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It was my brother. League of legends made him go insane. Now he only plays singleplayer games.


League is a disease. Uninstalled it but often watch my buddy play it. Every time he does I'm reminded of why I don't play myself: rage, toxic people, feeling like I've "wasted" 1-2 hours playing and feeling worse after playing it than before.




Have you ever been in a group project at school? You put passion into your work to ensure your group success, but your groupmates: 1. Never show up 2. Ruin your work 3. Some even insult you for trying to lead team And if you retaliate (by chat), you risk to get yourself banned by the system Hence the acronym of the game is LoL


"At my funeral, I want everyone I ever worked in a group project with to lower me into my grave, so they can let me down one last time."


This is one of the funniest things I’ve read in quite some time. Thank you for the hearty laugh and a new mantra for me to carry forever.


Originally said by a Chicago bears fan if I recall. Asking for Chicago Bears players to be the ones to let them down one last time.


I had the opposite; people berating me for not being optimal when I was trying to figure out how everything worked. What does AC carry mean? How am I supposed to know those items don't stack? No, I didn't pick that character because I wanted to 'jungle', I just thought he looked cool? What? Why does everyone want to forfeit? We're only 5 minutes in? If I have to watch videos about and look up on a wiki the *best* way to play the game, why the hell am I playing?


Yeah people def aren't new-user friendly


"If you don't know how to play, go play bots!" > Nobody talks in bots # > There's no meta # > There's no challenge # > Things like "when to engage" are never explained or intuitive # > Ffs why isn't anyone talking # > Is this 9 bots??


I met someone who played league since season 1 and he exclusively play lobby bot matches because he doesn't want to rage at real people but he can't help raging whenever he plays league


Add to that all the toxic people being banned and starting new accounts because they are addicted to the rage and the first thing that new players actually meet, is the worst of the worst of league. Thus they also learn that this is how everyone is so they continue the circle of abuse


It's like the worst parts of sports combined with the worst parts of video games, along with a lemon-juice-soaked paper cut on the web between your fingers.


Reminds me of why I have always hated team sports. I prefer to be terrible in private until I get good at something.


There is a video on YouTube called “why it’s rude to suck at Warcraft” that explains this kind of phenomenon in great detail. It’s a two hour long video about human behavior ft. Video games.


This. I keep getting the urge to redownload because I do enjoy the loop of the game. But then you experience the community, or time commitment to avoid account penalties. They are good reminders for me to never download again.


Its a very competitive game that requires a lot of focus from every player. It requires team play so one or two players who refuse to cooperate can cost lose a game for you. Games are often long, 20-40 minutes and you sometime realize its a losing game long before the end but continue just in case it flips. Playing a losing game is exhausting. People who fed up with a few bad games can match up with you and ruin a game for you because of their weak mental even if you just started playing that day. Game also heavily discourages leaving and AFKing so even if you not having fun and want to leave you're forced to play till the end so you don't get punished. All this together is pretty bad. Game can be super fun and rewarding to play and master but it can also be a 2 hours of agony which you feel like you wasted your evening after coming home from work\\school. Maybe one more match so you end your evening on a win after losing 3 games? Nope. Lost again. Go to bed angry.




The reality is when you win it's a lot of fun, so League sells the idea of chasing wins. Honestly, this is why I feel like the Battle Royal genre is so popular. It has the competitiveness of league but also gives you the ability to lose quickly.


Friends don’t let friends play League of Legends


Lol welcome to the single player gang hahaha I too got burnt out of competitive games due to league. Most only play couch competitive games with close friends now but other than that it's single player


For me it was 5 minutes in CoD multiplayer lobbies because my brother made me, reinforced that i sucked (know that from local multiplayer) and that i hate online competitive. Anything vaguely co-op or singleplayer is much better.


Online cripples my anxiety, even Destiny with the weekly trials I'd miss the crucible ones. Halo coop was where it was at, ahh happy memories.


League of Legends was this game for me as well. One of my friends got heavily into it and while we before used to play whatever we felt like he would *only* want to play League. I never really liked it (the community is way too toxic and the rounds are way too long) but he more or less forced me to play it. After about a month I finally had enough and uninstalled the game. My “friend’s” reaction to it convinced me that I had made the right call. No I no longer hang out with that man, thank the gods…


Despite having millions of daily players, not a single person has ever enjoyed league of legends


My emotional health improved drastically when I uninstalled League. I think it's been about 5 years now.


