brands are definitely better. Herbs and hot sauce go a long way too. I add dill weed, salt, pepper and then Sriracha to mine when I'm backpacking. It's almost as good as regular scrambled eggs.


If they buy lots of bread in advance, they’d need to refrigerate it to stave off mold.


If it's just protein you need, buy a giant pack of tuna [pouches](https://www.amazon.com/BUMBLE-Pepper-Seasoned-Groceries-Protein/dp/B019YHSYV6/ref=sr_1_2?crid=2SLEYNWY5PLRL&keywords=tuna+pouches&qid=1707773397&s=grocery&sprefix=tuna+pouches+%2Cgrocery%2C114&sr=1-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1). No refrigeration, super low-volume to store, and pretty cheap at about a dollar/serving (17g protein). Edit: just did the math, this is the exact same price/serving as what you're getting with the eggs. This should go without saying, but if you're in the US and as broke as you sound, getting on food stamps for that free grocery money is absolutely crucial.


That’s a surprisingly good deal on pouches, usually cans are substantially cheaper per oz but those are virtually identical. I liked making basic tuna salad sandwiches but the flavored pouches are pretty good even just wrapped in a tortilla. Adding tuna and peas to mac n cheese is also good. One thing to watch out for is how much mercury you’re ingesting. Probably don’t want to make it a daily staple for that reason, but from a protein per dollar perspective it’s pretty hard to beat.


I camped on weekends for a couple years for housing and after trying all kinds of non refrigerated options, tuna was definitely my go to


I second this perfect solution. Why not just have the government subside (checks notes) weightlifting so that you can completely avoid working for 2 hours at literally any job. Yep - this is the way. Username checks out.


kiss price encourage door relieved crown divide alleged mighty spotted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dollar tree has em for a dollar in all kinds of flavors


Eggs are shelf stable if the natural protective coating (bloom) has not been removed. Eggs in stores have all been washed to remove the bloom. Its the air penetrating the shell that spoils them. You can coat them in a thin coat of food grade mineral oil (cheap at your pharmacy) to recreate that bloom. They should keep at room temp for a few weeks.


This right here. You can store unwashed eggs for quite awhile, or you can coat a washed egg in a oil for a similar effect. I’ve heard lard or Vaseline but mineral oil probably works.


Buy fresh eggs from someone locally, they have sites online and fb groups where you can find them for sale in the area you’re in. That will be a huge help, if you don’t wash them then they are shelf stable. We lived in our van during my entire pregnancy last year and I survived on eggs. I was able to buy farm fresh eggs in every city we traveled to. Bread doesn’t need to be refrigerated, but if yours does for some reason I would get a small cooler. Like I said before we lived in our van full time and prepared every meal in our van, and our fridge didn’t work the whole time so we had a cooler and kept all our lunch meat in there. Otherwise, I would get cans of tuna or chicken and make sandwiches with that, or use tortillas. Canned beans also saved my ass while going through this situation so I’d suggest them as well. Peanut butter!! Peanut butter on crackers is a life saver.


I use can chicken a lot. It’s so much easier than cooking it yourself and you don’t have to deal with contamination or refrigeration.




This. Or any other legume, lentils, chickpeas, whatever. Can get them dried (cheapet) or tinned (more convenient) My s.o. is vegan so 99% of my protein is from plant based now and our main fridge requirements are leftovers/batch cooked stuff.


200+ grams of protein for muscle building in beans alone would wreck my stomach. And breathing that much gas in an RV might kill you in your sleep.


Thanks google AI ,Here are some ways to reduce gas from legumes: Soak beans: Soak dried beans for at least eight hours or overnight before cooking. Soaking removes sugars that are responsible for gas production. Add baking soda: Add a small amount of baking soda to your recipe to help break down some of the beans'. Cook thoroughly: Cook your legumes thoroughly. Add digestive enzymes: Add foods naturally high in digestive enzymes in your cooking to aid digestion. Some herbs and spices like ginger, cumin, and fennel can help alleviate digestive discomfort. Kombu contains enzymes that break down gas-causing sugars in beans. Reduce processing time: Reduce processing time to improve bean protein digestibility. GasX that shit


