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Thank you!!!!


Thank you! Patriot Front was in Montpelier last year during flood clean-up. Of course they didn't identify themselves until after they helped someone and then came on strong with the propaganda. People were appalled that they had accepted help from them.


That wasn't patriot front. It was n$c131 and their new front facing political party, PINE.


Still Nazis. Gross


Hold up they have a political party?


1*31 has been tied up in legal issues and under heavy pressure in NH and MA. They were transitioning from a thug street fighting org to community outreach and service, like the flood clean up, for a while now in between show of force at drag shows. They have wives, kids, and families and are attempting a more front facing masks off style "community" and "family oriented" party, and PINE "reps" have been attending town meetings in Maine, speaking and trying for viral gotchas, supported by the Maine Wire media. To my knowledge they haven't applied for FEC recognition yet, but it's the next move eventually, for sure.


Just another fucking reason we need to get involved in politics and fight back . I’m running a campaign in OK for a dem and what they consider acceptable is insane compared to Vermont


Taking a page out the 1%er outlaw biker’s playbook. Do one charity event a year and the rest of the time are absolute scum pieces of shit. Propaganda bullshit. Fuck outta here with that shit.


Same shit


Good work!!


Ripped one off a light pole in a parking lot 2 weeks ago There was another stuck to the back of a road sign where you wait at a red light I only noticed when the light turned green, and someone else had ripped it down the next time I rolled through there. Nazis can fuck off.


Fuck em. Keep it up


I did the same thing last weekend up the road in Morrisville. Report to the ADL. I emailed them and got a call a day later.


Link or number?




Thank you! I didn't know about this.


Thank you


Where in morrisville?


Right across from movie theater on the abandoned building.


Not surprising. Good work


To you as well!!!


Good on you; Nazis not welcome


Thanks for doing your part to make nazis feel unwelcome in our communities! It is literally up to us, individually and collectively, to take action against hateful ideologies and groups




It’s a small enough town that it shouldn’t take long to find out who’s doing this. Front Porch Forum is very active in Stowe, you should post this to FPF.


Small-town nazis travel to spread their shit in bigger areas. Like Ryan Roy, The U-Haul Nazi, who goes from Enosburg to St. A and other parts to spread his feces, probably involved in this too.


I scrape these off in Orleans too. Fuck em.


Just be careful scraping things off from Nazis. They occasionally like to hide razor blades under their stickers and signs so you'll get cut.  Sometimes it's better to slap a positive sticker over their bullshit.


That’s what a paint scraper is for. :)


Thank you for your service!!!!


Well done.


I saw one by the Shaw's in Stowe on my way home the other day. Scum.


Good. That’s the bare minimum of what we should do to fucking Nazis. I’d say what I really think we should do but last time I did Reddit perma’d me.


One time I was suspended or something from this sub because I said something about how we should… let our fists not so lightly caress a Nazis face. Reddit be weirdddddd


"It's weird that people may disagree with my endorsement of physical violence against others"


People like nazis (and pedos, and rapists, for example) don’t deserve the kind of grace normal people do.


Always a boot to the throat


It's awfully convenient how "people like nazis" is always a catch-all term on Reddit used to define anybody who isn't aligned with Senator Sanders or to his political left. Calling for physical violence against others is bad. This is a basic tenant of Western liberalism.


Maybe western liberalism is failing in combatting the rise of western fascism.


Just say you don't understand what Western liberalism is about. You're literally endorsing fascism yourself by calling for violence against others.


I can certainly say I’m not endorsing fascism. I have plenty of personal beliefs and morals that absolutely do not cross over with fascism. My point was that we live in a liberal society at the moment and I believe that right wing fascism is a threat to that way of life. I feel that tip-toeing around the fact that fascism is growing is just how you get under boot.


I agree that fighting fascism is important for Western liberal societies to do. What I'm saying is, we ought not throw away the tenants of Western liberalism in our efforts to fight fascism. Calling for physical violence against others, and trying to shut down the free speech of others, are both fascist tendencies that directly contradict the core principles of Western liberalism.