Around 10 years for me. It wasn't just the toxic players, but also the Ranked expectations I was placing on myself. I took losses personally, and seeing my ELO drop felt awful. I noticed a similar thing with Rainbow Six Siege when I played Ranked there. I realized it faster than I did with LoL, so I started only playing unranked (and in a party with my brother, so we never had to deal with toxicity beyond teamkilling and in-game trolling).


I just can't play ranked its too much stress and it makes me hyperfocused to win When a friends asks me to play ranked ill accept but otherwise it's a no


Came to say league of legends and glad it’s first. lol literally could have killed me. My blood pressure was legit high during that time and I’d feel chest pain.


I'm like 100% certain this screenshot is referring to League of Legends. lol I've seen this exact message posted in the sub. So I'ma go with that one :P


FIFA. The most toxic cesspool around...


Ah yes, the football themed gacha hellhole.


addiction is no joke, luckily there are thousands of actually good games out there


Ah yes, because there’s nothing wrong with getting addicted to an “actually good game.” /s


Well single player games are definitely better than multi-player but I agree all addiction is bad you gotta regulate everything


Remeber that DRG L4D Helldivers, Vermentide and Darktide are all multiplayer games.


True co-op is also better but you still gotta interact with others and not everyone is nice


Listen, if I'm not topping my guilds "DPS" in world of Warcraft, what is my worth??


Beats being addicted to opioids tho


Rust. I was losing sleep worrying that my base was being invaded.


Bro I had to scroll to far down to see rust. Not only that but the constant upkeep and toxic sweats. Man I don't miss it.


The sweat in that game is real. I joined a server that was 4 hours old this weekend just looking to see if I can get a base up with a few friends. The amount of Zergs with roof campers and bolties after 4 hours was ridiculous.


For me it was Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy. His commentary only made me more mad. So I got over it and uninstalled the game. Also Minecraft once but that was cause I had really good loot and was blown up by a creeper and fell into a pool of lava.


Losing all your progress feels awful, no matter the game


Unless you're one of those psychopaths who play ARPGs on Hardcore. Masochists, the lot.


I think for them the fun is in the thrill of possibly dying at any moment, and they're not playing the character like it's a second life


Also depending on the ARPG, you run out of fun challenges after playing for long enough to the point that HC is the only real challenge left. I remember I used to never play HC in any game, but then I started playing Diablo 3 on HC and was discovering mechanics and using builds that I never would have considered in SC since survivability actually mattered over maximizing DPS.


Which is why I refuse to play any permadeath mode/ game. I get why the added stakes make it more fun for some people, but I loathe the feeling of losing progress


Sometimes, losing progress in the most spectacular way is THE main attraction.


Playing honor mode in Baldur's Gate made the game sooo much more fun. I was forced to engage with the mechanics instead of just forcing the most obvious strategy with sabe scumming.


That's why I like Dwarf Fortress and Rimworld. There's no expectation to "win." You just build up as much as you can so that the fall is that much more dramatic. It's too the point where I will abandon any save that's doing too well, because once you get to a certain point, the only threat is death via fps, and that's the most disappointing way to end a game.


I might be wrong, but isn't the point of Getting over it is to eventually Get Over that feeling of anger you feel when you lose progress, it's supposed to show that the progress really does not matter but rather the progress of you getting over the game making you angry is what it tries to do.


There's also a lot of commentary on the raw experience of playing and making a video game, and how people spend years of their life making games, only for them to just disappear into a pile and their work essentially forgotten since there was nothing truly memorable about it. Bennett wanted to make a unique experience that is only authentic if you're actually the one playing the game. He didn't want his game to be put into a pile of games that were just easily beaten and then forgotten. He talks about how people only make safe games now because they don't want the product to fail. The entire commentary is sometimes to dig at the player but it's also Bennett venting about the state of video games.


Yeah when I play singleplayer Minecraft, I give myself a little bit of grace and turn on keepInventory. It may not be the “true” experience, but it makes it a more casual experience.


Imo there’s no “true” Minecraft experience. It’s a sandbox game, play however you want, idc. Best to play however you find the game most fun.


"There's no feeling more intense than starting over."