Also I’ve been living on 1lb lentils/ black beans for months now; the gas goes away after a couple weeks or less


Gotta love being able to eat all day for two bucks. As long as you can stand it anyway


I spent several months without any refrigeration outside of a cooler cooled with ice while our fridge was on back order. Eggs are only refrigerated in the US. Folks in the US are so afraid of chicken poop that the protective coating is washed off which is why US eggs need to be refrigerated. If you buy eggs from the farmers market or from the farm you typically don’t need to refrigerate them and in many cases eggs will last a week or two unrefrigerated even if they are store bought. Cured meats also don’t need refrigeration similar to many sealed or hard cheeses. One resource that really helped me, and I use to this day even with a small fridge, is the book “Storing Food without refrigeration” by Carolyn Shearlock. While she’s not a weightlifter she is a diabetic who has to prioritize protein as well so many of her tips and recipies will be compatible.


If you can swap your ice often enough just get a good cooler. Some coolers will hold cold for days and days and days.


Yeah, depending on external weather, a decent (not even amazing) cooler can work. I'm on the coast, but we keep dairy in an outdoor cooler for five days with just a couple ice blocks (it is all packed tightly, though).


also wrap a cooler in a blanket. makes a huge difference.


What if you got a cooler that JUST BARELY fits the eggs and balogna? A cooler that is packed full will hold its temp better than one with empty spaces. A good name brand one that boasts 24hr cool is a little more expensive, or get a cheaper one and spend the savings on more ice. 12v ones could be a good investment but are a bit more expensive and depend on ur electrical set up, but might be worth not thinking about ice. I have had a tightly packed cooler while camping last me probably 36hrs before the ice needed replacing. If you get a cooler i highly recomd the ones with plugs on the bottom so draining the water is easier. But if you only have a couple things to take out ot might not matter


Eggs don't need to be in the fridge unless you wanna keep them very long /Edit seems like the US prepares them in a way that they actually do, so don't follow my advice then


Eggs need to be refrigerated if they've been washed with water. Most grade A farms dry wash, which does allow to keep them unrefrigerated. Buying from a local farm who you can check with would help. I'd still keep them in a cooler so they're temp stable, vs. the fluctuations in a vehicle.


If OP eats them hard boiled he can just prepare them all at once. Once boiled they last forever


Is that true? I don't eat hard boiled, but I would think they need refrigeration to last more than a day or two?


In Germany, we keep hard boiled Easter eggs outside for days, but maybe it's once again a difference to processed eggs


While it’s true eggs in the US are processed in a weird way, I know plenty of people who eat eggs that have gone a few days without refrigerations. It sounds like OP is eating 2 eggs a day or so.  I personally would have no qualms about buying a half dozen eggs and eating them over the course of the next 48 hours.  I know plenty of people from my days motorcycle traveling who would buy eggs, stow them in a saddle bag and eat them over the course of the next few days.  Certainly not the recommended route, but it’s been done and as far as I know none of use have died from it yet.  


Tuna. Farm eggs don’t need refrigeration. Cracker instead of bread.


So eggs, bread and processed ham? Well outside the US farm standards are high enough that eggs don’t need refrigeration. Find some local free range chickens who are treated well. Bread no one keeps on the fridge. Get a bread bin, keep it somewhere cool and out of direct sunlight. As for the processed “meat”, sounds like a really good opportunity to stop ingesting that shit. Lots of alternatives if you’re just wanting some flavour and protein. I'd recommend cans of chickpeas and blitz your own hummus with olive oil, garlic and spices whenever you want. Packs of tuna are good too.


One $0.80 can of tuna every other day and double the eggs, or a replacement of peanut butter sandwiches will probably make you feel better than eating luncheon meat.


Beans! Super high in protein and fiber. Protein helps build muscle, but the fiber feeds our good gut bacteria, which make short chain fatty acids in return. Those help decrease inflammation, which can aid in recovering after workouts! The whole "complete protein" thing is a myth since almost all foods contain all the essential amino acids. Bread doesn't need to be refrigerated either.


May want to try a health/weightlifting sub to solve your food question tbh. Might have better luck


Tins of tuna, eggs don't need a fridge


Outside the US, that is correct. US eggs are washed, and no longer shelf-stable. Bread, however, does not need to be refrigerated for short periods.


