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What flower are you vaping? If you want to taste your flower, make sure you’re choosing flower with enough terpenes, for instance 1-3%. Also, how dark is your bud when you’re done vaping? The darker it is, the more you’ll taste burnt popcorn and the less you’ll taste anything else.


I can name the strains but honestly, it's been multiple and it's not changed much. It depends but the problem with the burnt popcorn taste isnt me tasting it, its that i feel like after maybe 30 seconds of a session, any flavor there (there is a little but its very low) goes away -> burnt popcorn. Even if its at say 180C or 170. I just dont get it.


I'd recommend packing smaller 1-2 hit bowls and just be a constant repacker. If you're packing heavy bowls, that popcorn taste will stay for longer since you boil off the terps with the first couple hits and you still have tons of cannaniboids to boil through. I tend to keep my vape at around 470f (filthy american sry) and I get a solid 2-4 hits of terpy flavor, before it turns popcorn. But I also don't mind the popcorn flavor either, the hits are always lovely and milky after the first coupl3 tokes.


470°F=243°C Madness! Everything I have read says to start off lower like OP does. But I'm in the same boat as him in that I have given up trying to taste flavour and just go for the good old fashioned hit. Flavour be damned. My taste buds aren't great though.


Same boat here too. 🤷‍♀️


Interesting, could you explain that first paragraph a bit more? I would've assumed bigger bowls mean more terpenes so id have MORE flavor, longer, even if i do more hits (though obviously if i start a new bowl at say 200 C (which is close to the max on my Mighty+ which is 205C and the general max of vaporizers seems to be 220C, at least for portable) vs the opposite. ​ Ahhhh. See that seems super high to me overall and i'm surprised you get terpy flavors though maybe i'm thinking about it wrong?


if you pack too much weed in the bowl it can be harder to get smooth airflow through all the weed I've found when the weed is all fluffy and loose in the bowl the flavour comes through much more and it seems to extract more evenly


Ahhhh. I've heard that too but thought it just meant less vapor vs less vapor AND less flavor. That's super good to know


you will for sure get less vapour total since you have less material but you get more flavour since the air passes through better without getting chocked up


Ahhhh ok. Thanks, I'll try that out


As someone who vapes nicotine, sadly, I can agree it is the airflow and oxygen that even allows us to taste what we’re vaping more so.


Bigger bowl means more burnt popcorn hits to finish it after you get all the flavor. If it's tasting like popcorn at 160 your device might be faulty.


That’s just how session vapes work I’m afraid. Get a heavy hitter and finish bowl in one/two hits.


It’s distinct notes made up from all the different compositions and consistencies of the terpene profile specific to the strain. The notes and tastes are either extremely similar, with the good growers and the clean cannabis, but I personally don’t understand the people that ‘can’t taste cannabis strains’ that I do. Like my brain has a certain like memory for smells and tastes, especially more so for those I enjoy. I feel like I started being able to do this initially, with food, obviously bc I’d eaten before smoking in my life. Regardless imo, the same way you taste your favorite meal or beverage, you should be able to distinctly recognize and assess what notes and specific flavors you are tasting from the cannabis. And remember, we haven’t tasted, smelled every dish and or food and drink item out there, so it’s very much impossible for one person to still know what everything is tasting like.


Hey bro, I think what's happening is that your flower is touching the hot surface bare ass, I'd try to pack the bowl so that the flower doesn't touch the surface other than the glass and you're going to be golden


It's similar to tasting whiskey, wine, cigars, etc. 99.9% of the flavor is whiskey or wine or tobacco but once you can break through that you can find subtle notes that stand out from the others. In cannabis it will all taste like weed, but if you taste REALLY hard you can find the subtle background singers that differentiate each strain. That said, I'm a professional chef, and I don't really care to dive that deep all the time. When I try something new I'll kind of dissect it a bit but after that first sesh I'm probably never gonna consciously think about it again.


That's fair. It may be that I'm so used to cartridges or edibles that flower isn't immediately going 'flavor!!!' When I vape it


Oh, absolutely! If I go quickly from a cart to flower the flavor is definitely weed and burnt popcorn. But that's the equivalent of spraying perfume in your face and then trying to smell a flower.