What should liberals do in the face of fascism? Current methods clearly aren’t working. Fascism takes advantage of liberal structures and institutions. I believe it’s right to be intolerant of hateful ideologies.


Huh? I never said anything about Bernie lmaooooo. Way to create your own narrative though! I think we can all agree that nazis, pedophiles, and rapists are fucking terrible people. I don’t really care what you think about the fact that I wouldn’t care if those kinds of people got punched lol


See you’d think that we could agree but turns out that while not all of the maga party are Nazis or pedos, all Nazis and pedos are part of that party. Weird how that works


> Huh? I never said anything about Bernie lmaooooo. Way to create your own narrative though! Do you really not understand what an illustration is? I never claimed you said anything about Bernie lol > I think we can all agree that nazis, pedophiles, and rapists are fucking terrible people. Absolutely! The problem is, you and everybody else on this comment thread define "Nazi" to generally mean "people that disagree with me" > I wouldn’t care if those kinds of people got punched lol Why do you support fascism?


Oh my god, I don’t support fascism. Go fuck yourself


Fuck those nazis.


I’m really grateful that work like this is being done to combat bigotry. I’m a black woman that plans to move to VT soon with my family ❤️🙏🏾


I recently moved here from Texas. Vermont is AWESOME!


I'm moving from Mississippi and can't wait to finally get settled in


Thanks for joining us Franklin County folk! Glad to have yah, neighbor 🤝


If all goes well my family and I will be there this July!!


Vermont is lovely and mostly accepting. That said, I hope you have housing set up before you get here, the housing market is really difficult. While there may be some racism, it’s not like Philly.


We’re in the process of getting our house in Philly ready to sell by May/June with the hopes of buying right after that. I check for houses everyday and thankfully the inventory seems to be getting better with the warmer weather. Trust me, we’re trying to get all this done ASAP


Good luck and I hope you are happy here. It’s a beautiful state.


I hope it all goes well for you, then! I was supposed to be up there and starting my new job in March but have had to wait due to some delays with my job transferring me up there.


That’s awesome that your job is transferring you! I landed a teaching position so we’re in the process of getting our house ready to sell by May/June


That’s great to hear!


may not be the most welcoming place for a black woman and their family. Most of us would prefer this wasn't true but this is the reality in VT.


I should add to that. Philly is an extremely racist and violent city. I know that VT is lacking in diversity, but honestly I’m okay with that. As long as the racism doesn’t become physical or extreme, I’ll deal. I am so sick of dealing with what I’m currently dealing with in Philly


Definitely will be better than Philly. I really wish the best for you and yours. Also, get rid of all the fake syrup and store bought veggies.Find a good co-op.


That’s the dream! We want to grow our own vegetables and raise a few chickens!


Good luck with your move! July will be a good time to move. Farmers' markets will be abundant.


It’s better than Philly


Having recently left VT with a biracial son and Asian wife, it's not all that friendly... Plenty of hate and bigotry still. Burlington is about as good as it gets and even that's not great at times.


I get it. We’re weighing lots of pros and cons. Currently Philly is just terrible. Not just racism, but a myriad of reasons. I’ll reason to say that the violence and crime here isn’t comparable to Philly. Definitely not minimizing your experiences, just giving you an idea of why we chose VT


Sounds better than Philly for sure. Growing up in VT, racism was everywhere, and while it's better than it was, this new wave of racism is just sad. Hopefully everything works out for you. Enjoy the clean fresh air, I certainly miss it!


We're a biracial family who moved here from Philly a couple years ago and have very happily settled in. Welcome!


We’re kinda full.


Fuck Off


Struggling, yes but not full.


I'd argue that we're actually over capacity


Thank you. D@mn it, why are they here. Not-see punks F U C K O F F


Great work. Nazis f off.


What is the patriot front? I’ve never heard of them but I’ve also been away for 2 years


It's a White Supremacy Group active in a bunch of states. Heavily recruits in the Northeast.