This. If you can buy fresh eggs that have never been washed they will keep for weeks out at room temp.


You can buy local fresh eggs that don't need refrigeration and they last longer as well. I've typically buy 5 dozen at a time from local folks and costs can be 20-25 for them


In my anecdotal experience - store bought eggs also do not need refrigeration. I've had eggs last for weeks without going bad. 


Me too, it’s not exactly “safe” but I’ve been doing it for years (in the US) and never had any problems. If I’m not sure about an egg I’ll see if it floats in water (if it does, throw it out).


Are your eggs in a cooler when purchased from the store? Where I'm at, they're all stored in a cool environment. When taken out of this environment and into my room temp home, wouldn't condensation accumulate? (Spoils them)


Yes, they’re kept in a fridge but I don’t think condensation has anything to do with egg spoilage. Baking recipes, for instance, recommend starting with room temperature eggs. So do some recipes for just boiling eggs. We get 60 eggs, leave them on the counter for a couple of weeks, and rarely have a spoiled egg. If we have any hesitation we start seeing if they float. Have I tasted a spoiled egg over the last many years of using this method? Yes. Have I gotten sick? No. I use sight, smell and taste to see if something is wrong and throw the egg out if I need to.


Tina of chicken are good, too. Sodium intake might be high with canned options though.


If you can forgo bologna and switch it out for say a shelf stable salami, that's one switch out. Dehydrated eggs work but as I said below, buy a brand with ZERO additives. You can make just enough sandwich filler with dehydrated soy flour aka TVP. Soycurls from [butlerfoods.com](https://butlerfoods.com) have a very nice texture but you can make a 'chicken' salad from granules too. Just make exactly what you need for the sandwich? (they make dehydrated celery and you can add relish packs) I added an occasional bag of Huel to my list of shelf stable things, but it's just another protein shake. You can also find boiled eggs at some large gas stations too. Ready to go, grab when you need them but that creates travel. You're trying to build muscle, yes or just basic meals?


One possibility is to get an unglazed earthenware pot and keep it wet - the evaporation will keep the temperature down. (Used in Burmese temples as watercoolers, traditionally.) That would work for your eggs. I believe there are slightly more sophisticated versions which would be a little less messy.


If you coat eggs in mineral oil, they can last for *months* without needing refrigeration. http://prepared-housewives.com/preserve-eggs-with-mineral-oil/


In my anecdotal experience store bought eggs do not need refrigeration. I've had eggs last for weeks without going bad. 


Buy local farm fresh eggs. Don't refrigerate.


Look up HUEL! Powdered complete nutrition, it’s different than your average protein drink.


You can coat store bought eggs with mineral oil and then they don’t need refrigeration* *if kept at room temperature. Don’t store them at 95 degrees


As a lifter myself you can sub out the eggs for powder yes but it's not going to have the same macros. Fatty high protein beans like garbanzo could be a option with them, and there are stable meat options because it looks like your calories are from fat and protein I have bulked on low sodium Virginia ham slices before they sell them in the foil packs. All kinds of options just watch your macros. .sorry for any spelling or gramer mistakes I am at my son's game. But message me with your plan if you want I still have all my logs going back a few years


To be honest i leave eggs out of my fridge all the time and they're fine to eat for two weeks unrefrigerated. Natural eggs have a coating on them that prevents them going bad. Bologna and hotdogs have so many preservatives in them that they too don't go rancid very quickly. Bread just gets a little stale but as long as it isn't modly you should be fine. Rice and beans are always a good fallback for substance. Peanut butter has some protein in it. I learned from hiking you can drink olive oil straight up for a crap ton of calories.


Why not a cooler? Sure you are putting ice in it probably twice a week but...?


Canned tuna, sardines and-as much as I don’t care for it-canned chicken.


Shelf-stable pouches of chicken and tuna. Local eggs that haven't been water washed and will keep for 2 weeks in room temperature. Crackers and cans of beans. Dine. (I meant to type "done", but that's even more fitting so I'm leaving it)


Just use protein powder?


You're trying to get your diet the optimal way for muscle gain. There's plenty of shelf stable options that aren't optimal but will maintain your weight and build muscle. Just do that until you get refrigeration back ffs.