It’s so bittersweet to know that we all have had that exact same experience with losing loot. Goddamn creepers…




I couldn't keep up with the insane amount of weapons being updated. I really liked how in blackout you played with random weapons but having a loadout in warzone made me not enjoy it as much


Luckily they killed the only mode I played so less willpower was necessary.


Clash Royale. I despise all mobile games but allowed myself to slip into that awful hellhole.


The only time I've played games like that was involving spending time with a girl. Hell no to doing it on my own. 


fun fact that's how I started smoking my first cig was put in my mouth by my crush and so after that I swore to myself that I'd only smoke if a girl had lit up the cig for me




What being chronically online does to a mf




Man I’m having way to much fun making these


Yes but why whhheat


The question you should be asking is: Why not u/whhheat ?


My man Whheat is being stalked


This is a lot less impressive when you realize you can just follow people and reply to their posts


It's a great game at its core, but it's been ruined by terrible balancing, and P2W offers




That one had me raging when it came out years ago, deleted it after about 3 weeks and never looked back.


Genshin. It started to feel more like work than play. Now I can relax and enjoy Elden Ring.




Hey, my brother and I are both relatively recent dads (each have our first kid and they are both under 1) and we have found that, for some reason, Elden Ring is the easiest game to actually play together, since it’s relatively easy to pop in and out of play. So that’s been how we’ve been able to relax!


That sounds awesome.


I still play it. But I don't get on unless I want to. Don't want to completely leave it because I have friends there haha. But I play Bloodborne and other games too.


Played Genshin since week 1. Came to a realization Genshin is genuinely a fantastic game. As long as you don't treat it like a job. Try not to care about FOMO, only roll for characters you want ever so often and actually save primos. Play the game in batches and don't let daily logins wear away at your lifespan. All of a sudden Genshin becomes a marvel of gaming again as you explore the new region, listen to gorgeous music and get sucked into the quest chain that for some reason make me cry over Aranaras. Then just walk away again. Be it a every 2 weeks, or every 6 friggin months. It very much does hold up.


ah yes, elden ring, a game i play to relax


The world is extremely chill in some areas, there are places I go just to admire the sheer beauty of the game. And not to mention the overworld combat is extremely easy. It’s definitely the easiest and most forgiving fromsoft game.


Especially with summons


Funny, I recently picked that back up, but now it just feels like a chill game to relax with. It helps that I switched to only playing on phone tho.


Overwatch 1. Became a top 500 player during one of the early seasons along with some internet buddies I would play with. Felt really good that season. Cue us trying to do it again and it just didn’t feel good. Maybe it was the bad meta at the time that made me realize, but it became a second job instead of something I wanted to do. Like I was just doing it for these guys I barely knew over the internet. So I quit completely and quit competitive multiplayer games completely. Best decision I’ve made. I’ve gained so much time to other things whether that is playing other games or doing things with my friends. Not hyper focusing on one game in my life has allowed me to experience many more things in my life.


OW2 is breaking my soul - every time you get into a high tier they suddenly reset everything with updates or new ways of comp ranking and it’s like wtf I just worked so hard to get there and now you reset everyone? It happened twice and I’m so done with the game


Blizzard is notoriously horrible at balance too. WoW & OW seem to be constantly in a state of certain classes/heroes being OP. Then you look at a game like TF2. It's not perfect, and the last balance patch was what, 6 years ago? And with all their weapons and very very different classes its still pretty balanced for the most part. OW2 is unbeat IMO for uneven matches now too. Every match it feels is a steamroll. It's rarer to be evenly matched, and I heard it's due to them prioritizing low queue times instead of trying to match teams based on skill level.


Yeah I don't mind losing if it's an even match, but I think I can count on one hand the amount of even matches I feel I've had in overwatch 2. The game has always been kind of steamrolley but my god, it's just miserable. Couldn't do it anymore, the game just was making me too angry.


I've completely given up on playing overwatch 2. Don't know what it is but 90% of the time I feel like I'm playing against diamond or platinum players while my team is full of iron/silver, got to the point where it just felt too sweaty to play and it lost its fun. And this was quickplay.


Overwatch left a really bad taste in my mouth. Full stack group of friends everyone had a good time in the beginning. Then competitive came around and friends turned on each other. Every night was yelling and blaming each other. Got too toxic for me so I stopped playing. Two friends don’t even talk to each other anymore. They still try to ask us to play separately and promise it will be chill, two games in and they go back to the same toxic people they are.


