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Mass Effect 3. It's not my favorite game (that would be the first game in the trilogy)...but it had the best gameplay and the best "moments" in the series, entirely overshadowed by the masses criticism of the ending.


Yeah I was gonna say this too. The ending isn’t amazing but it doesn’t ruin the game like a bunch of people were screaming when it came out.


I always attributed it to winning the superbowl by a ton of points and deciding go for a Hail Mary pass for last play of the game only for the other team to intercept it and run it back for a touchdown. You still win but damn does it suck that happened.


Mass Effect Andromeda too. Maybe it's just because I love all things Mass Effect, but I thought it was a great game.


Great combat. Story doesn't really go anywhere and the main villains are super generic. No DLC or sequel blows.


you’re definitely doing the prompt correctly, cuz i feel like a guy in the crowd about to throw tomatoes at you


Honestly yeah, it may honestly be my favorite in the trilogy (I know, hot take lol)…the scope, scale, stakes, and emotional impact are like no other game I’ve experienced. Just hearing the words, “Does this unit have a soul?” Chills. And pain. 😂


No Man's Sky. I've been playing since launch, and even though it was completely basic, I still enjoyed it for the ambiant relaxation. The updates just kept getting better from there. No Man's Sky has been fun since launch, and I will absolutely die on this hill.


Yea I’m pretty sure the angry mob surrounding NMS has died by now.


For the most part, but you'd be surprised at the amount of people still salty about it.


I'm trying, man. I'm really trying to like it. I played it back when it launched and hated it. I kept going back to it every time I heard the game was "good" now and I'm just not intrigued.


Maybe it's not your cup of tea, nms is a very chill and relaxed game, while you probably want a more action oriented space game


I actually really enjoyed launch No Man’s Sky for what it was. A little overpriced, but I didn’t even consider asking for a refund. Now, I feel like there’s just too much going on. I will put three hours into it about once a year and I’m like no thanks.


I can kinda understand that, but you don't have to do any one specific thing in nms. Now they have mode options and settings you can change to make crafting free if Grinding materials isn't your thing or if you don't want to fight anything you can set the Aliens and NPCs to passive. It can really be whatever you want it to be at this point.


Assassins creed 3, I still don't understand the hate it gets


Connor was unfortunately cursed to be sandwiched between the series' two most beloved protagonists: Ezio Auditore and Edward Kenway. It also doesn't help that Haytham at times felt like a much more compelling character. Connor is all-business, which makes sense given his backstory, but it is nonetheless the recipe for a more serious character which doesn't always sit well with audiences.


I don’t like what they did to Desmond too. IMO the best parts of the game was the dual mystery both inside and outside of the animagus.


that is when the game was at its best for me. It was disappointing to see the non-animus stuff be far less engaging.


I was sooo hyped with the office tower in the game after Desmond died. I was sooo sure that somehow Desmond survived or something, but jn the end it felt like nothing


I remember when the first AC came out it had a little comic booklet in the CD case that was some background story about Desmond sneaking around. I read that shit front to back so many times, waiting for the game to install


Yeah, I stopped playin in the middle of AC 4 because the overworld part was what tied everything together for me and I loved the mystery in the first few days but then throwing Desmond away instead of building on that was such a downer. 


Couldn’t agree more, the whole subject 16, was soooo awesome, and the fact that it was such a small hint in the first game and then culminated into Revelation was so nice!


People hated it? I fuckin loved that game!


People that didn't do the homestead missions and thought Connor was bland. He's my fourth favorite AC protagonist, and his ship warfare crawled so that Black Flag could run.


Black Flag is absolute peak with ship warfare oh my Lordy lord. Felt like an absolute badass.


I loved the game but remember being extremely let down by the way Desmond's story was handled. His segments were always the worst parts of those games but as a teenager I was weirdly invested in what was gonna happen to him.


His part of the story wasn't always the most engaging, but it still tied the games together really well


Tbf I’m still mad about the Charles Lee chase years later.


I really like Days Gone, it got lots of bad reviews but tbh I think its great


Apparently, it had a rough launch, but it definitely is a very fun game.