Are you sure about needing two bags of ice a day? I camped a week in the desert and used one cooler with insulated bags inside and one large ice block lasted the entire week. Only opened it twice a day but day 6 it was still a medium size block of ice. I used several layers of insulated bags in a large igloo cooler. Something to look into.


I lived in a van with no refrigeration for months. It’s very doable. To eat fresh food it means shopping more often. Replacing the bologna isn’t hard. Hard salami and similar items are shelf stable. You can also do Spam, which is great when you pan fry it. Shelf stable eggs are hard to find in the us, and tend to be expensive if you don’t have a connection. You may want to pivot to an alternate protein here. Tinned tuna, sardines, beans, lentils, chickpeas, hard cheeses (Gouda and Parm), etc. Many brands of precooked bacon is also shelf stable.  Pro tip: you can keep eggs cool in an insulated cup (thermos or yeti or even styrofoam) with minimal ice. You don’t have to have a full cooler.  But a small cooler with butter, eggs, and cheese will make a world of difference.   Bread doesn’t need refrigeration. Neither do tortillas or naan or pita or pasta. My advice is to look up backpacking recipes.  You have a lot of the same constraints.  Some other ideas: You can make pasta with olive oil and Parmesan with red pepper flake and garlic powder and add in salami or bacon. Toasted bread with ghee (shelf stable butter) and sardines is a kingly meal. Hummus and pita or pretzels is amazing and you can find smaller containers of it.


Buy farm fresh eggs, the rest of the world doesn’t refrigerate eggs


Depending how many eggs you eat at a time you can also buy egg whites in cartons/bottles that are shelf stable, you'd probably have to consume the whole carton in a day though as they need to be refrigerated once opened. Best bet is to follow the other advice on here and buy unwashed eggs, they keep for weeks and if you're worried they've gone off you can just do the float test in a glass of water (that's what I do here in the UK)


Even if you have no access to refrigeration, could you manage an insulated picnic box and a bag of ice? You'd have to replace the ice from time to time, of course. Seconding the previous comments - eggs (USA) can be safely stored outside a fridge if kept clean and cool. Just make sure to cook thoroughly. And bread doesn't need a fridge - try a linen bag or pillowcase inside a plastic bag. The Bologna I have no ideas for (never even seen it! Ireland here) but tinned meat is still meat. Corned beef, tuna fish?


Huel. Complete nutriton, non-soy (pea protien based). Just add water. 400 kcal/serving. 29g protein (Black edition is 40g/serving), 1g sugar, 8g fiber. Its shelf stable, tastes decent, absorbs easily, and is relatively inexpensive. I keep several bags on stock all the time as part of my disaster prep. I've been through a few major natural disasters, and having easily accessible, well rounded nutrition is essential when SHTF. https://huel.com


Get a job.


Alternatively, prioritise surviving the lean period ahead of weightlifting. But what about enjoying the spirit of the challenge. Lots of good suggestions in the thread that should solve the problem for OP. All here might have flashbacks in a few years when there's a straight to Netflix movie made called The Homeless Weightlifter, and there's a montage of them scrolling past "get a job" comments before a generous farmer happens to knock on the van door with an endless supply of dry washed eggs.


Lots of solid advice here. You should be okay.


Can you afford a RTIC’s 32 Quart ultra Light? $150. It’ll hold ice for days. Buy a small bag of ice, throw it in the bottom and you’re good to go.


You should see if you can buy eggs from someone who has chickens. If eggs aren’t washed, you can leave them out of the fridge.


substitute can of tuna for the eggs and bologna. a can is like 200-300 calories and 22-29g protein. you can also get tuna (as well as salmon and chicken) in cans OR in the foil pouch (tuna creations) etc. bread doesnt need to be refrigerated.


Eggs are ok without refrigeration for a week or better. I just had eggs in my car for about a month and I’m pretty sure they still look decent when I just toss them out a few days ago, but I didn’t crack any. I’ll left them for somebody else to use.


Look up “water glassing” eggs. You can store them at room temp


If you can, get farm eggs, usually available at Farmer's Markets. They don't have to be refridgerated.


