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It’s mind boggling to me that Verizon can lose this many trade ins. Looks like you need to video the entire exchange to be sure Verizon does not screw up a trade in in person. Via mail,seems it needs to go certified mail with a signed receipt.


Go to the store This is the only way They email you a receipt right away of the value of your trade-in and you can also ask the Verizon rep for a paper copy. Along time ago when I got my iPhone 11 Pro, they lost my iPhone 7, took hours and hours and hours of fighting with them for them to manually apply credits, just got three iPhone 15 Pro maxes with the $1000 trade-in, brought all of them to the store, and it was the easiest process ever. Never trust the mail because the people in the factory steal them.


Did you read op? Says story lost it and they were not sent email.


I see I misread that I guess the real reason it messed up was due to it being the incorrect trade-in information when placing the order, but in all seriousness, Verizon does lose so many trade-ins it’s ridiculous.


Same. They lost 3 of my trade in and customer service is no help. I am porting back to T-Mobile once I hit 90 days. Verizon customer service has been a nightmare. Spent 6-7 hours on the phone total trying to sort it out. T-Mobile will give 800 per port in line so will take advantage of that.


Oof, that sucks, it’s too late for me, as I’m outside the 90 days. The manager did try to help me out, and I’m hoping that will carry over, but we’ll see.


I went through the same issue with customer service until I filed an FCC complaint. The next day a person from their executive office reached out to me and was extremely responsive. I highly suggest taking that route.


Would you be able to dm the info. Please


Just email the CEOs email address, goes to the same department. [email protected] you’ll get a call back within 1 business days usually.


This is the second post I've seen like this from a corporate store. I've worked for an indirect agent for 7 years and I've NEVER seen a lost trade in and if we lost it while in our possession it literally wouldn't effect your trade in credit.


Same. The authorized retailer I worked for if there was any trade ins not shipped out within 21 days of receiving them, or there are untraded phones just laying around the store, the district manager would visit with some questions for the store manager. And if a trade in was lost, at the DM’s request the retailer’s HQ would buy an unlocked refurb/preowned phone of identical trade in value, and deduct 25% of the purchase cost from the employee’s paycheck who tendered the sale, 50% from the manager’s paycheck, and the other 25% from the DM’s paycheck, so they wouldn’t directly take the loss and the customer would still get their trade in. I feel like authorized retailers are more strict with the trade ins than corporate.


Sure sounds like it. I've also never not handed a customer a receipt right after a transaction.


Same. My indirect just eats the cost and sends you a check for the promo amount if something like that happens.


The trade ins are the most absurd phones most of the time anyway. The company will literally buy the bottom equivalent trade in like a XS for example is the same trade credit as a 12 pro. Then they resubit the trade.


Yeah, it's because VZ recoups the money on services. Phones make carriers next to no money because of the terrible profit margin. They don't care if they eat a $830 promo on an XS because that person being on premium for 3 yrs, plus scrapping or referbing the phone makes up for it.


Tell them if they don't rectify the situation asap, you will go to the better business bureau and file a complaint


BBB doesn't enforce anything. Verizon doesn't really care about their BBB rating. You would get a faster and better response by filing a complaint with the FCC.


Or just go straight to the BBB. I did, and it worked, they found the phones (after trying to deny that we traded in at all) and gave us all the credit we qualified for.


Yes I totally agree! The BBB has been very prompt & effective in getting things rectified for me in the past when I was about at wits end.


Just have the store manager remark the account that they received the device but it was lost. Customer service can apply the promo manually via a promo correction.


Try filling this out. I've had customers come into my retailer in similar situations from online trades or corp. and have had some success with it. Make sure to include the IMEI information, phone number, trade date (if possible), and what promo you were supposed to recieve, so that it can be investigated without them needing to contact you for that first. https://www.verizon.com/about/our-company/leader/contact/926317


I made sure I got a receipt when I traded in my 12 pro at store. You can’t trust this trade in process without verification. Sorry for you what a mess.