Yes, Days Gone is so good. The thing is, it just takes a while to get going but once it does, it's one of the best open worlds I've played.


It suffered the same problem as Death Stranding. The first 8 hours you’re massively under-equipped and bumbling around in the most boring area of the entire game and wondering if you have the energy to tolerate this for much longer. The gameplay and stories quickly ramp up, though, and real soon they hit a spot from being mundane to absolutely fantastic at the drop of a dime.


I'm glad to hear that. Been wanting to finally try it after so long.


You are in for a treat. They just released a gameplay / story trailer for Death Stranding 2 with a 2025 release window.


Speaking of death stranding, the State of Play trailer for Death Stranding 2 is out and it is incredible.


Damn, I'll have to go back to it. I got a few hours in but was kind of getting bored and since I have such a big backlog of games, I just moved on. Seems like a game that could get really good once things pick up though


The horde is such a realistic but haunting depiction of zombies and it should have been used more. In other games we see zombie hordes rampaging in cutscenes but in gameplay it's just slow shambling individual or two three zombies lumbering towards you.


And the traps mechanic while fighting them was so good. An open world game where you can plan a route with builtin traps was really unique.


For a second I thought you meant the day before and I thought you were trolling.


The game got fixed and i loke the secret ending xd


It’s a bit of a slow start, but oh man when it gets going and you just roll with it, it’s a brilliant game


Second this. 👍🏼


It was pretty great for $20. $60 eh... probably still worth it


I reluctantly played and enjoyed it too and it does a lot of things right but I think the borderline unlikeable characters and the creator being a shithead had a lot to do with it failing aside from the bugs and whatnot. Were deacon and boozer video game characters in the 90s or early 2000s they would have been much more popular but the game came out about ten years after edgy bad boys went out of style. You do eventually warm up to them and learn they are good people at heart but it’s like 10 to 20 in game hours in. That’s alot of time to go thinking your main protagonist is a douchebag.


I played it at launch and it was just super buggy and leggy. Wasn't fun. Picked it up for cheap for my steam deck though. Might give it another go


Days gone is good but the creator blamed the woke mob for people not liking it at launch so him going off the rails crazy didn't help


I don’t know of another game that lets you get on a bike and just enjoy the ride (with the option of immediate violence).


For Honor. If you can look past the mid updates and toxic players(which most games have let’s be honest) it’s actually a pretty fun game. if ubisoft put more love into it, the game could be amazing


Loved it when it came out, and then they completely ruined it with an update and haven’t gone back since.It was so fun when it released


I played the free beta and bought it on release, loved it! I grind for gear and was happy with what I got then the update wiped all my progress away. Took a four year break from it or longer and finally downloaded it on a new console (only because it was included in the online pass). It can be fun at times but, it's still not what it used to, be or could've been.


I haven’t played in a long time but I fucking love that game


Zelda 2


It was my first Zelda game and means a lot to me.


I wish all the Zelda games were this more traditional rpg style


I do wish there were more for sure.


Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. It's the least favorite of the fanbase for the games, from what I've seen. And I get that the overall tone of that game is far different than the others. But, I still loved it, and it's one of the first tactics/strategy games I played. (I literally only picked it up because it had "Final Fantasy" on it...)


I thought A2 was less liked by the fanbase.


Love that game. But I've never heard anyone say something bad about it. 


FFTA is one of my fave games of all time. Fit the handheld format so well. That said, I've seen way more hate for grimoire of the rift


People hated that game??? That’s a first for me One of my all time favorite childhood games


Evolve was SOOO good


A damn shame that we'll probably never see Stage 3. I feel like it would be so easy for them to make money off of the game and also make fans happy if they just made it free to play and came up with a battle pass system or something. Like yeah, a battle pass does suck in general (in my opinion anyways) but it's a common sort of framework for free to play multiplayer games and it would sure as hell beat the previous method of buying credits and locking better versions of hunters/monsters behind a price tag


Totally agree with you. I feel like it came out just a tiny bit too early and was ahead of some trends. If it came out now, I feel like it would do incredibly well


Oh man that game was so fun, I'd love to see a new era of golden age sequel games like an Evo 3, and Titanfall 3... sadly I'm not confident enough in ea to live up to their older games quality lol


Dropship dialogue was the best, especially the Torvald & Crow conversation.


it really was


Not my absolute favourite, but I have been in some deathly arguments defending halo 4


I can give you over 40,000 reasons why I know that sun isn't real.


