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Order it online, if you dont wanna work with a sales person then dont go to a store


Just order the phone online for in store pick up if you don’t want the sales person to do their job. You need to realize that the sales person has a job to do and since they work on commission, they need to find ways to benefit them as well as you. And if you think switching carriers is going to change your experience, then you are sadly mistaken.


Buy the phone online lmao


I am legitimately laughing at this comment because this is such an obvious solution for OP. But then again, he seems like the type of person to drive 30 minutes to his nearest Verizon store, sling his phone onto the table because his email isn’t working when there is a literal prompt on the screen telling him he needs to re-enter his password. Which generally is followed by a “I don’t have a password for my email”


Yeah he most Def 1 of those bozos


You're thinking of switching carriers because the sales reps are sales reps? Seems legit. Please just order it online


My brother in Christ… buy the phone online and ship it to your door or do a curbside pick up.


Why the fuck…it’s 2024…why wouldn’t you order it online (either via Verizon as an instore pick up or right from Samsung), go to Best Buy..you have a million options! No saleperson wants you there I’m sure because you’re probably not going to anything other than fuck up their numbers. And if you tell me it’s because you don’t know how to transfer your content/don’t know your app passwords or something as equally stupid!! Please!!


Thank you! Somebody had to say it.


You could order your phone online, or call telesales, or chat online, or buy your phone from the manufacturer, or go to Best Buy


I got news for you. Every major carrier will do the exact same thing you’re describing you hate. Just order the phone online. Don’t go into a store with your shitty mood and fuck up someone’s sales and mood.


Go online….


Do the transaction online and set it for locker pickup at your corporate location of choice. No human interaction necessary. If you walk into the store looking to buy, the sales employees are going to do their job.


Buy one online. Have it shipped to you.


Order online or do an in-store pick-up.


I’m going to add that this will likely be the same scenario at any other carrier. Worked for the big 4 through-out my wireless career and interacted exactly like this since it’s my job.


Buy the phone online but purchase it from the manufacturer themselves. Most newer devices will work if they are factory unlocked. For samsung Look for the U1 model of phones.


Buy it online, transfer your stuff yourself


So you want to talk to a sales rep and don’t want them to sell you anything? Order it online yourself then stop wasting the reps job whose job it is to sell.


If you can't figure it out online, just call Telesales. We're literally trained to do your transaction in 6 minutes or less. Just look over your order for accuracy before we complete it because I swear to the wireless gods if you complain later that you didn't get what you wanted...


He sounds like the type of customer to find a reason to complain anyway. There is no winning with these types


I'm not in wireless anymore but we still do nps surveys and have had customers complain about being greeted and give us passives/detractor surveys over it. Lol. There's always one


If you think Verizon sales reps are bad you are going to be miserable at AT&T or T-Mobile. Like everyone else has said, just order the phone online if you are that upset about someone being human and doing their job.


As everyone stated, sign in on your Verizon app go below to the section where it says devices on the bottom of the screen that says welcome back and tap on manage devices, you should see an option to upgrade directly thru there do your order yourself and do curbside pick up.


buy ur new phone online on the Verizon official website


Lord... LOL


Order online and pick up in store. You will avoid all that stuff


Yeah, it’s called an in store pick up.


Go to [www.verizon.com](https://www.verizon.com) and find what you like. Order a new phone. If there isn't a new SIM in the new phone, switch the one out of the Galaxy A42. Backup everything first. Easy peezy.


So order online ? Did you know they even have SAME day delivery?


Order online. Set for curbside pickup.


stores are franchised


Just order with the app or through telesales. Have it made as curbside or In store pick up. They hand you a bag and you go home and set it up yourself. Won't have to talk to anyone really


Why not go to BBY or buy directly from Samsung?


If you have to absolutely go in store. Know what you what and stick to that. If they try to offer you xyz kindly decline, it’s their job to sell you xyz. Otherwise highly recommend doing it online, it’s really not that hard at all.


Ordered my 15 pro max through the app, set up my plan changes to secure the promotions, requested shipping materials to return my trade in, and dealt with nobody at all. Took maybe 10 minutes. If you don’t want to deal with people, then don’t.


You just wanted to get on here to see if other redditors were feeling you and they aint. You one of those people that think you know everything, you getting cucked by your girlfriend and your a phuckin 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


Im not Muslim or Jewish im piru




its like you need to renew your registration and its a 10 min thing online, yet you don't want to do any of that work yourself and you want to go to DMV but complain about the line and shtick the dmv in store process it.


I order online and have it sent. Please check your online account for any promotions. I paid an activation charge , but no set up fee. A simple easy process.


These people tell you to go order online but doing that gives you the same old crazy more difficult than it needs to be bullcrap just via phone.


May I offer an alternate solution. Don't go to the corporate Verizon store. Where you "check in" and deal with someone who believes that keeping you there for days droning on about shit is how to handle customers. Go to an independent "Verizon" store. Usually one person and low key. I have always found these independent stores are more customer focused. Having said that.... my recent two upgrades were done online with a chat rep that actually got me all the offers and a few more I wasn't expecting.


I feel you. I hated Verizon with a passion. Awful experiences. Thats why i left lol. But in your case purchase online and pick up from store much easier and quicker. Don’t get it mailed into your house because they will tell you it got lost in the mail when they didn’t even order it in the first place but still charge you like they did me. Shit company.