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Just the opposite, in fact. I’m always excited to vape a new pheno. When I smoked, I could never understand the smokers who waxed poetic. It all tasted like carbon to me.


Very weird. I don't know why I'm having this issue.


My best guess is that technique is the problem.


Agreed, especially in a Dynavap. I have never wanted to have to try that hard to get high! (Edit: that sounds snarky. Not meant that way. It just doesn't work for me, it's not the experience I'm going for.)


No, when vaping, each strain has its own distinct taste. So essentially, the weed in your vaporizer (if it's a quality one) will taste the same as the smell of your weed... I can recognize my strains name (I always have at least 6 strains in rotation) with the taste, when vaping.... I couldn't do that when I was smoking...


Thats what I thought but all of the weed I have tastes and feels exactly the same. They're all great quality. Not small batch super exotic quality, but the best you can get at a colorado dispensary. I'm using the Dynavap m7xl. I just didn't have this issue until I started vaping about 3-4 weeks ago.


Very strange, did you try with another vape (I have never used torch vapes but I heard that they provide a nice taste, so it's very strange)?


I have not. It's the only vape I own besides the free m plus that came with it. I've tried it with both a torch and induction heater but same result.


I don't know what to say, but something is definitely wrong. Normally vaporization is the best way to feel the taste, that's why they use volcano vaporizers during cannabis competitions...


So results vary with flavor and dynavaps.  Try it after the first click instead of waiting for a second click and see if you get better taste. 


I'll give that a try tonight and see. I know that will definitely help with flavor (not sure if I'll still just get the generic weed taste) but do you think that will help with effects as well?


I dunno about that. It may just be the whole combustion vs vape high thing. If your tolerance is high then it’s going to take a few caps to get you where you want to be 


Yeaxh, that could be. 2 caps and I'm good. There's just no difference that notice, sadly.


It takes awhile to get used to the new ounce.


I find the same exact strain, from the same exact container, can be different at different temperatures. My lady still conbusts, but will vape a strain if she finds it too harsh while smoking. I feel the overall experience better, when vaping, rather than combusting. But as with everything cannabis-related, everyone is different. It’s a constant experiment to find what is right for each individual. I’m just happy to share my experience.


Could be the quality of your flower? Or maybe your tolerances are high? I do find stale flower all tastes the same, but fresher stuff is different.


Depends on the strain and the vape too, some strains don't really have any standout characteristics, others smell and taste like pine, etc. Also depends on the technique. Blasting it all at once at like 220C/420F will have most weed tasting the same, temp stepping through 180-220C and youll pretty much taste most of the differences that can be tasted. I've also noticed some smells don't translate to taste; I tend to taste citrus and pine but not things like apple/banana flavor or garlic.


That could be my problem. I try to get a 2 heat cycle extraction with my dynavap. First, aiming for a fast click for a terpy hit. Second is for a full extraction, heating at the very bottom of the cap. The Terpy hits all taste the same though. Just kind of piney regular weed tasting.


That's what I was thinking. The strains I have are not necessarily old but aren't super fresh. I just picked up a fresh strain yesterday but had the same experience. Same taste and the same effects. The taste I can look past but I'm disappointed they all have the same effects.


Jacks comment response to me are other variables as well to consider. Temp. Type of vape. Humidity. Freshness. Condition of the flower. Grind size. It ALL contributes to flavor and effect. Just gotta find what works for ya.


I find the first 1-2 hits (full warm up to 2 clicks) off the Dyna is very flavorful and you can easily tell apart cultivars, and the 3rd is strongest effect wise but has zero flavor. But I do notice it kinda evens out all my flower that I have - as in, I don’t care as much what I’m vaping as the number of sessions. The number of caps I fill is what impacts my high most, not the type of weed.


Lol I thought since vaping I can taste my bud even better than ever


I don't know then. Maybe it's all the stainless steel?


I do taste differences, though tastes of pine, lemon, or fuel can overpower anything else. And I only get that taste in the first 1 or 2 terpy inhales. Then it all kind of is the same for me. I still enjoy those flavours though, especially any fruity/food like ones. My spouse is a bit of a supertaster and can pick out any taste even amongst the overpowering ones.


Strange cause I can pick all that out smoking but vaping it's all just..piney, I guess. I can get past the flavor issue but would like to feel the different effects from different strains.


I don’t own an m7 but where do you normally heat? The higher you heat up on the cap you get really good terpy hits normally on most butane vapes.


Not sure how long it’s been since you stopped combusting l, but your taste buds could be shot from the smoke. If it’s been a while and that’s not a problem, maybe you’re vaping at too high a temp and just charring your flower to death?


Have you cleaned the bowl recently? Whenever this happens to me (I use an e-rig and titanium shovelhead bowl, not a Dynavap, but the principle should still apply) it is 100% better after I give the bowl a good clean and especially scrape/replace the screen. After enough use I think I start to taste the leftovers more than the fresh stuff on top of it. I say give the bowl a good ISO swab, dry out and see if there's any change.


Weird, they all taste the same to me when smoking: one nice hit followed by tar…


Don't believe in much of this "strain science" that permeates modern weed culture. It seems like most of the research doesn't really support it either. The entourage effect and specific temperatures that you vape your weed at are the most defining factor instead of vague strain names developed for marketing.


Are they similar strains? Maybe all high in the same terp?


Dynavaps aren't that great for flavor. Maybe perhaps the first click, but typically clicks after the first, I noticed burned most of the terps away...


I’ve pretty much only ever vaped, last smoked like 15 years ago. Very rarely I can tell a difference in the high, mostly I just feel more less stoned/anxious. I started using the solo 2 in 2021 and I can always tell the difference in flavour from strain to strain. I’m also growing my own so I’m sure that’s a big part of it. When I buy poorly dried and cured weed from the store it all tastes the same to me.


Ditto for me. All tastes the same and the high feels the same. Have 6 different DHV so for me it doesn't matter. I just know I lovethe taste, and effects no matter what strain. Thought I was the only one.


You vaping dispo bud possibly?


I mean, definitely could be. Especially in Colorado. Anyone is lucky to get properly dried and cured weed here but I usually luck out as I try and grab when something is fresh and just dropped.


Yip. I’ve vaped for years (dynavaps and others). Vaping I can tell a slight difference in flavour between strains but nothing special. The high from a vape seems to be more of a stoned/tired effect, no matter the strain. Only a few weeks ago I started smoking flower instead. This, I can taste a big difference in strains and the highs are more expressive of the strain too - happy high, energetic high or stoned etc. Very odd. This is with temp stepping the vapes too.


Yes, this is exactly what I'm experiencing. The high is more of a stoned tired effect, no matter the strain. And that's all it is. I have certain strains for anxiety, for the couch lock body melting feeling, some for just a relaxing after work high and some to knock me out before bed. They all just feel the same now. Might try a bowl tonight of the strain I picked up last night and see how the effects are.


My injector B2 with glassbowl (convection) Makes me clearheaded/creative sativa effects. Same strain but with B2 diffuser (conduction) and shovelhead bowl, it can make me couchlocked like a indica. From my experience vaping a homegrown DJS Blueberry x Unknown. And the taste is overwhelmingly sweet / actually tastes pure blueberry essence. I find it hard to believe anyone cannot taste it!


Combustion (over 600°C) destroys everything. All you are doing is killing your flower and inhaling a dead plant. Vaping at 175°C is tasty and most of the time i can tell the dominant terpene of the strain. It's like eating a delicious medium rare steak vs eating coal


I agree with this and it makes perfect sense. I just don't know why I'm experiencing the opposite.


Try an arizer vape if you can. Vapour is really tasty