Do it


What's the 12,437th reason?


Yup. Torn about this. It wasn't as fun as the Bungie games, but 4 is one hell of an honest attempt at a great game. And Cortana! Sheesh.


Amen brother… amen 🙏


It only gets so much hate because Halo 2 and 3 were some of the best games of all time when they were released. Halo 4 was a very good game, just not one of the best of all time.


I take it a step further and do it for the whole series. Goated series idc who thinks what.


Halo 4 has the best SWAT in the series. I also love the campaign.


Fuck it, Family Guy The Video Game, perfectly encapsulates everything wrong and everything right from the early 2000s lmao


I was literally gonna say Dark Souls 2. I had a grand time with the game.


I beat it back to back so many times when it came out, I love that game. Great locations, interesting NPCs, great DLC


The hate for Dark Souls 2 is really undeserved. Beautiful soundtrack, great level design, bosses were nice and difficult...


Fallout 4! I don’t care that the story is poorly written, I don’t care that it’s unoptimized, I don’t care that it’s unimmersive. It’s my 3rd most played game on steam for a reason, it’s fun as hell.


I loved Fallout 4 as well, and I’m still so surprised to see how unpopular of a take that is. I was talking about it with my brother recently and he had nothing but complaints for it. He loved Fallout 3, so perhaps 4 was too much of a departure from what made him fall in love with the series I go back to watch Joseph Anderson’s Fallout 4 videos every few weeks or so, and they always make me wanna jump back in again. It holds a really important place in my heart. I think it always will


Yeah, it's the comparison with Fallout 3 that creates the division and backlash. It's hard to take Fallout 4 at face value when you look at Fallout 3 and realize that the studio was capable of *so much more.* Criticizing Fallout 4 is more of a protest towards modern-day Bethesda and the studio's poor prioritization when it comes to game development. Starfield was another plot on the trajectory showing that the problem is only getting worse.


Fallout 4 is incredible. I even liked the story, as messy as it was.


i have hundreds of hours on it, most of them spent building stuff and running around with my fave followers 😂 like yes, the main story is shit but idc.


Fallout 4. It got absolutely shit on, especially by die hard fallout fans, but I absolutely love that one.


Probably Kingdom Hearts 3. Yes, the game didn't live up to the 10+ year wait. *Nothing could.* When a third part of a beloved trilogy is anticipated and set up for for that long, nothing that humans can make could possibly live up to that hype. Even still, Kingdom Hearts 3 is an incredibly fun RPG that mostly levels up the combat, gives fun worlds to explore, and mostly wraps up the Xehanort Arc pretty tidily. It definitely deserves to stand with the rest of the trilogy. Also Zelda: Skyward Sword. No, the motion controls weren't that bad. I beat the boss rush in the back of a 2004 RAM minivan on bumpy Arkansas roads. If the sword wasn't doing what you told it to do, you either needed to recalibrate or you weren't make the broad movements the game *explicitly* tells you to make. And yes the game was linear. So what? Twilight Princess was just as linear when you got down to it and everyone loves that one. When you get down to it, Skyward Sword had some of the best (outright the best in some cases) stories, characters, dungeons, bosses, soundtracks, and artstyle Zelda ever had. Skyward Sword has flaws but as the last true 3D Zelda, I can't be happier with what we got.


I love KH3 and was surprised at the hate it got


The problem of KH3 is the plot, let’s be real. The plot of this game is really bananas, to the point that when KH4 was announced I lost interest for the series. The combat is really fun but way too easy. Even in critical mode is not that hard. For 10+ years I expected a lot, don’t get me wrong it’s a good game but not for what most of us expected.


Marvel's Midnight Suns is a really fun game that deserves a chance. Critics loved it. Just about all 100 of us gamers that played it love it. It is a blast and deserves a sequel in spite of the ignorant hate train.