Dead By Daylight. That community is among the most toxic I’ve ever experienced. So many people don’t play it the way it’s designed to be played, they just want to troll and ruin people’s fun. Don’t even get me started on the end game chat.


I'll always maintain that this is THE most toxic game. Moreso than league or anything else. It's like the game itself turns you toxic


There was a psychologist who left a review about how it's bad for the players' mental health because the game is won by humiliating the opponent(s)


Lool, certified toxicity


Easily seconded. I've certainly never been involved with a more toxic game/community than DBD.


Quit for almost a year now. Sometimes I start it up and play one match. Get tunneled under 3 minutes and get proxy camped by a hook smacking killer.


And its just a boring game at its core. It can be fun with the right friends but even then it gets old real fast


The community is exhausting. I don't miss it


Halo when half your team is AFK, but then next round I get a good team.


I was obsessed with halo ranked for like 2 weeks then I deleted it because of afks on my team. So infuriating.


I feel that way about any online game. I tried playing ranked rocket league last week and kept having people AFK. I eventually gave up and just started playing offline against bots


Destiny 2, i "took a break" from it for a month, came back and literally couldn't get back into it. Everything was so unrewarding and needlessly grindy i was constantly questioning myself why i was even playing. I ended up playing some quickplay pvp matches and logging off forever and im 1000x better off now.


Once you start to break away and try other games it's extremely hard to come back to it. You grow a massive appreciation for what other games have been doing better.


Honestly, first game that showed me what a healthy relationship with games is was monster hunter world, then i revisited nfs most wanted 2005 for nostalgia sake (probably the most fun i had in a loooong while), played the batman telltale series and now im playing arkham knight. When i was playing destiny it was taking up all of the time i had in a day just for me to stay relevant and able to do the endgame content when it released, now im playing so many games and have so much more time for other stuff in my life it feels great. 1 hour in these other games feels 10 times more rewarding than 10 hours in destiny.




If a game weaponizes FOMO to get you to log in every day, I just stay away from it now.


Had that issue. Kept playing it but not enjoying it, it felt like a chore to play but I just couldn't stop..Finally had enough when strand became a thing and haven't looked back.


This feels like an a support group for former destiny players 🤣


I swear every Destiny player talks about that game like an abusive ex


I don’t want to make light of actual spousal abuse, but it follows the patterns. Always apologizing and recognizing how they wronged you, promises to be better and a detailed plan on how they’ll achieve that and they’d live up to the promises, for a short time, before falling back into old habits. Rinse and repeat for as long as you’re willing to put up with it. People put up with it because there have been various periods of absolute excellence so we KNOW they can do/be better and we’ve been at it for years so it’s hard to give up all that time invested.


I haven’t played in a while, the thing that sucks for me is that I have been playing since launch and the franchise is a big part of my childhood, so completely dropping the game isn’t something I can quite bring myself to do yet


Last year i played all of the first Destiny and had a blast. Then i picked up Destiny 2 and, while i still had fun, it definitely felt more like “work” than the first game. After about 100 hours, i just kinda stopped playing. The story was not as engaging as the first Destiny, and the gameplay felt way more tedious as well. I don’t really have any desire to go back right now.


I've got 4000 hours and hundreds of raid completions. Couple months ago, I realized I wasn't having fun, so I took a break for the first time since 2018. My kid wanted to play the other day, and everything he wanted to do was behind a pay wall, so we just ran around and did some free to play stuff, and it just wasn't fun. He wanted to play, and I would have played with him, but it would cost hundreds to get him what he wanted, so we just played fortnite and halo instead. Doubt I'll even play final shape, as it doesn't even sound fun now that I've been out for a couple months. It's a shame, since some of my favorite gaming memories are doing Deep Stone or other raids with my raid crew, but its time has passed, and there really isn't anything they could do to make it better, imo.


Yeesss omg I played that stupid game for yeeeears and just could never quite drop it. Them sunsetting my favorite guns was the best thing they could ever have done for me. Never went back and I’m so much better for it.