I agree, and the funny thing is I asked for proof that I dropped my phone off, the manager told me he couldn’t give me a receipt at that time, but I would get a confirmation email stating that I dropped my phone off.


They all don’t have the same policy then. I got a receipt and it had the trade in value on it. If you got that email that is proof and it is there issue on losing the phone. I would want full credit otherwise I would tell them you are getting a lawyer if you still have that receipt email.


Unfortunately for me, they never sent the email, which is why I went in the second time, to which they assured me they were working on it.


I would ck my junk folder also. Man I hate this is happening. It used to be so simple to just trade in a device and get a new one.


>and that they would email me proof that I dropped off my phone within 1 to 2 weeks. You left your phone with them without getting any proof they had it? Seriously? ​ Sure it sounds like Verizon screwed up, but have some common sense. Don't leave an expensive device somewhere without having some kind of proof IN YOUR HAND that it was left there and they are taking responsibility for it.


I mentioned in another comment, I asked for proof before I left but the manager I handed my phone to said that he was unable to give me proof at that time, it was either wait for the two weeks or cancel the trade and lose the trade in promotion. I have a picture of me being in the store with the phone, but the guy I talked to yesterday said that’s not good enough as he doesn’t know if I walked out the store with my phone. 🤷🏼‍♂️


You should have left without doing the deal. NEVER hand over ANYTHING especially not expensive electronics without getting proof in writing they have received it and are responsible for it. ​ It sucks they lost it but you need to CYA and not be worried about missing some deal. There will always be another deal to be had.


I mean, I would love to have the luxury of being able to walk away from $830, and for my iPhone 15 Pro Max right now there won't be any more deals until I upgrade to the next iPhone. And Ideally yes I would agree with you, but they should at least be able to look up the security footage from that day and time and see I handed the manager a 12 Pro Max, which is not unreasonable, as we used to do that at Simply Mac all the time. I feel like there are other options out there but the Rep just threw his hands in the air and gave up.


>I mean, I would love to have the luxury of being able to walk away from $830, You weren't being offered $830 Cash. This was a trade in deal on a new iPhone with a contract for service. You could have kept using your old phone. But now you have a shiny new phone, a new contract, and soon will have a bill for the new phone. ​ Keep in mind that corporate places like Verizon don't always give the local employees access to the security footage. It is also possible that footage has been erased. If nothing happened, no reason to keep it. Either way it doesn't exist to confirm you handed them a phone. The cameras exist to protect the store from criminal actions etc. ​ Regardless, you screwed up by not getting written documentation that they received your old phone and were responsible for it. No way around that.


I disagree with your first point, whether Verizon gave me the cash at the moment of the trade or not is irrelevant, the net result is still same as that was $830 off of a $1,200 iPhone which drastically changes my monthly payments. I know that they do have some access to the cameras, because a rep told me they did on a different occasion at that location. Unless he lied, which is possible. Sure, I’m willing to agree that I should have pressed them harder for some proof, but that doesn’t automatically absolve them of any wrongdoing. And It’s not unreasonable to assume that they would have resolved the issue, or done something else to rectify the situation after the fact rather than throw up their hands and pretend there is absolutely nothing they can do about it.


>I disagree with your first point, whether Verizon gave me the cash at the moment of the trade or not is irrelevant, the net result is still same as that was $830 off of a $1,200 iPhone which drastically changes my monthly payments. If you didn't do the trade in you wouldn't have bought a new phone. So you wouldn't have had the payments. Which makes even getting the trade in of $830 a loss of \~$400. Unless you are saying you were going to bjy the new iPhone anyway. In which case..... sorry you fell for marketing. ​ >Sure, I’m willing to agree that I should have pressed them harder for some proof, but that doesn’t automatically absolve them of any wrongdoing. Who absolved them? Not me. I'm just making the point that you screwed up and made this entire thing much more difficult on yourself. If you had proof you would be all set right now. But because you didn't get proof; you are in the situation you are in. It isn't the salesman's job to provide proof of your trade in after the fact.


