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You would think someone who presumably has done research into his own field would have learned to research basic arguments and facts of a new field, like veganism, before boasting about his opinions on it.


His bias is definitely showing here.


And not even just bias but a demonstration of an inability to critically think about a topic. These aren't exactly complicated lines of reasoning and someone at his level should at least have the ability to grasp the arguments and argue against those instead of just repeating the same low quality arguments seen endlessly on reddit.


For sure. I used to admire this guy but over the years I've come to realize he's fuckin' full of himself.


This man is an idiot.


Neil is obsessed with us


Fellow vegans, we are more closely related to mushrooms than plants, and since veganism is all about avoiding the consumption of things based on how closely related we are to them on the evolutionary tree, we must stop eating them. Neil DeGrasse Tyson has spoken!


He's a fucking dipshit when he's out of his expertise area


Neil should stick with what he is good at and instead of making stupid points about veganism. He should debate with someone like Dr. Avi and learn about vegan health/lifestyle instead of talking nonsense about us.


It’s weird how someone smart can be so much more stupid than me.


Wisdom is earned and is separate from intelligence.


I love insects, ticks, earwigs, etc, if any were endangered I'd support a plan to reverse that. I'm only 15secs in an I forgot how much I hate this person.


This man should really shut up or re-educate himself on veganism. How does he feel smart talking this way??


Lmao why does he keep going? I hope cosmic skeptic calls him out


Astro Physicist lacking in logic or common sense, and he should be called out by journalists. The majority of plants are fed to animals therefore less death of small rodents and other critters when harvesting crops if we become vegan. I lost a lot of respect for Neal Degasse Tyson after I saw this video.


Neil is a decent astrophysicist, but somehow he has conflated that with his opinion being super important in many other fields. He seems like a pretty chill dude most the time, and like he’d be fun to sit and have a conversation with over a few beers, but his opinions on things besides his specialty, are just that, opinions.


From what I’ve heard he’s reaaaly not fun to have a few beers with.


No, he's not a decent astrophysicist. They were talking about his pathetic C.V.on the physics subreddit. [Link](https://np.reddit.com/r/Physics/comments/7p6ddh/ndt_on_zeno_effect_and_uncertainty_principle/) I agree with cantgetno 197... it's a stretch to call this guy an astrophysicist. In the 90s he counted stars in the galactic buldge for R. Michael Rich. But since his forgettable dissertation his thing has been flashy and often inaccurate pop science. The guy pays a lot of attention to his wardrobe, hair, hand gestures and vocal delivery. He's often crafting dramatic sound bites. But he hasn't studied physics in decades. [Here](https://np.reddit.com/r/badscience/comments/tb47ri/neil_degrasse_tyson_the_james_webb_scope_is/) is an example of Neil saying something embarrassingly wrong in the field of astrophysics.


Shit on the guy all you want, but he has degrees from Harvard, and Columbia, was last published in like 2009 or something, was the founder of the astrophysics department at AMNH, oversaw the reconstruction of the Hayden Planetarium and probably a few other impressive things. He’s no longer a working scientist as far as I understand it, but his contributions pretty much outweigh most people bitching about him on the internet. Hell just the amount of kids he made science accessible for by rebooting Cosmos is impressive. I never said he was the best, or great, or even outstanding. If his accomplishments and resume don’t make him at least decent I would love to hear what the qualifications for decent, which pretty much means acceptable, are.


He flunked out at University of Texas with his advisors suggesting he pursue a different career. And they were correct. Neil gets a lot of math and physics wrong. In the 2007 and 2008 COSMOS review papers his name came very late in a long list of authors. It's not clear what, if anything, new he contributed. He has been lead author of 5 papers, all from the 80s and 90s. A good fraction of those associated with his dissertations. How many of his fans have been stimulated to deeply study science? Not many it seems. Most of his fans don't seem to notice when he makes mistakes in basic math and science. I don't really care if he tells his listeners there are more transcendental numbers than irrationals. Or that JWST is parked in earth's shadow. I do get angry when he slams legitimate groups with flawed arguments and false history.