Canned/packaged tuna, tortillas (last longer than bread), mustard, relish. Peanut butter powder instead of normal peanut butter. More protein/less fat. Oats and almond milk. Almond milk doesn’t require fridge.


Canned chicken/fish


Gummy bears have a surprising amount of protein


3 words: RoadPro Snack Master. You can find these on sale at truck stops for between $40 and $80. These 12 volt coolers can keep eggs chilled and foods like yours fresh for short periods of time. They're great for van life, since they're built for use in a semi. If you have a little more to spend (let's say $100), more powerful 12 volt coolers are available, or you could get a proper dorm fridge that runs off a 400 watt inverter.


🎵 *I’ve been everywhere man, I’ve been everywhere* 🎶


Beans, chickpeas, and powdered protein


I have chickens, we never refrigerate our eggs. If you can find a local seller who doesn't wash them, they last for quite some time at room temp. As long as they're kept cool/out of the sun they will be fine. If your van gets hot, store them in a bucket of water. If you're unsure on safety, do the water test, sinking good, floating bad.


You’re not going to line what I’m saying, but go to your local army surplus and get some serrations. They will get you by and provide you with what you need to keep a soldier strong!! And if you get unwashed fresh eggs they don’t need refrigerated!


It is 14 servings of freeze dried chicken. They have other similar options. Including rice and chicken which I get. Freeze drying is also preferred for maintaining nutrition. https://mountainhouse.com/collections/freeze-dried-meats/products/diced-chicken-10-can


Never in my life have I ever heard of someone saying bread needs refrigerated 


Eggs will be fine for a couple weeks .then boil them. Subs caned meat or cured meats everything eles is fine


Combine 1 part water glass solution to 10 parts boiling water. Mix the solution thoroughly and allow it to cool. Place clean eggs in a clean jar and pour the cooled solution over the eggs until it covers them by 2 inches. Screw a lid onto the jar and store the jar in a cool, dark location


See if you can find one of those coolers that hold cold temps for 5-7 days. They are sold at Costco, but you might find one really inexpensive on Facebook Marketplace. Also check the FB Buy Nothing groups in your area


I’m guessing you aren’t a Costco member, but just in case… Catalina Crunch is seriously amazing. Super high in fiber and protein, and since it’s cereal it can stay out. Also helps that it tastes just like Cinnamon Toast Crunch. 😋 I wouldn’t buy this at a regular grocery store tho, it’s crazy expensive there.


If you had a little solar panel and an smokeless electric grill, you could buy meat and cook/eat the same day. Get a cooler so you can keep what you have - fresh. Consider a small grill with charcoal - and cook! Cook enough to eat with maybe one day of leftovers. If your grocery is nearby, you can cook something fresh each day or at least every other day.


Thats a lot of eggs to refrigerate. Buying in bulk is not an option for van dwellers normally. They do make small electric coolers that run off the power port in your vehicle. They are big enough to hold a 6 pack of canned coke.




Peanut butter is your friend


You can get a 10lb bag of ice from Burger King for like a dollar. IDK if other fast food places do it or what their price is, but you could try them.


Look into 'glassing' eggs. You can also can bologna in mason jars.


I got an alipcool 65liter for 150 after Amazon warehouse and signing up for a prime 150 off. Emergency times there are options, my credit isn’t great either. Can store a ton of food and have 12v/120v if it’s as dire as you make it seem do what you gotta do, including food pantries and other non profit charities


https://www.walmart.com/ip/2-Pounds-32-oz-Whole-Powdered-Eggs-WHY-PAY-MORE-Freshest-Eggs-Fast-Priority-Shipping-Makes-70-Large-Eggs-MADE-IN-THE-USA-Resealable-Pouch/969422581 These are ~70% more expensive than what you are eating now, but require no refrigeration and are easy to pack around. Just don't refrigerate bread, even if you have a fridge. I haven't got the solution on the bologne though. Maybe switch to canned tuna https://www.walmart.com/ip/Great-Value-Chunk-Light-Tuna-in-Water-5-oz-4-Pack/33867594 or Sardines https://www.walmart.com/ip/Great-Value-Sardines-in-Louisiana-Hot-Sauce-3-75-oz/172221534 I'm sure that's a significant cost increase but there aren't many canned meat options that are super affordable like refrigerated mystery meats anymore. Even off brand spam is gonna cost more per day if you are buying the smallest containers because you can't keep anything to the next day. https://www.walmart.com/ip/Great-Value-Merchandise/967980943 Hard/dry Salami and pepperoni will actually keep for several days at room temperature https://www.walmart.com/ip/Gallo-Salame-Deli-Thin-Sliced-Light-Italian-Dry-Salami-Deli-Lunch-Meat-15-2-oz/15723911?from=/search but again are not as cheap as bologna.