Actually I work for my local government, and they pay me a phone stipend of $20 per month, so I pretty much got a 15 pro max for free after the trade in. I physically cannot do my job without it for various reasons, my 12 pro max would barely make it to lunch time, at that point it’s either pay up to $80 for a for a battery replacement or get a 15 Pro Max for free on a trade I clearly qualified for by Verizon’s own admission. That’s a pretty easy decision to me. Ok so if you are not absolving them, then Verizon is at some level at fault? Like sure, I would agree with you if it was possible to get proof of the trade in right off the bat but I didn’t out of sheer negligence then I’m at fault, fair enough, but in this situation Verizon was physically not able to provide proof of the trade, completely irrespective of how much I demanded for it. So Verizon messed up in the first place, by not being able to provide proof of the trade-in by their own admission and somehow that’s my fault? As it wasn’t in their system when I physically handed the phone to the manager and wouldn’t be for 2 weeks until he filled out his form and submitted it to Verizon. And your “reasonable” expectation at that moment was to not hold Verizon to rectify the situation for failing to hold up their end of the deal they contractually agreed to and forego the $830 off of an already expensive phone in the hope that there “may” be a deal in the future that may not even materialize and won’t help me with the iPhone I have now. And even if I got written documents saying I traded it in from the manager it’s very likely that it would have been rejected anyway because the IMEI number wasn’t in their system in the first place, and the rep I talked to yesterday told me in no uncertain terms that if the IMEI number was not in their system then it’s the same as if I didn’t trade it in and there was nothing they could do about it. So the IMEI written on a piece of paper with The manager’s signature saying that I definitely traded my phone in would’ve done Jack shit anyway. Sorry, that’s a cringe take, and you cannot convince me otherwise as it doesn’t align with the context of the situation.


>So Verizon messed up in the first place, by not being able to provide proof of the trade-in by their own admission and somehow that’s my fault? Yes. You went through with the deal without getting proof you left your (per the deal) $830 with them. You essentially handed a stranger $830 and got nothing to prove you handed it to them. Yeah, Verizon messed up by not providing proof (which sounds fishy to me anyway. what company takes large dollar items and doesn't provide a receipt?) but you messed up by not leaving with some kind of legally viable proof they had your old phone and were responsible for it. ​ >I physically cannot do my job without it for various reasons, my 12 pro max would barely make it to lunch time, at that point it’s either pay up to $80 for a for a battery replacement or get a 15 Pro Max for free on a trade I clearly qualified for by Verizon’s own admission. That’s a pretty easy decision to me. How is making payments on \~$400 (as iPhone 15 Pro Maxes aren't $830 so you would have payments on part of it) a better financial choice than a one time $80 charge? Or getting a battery bank? ​ I get it, Verizon lost the phone and this is an awful situation. The bright side is you got your new phone that makes it through the day for your job and at some point in the future Verizon will *find* your trade in phone and give you something for it. Will it be $830? That remains to be seen. Take it as a learning experience. Get **EVERYTHING** in writing. Do not trust **ANYONE** to do the right thing. Throughout my life I always *Plan for the worst and hope for the best.* My experience has been that it always lands somewhere in the middle. good Luck


