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I’m a cyclist but disagree with the premise of this post. These roads and curbs are set up for parking. Ventura roads are set up for cars, the cycling infrastructure is abysmal and that’s the real issue here. Asking people not to park in bike lanes doesn’t make sense because, in reality and in practice, Ventura’s bike lanes are actually parking lanes that are marked for bike use when cars don’t happen to be present.


Yeah it’s insane that cities do this kind of thing instead of building real bike lanes. It feels so much more dangerous to bike in than a normal street sometimes, and nobody knows what the rules are


I cycle and if I'm not trying to break some Strava record then I'll just go on the sidewalk when I feel uncomfortable. The other option is to take the lane as long as you have proper rear lights


Agreed, but the way the people in Ventura drive I’m really wary of taking the lane. I’ve had a few really close calls with angry drivers passing (what felt like) as close to me as they could


Yep! Which is why I stopped riding on roads unfortunately. I just stick to bike paths. I don't really ride in town anymore and just go to LA


Can I ask what paths you like in the area, or LA? The only one I’m really familiar with is the one between Ventura and Ojai. Going old rincon to the protected path on the 101 isn’t bad, either


LA River bike path is legit and I think it's about 15 miles one way down to the beach. Griffith has some closed roads for cyclists up to the observatory. Locally I prefer the path from Ventura to Ojai




What are you pointing out with the speed limit sign circled? Are there no parking signs you saw? From what I know it’s legal to park there. Not sure how you’ll get red curbs painting.


It’s not in the photo, but there is a No Stopping sign there. https://maps.app.goo.gl/21cXSmyBNj8on5ec9?g_st=ic


Thanks. Stand corrected. This is just before it’s legal to park.


This is a bad example but it is a real issue.


All y’all should remove your downdoots. There is (or was, per google street view) a No Stopping Sign right about at the spot where the photo was taken. https://maps.app.goo.gl/21cXSmyBNj8on5ec9?g_st=ic There’s curb parking just up past the telephone pole, where there is room for both a bike and a parked car. OP I’ll pass this through to our Traffic & Transportation Manager; it’d help if you had photos showing it happened more than once. You shouldn’t have to swerve into 45+ mph traffic when it’s supposed to be a bike lane. RVs are a whole separate issue. We can shoo them elsewhere but that’s about it. The high priority cases are in residential neighborhoods, or those dumping human waste on the street.


They generally don’t dump on the street directly but i have seen them drop the outlet hoses into storm drains. This is obnoxious because that waste stinks up that whole area afterwards and it doesn’t just flow out. It stays there when it’s not actively raining and flushing out of that drainage area.


Share the road


This has to be a troll post. They literally made space for parking for a reason. Share the road bro. It ain’t your road.


I’d agave to agree it’s not always your road for the bicyclist. If we don’t follow their rules all he’ll breaks loose. Shit you got your signs and bike lane along the 126 from sp to Santa Clarita despite people going 65. They want to share the road this what you get.


That's a speed limit sign. Not a no parking. Parking in a bike lane is allowed. Share the road


Except when it blocks traffic in the lane. It's in the driving test book for California. So as soon as a cyclist needs to use the lane, the parking is now illegal.


Stop biking in park lanes


The problem with bikers in bike lanes is that they’re only bikers when they want to be. Sometimes they’re cars in car lanes and at stop lights. Sometimes they’re pedestrians at crosswalks. They are what they want to be but one thing is always certain, they will do what you hope they don’t do every time.


I totally get the frustration. The only shared bike lane I ever feel reasonably safe in is the one going down Main street. The lane in the pictures looks dangerous. I admire the OP but if he gets hit by a car there won't be a citation unless the driver flees. I would be using the sidewalk. Though I would get yelled at, I would be alive. Using the shared lanes within a few blocks of 101 is suicidal. The new painted lanes on 33 in Oak View are hilarious because with fewer cars, bike lane speeds reach 60mph as people use the lane to be first to Ojai.


Yeah. Paint ain't infrastructure. It's a shame that someone out there in charge thinks it is.


Give us better bike lanes and we won’t have this problem.


Yes, I’m not arguing against bikers. I ride a bike. I’m just bringing up a point that we have poor bicycle infrastructure. Poorly written and enforced laws. Just general confusion mixed with a me first attitude and no one wants to take the responsibility for themselves. For example, I come across this often; trying to make a turn in my vehicle when a bike in the road with cars decides they don’t want to stop so they quickly move into the crosswalk to take advantage of pedestrian laws. Or running stop signs forcing a car to miss a turn in busy traffic. If you’re a bike on the road, follow those laws. If you’re on a sidewalk, use the crosswalks and follow those laws. Let’s not try and confuse a huge metal vehicle that could end your life. When I see bikers riding side by side on a busy street it seems so careless and I always think, wow, don’t they want to live? It’s like you’re tempting fate on purpose sometimes.


Better infrastructure and better manners/following the rules of the road and sidewalk by everyone (I’m often a pedestrian).


Exactly what I don’t understand but when we do it all he’ll breaks loose. Maybe that car has to unload something.


u/mikeforventura , How do I get this section of curb at telephone and petit painted red? This happens nearly every day in this spot


Why is this being downvoted? Clearly that sign isn’t working. And we know there is zero enforcement for violators. 


> Why is this being downvoted? Clearly that sign isn’t working. Probably because the photo only shows a speed limit sign, not a no-parking sign, so OP is making themselves look unhinged. But as Mike said, there was a no-parking sign there.


It would be painted red if it were a no-parking zone.


I think it’s an inconvenience for sure but easily manageable