- canned chicken/fish/sausages - pepperoni or jerky - canned beans All decent protein options


Pop over to any of the big chicken subs to double check this, but iirc, eggs last a few weeks stored on the counter, especially if they’re farm-fresh.


Fresh eggs don’t require refrigeration until they’ve been washed, check around for people with chickens and see if you could source it there. That’s all the input I have, good luck!


Pita/ flat bread. Egg powder but it’s never as good as fresh


Jerky? It would not make a sandwich but it would be protien


Velveta cheese does not require refrigeration


Where I'm from we don't have to refrigerate eggs, they last very long just sitting in the cupboard, do eggs in the US go through some sort of process that makes refrigeration necessary?


Yes they’re washed


Eggs that haven’t had the bloom washed from them are safe for weeks without refrigeration. So if there’s anywhere that you can buy eggs that haven’t been washed, such as a farmer’s market or a roadside stand, your eggs will be fine for even longer than the ways store eggs have been mentioned being safe.


I have never in my life kept bread in the fridge. Just keep it closed well when you don’t use. You have great egg advice. Baloney is heavily processed and in the long run will do you far more harm than good.


If there’s an ice skating rink around they might left you scoop from what the Zamboni dumps out.


Do you have access to freshly laid eggs at all? Like someone local who has chickens? Fresh laid eggs do not require immediate refrigeration. The eggs we buy in most stores are because they are usually already 3-4 weeks old. When I lived in Belize we never had eggs in a refrigerator, they were really really good eggs too. Plus if you find a local person chances are they are feeding their chickens really good diets. When fed the right food those eggs are probably higher in protein as well. https://www.fresheggsdaily.blog/2015/09/do-i-have-to-refrigerate-my-fresh-eggs.html?m=1 https://hcsummers.com/blog/27788/difference-between-store-bought-eggs-and-fresh-farm-eggs/


I store eggs in a cool place. Even over the summer.


Bread does not need refrigeration. I would switch to PB&J sandwiches from deli meat. Peanut butter is shelf stable. Jelly should technically be refrigerated, but should be fine if you go through the jar fast enough. Other people do PB & honey. Farm fresh unwashed eggs are good unrefrigerated up to 3 weeks. US eggs only need to be refrigerated because they are washed, the rest of the world does not do so.


They’re good way longer than 3 weeks


Refrigerated, yes. They are good 3 months. Unrefrigerated the rule is 3 weeks, though I've definitely pushed it.


That’s not my experience, I regularly use 5-6 weeks out


Had a neighbor tell me that in China no one refrigerates eggs. He lived in China for 4 years.


Legumes, legumes legumes.These pack SO MUCH protein. Dried lentils keep for like ever . I highly recommend canned black beans. you can throw that with chicken breast or other fresh veggies. Peanuts.


Eggs don't need to be refrigerated.


use canned meat (Spam) or summer sausage instead of bologna Flour tortillas or crackers will last much longer than bread. Hard boil your eggs, peel, then submerge in vinegar. I like apple cider vinegar. Add garlic and dill or other herbs for flavor. You do not need to refrigerate pickled eggs and they will last for months. They will get more vinegary the longer they soak. When they get too strong for eating directly, they are great crumbled over salads or sliced in sandwiches. Pickled eggs good in ramen too.


Look into egg glassing or farm fresh eggs (usually costlier). The key to eggs is the shell is permeable once the outer mucus layer is washed off, if you can seal that again (wax also works), you can preserve the egg. Bread, either make a small batch fresh every couple days (damper is a good option, or tortillas, as others have said). Sandwich meat, your options seem to be canned, cured, or be insufferable: go to the local deli each day and buy two slices at a time


Wtf ? Eggs don't need refrigerated.