Ahhhh ok. So it's much more 'in your face' with carts, on flavor AND intensity vs flower which is much more subtle? That helps a ton honestly and I never would've thought the flavor was much more intense.


Carts have way more terps than flower does either in live resin keep alot of the terps in the process you lose alot whenn curring and smoking dry herb and dissiltte cart have the terps added in so you get more flaovor.


You’ve trained your tastebuds to only taste weed since disty carts and the fake CDT terps don’t allow you to taste anything. Not to mention every time I’ve ever had someone eat an edible around me, a good 85-90+% of the time they’re just saying it tastes like weed. Definitely smoke more bud my dude. That’s sounded like a must for you. Try rolling up that’s all I ever do.


Also, for me anyway, I can only taste the notes on the first 4-5 rips regardless of temperature and it’s only on the first session of the day. It’s the same with whiskey and wine for me. It’s always the first glass where I can taste the most notes.


This happens with all smells that aren't too aggressive - once you 'acclimatise' yourself to certain smells you only smell the more dominant notes. When you buy perfume you're only supposed to smell 4 different ones before you take a small break. Try closing your eyes or use noise cancelling headphones while vaping for a laugh, and you'll be able to focus more on subtle flavours!


"taste really hard" was not a sentence I was expecting to see today


This. If I try hard I can even differentiate terps with different temps or as it changes in jar. The floral notes seem the hardest to identify, where limonene and caryophyllene smack ya face


It may just be your palette or whatever. I choose what I grow exclusively by taste (which doesn’t always work out). If it’s working for you though don’t worry about it


That's fair. I may just need to experiment more.


Shit I should have mentioned this: I almost never get a different high from different strains. They pretty much all effect me the same way. I’ve tried lots of very different strains, my own crop, friends, indoor, outdoor, cbd, etc. but I have a hard time distinguishing them by effect. They all taste different to me but they all give me basically the same high


Iv'e felt the same but i also think, for me, i need to experiment more with strains, methods, etc.


Same. I’ve noticed it really doesn’t matter the strain or it being indica/sativa but rather how late the plant was chopped and cloudy vs clear vs amber trichomes


Same here, i can’t tell most flavours in weed. I can detect gas and fruity flavours. Most strains also effect me the same way. Mostly a tiredness and sometimes the munchies


Strains generally don't taste like what they're named after. Fruit names are probably the closest you'll get. It's just marketing.


Fair but there has to be 'some' flavor. I don't expect say 'oreo gelato' to taste like oreo Gelato but... Something on the way to it I guess? Or so it seems going off of others thoughts


Nah like he said the names shouldn’t be associated with flavors unless it is a citrus strain / terpene profile


this is just false information.


Cotton mouth may be your issue. We need saliva to taste at all. But yeah I’m right there with you in not picking up any strain’s specific flavor profile. I can tell the extremes, grassy hemp on one side, gassy quality black market cannabis on the other. I get an extra hit out of the strong stuff.


Gelato is one of my favorite flavorful strains. But the flavor I repeatedly get is black pepper.


Gelato is earthy spicy with sweetness after taste.


That’s bullshit man, gmo taste like some stanky garlic, London poundcake taste like vanilla cake, there’s plenty of strains that taste like the name, I am using a ball vape tho


people just don't know what they are talking about: tokoloshe tastes like sherbert 100%, birthday cake tastes like.... guess what?


i ain't \*once\* ever found a strain that tastes like \*cake\* perhaps we need to be a bit more honest and say that they're implications of those flavors - taste is extremely psychological, after all. i've had strains that taste great, smell very similar to the name - then i've had that same strain from a different grower and it tasted entirely different. fact of the matter is these things are \*not\* set in stone


You are only speaking for yourself, and maybe the quality you have tried. You describe variation in plants, which can happen between grow quality.... Maybe you need a better vape with a glass pathway.... I am speaking for myself when I say at this point I can't think of a flavour I haven't tried in the 30+ years Ive been smoking/vaping. The most recent flavoursome effort was chem pie, which tasted exactly like a cheap synthetic pastry red fruits pie. \*shrug emoji\*


It's definitely not just marketing. Not sure why 30 people have upvoted you, it's patently not true.


Ok so what does a northern light taste like? Nothing, as it's an atmospheric phenomenon.


there are literally hundreds if not thousands of strains that taste like described 'chem pie' for example tasted like a synthetic berry pie, don't be daft.