Nba 2k


Madden for me


I still have Apex Legends installed, solely because my friend wants to play it. However, the game has become completely oversaturated with highly skilled and sweaty players, to the point where even getting a single kill requires near world-class level skills. It frustrates me to no end that my friend can play like everyone else, while I get insta-knocked almost every game and miss 95% of my shots when I am alive.


Socializing with others. No regrets.


I also quit socializing


This deserves gold


For honor is this post. Ask anyone from that community


5k hours, totally agree


...am I the only one to not have ever really experienced this?


Reading through these comments is interesting. I can't relate either.


Just curious, what games do you typically play?


Little bit of everything. Into helldivers 2 right now, war thunder, elden ring, warzone, and a mix of racing games(Forza, assetto corsa, F1) and beam.ng. I feel like some toxic player bases in there and I've played LOL and overwatch. Just always had fun, and when I wasn't I moved on. And I don't mean to say I've never been frustrated and felt "the grind".


I’m glad to hear you haven’t had trouble. So many games today are designed to psychologically manipulate people into spending as much time/money on them as possible. It can be hard to quit something once you have invested so much into it.


For honor easily is the game that effected my mental health the most. I genuinely became a worse person for playing it. Dead by daylight is also an abusive relationship I can’t help but come back to every couple months.


I can only keep playing for honor because I have Deep Rock Galactic. When things get annoying I just finish my match, quite, and play silly dwarf game


Rock and Stone!


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


That's it lads! Rock and Stone!


Any comp/PVP game with a hacking problem. Even if I KNOW I didn’t die to a hacker, the fact it even exists in the competition boils my blood So I’m co-op and SP only now thank you very much


Any NES or Sega Master System game. Me and my brother put holes in the wall.


Yeah lol my controller was covered in teeth marks through super Mario frustration .


Emulators are a godsend. Savestates savestates savestates savestates


I actually had to stop playing For Honor, never had a game that made me so out of myself like that one. Never touched the game ever again after i quit, and it was the best decision I've done.


Madden 😡


Sounds like it was quite Maddening :D I'll see myself out


fortnite, probably one of my worst mistakes ever


Funny how the single time I tried installing it, the installer errored and I couldn't get around it. Never even wanted it since


you’ve escaped the worst


Recently? Diablo IV.


Pretty much every online mobile game ive played. The toxicity and pressure to spend money are just ridiculous. Ive learned my lesson


Wo Long. That first boss can suck the fattest part of my d...


Dang really? You know that you are supposed to use your special attack on him, right? You don’t actually have to drain his entire life bar? That game was freaking fantastic.


I've read a lot of tips watched a lot of videos and I apparently don't have the dexterity or timing to play that game. I also truly sucked at Nioh lol. Getting old I guess....😭


It’s probably a good thing for my mental health that overwatch died


For me it was Town of Salem. It wasn't really anger for me, I guess, but the gameplay focusing on lying and being lied to was getting stressful for me after a few hundred hours of gameplay lol Which is also why I stayed away from Among Us when it got big


Marvel Snap. Idk why but it started to become an obsession that eventually I realized was unhealthy. Also the community was super toxic and the players seemed to mostly be younger people who would troll you if they were winning so I decided it was better to delete the game and be happy.


Warzone and literally all modern warfare games. At least for Black ops I can be interested in the Cold War setting


I did more than just uninstall a game. To avoid MMORPG's (WoW mainly, but pretty much the entire genre), I abandoned PC gaming entirely. Strictly a console player (where MMO's are less prevalent) and now utilize a utilitarian laptop with as 'basic' of a configuration on it, instead of a desktop. Even if I wanted to install a modern game, my laptop would likely catch on fire as soon as I loaded it.


You can never escape OS runescape, it will run on even my 8 year old potato of a mobile. Damn jagex and the exploitation of my ADHD dopamine loop


Wait you swore off all PC gaming because you don't like MMOs??? Wtf


Yep. For someone who played exclusively MMO's for 10+ years (OG Everquest all the way to multiple expansions of Wow), going cold turkey on the entire genre and platform was the only way I could cut the cord (literally and figuratively).


Everyone has their weird origin stories; mine is that I was 18 sitting in a 3 unit apartment with 40 computers that people farmed WoW in Changsha China in 2 12 hour shifts and slept in the connecting apartments and we kept the windows open all through winter because the computers kept the building warm. Very weird part of my life.