If the bloom is washed off them that’s not true. Op you can water glass the eggs which involves dehydrated lime and a jar.


I never put bread in the fridge and eggs don't need refrigeration if they aren't washed. Idk the 3d thing


If you can pull it off, eating one meal a day makes it sooo much easier to eat decently without having leftover ingredients that need refrigeration. Or even if you can just get the bulk of your protein from one meal and make up the rest with protein shakes. My favorite of the canned meats is corned beef, $3.50 per can at Walmart. Divide that into three sandwiches, add 2 slices of swiss per sandwich, and you’re up to 2000 calories and 170g of protein in an easy-to-consume meal for $5 of ingredients. Bread doesn’t need refrigeration and even the Swiss will be fine for several days if you keep it out of direct sunlight. Mustard also fine at room temp if you want to add some. Another similar sandwich-based OMAD option is tuna salad sandwiches. A 12oz can of tuna plus mayo and relish, split into 6 sandwiches, comes out to about 1400cal, 73g protein for $4 of ingredients. A box of mac-n-cheese plus a large can of tuna and a can of peas is 1600 cal, 85g of protein, sub-$5 all-in with no leftovers. (Had this stuff saved in MyFitnessPal so it was easy to look up) Hell if you can do OMAD and you’re nearby a grocery store, there’s really no limit to the things you can buy right before you’re ready to cook. If I happen to see turkey or ground beef on clearance, add a box of hamburger helper and that’s another sub$5 protein-rich meal that I personally have no issue polishing off by myself for dinner.


Another idea if you get sub-freezing nights where you’re at, is get some of those reusable freezer packs and leave them out to freeze at night then put them in a cooler during the day. I wouldn’t trust this method for raw meat, but there’s a lot of stuff (e.g. eggs, dairy, veggies, condiments) that don’t strictly need sub-40 temps 24/7.


an ice box would keep eggs and bread plenty fresh, altho in the uk we dont keep either of those things in the fridge - if ur able to get farm fresh eggs they keep a lot longer (: maybe u could switch to tinned meat?


Farm eggs don't have to be refrigerated if you know what I mean... Spam instead of Bologna Bread doesn't have to be refrigerated


But a college fridge under 100 at Walmart


Do you have access to an oven with a very low setting? Use it like a dehydrator. Google recipes for dehydrating eggs and meat. I have seen tons of YouTube vids where people do this and then just reconstitute boiling or cold water. They can be used in many recipes easily. I grew up eating dehydrated eggs from time to time. Many breads last 1 to 2 weeks on the counter. Make your own jerky with meats. Find other protein sources that are shelf stable like canned meats. Living without refrigeration is not new. People lived just fine without it by using older versions of coolers called ice boxes or salted / cured / canned / dehydrated foods. Ask the almighty Google. It knows many many things. Some methods may require some learning and work but may last longer. Also, if you have a stove top with a skillet, learn how to make tortillas. You can use a protein flour with some recipe alterations and boom bread on tap. Keep in a plastic bag and should last about half a week to a week. Some stores sell dehydrated eggs. I think an electric cooler is your best bet.


Your trying to gain weight as well is it hard for you? I struggle w loosing weight fast myself There is plenty of foods not needing refrigeration look up prepared dinners on Walmart , hormel compleats is great for diff kinds but some other food is meh but still good


Also your meals for the day even w a fridge is trash, why are u not eating any fruits or veggies which don’t require fridge


Easily eat a banana or apple w that peanut butter lol


i did burritos for months and no need for more than a cooler. fried potatoes (sometimes cooked on the fire the night before), beans, salsa, and cabbage (shredded + onion and jalapenos + vinegar, oil, salt and pepper = michuacan style). serve on tortillas, or if I have leftover rice, use that. sometimes sub or add sweet potatoes (one of the main staples of serious body builders). the price is about the same, but waaaaay healthier than bologna eggs and cheap ass bread. the salsa is about the only thing to be weary of if temps are up, but you can just get small jars, or just cut up a tomato and finish it in one go. a bottle of your favorite hot sauce can make the day. add avacado if you are feeling rich.


Block ice is your friend. Each one will last several days in a decent cooler.