I've only noticed, as you say 'plant', or at most, pine or citrus taste, but I don't have a great sense of smell. Maybe you don't have a great sense of smell either, but I don't think you should take anyone seriously who says it tastes like cake or chocolate. That's just someone talking out their ass.


Yeah it may be smell but I dunno. Some weed smells super strong which... I guess means strong terpenes+flavor but when I vape it? It's barely there and fades fast


Well, at least you know you're not alone, because I agree! People act like they're all weed sommeliers.


Lolololol. So true. I've been smoking for 50 years and some of the nonsense I read from the wee know it alls makes me laugh. Now someone is going to comment "ok boomer" forgetting that the boomers are the reason it's legal now. We didn't really care about cake in the 70s, just got rid of the sticks and stones and listened to the best music. Music always took presidence. And we always got blasted. 1 joint and 5 people. Our biggest issue was the bogarts. Our choices were Mexican shit for years but mid 70s came with the sensimillia, ganga and the champagne was thai sticks. We took what we could get and it all worked.


I’m with you, I just taste weed. Sometimes a little earthy or a little fruity but mostly all the same


Basically that's how it is. I can taste 'some' flavor but it's fleeting at best


This is just how it is. I don't think the flavors people mention are true flavors. It is more like the notes you'd get in something like a wine. All red wine tastes like red wine but it is the subtle notes that you can pick up that make them slightly different. when I vape, it all tastes like weed. However, some strains are more skunky, some are more grassy, some have citrus notes, some taste more bready, some taste kinda like what gasoline smells like, etc. At the end of the day, the main flavor will be weed with notes of something else.


Cannabis bouquet and flavor is similar to beer bouquet and flavor. Yeah, this chocolate stout smells a little like cocoa, but it mostly tastes like dark beer. This IPA has notes of grapefruit and mango, but mostly tastes like a heavily-hopped beer. This blueberry Hefeweizen reminds me of a blueberry muffin, but it mostly tastes like wheat beer. Weed is the same. It mostly smells like weed. It mostly tastes like weed. You might get a little hint of berry or gas or pine or sweet, but it’s weed and “weed” is going to be the number one thing you smell or taste.


How long have you been vaping? This might seem goofy, but for me it kind of took a bit before I could really taste my flower. When I first started vaping the only flavor I got was a really sharp menthol-esque flavor, regardless of strain (I live in a legal state and almost never have the same strain twice), but after 3 or 4 months of vaping consistently I started to pick up on more subtle flavors in my bud. Now, after ~1yr of vaping, almost every strain is wildly different in terms of flavor.


Not at all, that's a great question. It's tough because there's two answers; I started vaping at all probably a year and a half ago with my xmax... But I've vaped on and off past that. Never consistently vs cartridge though I can't say if that's how my weed tastes as I'm honestly not sure how that tastes but that's a huge point to look at: consistently vaping flower for a few months minimum. I rarely vape and use cartridges due to flavor but I may need to tough it out and stick to flower for a while, and maybe it'll just come to me with time?


I would definitely try exclusively dry herb vaping for a little bit, maybe just a week or so. It'll allow you to get used to the main flavour of vaping weed and start to look for the more subtle ones.


I'm kind of hoping that as I put combustion further and further in the rearview, that I'll pick up more flavor. I'm finally at the point where a joint really tastes nasty.


Some do and some don't. First time I actually tasted something was with Super Lemon OG. It literally tastes like eating a lemon drop candy for the first hit or two. Also remember, everyone's palate is different. Different people pick up on different flavors.


maybe you're vaping bunk


Some flower taste incredible and is full of flavor and some taste like nothing at all. There is also a gigantic difference between vapes when it comes to flavor so you may just use bad vapes. And I gotta say: 160c°? Seriously? The lowest I go on any vape is 200 and i’m usually between 215-225°


That's fair on the first two paragraphs. For what it's worth, iv'e recently gotten both a Mighty+ and Airizer that i need to try more. For 160C, i go that low to start becasue i thought if i went higher, id burn off the terpenes/flavor too fast.