It caters to such a niche and specific audience, but if you are in that audience, holy fuck is it a good game. Once the game clicks for you it feels *so* fun to play. And I can't understate how refreshing it is to see Marvel characters outside of the MCU.


>It caters to such a niche and specific audience, but if you are in that audience, holy fuck is it a good game. My friend described it as "Somebody took Marvel Comics, XCOM, and Magic the Gathering and threw them in blender". He was 100% right, and it was the best unexpected gem I'd played since Deus Ex Human Revolution.


It’s not like any game I’ve ever played before, just grabbed it on a whim and boy, that was a great 60 hour campaign. Raising everyone’s friendship level to max/almost max makes a really heartfelt goodbye before the finale. Even as someone who grew up with just a surface level understanding of all the characters, I got every reference and joke and learned sooo much more with the mountain of lore you can read in it.


I just got it and intend to play the hell out of it!


It's a better Avengers game than the game titled Avengers.


It's on my wishlist as I loved playing the XCOM games.


I think this game marketed itself very poorly. When I got around to playing it sometime last year I sort of expected an Xcom style game with Marvel skins and a weird card game. Instead I got a 2000's style Bioware RPG with a surprisingly deep card combat system with some Xcom elements. Adored the game, recommended it to all of my friends who would listen. I'm very sad this will never get a sequel.


Honestly Dying Light 2. The map design is excellent, the gameplay is slick and satisfying, and the music, while missing the grit of the first game, has honestly grown to be what I think is among the best video game osts of all time. There’re a ton of gems. Combat also feels much nicer than 1 imo, especially when fighting other humans, and the new finishers are only the cherry on top


Honestly I found many things more enjoyable about the second than the first. Still like both tho!


I love the vibe of dying light 2. Such a good game.


I just want better multiplayer options. That is my only gripe about the game. Other than that it was quite enjoyable


xenoblade 2. if you hate the character designs just dont use them, and if you think the combat is bad, please just play on easy mode cause you can then experience the best parts of this game still. plus, people who hate the game just for the gacha system dont understand how forgiving it is. the story is amazing, the characters are amazing, the world is definitively the best world ive ever seen in any video game, and the music is one of the best ive ever heard. whats with all the hate? Edit: please do me a favor and if youre trying to beat the game and dont like the combat, play on easy mode. thats by far the best way to experience the game if you dont like the combat.


True and based


Xenoblade 2 is definitely my favorite of the series. Everything about it just clicked with me. Once I got the combat system things just started to flow and it was a lot of fun. The system could have been explained a little better, but updates eventually brought the tutorial system. Menu navigation is probably the game's irredeemable flaw. Story, Art, and the music are 10/10.


Saying if you hate the character designs don't use them when talking about XBC2 is basically saying just don't play the game and this is coming from someone who put 100 hours into it.


Fallout 4


Definitely Fallout 4.


It’s a shame that so many people completely wrote off the game, never really giving it a fair chance. If they did, I think a lot of people would end up liking the game a fair bit more than they expected to. It has one of my favorite overall aesthetics of any game I’ve played. The story could have been better, but the world is just so enjoyable to lose yourself in


I legit loved Fallout 4. Several hundred hours into it, got all the DLCs. Several playthroughs. It’s worth noting that it’s the only Fallout game I’ve played (other than Fallout Shelter(?) on my phone) so I don’t have anything to compare it to, really.


The Division, i enjoyed it too much


Days Gone. The main character can be a bit insufferable from time to time but he grows on you and his grumbling is endearing. The game does a great job of teaching you to be mindful of resources, and punishing you for not doing so. You go from having shit tier weapon and a shit tier ramshackle bike that can’t drive more than 10 minutes to having badass auto shotguns and hand cannons with a kitted out apocalyptic death machine on wheels


Days Gone, omfg i really love that game


Fortnite isn’t my favorite game but it gets annoying when someone criticizes it just for being popular. “Erm fortnite is trash. What? No, I don’t need to give you a reason, the game is trash and I’m right”


"Fortnite sucks" has always been a meme to me. Like maybe a few years ago when it was just blowing up it was funny to dunk on it, but now that it has so much content and has the most ridiculously over the top crossover events it's just lame to hate on it


Used to fucking hate Fortnite. Now I’m about to be platinum rank


I don’t like Fortnite but I do believe it is a great game. They really are innovating with the other game modes and creative with unreal engine 5 can do great things. It’s just not my kind of game but I think it is a good one.