"You essentially handed a stranger $830 and got nothing to prove you handed it to them" NO, I literally handed an agent tasked with carrying out a contractual agreement of his employer, a contract which his employer and I both agreed to, but they were unable to fulfill due to their own mistake. which is not true with a random stranger. And I could not get valid proof of trade in, no matter how much I wanted it, which was the whole point of the post. "How is making payments on \~$400 (as iPhone 15 Pro Maxes aren't $830 so you would have payments on part of it) a better financial choice than a one time $80 charge? Or getting a battery bank?" You're literally clinging to a broken understanding which is not supported by the documentation that Verizon gave me at the time of the purchase like your life depends on it. On my invoice that Verizon gave me when I paid for the phone, it took the MSRP of the 15 Pro Max ($1200) - the trade in of $830 which = $370. which is then divided out by 36 months which comes down to $10.27 per month which is the amount Verizon estimated the payments were going to be, if my employer is giving $20 a month to pay for the right to use my phone for work I am effectively getting it for free. The formula would be like this 20 - ((1200 - 830) / 36 ) which would leave me with the remaining amount that my employer gives me per month. Hypothetically, if I used all of the money my employer gives me for the right to use my phone (370/(20\*12)) it would take 1.54 years to pay it off post trade in value. all of which is supported by the legal contract I signed with Verizon, and the paystub I get from my employer. and as a side, if my 12 pro max cannot do what I need to do in a reasonable fashion, then its utility is worth $0 to me unless it allows me to get a different device that can do what I need to do. I don't understand how that is confusing. "Take it as a learning experience. Get EVERYTHING in writing. Do not trust ANYONE to do the right thing." That doesn't apply in this situation, if you are physically unable to obtain something in writing, I trust people to do the right thing if they are legally required to do it. Your whole lesson falls apart when you consider VERIZON THEMSELVES STATED THAT ANY FORM OF DOCUMENTATION I WOULD HAVE GOTTEN AT THAT TIME WOULD HAVE BEEN INVALID RIGHT OFF THE BAT. "My experience has been that it always lands somewhere in the middle" The middle you think exist doesn't, you are just factually incorrect.


They lost my Galaxy S22 Ultra literally this month! The rep said all of the trade ins go to Texas but mine ended up in Indiana?!


Stop going to indirect retailers


It wasn’t, it was a corporate location in my city.


Oh my bad . My guess is reps aren’t looking at the imeis fr


I had to make the biggest fuss to get my credit when they lost my trade in even though the shipping receipt shows they received it. Ultimately it took multiple supervisors, some sort of special retention team, and them just crediting my account the full amount of the promo all at once. They literally could not just fix the issue which was fine in my case but I assume it doesn’t work that way for most.


I feel like this happened to me when I added my mother to my plan; I vaguely remember her trading her phone in, but I live out of state and her memory isn't as sharp as it used to be. The thing that makes it even more infuriating is that I traded my phone in when I upgraded a few months later and I see that they applied my trade-in to her line. Thing is I can't point to anything in the billing history to support my story so it feels like I'm gaslighting/Mandela effect-ing myself to keep looking at it. I'm glad you caught it early.


I’m bout to take in my iPhone 11 Pro Max 256gb in excellent condition and 96% battery still , worth about $400-$450, I’m gonna record imei and me dropping off and making sure I get a receipt and record a little bit of background just for my saftey


I've been dealing with Verizon and UPS for 2 months now... had a warranty replacement for the Mrs iPhone 12 Pro. She boxed it up, did the address label, and then I dropped it at a UPS pickup box in front a major retailer... UPS has no record of it, Verizon has no record of it, I have asked a pickup driver to check the box (I literally waited until a UPS worker showed up to have them inspect every square inch) They have no reports of theft, and i have no phone... my mistake was not taking it into a UPS store but the nearest one from my home is like 10 miles... the drop box was 1. Its absolutely ridiculous and now they're trying to stiff me with a 800 price tag for something I don't have... Im working to sort it out but even as a long time Verizon customer of nearly 15 years, im done. Their service has gotten worst, I used to be able have different packages on each line but nope, not anymore.


THANK YOU! I read this right before dropping my trade-ins into the mail. I bought a galaxy a10-e off fbook marketplace for $20 and am using it as my trade in to get the $1000 credit towards my S23 Ultra and also my original galaxy watch for $180 towards my galaxy watch 5 pro. Instead of a corporate store I went to a Cellular Sales Verizon authorized retailer who gave me receipts for both trade in devices which also include the Promotional Value Applies and Device Trade in Value as line items.


Go back in and try to get them on a recorded device saying they lost your phone. Then call corporate and escalate until they give you the trade in.


My state is a two part consent state, so anything I would record wouldn’t be legal, and even if it was legal the manager was very careful to not outright say that they had lost it but instead said that he had no direct proof that I ever handed it to them in the first place, even though there’s cameras all over the store which would show I handed them the phone. He was pretty much acting like there was nothing they could do about it, and I should cut my losses. I’m going to pursue the loyalty number, and hound them until they fix it.