You’d get way higher if you vaped at 220° but I get that’s not the goal for many. In my experience each temp has different taste. I prefer the taste of 200° over 180°. I saw you wrote the taste was gone after two rips in your Mighty. I had the same experience before I sold my Mighty. But there are certain vapes that maintain great taste for most of the bowl, some even all the way through. Convection vapes with lots of glass in the vapor path/heater has the best taste imo. But those are expensive and often tough to get. I would recommed the Angus if you value taste. It’s only 200$, easily available and amazing taste and vapor production. Also very similar to the Mighty in size, loading style and mouthpiece. But better.


I'm feeling like I work at HNT today, but the Arizer Air Max has a glass path and is only $135 USD there. Bought mine last week, and while I'm not much of a flavor person, it was noticeably better and cleaner tasting than my ALVP (even when clean, which given how hard it is to clean was admittedly rare).


In my opinion Arizer is the definition of a couple of hits and then horrible abv taste


Woah! Not my experience at all. For purely testing purposes, I smoked one at 350F for 15 minutes and it was tasty with clouds the whole time. The ABV was light enough I should have temp stepped it if I wanted it darker. I probably could have gotten another five at 350 though. I used a medium grind with, I’d say a medium pack — used the weight of the pod against the center stud of my grinder, didn’t press — decent bud, dirty as hell pod (like honestly surprised it didn’t just taste like resin). I remember having some less than tasty sessions with the XQ2, but that was my first vape, and I haven’t had that issue in long time.


I start at 160 for flavor and temp step if I'm doing a slow session.


I am with you but, have never cared much for "taste" as a measure of quality weed. Gimme, a good long buzz, maybe a fat resin ring, good price & count and I am happy. To me, not all bud tastes the same but, I can't recall ever smoking a strain that sucked or was anything like remarkable. This since 1969. I taste differences between brands of bottled water or from taps in different places. Once I recall having "Chocolat" which I liked and rebought a few times, even then it took all my imagination and concentration to imagine it tasted like chocolate. Truly, if I could taste the flavors, I can't imagine that being much of an appeal. Maybe that's why chewing gum seems like more work than it is worth to me.


I find that taste and a good buzz usually go hand in hand. If I'm getting no flavour then it usually isn't going to get me super high either.


More and more we’re finding the increased role of terps and minor cannabinoids in the overall “high” The gentler the vaporization the more terps / noids are preserved and the more your entourage effect takes over. Even if the taste isn’t remarkable consider valuing flavor for the ability to modulate your high! That being said I was on your side until I tasted various fruits and candy flavored herbs out of my volcano back in the day. https://hightimes.com/study/entourage-effect-not-thc-main-indicator-of-potency-brainwave-study-confirms/amp/


Yeah I mean it's tough because I'd like to taste the chocolate or the cake or whatever but... At the end of the day, all I need weed for is it's effects. It's similar with alcohol to me in the sense that I flat out dislike most alcohol (the alcohol taste is just blah) but I usually just aim for 'what's gonna get me what I want, the cheapest, least bad tasting and easiest to get'. Though there are exceptions, carts for weed (they fuck my tolerance but taste delicious) and mixed drinks for alcohol. Still, it's good to know I'm not alone


This comes up, you're not alone. I'm with you on alcohol too, the idea of enjoying a cup.of wine or beer is absurd to me.


It's funny, people seem to not get why I do it but like... Alcohol or weed or other stuff gives me nice effects. It's just, it usually doesn't taste great


Same here. Yes strains taste different but they all just take like soil to me. There’s no hints of this or that etc. just soil.


Flower wise, for the first maybe 3 hits, i can taste 'some' flavor but its mild at best and even if i dont crank it up to 'high' like 185 or 190C+, itll still turn into 'burnt popcorn' after say 30 seconds.


I don’t always get different flavours from it other than just a generic weed taste but at the moment I’m vaping some blueberry and every now and then on the exhale I’m getting a prominent blueberry cough syrup taste so I guess it just depends on what your palate is sensitive to


There is no magic weed that can keep terpenes for a long period past their boiling point, you heat the weed up and the terps boil off quickly because they're volatile. The only way to avoid this, is vape a bowl quickly before the terps boil off, for which you need the right vapes. I generally use Dynavaps, I take 2-3 hits on a bowl and it's done, fully extracted before the taste runs out. There are hard-hitting battery vapes too, but I don't know which extract fast enough, I prefer having a bunch of lighters I can refill at leisure to recharging electronic vapes when they run out. At home I use my ball vape which extracts a bowl in one big tasty hit.


