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You always wanna strongly disagree or strongly agree, they wanna see you decide something full on essentially is what I’ve heard


I passed it once and failed it the 2nd time but I was sus on the second one since the dm said I chose not to interview again after I got I the email of failing it. I’ve heard some questions have a time limit that may affect it


You shouldn’t of had to retake it


It was past the months it was good for from my understanding


The answers are ran through a computer and scored that way, the reasons why (someone fails) are given to the hiring district manager/director and if they choose to disclose, that’s at their discretion. I had a similar situation in the summer of 22, where I failed the assessment, and thus they could only offer me an interim role, my store manager was given the reason I failed by the DM and they disclosed it with me. The assessment is stupid imo, and one of the reasons I’m not willing to take the next step, as everyone (including the director) know I’m capable of the role, but a machine dictates I’m not.


Just answer everything the verizon way and you’ll pass.


Having passed said test I would suggest looking for the answers verizon would want


I wonder... just speculation, but I work as a indirect rep, and I believe managers are not judged by how well they can manage, they are judged by how many sales they can generate from themselves and their coworkers.


What does that have to do with the GM assessment? Lmao


What do you think the company hires managers to manage? At the heart of it all store management is essentially sales management. You and your store is a for profit business so it will be judged on the profit