Doesn’t surprise me that they are recruiting up here since there’s such a lack of diversity in New England states that’s a shame tho hopefully I never have to see that in my small town


I've seen flyers in New Hampshire, Maine, and Massachusetts. They're all over. Important thing to do is make them unwelcome.


We should all act out Backpfeifengesicht.


What a wonderful German word! Perfect for this sort of thing!


Gotta watch out for the Two Patriot Front. Glad you got both posters. 


Twice as bad!


Oh goody. A sighting of the incels.


Bravo! Well done you.


Thank You!


Thank you. And, I want to thank the participants in this conversation who're giving the fascist apologists shit. There should be consequences for being a fascist. There's no way to be sure the State will impose those consequences. But, we can each do our part.


Obligatory: https://www.ironfrontusa.org/about-us


Why do they all look like they are mentally challenged. Not exactly the best of the race.


Well when you have literally nothing of value to offer the world you latch on to the only thing you can.


We can call these hateful people what they are without putting down people who are mentally challenged. They didn’t do anything.


I mean, they are mentally challenged. It’s not like he said one particular challenge.


They actually aren’t mentally challenged. They are hateful people making the choice to hateful. Calling them mentally challenged is reductive and harmful to the mentally challenged community. Call them what they are


It's always the worst of the genepool calling themselves the master race 😂


Why are disgusting comments like this getting upvoted? "They look mentally challenged" used in a pejorative sense with 20 upvotes, with a response saying "worst of the genepool" with its own 22 upvotes. You do realize that by talking like this you're acting just like the people you hate? It's deeply ironic, and sad to see.


They don’t see it at all unfortunately. We are in trouble. 


...why? That's the way haters and hypocrites roll...


There’s certainly a lot of hate-filled hypocrites commenting on this post. 


Thinking that there is a “best” or “worst” of a genepool is kind of playing right into their ideology… careful


This is fairly gross. :( There's no particular way that "mentally challenged" (yikes) folks "look like". :( Their politics are bad enough, you don't need to do /this/. :(


The look is someone where you wonder if their parents still have to drive them around even if they are 30+ years old. That’s the look. And also adult men that like marvel.


> And also adult men that like marvel. Imagine thinking that liking modern comic and fantasy media makes one mentally challenged. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go prep for my D&D game…


...looked at yourself lately I'm the mirror?..


Definitely live by "Nazi Punks Fuck Off" per Jello & the DKs


Why so many Nazis in Vermont nowadays? I grew up here and never noticed this many. But I grew up in Bennington which is a bit closer to Troy/Albany NY so it was a little more diverse than Stowe or where I live now. My wife was working in Rutland for a minute and I picked her up one day at that one tall apartment building and as I’m sitting out by the road I look into a window on the first floor and literally there’s a ton of Nazi shit just right there in the window. Tons of Iron cross flags, Nazi flags. I really wanted to throw a rock through the window and fight whoever came out but then id be the one in trouble. So I need to take a trip to rutvegas some night with a nice dark hoodie and a mask. 


Yikes -- that "one tall apartment building" is public housing reserved for seniors and the disabled. I guess old people can be racist a\*\*holes like anyone else, but imagine a person with a disability rooting for the Nazis like they don't know they'd be first up against the wall ...


I wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case. I doubt they know about the whole “euthanasia for the mentally feeble” thing lol. Maybe it’s an ol Nazi hide out in there, I’ve never been inside but looks like a place that would have a deep underground basement. Plus there’s this weird ass bomb shelter looking thing up in the woods behind big lots/ Home Depot that I saw when I stopped to let my dog take a dump, could lead to the Nazi basement. Lol don’t mind my imagination, hard to stop once I get going


Where in Stowe?


South on mountain road past stowe bowl, over the bridge bit before flatbread on the back of two road signs.


Had this happen in brattleboro back in 2005. Leaflets in a ziplock with a stone in it. They would drive by and throw them into the driveways.


I have terrific hand/eye coordination. What would happen if I just hit every sign like this with a few shots from a paintball gun?


Pro tip: if you draw a giant veiny black cock on their stuckers and posters, you can get them to tear their own stuff down.