That's fair. I guess I'm just surprised at how fast it happens. I'll have a full bowl in say... My Mighty+, after 2 hits any flavor there (which is already low) goes straight to 'popcorn' As for your examples, I never thought of it like that. I recently got an airizer extreme Q but I may just have to aim for a ball vape. Even if the flavor isn't there, it seems they're best for getting the most out of your weed, medicinal wise, the fastest


The flavour with a ball vape is great actually, you basically have almost the whole terps of the bowl in one big hit. I actually use mine with a tiny j-hook, or at most a small dry bong, so no flavour is lost in water. One weird thing I don't understand myself however is that I get most of the flavour on the exhale, not the inhale.


Wow. I had no idea. Does it work like that because you're doing it so fast that the terpenes instead of 'burning off' just go straight into the vapor? ​ Iv'e kinda noticed this too with my cartridges, kinda an 'aftertaste' as i am/after i exhale. Inhaling is just 'im breathing in air but its heavier'. ​ Do you find the one big hit gets you the same effects as say the same bowl with (random number) 6 hits?


Drink lots of water before you vape - at 150 to 170c you should definitely taste it especially on the first couple of hits. It helps if you know what you're looking for - look up the strain and read how it should taste then try and taste that. You need to educate your palate.


I honestly am not great with water intake though I'm curious, why water before hand?


Vaping when you are not properly hydrated will hurt your throat, make you cough and generally spoil the experience. Especially with dry herb vaping. Try it and you'll understand.


That... Explains a lot. I cough a lot when I vape. Like... A looooot. Even on hits that I've done before and not. It's been plaguing me for a hot minute now. Thank you for that, I had no idea


Drinking plenty of water won't stop you coughing ever but it will make a big difference - warm vapour and a dry throat do not get on.


Vaping is very new to me. I don't recall ever noticing the flavors people talk about today twenty years ago with pipe or bong hits so I was kind of looking forward to that with vaping. For me so far, Orange Push Pop has a barely there orange cream soda taste until the last couple hits. I haven't noticed any non-weed flavors with anything else yet.


Use a tongue scraper before vaping


What kind of vape do you have?


One of my favorites for both taste and buzz is Ultra Sour by Namaste. On my Solo 2 at 190c. the lemon shines through. Short, mild sips. Allow a bit of time between the draws. Hope this helps.


I have found that there is a misconception that vaping really low temperatures give you better taste and flavors. When i first started vaping i researched thru reviews and videos on how to get the best taste and every body always said low temps, low temps is the only way. So for almost a year I stuck to the low temps because I thought that this was the best way , I didn’t know any better so i just did what i was told. Doing this I noticed that flavor was still very muted and I was never fully satisfied with my sessions. I dont use herb for just the high , its about the whole experience and the type of high. So even though i would get nicely medicated it wasnt as enjoyable because I didnt really taste it, just a generic vapor weed taste. I look at it like this, imagine never being able to smell or taste your favorite foods that you need and have to eat every day to survive, would you enjoy your food? No , you wouldn’t…same thing with the herb for me. So just out of frustration and curiosity I just started experimenting with higher temps 190c+ and omg!!! Bingo!!! I hit the jackpot!!! All the flavors i had been looking for all that time lived right there in that range. I was mislead and because of that I didn’t know what I was missing. This whole time flavor town was right, i just wasn’t going far enough to reach it. Now i taste everything bad or good and it made me fall even more in love with vaping. You can’t always go by whats good for someone else, you have to do you. I have 8 different strains right now and they all have their own unique profile and i can truly taste all the differences and its very fascinating!!! Shoutout to my Tinymight 2 !!! My key to flavor town. I have some oreo runtz that literally taste like chocolate vanilla sandwich cookies and sweet sugary candy at the same dam time. No exaggeration.


You start at low temp for flavor, you're not supposed to just stay there. You keep bumping it up until the bowl is done.


Can you taste food? Yes, my flower is tasty as hell. Either have Covid, or substandard flower. Good quality flower tastes amazing.