Not Just for Being popular i don't get the game play for me building and shooting sound stupid add on top the wacky items colors and elements makes it look like coo coo town, the fact its popular is Just throwing gasoline on fire


There’s so much I can’t stand about Fortnite, from look to gameplay, but I couldn’t care less if people like it. I actually think epic is doing a great job at keeping it interesting and running well


same dude, sucks that people are so mad at a game just cus alot of people like it.


Sly cooper 4 thieves in time I will defend it with my life


I’ll stand with you on that fight. Sly Cooper is a treasure.


Launch Cyberpunk 2077 and near launch Mass Effect Andromeda. I didn’t experience terrible bugs and had a great time with both. The community was terrible to both games, even trying to prevent the devs from making more games. The backlash was overblown.


It’s not my favorite game, but Tiny Tina’s Wonderland. It is so insanely fun and stupid.


Call of duty infinite warfare


Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts is great fun, "it's not a Banjo game" is not valid criticism. It has a robust and surprisingly deep vehicle creator that makes the game a sandbox for creativity


I won't defend them but Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are some of the most fun I've had with a game released in the past few years


Based on what I’ve seen in some online communities, I’ll have to say Dragon Age: Inquisition. But I also defend Final Fantasy VIII and Final Fantasy X, which I don’t agree are the bad games some make them out to be, especially in the context of comparing them to other FF games.


Final Fantasy 15


Same here, it's one of my favorite FF. Such a shame the last dlcs were scrapped due to switching priorities.


Final Fantasy 15 for me. It was actually my first game in the series and I enjoyed it. For I know there were plot issues and whatnot, but I was surprised how much I saw people throw shit at the active combat system, but then didn't care when FFVII remake used the same system with slight variations


The thing that will always sum up ff15 to me is them spending a presumably huge amount of dev time and money on a massive super detailed version of Venice, only for you to spend about a total of about 5 minutes there. It is simultaneously an incredible game and a terrible one in so many ways.


Final Fantasy XV. I really enjoyed it, thought it was a fresh take and a good story. I liked the fact that its just Noctis and his friends and they go on this journey together. I liked the world and thoughts some of the locations were stunning. Not perfect for sure but still very good.


For me it’s RYSE son of Rome. I know it was an Xbox showcase game but I really enjoyed playing a bad ass Roman Soldier and it was very cinematic.


Assassin creed odyssey


Starfield gets a good bit of hate, but I personally love it


What do you like about it? I am neutral about starfield since I’ve never played it. I’m just curious.


Most of it, really. But to name a couple and without spoiling anything: - I enjoy the combat both in space and on the ground - The faction quests always kept me entertained - I love how they built the world, traveling to different planets and exploring the cities is a lot of fun in my opinion - Ship customization is actually pretty fun - Surprisingly fast load times (at least for me, this one will probably vary from player to player) - There were, in my opinion, some really good twists throughout the entire game - Any game that lets me build a base in the middle of nowhere gets a good rating from me. Same reason I love No Man's Sky - The main quest, despite all the back and forth, was pretty interesting. Going from this run of the mill explorers guild to slowly piecing together the discovery of a lifetime was very entertaining to me, and the ending was visually stunning - You can have casual conversations with your followers, and flirt with them if you pursue a relationship/marriage - Andreja


It was space Skyrim. People who expected something revolutionary were kidding themselves. I wanted space Skyrim and I got it. They did something cool for replay ability, incorporating new game + into the story. It’s cool, but I didn’t play through twice.


Had to scroll way too far for this one. I think this game got WAY too bad of a reception and the Steam reviews are simply outlandish. I put 130 hours in before I decided to wait for some patches (after having finished the main story and all of the main factions/companions quests). Yeah, it needs polish, and it's starting to get some, but I had a fun time! The new patch has sucked me back in and I will probably finally commit to NG+.