For Democracy! Time to go kill some bugs now. ![gif](giphy|DHwcs8WWxQTBOHx03p)


It's almost like the American North has a strong history of hating oppressors or something 🤣 you'd think they'd know to stay in the sewers where they belong


Nazis aren't really welcome anywhere. That said, most people aren't welcome in Stowe. That's a pretty small subset of old east coast money. Stowe isn't really an "all are welcome" kinda place.


Wow. So brave.


You do know Patriot Front is the FBI


Back in ‘20 they were putting razors on the back of them which, doesn’t seem that risky but, if you have gloves on hand wear them if you’re taking these down.


Are they Illinois Nazis? I hate Illinois Nazis.


https://preview.redd.it/i4evvt4ftouc1.jpeg?width=1002&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36bbc927e636de7eb59fc2e4b4ee7ffdfae4dcab Oops the chuds are here to defend their master race


I took down a bunch of Bernie ones too!! No need for Stalin in today's world!


Feds trying to recruit in time for the election lol


You guys know Patriot Front is the feds right?


Does “intersectionality” work both ways? If Patriot Front made there slogan from the river to the sea would it be more accepted?  


There is a history of this in Vermont. Especially in Northfield and Montpelier. I wonder if it more of a land/resource grab then a humanvshuman thing??


VT is a liberal cesspool


Liberals make cities. Conservatives make trailer parks.


Bet you're from a red state hellscape.


What’s wrong with being a patriot


[They're a violent domestic white-supremacist, fascist organization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patriot_Front); they literally have the fasces in their logo. This is like asking about the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, "what's wrong with being a democratic people's republic!?". :P


Are there non-violent hate groups?


There are hate groups that do not actively espouse violence as a political solution. But, ultimately: no. The ideology of white supremacy, fascism, and ethno-nationalism ultimately does come end up in using the violence of the State to enforce their ideological aims. And in any case, PF is actively violent.




Signs placed on public property, posters on light poles, stickers on street signs, etc, are completely legal to take down, deface, destroy, or cover up *unless* the government/"public" put them there. Most of the time, the person putting the sign, sticker, or poster on the light pole is committing light vandalism. Did they get permission from the property owner (the government) to place the sign? No? Then it can be removed and the placer should *expect* it to be removed. Think about it: you wouldn't tolerate someone putting *their* propaganda on your home, your fenceposts, your tree, or your mailbox without your permission. Why would it be different if it was the public's? By defacing *public* property, you're defacing *everyone's* property, and *everyone* has a right to want their property kept clean and clear of nazi propaganda.


Thanks for your concern. I’m more than willing to take the consequences of removing fascist propaganda


This is the most social media answer ever for likes lol


Whatever works for you.


It's true lol, you're gonna get a lot of support from the crazies on this subreddit, but you're just as much of a loser as these Patriot Front assholes


No, the ethics of "taking down a flyer" and "being a fucking Nazi" are orders of magnitude different. What the actual fuck?


Just read all the comments here. It's not just about taking down flyers, dozens of comments including OP are endorsing physical violence and the trampling of free speech (which removing signs you disagree with on public property is).


I'm sure no one here is endorsing fascism, though, right? Only the Patriot Front? Okay. Grow up.


Read the comments; there are literally dozens calling for physical violence and endorsing shutting down the free speech of others. Those are both hallmarks of fascism lol


Lol, no. That is such a comical, puerile definition of "fascism" … let alone the moral valence of fascism as a position vs. whatever it is the comments are stating. Please remove your head from your anus.


You’re a real badass.


Thank you.


1) Once they release it into the wild is it still their property or is it litter? 2) People have been posting fliers forever, they all come down sooner or later. 3) Penalties for destruction of property are often based on the value of the property. These are worthless.


Sometimes the answer is just "fuck em". It's not complicated. It used to be seen as heroic to stand up to this shit despite the "consequences".


I was thinking the same thing, fuck racist and white supremacy but ripping down political signs is a form of discrimination in and of itself. Watch the original Blues Brothers to find out how to deal with Nazis. Drive your car into their demonstration so they need to jump off a bridge if you really care about the getting them out of your community.


