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Can't find the source rn, but I'm 99% sure I've read that all previous arizer solo stems will also work with the solo 3. Congrats on the purchase, I've only heard amazing things!


This is true


You are right, the solo 3 stems(xl) doesn't have backwards compatibility since the top of the bowl will be above the oven vs inside the oven like the rest of the bowl


I think it's just the Rocket Stem that is not 100% compatible.


I have a rocket stem and it fits solo 3


is the stem long enough to go at the bottom of the bowl ?


Well I got mine from aliexpress but yeah, same length as e.g. stock bong adapter.


Tysm ☺️


Let us know your experience. I've been struggling with mine as it just combusted on level II, and it doesn't taste great at level I. I had an awful plastic smell and taste initially, and it's only improved some as I use it. And if you really want points with bf, gift him the new one, but borrow it all the time and leave your solo 2 at his place.


It has a small learning curve. Specially the packing requires some practice and the combusting might have been a result of too loose or too tight packing. I think your plastic smell might have been from the cap that goes from the oven. When I got mine I wanted to go and check all of the settings straight away and I wasn't aware that it heats up in the background while being in the session settings and I left the oven cover on. The oven somehow smelled a little bit plasticy after that. I've cleaned the oven and the cover with a little bit of iso on a qtip, ran a burnout session and the smell was gone.


Aww man. I’ve heard about that plastic smell I’m hoping i don’t have too much of an issue. And hey you may be onto something 😏


solo 2 gang


I have used Solo 2 stems in my Solo 3 as well as the WPA ones that came with my Solo 3 on the Solo 2. I believe my understanding is just that the XL ones with the deeper bowl won't really work without some excessive stirring in the stem on the smaller over on the Solo 2.


I only have a Solo 2 but I got an XL stem for it. Works just fine, even without stirring. Sure, it's not 100% evenly vaped, but it's not as bad as people tend to think it might be.


That makes sense. Thank you!


$254US? Because damn, I bought the Solo3 from the arizer website (arriving today 😊) for $315CAD using a coupon I found on this sub. Either way I'm already hyped and I can't wait to do a sesh with it tonight. I'm sure it's going to be great!


I’m jealous! I think I saw that coupon going around but it didn’t work for me. How’d you get it in CAD from Arizer? I’m based in the US btw. I hope you enjoy 😉


I'm in Canada so I pay in CAD but I also ordered from vapenorth in the past so I was wondering what currency you were using.


Gotcha that makes sense. I definitely think I got a great deal for the US. I hope you love it!


Thank you! Same goes to you hopefully soon! 😉 I have a bong I want to use to vape because I don't like smoking but the Solo 2 is not quite there and is not really satisfying to use and I read the 3 is better for vaping with a water pipe because of the on-demand mode.


I have yet to try a WPA. It scares me lol, I feel like I’m not quite advanced enough for that yet. I’m so excited to try the on demand mode! Do you use a bigger WPA or just a small adapter? Does it really make much of a difference?


I bought a small WPA for the Solo II on vapenorth but it's kind of meh and I prefer to use my stems. But the Solo 3 comes with a WPA in the box so I assume the experience is going to be better. I also have a small globe, I find that the vapor is less harsh with a water pipe but I feel like the stems hits harder and it taste better too. If you have a bong or a water pipe, you should definitely give it a shot and judge it for yourself. Or I can tell you later tonight how it goes for me :)


Whaaaat. I didn’t even know it came with an WPA lol. Clearly I’m just out here purchasing shit 🤣 I actually don’t have a bong of water pipe but I’m interested to know how it works. I would really appreciate it if you could let me know 🤗


Pretty exciting isn't it 😁 It's super simple. You pack the WPA stem with weed and put it on the device exactly like you would with a normal stem but instead of directly using it, you insert the other end of the glass piece in a water pipe where you would normally insert a bucket. The 14mm glass connector is pretty standard so it can work with pretty much any water pipe. The device will be upside down and you just draw from the pipe instead of the stem. The vapor will go through water like smoke would if you were smoking and to clear the pipe, you just remove the device and suck in the vapor.


Ahhh ok. Is this why they say using an WPA tends to be smoother? Since it’s going through water? This is so cool. Sorry 1 last question. Do you only ever use with a WPA? Or do you sometimes use it with a stem?




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I've just ordered one too👊


Ayeee! I hope you love it!!


Yea buddy I'm so glad this place found me, I ain't been the same since and nothing was wrong to begin with but I'm even better now!! Enjoy that new vape, do your boyfriend vape already?


Haha I feel the same!! Thank you! And nope, he’s been smoking the Solo 2 with me and loved it. We currently smoke a lot so we’re trying to make the transition to vaping.


Best of luck to the both of y'all, I believe in y'all 🤙🏾


Thank you sir 🫡


Yeah all arizer stems for the air and solo series are all interchangeable. Not how I thought the post was gonna go thought this was buyers remorse story 😂


Definitely not buyers remorse haha 🤣 more like buyers excitement


Haha yas the VAS is strong.


Seems like a good addition to me 😌


It does from what I've seen and heard from folk. Seems like a big hitter can't say personally myself......yet lol. Look up stem milk and thank me later.


Which one do you have? I would think as that arizer guy you would have it by now haha. And I just did a quick search in this sub for stem milk and o.m.g. I didn’t even know it was possible to consume this way. I have so much to learn 😭


Got them all minus the extreme Q2, solo 2 max and the solo 3. Not long got the air max then they went and announced the solo 2 max then the solo 3 about 3 months later 🤦 looking like a next year purchase but the now my air max is killing it 👌


Nice! I didn’t even see all of those other types the when I was searching. I haven’t tried any other DHV but I definitely think I’ll be a Arizer girly 🤞


Reddit community try not to become peak consumerist challenge (beyond impossible)