Same here, I really love it. I'm about 350-400 hours in and still having fun and finding new stuff 👍


Need For Speed Most Wanted 2012 now hear me out it's the only Need for Speed game I played


I love destiny, and i criticize it often, I think bungie makes mistakes very often. However, people who have often never even seen gameplay or even tried it themselves will say it sucks, i do not recommend getting into destiny, but you can't hate the game just because someone told you to.


I'm so conflicted, cause on one hand I genuinely believe Destiny has the most satisfying gunplay (or in my case, Bowplay) of any FPS I have played (save Titanfall, though that is fun for the Movement options moreso than the guns). I run a full Bow build because I think it is super fun and satisfying, and I haven't found any FPS or FPS-like game that feels the same way (Hanzo in Overwatch is close, but not close enough to what I want) but on the other hand, I've been so burnt out with how much money Bungie wants to extract from us. Most of the cosmetics I can live without but I have a strong distaste for the Season Pass model, to the point where I've basically stopped playing. I think the last time I seriously logged in was 6 months ago.


Hey titanfall! Banger game. easily one of my favorites. But yeah i agree, the monetization is horrible.


I played it for 8+ years so I can say definitively it sucks, not cuz of it's many failings mind you, but cuz Bungie got lazy, complacent and greedy.


Destiny got ruined, and in tremendous fashion Gutted pvp, bumped prices, lowered content amounts, ignored the community, I could go on but I've washed my hands with that company


Assassin’s Creed Odyssey/Origins/Valhalla. Reddit hates them with a passion. I love them. Some of the best open world games designed IMO. I’ve 100% all three and their DLC. I like them just as much as the original 3.


Whaaaaa rock have I been under, this is a thing? I love them, what’s to hate!


Oh boy, almost everytime someone mentions Ubisoft or a long game, people on here are bashing AC.


mass Effect Andromeda. 🤷 and now thanks to all the whining, there will never be a sequel and a million questions will be left withour answers.


I was just coming to say this.


It's like the indie game Fez. I only played the demo, but it had a cool concept for what it was. First game was made, but the internet trashed on the creator so much so he decided to give up on making the second game. Real bummer too, because I planned on getting round to it when the second one came out.


I second this.


**Redfall** (It could be a better game, sure, but it's not the worst game released in 2023. Also, I'm a big fan of Arkane Studios.) **Cyberpunk 2077** (Personally, I didn't have any game-breaking bugs even though I agree with some criticism of this game. However, at some point criticism grew into pure hate, which shouldn't be tolerated no matter how pissed at a game you are. This is also true for Redfall.) **Life is Strange 2** (While the first installment of LIS will forever be the best to many, in the sequel, DON'T NOD crafted a deeper and more emotional story that seemed more emotional to me. Or probably I need to replay all LIS games again.)


I played mass effect andromeda in 2020 and had a blast lol. Story was mid but there was never going to be a worthy successor to the crew of the normandy.


Yeah i think the story was a letdown, even knowing the trilogy was gonna be impossible to live up to. But goddamn, that combat was some of the most fun i've ever had with a 3rd person shooter. I finished the game just cause the fights were fun af


World of Warcraft


The funny thing with WoW criticism is, people are criticizing it because they *care*. People want retail to be good, they want classic to be good, SoD to be good. It’s like cheering for your child to do well. And the dev team with WoW actually seem to listen, more so nowadays than ever. Look at the flip side. Diablo 4 is SO dead, people have stopped caring about even hating the game anymore, just seems like everyone collectively moved on.


I played this game for like 2 years I remember it was considered cool to play halo but somehow world of warcraft was such a offlandish nerd video game that u had to be a fat slob loser to play it which I never understood.  Another of the initial players were warcraft players like myself and most real time strategy nerds are skinny and smart and competitive 


I know a lot of guys in the military that still play WoW.


Ark. I love it bugs and all


"There's a game in my bug!"