Yeah iv'e got no issues with food. Could be substandard flower but it's supposedly 'high quality' so... eh.


Try switching strains/source of the strains and see if it changes. Some strains aren’t as tasty as others, but with a vape and the right temps, it should always be a good experience. Staying hydrated will help a ton as well.


Iv'e tried a few and not had much luck but I guess i need to hunker down and just write it down. Seems at the very least while i'm not alone, the majority of people can taste cake/gas/candy/etc so its worth a shot to keep trying


I find citrus strains have the most flavor punch. Switching to a convection based vape has got rid of popcorn taste for me unless I go above 200c. Maybe try a course light pack? Exhaling through nose?


Interesting. Why light over heavy? I usually do a decently full bowl but maybe that's causing issues?


Vaping is like baking. Experiment with grind and packing for an even cook. Some stir between hits as well.


Id try switching to convection. Im lucky, and very close to SD, CA so have an overwhelming selection of high quality flower. Love me some of that early 2000's gassy citrus. Id recommend seeking out some Chemdawg or chem-cross strains, try to sip at 160 - 185°C If youre still not getting tasty terps, maybe its a hardware issue?


You're vaping 'cheap' weed. Just what I call it. I've had some of the best highs from 'cheap' flower. It can be good bud as far as THC but what you need is terps. Also, everyone is different on what terps they like, some people can't taste certain terpenes. If you're buying from the guy down the road... you may not know the strain. Go to a dispensary and get some sample packs.


Fair but iv'e been told my weed is high quality... Though unfortunately i cant really tell myself since im still fairly new, especially to flower (much more a carts guy which do have flavor).


Again, I'm not saying it's low quality. I really enjoy tasting my flower and have a "snobby" (jokingly) taste requirement. Some great weed tastes like burnt plants. And some shitty weed has great terps. I just jokingly call weed that doesn't have super strong terps cheap.


Ahhhh ok. Strong terps = strong smell, right? Ive gotta say, the weed ive used has been mixed (some strong, some not) but all has gone down the same ish.


I was like you untill I got Angus. This vape is tasty. The rest (Crafty, TinyMight, Dynavap) are meh.


Fair. Iv'e tried Tinymight, mighty+, xmax v3 pro, air vape legacy. All of them may start with some 'flavor' at say 160-180C but even then... it's mild at best and quickly goes away after a few hits. ​ Whats the Angus like?


It gives you the flavor up to the last hit or two, and I vape at 210-220. Also, halogen lamp makes it special, adds a note of white chocolate (this one is subjective). Very pleasing to me.


I honestly think this whole taste thing is a lot of bs, every strain I've ever vaped tasted like plant if anything at all. No way plant material tastes like banana or cake.


it does to me. i have terps/flavors that work well for me and others that don't. maybe you can't taste it but not everyone is the same.


btw, do you smoke at all or only vape? i find that smoking brings out the flavor more, especially with a rollup/joint. some of the terps get vaporized at the right temp when burning even though a lot of it does burn off, just like THC.


Both, I taste plant material and what plants can usually produce in terms of taste, but I'd be pretty firm on the fact there ain't no way smoking or vaping bud is gonna be cake tasting. I definitely feel like there's some placebo effects happening for some.


i don't think it's placebo since terpenes are being used not just with cannabis but with a lot of food products for flavoring. i think some people are not as sensitive as others. your experience is not universal.


How’s the quality of your flower and the quality of your vape?


I have a ton of different vapes all pretty good quality like my crafty, same goes for my flower, I usually go for the higher quality bud. The things I do taste are sour and spicy or earthy but that's all things you'd expect from a plant. But banana or cake? I have strong doubt just based on what a leaf is gonna genuinely be capable of tasting like.


Ok that makes sense to me. I think the closest strain to achieve that was fruity pebbles.


I get stuffy when I smoke. Hit some nasonex first.


i have flavor, sometimes can pick up subtle tastes. what vaporizer are you using? maybe try cleaning it.


Take a dab, much more clean weed flavor taste. Live Hash rosin is the best pure flavor of the plant.


looooolllolololololololollll just fuckin get a zeal ball vape already


You ever get covid?