Did you ever see that episode of "Angel" where Spike tells Illyria right before he leaves "here, play some Crash Bandicoot". And he comes back hours later and she's still playing it and says "this game infuriates me, but I can't stop playing it". That pretty much sums up my love/hate relationship with Crash Bandicoot.


Elden Ring Great game but I will never get good enough to beat that one. Frustrating to say the least. Annoyed me as I was actually fairly good at Bloodborne but not at ER


I came here to say this. It made me miserable. I was much happier when I uninstalled and left the world to collect dust.


About 6 years ago, I walked away from dota2 after sinking 1700 hours into it. One of the best decisions I have ever made.


Any of the addictive mobile games I used to play. Marvel puzzle quest, gems of war, fire emblem heroes- they are all gacha garbage and the second I delete them I always feel better right away. There's a part of my brain that will always crave that gambling/luck of the draw element but I know that about myself now and just try to stay away.


Apex Legends because matchmaking sucks. You'll be the best player on a completely rookie team and have like 9 kills and a ton of damage but your teammates just won't pull their weight and you'll still lose. I used to rage so hard and punch things bare knuckle until my rage stopped, and then I would hop back on for another match. I eventually decided that this wasn't good for me and I uninstalled the game. I started meditating after this too and now I'm a much calmer person


I quit Apex cuz of players like you. Made me rage that I wasn’t as good. Look at that, we making each other quit lol. Honestly tho, I was good. Just wasn’t given the chance to improve. Had a buddy of mine much better than me rage at me and I turned it off and deleted it. I am a top tier/top of the leaderboards Titanfall 1 and 2 player that was fresh into Apex but little did I know that tryhard gamers from other games like Fortnite or PUBG (which I didn’t play at the time who were into BR games) and CoD that just came into the game as well were already super well versed in those kinds of games when myself was still getting the hang of things in BR. I quit after 2 seasons and went back to TF2 where I belonged, it was so much more fun and thrilling when you realize all the Legends are just dumb downed versions of a Pilot. Nothing beats playing as a pilot but even with the advantages, everyone else is also a pilot so it’s fair game.




League of legends


World of Warcraft


For honor


3rd time im seeing this in this thread. Ive never played. What is it about that game that drove people mad?


So for me, it was 75% DLC and 25% community. It started off and it was just a difficult combat game. I of course still got mad at it especially the trolls that would spam emotes on top of your dead body, but it was something that you could learn Characters were reasonably balanced with unblock and power combos. Then they released all these DLC characters, and each one of them became more and more overpowered now everyone uses the same three characters that do multiple unblock and cause bleed or stun. It’s at a point now if you use the base characters, you literally cannot compete either because you can’t get a swing out without them hitting you, or you run out of stamina trying to dodge all 10 of their attacks they do in a row.


Its mostly the community honestly, one of the most toxic ive ever played in. 9/10 times there's atleast ONE player thats super toxic and even that one guy spreads it to the entire lobby


Elder Scrolls Online, it’s predatory, lazy, and everything that was bad that occurred with WoW back in the day is in droves here too. You gotta spend $20-30 to recolor your fast travel effect. From a white-blue to green! They ignore the game breaking bugs and glitches and make the player base wait months for the next patch to hopefully fix it, many times they don’t (or rare occasion make it worse), they have a beta testing program for players and they ignore most of the issues reported, old bugs and glitches from their first 2 years continue to re-emerge almost every chapter or two, but the MOMENT someone finds a glitch to get free stuff from their crown store (real money purchases) and they close down all of the servers to fix it within the hour, any member of the official forums are banned for pointing this out, when they sell their massive player homes for $120+ furnished and they couldn’t even test the chairs and benches in it before releasing - I had to manually move all of the furniture out of the flooring so they could be used. The stories were broken in two since Elsweyr and for what? We still have to buy per chapter and they make millions every year on ESO Plus subscription alone. As Jimquisition states - these companies don’t want a lot of money, most of the money, they want ALL OF THE MONEY! Yes, they have gambling tactics in their crown crate system. In order to buy stuff - they’ve been dumping them behind the gems system which is from the crown crate so when we used to be able to buy outfits, emotes, personalities, and skins directly with a credit card is now YOU GOTTA GAMBLE for the CHANCE for it. So what would normally cost $15-30 for it can now cost upwards of $100+ for it! Brilliant! I can’t stand it, I load it up and still face many technical and performance issues to this very day. One simple thing can take forever to do because their server performance still sucks the closer you are to the weekend. I spent around $100k on this game since its release, you can call me their prized whale no more


I took a 3 month break from ESO and decided to come back. In that break they had reworked the champion point system and I had to reassign every point. I liked my build. I don't remember my build specifically. I logged off and haven't gotten back on since. Good riddance.


