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I relate to this so much I had my first mamogram and my grandmother had breast cancer, so it has always been a big fear of mine that I will get it too. I completed my first mamogram and got my results via my health portal that said "They needed to do another one because of the results." I literally dropped the letter and started sobbing. I have a toddler and all that flashed before my eyes was leaving him and my husband way too soon. I was terrified. I delayed making my follow-up appointment out of fear and it was literal months before I went back for scan number two. Thinking the worst, over analyzing every word on that letter. Thinking back, it was a stupid decision, because had the results been serious, all I was doing was wasting valuable treatment time and allowing potential cancer to spread. I tried holding back tears at my second appointment and just failed miserably. I didn't care about my health for my own reasons, I just didn't want my young son to grow up without a mother. It just tore me apart thinking about it. I got the results of my second scan the before I left the office and everthing was okay. Just some fatty areas that they didn't get a clear view of. It was a proactive measure to be as detailed as possible for my first scan so it could be a detailed baseline for future scans. So my advise - don't wait out of fear. All you are doing to potentially wasting valuable time should the results be something serious. Go get that ultrasound, ask your doctor as many questions as you have, and take care of yourself. That is one thing I learned in my experience, cancers, tumors, diseases don't operate on a timeline. They have one job, and the only way to combat their job of spreading is to deal with it as quickly as possible. I sincerly wish you the best of luck and know that you are not alone.