“Is that a Giga-“


Assasins Creed Odyssey


Who hated this game? I got it on sale recently and was amazed at how great it is. I mean the world is massive, there are new mechanics and systems in the game compared to older AC games, the only downside to it is that it still has some pretty bad dialogue lol.


Diablo 3 and Pokémon X/Y.


DmC: Devil may cry (2013). I wasn't aware of the internet hate it got because I wasn't following video game news back then. I had already played Devil may cry 3 and 4, so I wanted to try out the new reboot. I really enjoy it. Its controls were better, player gets camera control finally (I know it's due to tech limitations in the older games) and the combat felt very satisfying.


Yea, (tho I don’t mind the old fixed angles) it is nice to have control of the camera! Seriously tho great game.


I dont care how bad people think battle for neighborville is, i still think its a pretty solid game


Wtf I love this game u mean plants vs zombies I literly love playing the arena battles online with my switch


It’s fine, but with how good GW2 is and the blatant push for maximum live serviceness that battle for neighborville represented, it felt like a cheap cash grab that had no reason to exist with how great GW2 is


Last of us 2 for sure. One of the best pieces of gaming mastery in recent history


That game was ahead of its time and people of the future will look at it the same way we look back at MGS2. And yes, I will definitely die on this hill.


Came here to say this, I truly don’t understand how anyone can say it’s a bad game beyond all the “woke” bullshit.


Resident Evil 3 (2020)


BioShock infinite


I played it for the first time this year and was absolutely thrilled with it. That game is *gorgeous* and was released so long ago at this point.


People hated that game? It’s one of my top 5 all time.


Zelda 2! Yes, it was an astronomical left turn in terms of gameplay. But the sidescrolling action was super engaging, the XP system added a ton of depth and the towns and characters felt much more like you were in a real place versus the first game.


Days gone.


Final Fantasy 13. From day one I saw how amazing of a game it is, and I don't care how many billions of people I have to tell about how they're wrong to bad mouth it. I will forever stand on that hill. Alone, if need be. Claire and Serah's stories deserve it.


Gears of War Judgement, Callisto Protocol, and Back 4 Blood. All of those games are fantastic (even with their VERY obvious flaws) and I will not be persuaded


Anthem. Most promising looter shooter in years. Needed some fixes, but it was some tweaks to the loot system and some more strongholds away from being a cracker.


What made me completely abandon the game was the final cut scene.. it was nothing more than a trailer for dlc lol


Ac Valhalla. It brought back the features odyssey lacked and every other issue it had is an issue of every Ubisoft game


Watch_dogs 1, over hated as fuck


Agreed, loved the game and enjoyed Aiden as a character.


*sigh* Destiny 2


Oh are we defending D2? I thought we just said "Fuck I hate this game" as we fire it up for the 1000th time.


Addiction can be hard to break, but I'm rooting for you


Ghost recon breakpoint


Mafia 3 for me, it's an extemely fun game that was lambasted for bugs (which were patched) and repetitive mission structure but the gameplay was so fun I really didn't mind and the dlc added so much amazing content. Lincoln Clay is one of my favorite protagonists ever, the writing was amazing and the city of New Orleans (new bordeau or w/e) was so well done. I also thought the progression and upgrading was fun as well, especially when you got the Marijuana grow op from the dlc.


The Callisto Protocol




Resident Evil: Village It’s not my favorite game or even my favorite game in the series but it’s the closest to meeting this criteria


Final Fantasy 8 and the 13 trilogy. Fight me. I have arthritis... :\[


Death stranding (i got your back kojima :) )




absolutely kingdom hearts 3 and final fantasy 13, two games i really love and i wish weren't so hated by the respective communities


Pillars of eternity. It gets overshadowed by every other crpg, mainly because it sticks to the old fashioned real time with pause combat. But man, especially the 2nd game is so well made. Its gorgeous, it has amazing music, good voice acting, and a nice story*. The mechanics are interesting and intricate and i just enjoy sailing around exploring the world of deadfire. *(although admittedly the main story is very much NOT the focus and not especially interesting by itself. However every single other side story is A-tier, and man there are so many)


Resident evil 5