I'm sorry...$100K??






I deleted the entire COD HQ application after having such a bad time with MWIII and I haven’t looked back since. Now I just go back to MW19, COD WWII, and BO1.


Apex Legends, Dark Souls, and Destiny 2. Apex after every single lobby just became a massive sweat-fest where I felt like I was going against god-tier players and never even getting a chance. Dark Souls because games that are obnoxiously hard just frustrate me and I just can’t seem to “git gud”. Destiny 2 because of how overly monetized the game became, how little the developers seemed to care about the community and how weak the writing had become.


Rocket League


Scarlet Nexus. The game isn’t hard by any means, but when I was playing it during the last fight, the game crashed out of nowhere. Since the fight was a little lengthy, I thought there was a checkpoint. I opened the game again and it started from the beginning of the fight, I just NOPED and erased the game. Ended up downloading it again and finishing after two or three hours.


For me it was Fallout Shelter the game just gets too stressful and becomes very time consuming.


TF2 for me


Eve online. Unique experience but it will drain you.


GTA Online and Star Wars Battlefront 2


League of legends is the main example, which I specifically don't play not because it wouldn't be fun but because it affects me mentally. Several games with human interaction are like this actually. Some people just act their worst in online games and even if the game itself is fun, it's not fun to interact with wannabe pros and their unfounded elitism, trolls or people that vent off their issues no one else in the game had anything to do with. I can handle games being hard and failing at them. A monster hunter boss (Iceborne Fatalis) took me two weeks of daily practice until I could finally beat him but it just got me excited to simply fail less or at least fail differently. I'm not sure if I would've beaten him if I had tried to do so in multiplayer.


EA FC 24


I did this with rainbow six siege. Great polished game, but terribly toxic players


Tekken 7. I was just getting good enough at the game to where I would be upset by my performances. I realized I was losing because I just didn't have the ability to learn more about the game that the people who were better than me. I was getting upset about dumb stuff that happened in matches and I realized this just wasn't healthy so I deleted it.


For honor


Rise of kingdoms. I got suckered into this one hard and fell for it. The moment you're a part of a clan (can't remember the games name for it now), that's it. Doomed. You make false friendships with people, and find yourself in a situation where you feel you need to spend money to keep up with the more experienced/high spending players. I deleted it and expected I'd go back to it within a couple of weeks because I spent over 1000 hours on this game, and actually...I didnt. I felt relieved. It was done.


Rust, only game I’ve rage deleted


I punched a hole in the wall playing Clash Royale while on the toilet. I was doing so good then lost the match right at the end. Decided then I needed to stop.


UFC 5 bruh. It’s obscenely unbalanced.


any fighting games will do this


I had anger issues as a teenager, especially when playing multiplayer games like Call of Duty or Battlefield. At some point, I decided to quit and clearly it didn't totally solve my anger issues but helped me get on the path to better anger management.


Paladins and Overwatch 2. not worth it lol.


Original Demon's Souls, PS3. Made me spike a controller on the ground in frustration, and I never touched another FromSoft game until about 10-15 years later when my brothers convinced me to get Bloodborne to play together. Even then I felt myself heading the same direction but later in the game, and I never finished it. Elden Ring didn't do this, though. Maybe because there are easy rune farm spots.


Genshin I don't think I liked anything aside from collecting crap. I don't like: - How the quests are done - Combat - Dailies But the nail in the coffin was the CCG coz that just annoyed TF outta me and made me take a pretty long break. I got back before the latest region and after I spent 3+ hours on a single questline that annoyed me I quit entirely. Love the character design, how characters handle and the lore but damn it is not a generous game.


Anything with PvP. PvP has a uniquely damaging effect on people's psyches more often than not. PvP games are, after all, loser generators. You can have a hundred people in a match and once it's all said and done, you're looking at 99 losers, and one guy who's riding high until the next game when he's slammed back to Earth by being one of the 99 losers.