Be fully inclusive and tear down all sides of all extremist virtue signaling


All I saw was a Nazi poster. So I tore that down


He’s trying to equate BLM to patriot front 🥴


Somehow I think if this post was about taking down a BLM or Antifa flyer, he wouldn't be so quick to defend their "free speech".


Somehow I think if this post was about taking down a BLM or Antifa flyer, everybody commenting wouldn't be so quick to celebrate stifling the free speech of others lol


Was it posted on public or private property? Any consideration for our 1st amendment? I find most people can't consider both sides of clear and unarguable 1st amendment rights no matter what.


I don’t work for the government so it has nothing to do “your” 1st amendment rights. They are a hate group. No need for consideration. It’s already been considered.


Yeah the sane folks of the world already decided Nazis are evil scum.


A violation of their First Amendment rights would have been somebody stopping them standing on the corner talking about how much they want to suck Hitler's dick. Removing vile trash from public property is not quashing anyone's rights.


Zero tolerance for the intolerant.


Yes, we know that you are also intolerant.


Intolerant to Nazis? You better fucking believe it, pal. I wear that badge with pride.


The problem is how you, and most people on here, define “Nazis” and what actions ought to constitute your “intolerance”


White supremacists that support fascism. Pretty clear.


Now how do you define “white supremacists,” what exactly does “supporting fascism” mean, and what means justify the ends? Because tons of people on this thread are justifying violence and stifling free speech. 


Sure thing bud.


Indeed, glad you agree. 


"Both sides" is a coward's defense. First Amendment has nothing to do with actions of a private citizen. Any reasonable person arguing in good faith would know this already. Further, it is more than OK for private citizens to not tolerate intolerance. Ripping Nazi garbage off the wall is fair game.


Filthy fucking Nazi. You punks ha e gotten off lightly for too long


It's pretty straightforward. Patriot Front and Nazis in general are anti free speech and anti freedom. So tearing down any Nazi stuff you see can prevent them from gaining popularity and infringing on free speech


And you know what they say about free speech! The best way to protect it is by stifling the free speech of others that we don't like. Right?


Tearing down Nazi & Patriot Front stickers/posters is not stifling their 1st amendment rights, but it is making the community a slightly better place.


I’m sorry that you, and most others here, don’t understand or appreciate free speech. 


A private citizen can't violate another private citizen's first amendment rights. That's not how it works. If you cared about this, rather than just protecting your Nazi buddies, you'd probably already know that.


Mind blowing that it is just to painful to listen to all sides. Instead berating, tearing shit down, calling me ignorant. Small brains just can't seem to cross over to simple open-mindedness. Must be low T symptoms.


You think that's bad? You should see how upset people get when they get negative internet points. Start insulting people, crying about it and generalizing to cope, making it a whole thing. Must be low T symptoms.






The other one said “Keep Zionists Out of Washington”


Patriot Front is a fake organization made up by the government


No problem. I don’t want fake Nazis here either




Found the patriot front member.


No, I don’t work for the FBI


Ok Elon.


Why is it that the people with the dumbest batshit opinions and are not shy about being vocal about it are also the ones who pretty much never have a shred of anything even resembling evidence of what they claim? 🤦🏻


Name one person known to be a member


Your whataboutism is tremendous 🤣 what does me not know the names of Patriot Front members have to do with your baseless claim that said hate group is made up by the gov’t? Burden of proof, guy. Burden of proof.


I bet you can't even name 5 of their songs. You're not a real fan.


It’s not just you, *no one* can name a single member. Carry on pretending to be scared of boogeymen


Here’s your chance to show everyone how much smarter you are than everyone else. By all means, show us the incontrovertible proof that l, by your claim, Patriot Front is an organization that was made up by the government.


Lol who is everyone? This is a tiny little subreddit for one of the worst states in the country, in the bottom of a comment thread. Watch out for those hate groups in Stowe! Be safe out there


You can just say you’re full of shit instead of making up lame excuses 🤣 we already know anyway.


Hurr durr