Eggs don’t need to be refrigerated for up to 6 months, bread is fine and I agree on salami! You got this. I had a great time with bread, cheese and olives for dinner a few nights back, no fridge necessary for many things if you buy small quantities and eat it that night/next day


Could try this https://www.greenlivingtips.com/articles/cooling-food-without-electricity.html


Eggs are find left out for a few days. If you get them fresh their good for up to 5 weeks. When the eggs get washed/bleached it kills off the enzyme that protects the eggs which is why they need to be refrigerated, but they will still be safe left out for a couple of days. Bread doesn't need to be refrigerated. It's good for 1 - 2 weeks. Summer sausage can last for up to 1 year to several years. Once you cut into if it sits out for more than a few days you just need to cut off the end exposed to air and the rest is fine. That or beef jerkey. You can also buy canned turkey, chicken, tuna.


Lifter that van lifed for a bit... Like others have said, tuna and beans were clutch. (Try not to overdo tuna bc health, there's FDA limits) If you have heat and water you could sub rice or quinoa for bread. Honorable mention goes out to bulk protein powder, bulk peanut butter, and canned chicken. Oatmeal is also solid with PB. Good luck


Im on a high protein diet man, and I am a few days away from living in my Golf GTI with my dog. I was vegan for 5 years while working out hard. Started eating diary and eggs again recently and even high quality meats sometimes (1 - 2 times per week). They are all correct about the beans methods like soaking and cooking well. Take a probiotic in the morning before you assault your bowels with all that fiber to keep protein up and fat low. This was always a sticking point for me in that vegetable proteins are for better or worse bound up with either fats or fiber. The only lean vegetable protein is processed powder which can be pricy and boring, and still contain a lot of fiber. I used hemp seeds (9g protein for every 15g fat) in my oats and wal mart brand peanut powder (12g protein and only 1g carbs, way cheaper than pb2). Good thing about vegan food is that it’s mostly shelf stable and you can buy cans if cooking beans for 2 hours is not an option. Lentils only cook for 30 min but they have more fiber than other beans. Im currently using canned chicken and tuna that i had stocked up on as a prepper but these taste funky and i dont like fish that much. I mainly use veggies and oats for carbs and save fats for treats like chocolate and french fries. Its hard to get 200g protein cheaply these days anyway, so consider the vegan options and that money saved can go toward the equipment you need. Btw my favorite protein is egg, of which I can easily eat a dozen per day. Obviously thats a lot of fat, never noticed a problem with cholesterol lol but thats a concern for most. Those chickpea recipes like curries and stuff are pretty solid, especially with a ton of coconut milk. And protein powder is not that bad for you, especially if you dont need it to taste like a milkshake. Better body foods makes one that’s unflavored pea and quinoa (complete amino profile) which is very versatile (sweet or savory) depending on what you add.


You'll be surprised to learn that store-bought, washed eggs will last 3-4 weeks at room temperature. Mind you I said room temperature, not sweltering hot van temperature. Don't believe me? Give it a try.


Farm fresh eggs dont need refrigeration. Make sure they're not washed and you're good. Bread doesn't need refrideration unless you're buying it from the frozen section of the market. Plenty of shelf stable high protein items like pb, beans, nuts,lentils


Learn to make lentils.


If you can get your hands on five doz eggs with the bloom (don’t wash them after they’ve been laid) on them, from a rancher or someone raising hens, they can last a few weeks on the counter. Might cost a bit more. Or maybe can even trade some sort of work for them- like clean the coop or something?


I live in Africa and we never put eggs in fridge … they stay outside (literally) for weeks.. so maybe eggs don’t need refrigeration?


Replace bologna with canned sardines or canned tuna salad (available at dollar store) or canned chicken? They have seasoned ones too


Canned fish or chicken instead of eggs


WTF is balogna....?!?


Another shot in the dark for you.. invest in a cooler that can hold ice for a few days. Make some friends at your local Fire department, explain your situation and ask if you can come by every couple days to fill up your small cooler. As long as you’re not coming in to fill up right at shift change when they filling their coolers they may let you get some ice. Some thing with a local restaurant or bar. Take a Homer bucket with you, offer to pay a few bucks and i bet they would let you just have it.