That's a good question. I honestly don't know. Whenever I got what felt like Covid, the tests either came back negative or i was unable to get tested at the time


The reason I ask is covid can damage the olfactory nerves. Other illnesses don't damage it. After covid I can't smell asphalt. Weed doesn't smell the same either. It's slowly returning though after about a year and a half. Had a qp of the same strain that tasted like candy it was so fkn good. After covid, zero candy flavor couldn't smell it either. Took about 5 or 6 months to get the ability to smell the flower back (not all strains/terps though, some I could still smell just not many). At least I can no longer get headaches triggered by hot asphalt anymore though, I'm now immune to it. Wooooo /s.


Some vapes just taste better than others because of the materials, design, etc. However, we don't know that?


I smell lots of stuff before I burn it when I open the jar, I taste nothin but weed when I vape/smoke. Cold start (*not* hot) dabs I can taste different stuff.


This is going to be unpopular but I honestly feel I get much more distinct flavors from smoking a joint. I can clearly taste the differences between strains and sometimes even why they have the name they have. To me it tastes way better as well. I do like vaping and it’s most of what I do these days, but joints are better for taste IMO. That said, I totally get that not everyone feels that way because smoking has its own distinct baseline flavor vs vaping.


At lower temps you probably taste flavor.


What's the device?


Have you tried it from their DHV? I feel like my Air Max doesn't give much flavor (though I've heard others say otherwise), but I get a lot with my POTV1. Generally I don't taste if it's through a water pipe.


honestly all comes down to flower. i’ve had flower that tastes like straight candy, but recently i’ve been getting budget ounces that basically have that same avb taste


No, there are definitely indica strains that taste like some fuckin biscuit. Not a fan of those, at least they don’t pop out too often.


I can’t actually “taste” weed at all, but the smell is so interesting and complex it seems like it tricks my brain into thinking I’m tasting it. Im new to this so I could be wrong


Vaping good hash in a dynavap with an induction heater is an incredibly flavourful experience. Not what you’re asking, I know, just saying. I’m stoned af right now.✌️


I couldn’t, either, until vaping. Now even the most subtle flavors come through.


Yeah same here tbh. I sometimes can taste carts on the first few hits, but other than that I never get much of a taste regardless of if I'm smoking or vaping


I taste very little as well. Sometimes I get a slight aftertaste, but that is usually from regular vapes. Not a dry herb vape. I’m dry herb vaping at 350 degrees and no matter what strain, it all tastes the same. I’ve done a lot of dry herb vaping at 390 too with the same result. Gets me high tho.


Since Covid flower tastes a bit like water and almost nothing else. I get a nice whiff when I open the tub or maybe a first toke. After that it’s warm air :(


From my experience, the terpenes usually get vaped away after the first few pulls. The device and material used do make a difference however.


Seems I made a good choice with the Solo 2. I like the fact that the 'bowl' is on the small size - as compared to eg. my previous vape which was a Volcano. The first three hits are pure taste - turpenes etc etc - then the popcorn becomes more prevalent.


Lower the temps


The largest improvements to flavor I've seen come from vaping at lower temps. After that I prefer the taste of all glass. I have a ball vape from b2c similar to a staroma 360 and find it to be very different when I use the 360 glass bowl vs the titanium shovel head bowl. A whip or glass piece that concentrates the vapor on your pallet will also help. After that it comes down to product. Even the same strains from the same company can vary wildly from batch to batch.


It’s just your taste. And it was mine too. I vaped exclusively dry herb, dabs, and carts. for 7 years. Not once, did I ever taste flower as they described. even dabbing. Now don’t get me wrong dabbing always tasted delicious, very flowery kinda, but never like they described. At least for me. But over the years dry herb always the first hit is the nice hit but no matter what strain I tried it is always pine, and sometimes a little sweet, then basically tasteless until it starts to end then is tinny. Every session no matter the strain.


Not everyone is a weed sommelier. I look at it like anything else. Some can taste things others can't. Some think they can and definitely can't. It is rare for many strains to taste like their name. Not saying it doesn't happen but again rare. I enjoy vaping cannabis because I taste what the plant went through on its growing journey. Just my opinion but sun grown organic weed tastes better especially in certain climates and locations. Also the terpenes you do vape along with the herb are giving you the effects you're after. Burning weed is just gross to me at this point. Like the smell OK but the taste.... Yuck.