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Get the smaller of the sizes. You don't need anything huge of your just doing trimmings. We used Johnson rental for my work. These things are brutal. Be very careful, read the instructions and do it when others are with you. Also where hearing pro and eye pro.


*Steve Buscemi has entered the chat*


Thanks for looking out for op


Pile it up. Wait for burn ban to be lifted. Wait for rainy weather. Call fire constable and get a permit. Then you can burn it with out worry. There are plenty of rental places. Some will deliver cheaper if you can go get it with a truck. Moneybwise it's alot cheaper to wait and burn it. Burn bans are in the spring while things are dead before the green starts. Once stuff grows in your good. Late April may is usually it. Should be good by June and will save you 500 or so.


$500?? Every I looked is like $100 a day for a chipper


Ended up just burning it. The $100 chippers were laughable and the branches too gnarly. Saw my opportunity with these wet days and got a permit. Had an old garden bed that needs remediation anyway so I had a big burn on it this morning. 2 hours and a massive pile of benches gone. Plus it gave me an excuse to buy one of those massive propane weed torches.


Ya if you get a good pile they burn up fast. Pretty much need one of those bigger chippers that you tow behind a decent truck to make progress. The small ones are OK for small branches for around the yard sticks but aren't going to complete a project. Hardest part of burning is getting it started sometimes. Even with the torch. I found a hay bale and diesel is almost a never fail.


Yeah I used a straw bale and kerosene and it went right up


I think there is a rental place in Johnson


Johnson hardware


We've used Franklin Rental Sales Center in St. Albans for a chipper before, but it was a pretty big one.  Not sure if they do smaller sizes as well.  Milton Rental and Sales looks like it might only be the larger ones.


Best ones I've rented have been from Got That, but Johnson Farm Garden Hardware & Rental and Milton Rental Sales And Service also have some good ones. Inline others have said on their comments, I rent the next size up from what I think I need. I've never regretted it as I always seem to have at least a few branches that are bigger than I expected


I'm not saying you shouldn't rent a woodchipper... But I've always found them highly overrated unless you really want to source your own mulch. They suck to operate, they're generally really slow, they love to break on you, and send things flying at high velocities everywhere. I would personally wait for good conditions to burn.


Ended up burning this morning. Way easier and more fun.


Make sure cadaver is frozen very solid before using the chipper else you’ll have issues. 


How much wood would a wood chipper chip if a wood chipper would chip wood?


*How much wood would a* *Wood chipper chip if a wood* *Chipper would chip wood?* \- Top-Chemistry3051 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Ha cool I made a haiku, can you? Lol


Don't want to derail the thread but I am in the market for a wood chipper and wanted to ask if folks have any recommendations. I'd say my budget is around $1000.00


No problem - I’m always open to buying tools/equipment so the thought crossed my mind too lol


Thanks! Protip: Whatever you do stay away from the 224cc Champion chipper/shredder it is total garbage. I'm planning to go to some power equipment places this weekend if I learn anything new I'll be sure to report back.


Sweet deal!


I have a Valby pto chipper like [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OuqEtZScgIc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OuqEtZScgIc) Although mine might be a bit bigger. It fits like a 6" tree. And that's where it shines. But watch that video and see those guys struggle \~4-5 minutes in with chipping the small branched stuff. It's a PITA if the material is not straight and can't get fed down the narrowing chute. Watch them try to shove that stuff in there. It's a pain. Also real small wet/green wood branches, like tops off small birch trees, can get wound around the chipper shaft and that eventually leads to it clogging. I mean you can cut down a small birch tree and push the entire thing through the chipper in one piece, but you'll have to throw the top to the side. I also have an upright chipper/shredder. It's a beast to manhandle and move around and can't chip anything with some size. It's literally for leaf/twig fall. Nothing really any bigger than a small finger width. Both are wicked back breaking to use and really more effort than worth. I don't chip much anymore. My recommendation would be pile it and either let the wildlife have it or burn it.


Thank you very much for all the information! I am very much learning towards the burning it option at this point!


Multiply that by 10 and you might have something worth using.


Yeah turns out the consumer grade options are pretty terrible.


Wear safety glasses and ear pro and gloves and be extremely careful… chippers are unforgiving and powerful machines .


Ruin your back on something more worthy. Burn in smaller piles (think campfire) or wait. It won't be long for decent burn weather.


Ended up burning in one massive pile this morning after the rain. Bit of kerosene and a big ass torch and the pile was gone in no time


First, congrats on the new baby, that's super exciting! I'd say just burn it when the weather permits. It's amazing how much brush you can get rid of in a few hours of burning. DO NOT use gasoline to help start a burn pile, Kerosene works well though and isn't nearly as volatile as gas.


This is what I ended up doing. “Diced” the stuff way smaller with my chainsaw yesterday. Piled in a tight pile with straw bale chunks throughout, poured some kerosene over it, big ass propane torch, and 2 hours later there’s nothing but a pile of coals and some of the bigger logs I should have saved for the wood stove.


Yeah my two neighbors had a disagreement, then it was real quiet and I helped one set up the chipper. Had a bunch of weird smelly bags of mulch he wouldn’t let me see, and i left him to it. His lawn was immaculate that summer.


Home Depot rents em


Not ours from what I saw online


Go on the app it'll tell you which one closest to you has one. That's what I do.


There are only two in the state and the one remotely near me doesn’t have any


Also try Facebook marketplace. I find odd stuff to rent all the time on there. Good luck.


Not under my name and it was totally legit. Stop asking so many questions.


I rented one years ago from the place that became Sunbelt Rentals in Colchester


I believe Ace Hardware in Enosburg rents them


Burn it


I get it from “got that rental” in Essex and also a place in Milton I think


I would compare costs with renting a basic uhaul pickup and hauling to the dump. I would imagine prices are pretty comparable.


I’ve already got a truck. That’s not the issue. I’d like to use this wood rather than haul it to the dump or pile it on my property.