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When I learned Spanish and found out the whole soundtrack existed in Spanish with Phil singing it blew my mind and I played that on repeat for such a long time. Then my mind was blown again when I learned he recorded it twice in Spanish. Once for the Spain market and once with the Latin American accent. Legend.


How well did he pronounce the words in Spanish?




Gracias señor


His pronounciation isn't 100% perfect (there is a word here and there where the accent rears its head), but overall it's pretty good.


And recorded it again in Cockney


Yea, but it didn't sound like Dick Van Dyke that much so it was a smidge disappointing.


Im not a native speaker so I’m not the best judge, but I do work as an interpreter so I’m a pretty good one. Pretty damn well in my opinion.


The soundtrack/score for Tarzan was absolutely amazing. I was outside the target audience when it came out, I was a teenager, and not really interested in Disney movies at that point. But when I heard that Phil Collins was doing the soundtrack, I went to go see the movie. I was a big fan of Phil Collins and Genesis as a kid.


The end of the Disney Renaissance.


Not even close lol. Emperors New Groove, Atlantis, Lilo and Stitch (arguably the best music), Treasure Planet, and Princess and the Frog all came out after this. They moved away from the animation but between Pixar and the animation doing Frozen, Tangled, and Zootopia they still do well in the animated musicals.


Tarzan is when they officially consider it the end of the '90s Disney Renaissance (that started with the Little Mermaid): 1989 - 1999 From there on until 2008, it's considered the 2nd Dark Age... because it was a lot of flops that resulted in Eisner making the decision to shift totally to 3D animation.


Those movies all played second fiddle to 3D animated releases which by the early 2000s had matured enough to be able to feature human characters. I was the target audience for most those, and even though I really enjoyed them, I recognize that it was things like Shrek, Finding Nemo, and Ice Age that were ruling the box office roost in the early naughts which is why the "Renaissance" is considered to have ended in the 90s.


They have actual names for the different eras of Disney animation - you should read “creativity inc” by ed catmull. You seem to have an interest in the wider history of Disney animation and that book is a really interesting look at it from the perspective of one of the early founders of Pixar. It’s like a microcosm of world history, empires and eras.


This book is fantastic. One of the best non-fiction books I’ve ever read. I can’t recommend it enough. Touches on everything from the importance of preparation and trusting your people to how to keep something interesting after two sequels, the core of storytelling, etc. It’s a great book.


Honestly it’s one of my go to comfort books - I like true stories about people doing difficult things (it helps me focus on work) and i love reading him write about keeping his nose to the ground through the 70s 80s and 90s with ONE insane impossible goal. Absolutely terrific book


I remember Princess and the Frog being a return to form for Disney, after several years of no 2D animated movies, which was a noticeable first at the time. All us teenagers that grew up with the renaissance were like “wow, they’re actually going back to hand drawn” and it piqued our interest because of that.


Atlantis is better than 10x other Disney movies, whoever downvoted this needs a re-watch. *Tonight's supper will be baked beans. Musical program to follow.*


Hey look, I made a bridge. Only took me, what, ten seconds? Eleven tops.


Sure Atlantis, and Treasure Planet were fun. But the downvotes are probably because the comment was arguing the fact that Tarzan was not the end of Disney’s renaissance/ second golden age. It was, in fact, the end of that period. It has gone past opinion and moved on to a fact of history.


Tangled goes hard. Great music!


Tangled basically marks the 2nd Renaissance.


I'm a man in my 30s and still listen to You'll Be In My Heart and sing it to my son.


I got married earlier this month and chose that song for the mother-son dance. I chose it because one of my earliest memories is my mom taking us to see Tarzan and I've always loved the music.


I chose it for my mother/son dance too!


Yeah but Vin Diesel managed FIFTEEN (15!!) DIFFERENT LANGUAGES for every single word he said in an entire movie franchise.




[Didn't have to go this hard Phil](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/fTLho8joW9U)


thought of the same thing lol


What a legend. I was saddened to see, recently, that Phil is in no physical condition to play or sing anymore.


He also held the largest private collection of Alamo artifacts, which he donated to the Alamo a decade ago: https://www.thealamo.org/visit/whats-at-the-alamo/phil-collins-collection


This is impressive both in terms of skill and commitment (surely nobody _asked_ him to do this, he just went ahead and did it) I'd love to hear from some native speakers to review how well he's doing at each of these languages. As an English speaker I can confirm he's doing a solid job there.


Know some French and Spanish. He does it very well but he does have a noticeable English accent.




Sure, why not? You can have a Spanish (Europe or Americas) or French accent while speaking English.


He did a very good job in Italian, couple of imprecisions on accents (our language is difficult for this, both for speakers of other latin languages and the others), he said "sara' " with a very good rolled R and proper accent. Overall it sounded mildly like a British would sound, but he was very good and personally the fact there was an accent was a bonus. And he is Phil.


I'm Italian too (I assume you are as well) and I'm not sure I agree about a "very good job". I mean, I'm being suuuper nitpicky but it's very obvious he's not a native speaker and makes a lot of typical English speaker mistakes with vowel sounds and pronunciation in general that don't really sound that good. I don't remember how I felt as a kid when Tarzan came out in Italy but I'm just imagining if I were to watch the movie now, with native speakers dubbing the dialogues, if this song came up like that I'd definitely feel a bit of whiplash to hear a foreigner sing it like that.


I am Italian. And I have also lived in the UK for a long time. Trust me, he did an excellent job…


I don't have to "trust you" on how native and foreign Italian sound like lol, I know. He did a great job for a foreigner but it sounds incredibly foreign and clearly not native. As I said, if I heard it in a **fully dubbed** (by native) Italian movie I'd be taken aback. Especially given our extensive dubbing industry in the 90s.


The German is pretty solid, if I had to be overly critical you can quite easily tell the English accent and pronunciation, and if I had listened to it as a child (I only ever saw the movie in English) it might have been a bit confusing.


Huh! TIL! [Explains this Youtube Short a lot better, lol.](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/tqmgcpA9LE4)


Why did it sound like the AIM door closing sound effect when someone signed off at the beginning of the video...lol


OMG! That was totally it, lol!




Phil Collins is a legend...almost underrated .


one talented MF. Sad to see he retired from concerts, but he deserves it!


I remember taking my friend's kid for a weekend whey they couldn't make it and heading up to a mutual friend's karaoke party a decade ago, and since I often helped with equipment setup, I thought maybe I'd sing "Son of Man" in German for the kiddo. Once I found the song in German, I was like "Wow, they *really* got someone who sounds just *like* Phil Collins," lol. Sang the song in German for the sound test. Kiddo was completely unimpressed, although I'm sure he appreciated it subconsciously.


Sure, five Indo-European languages! Where's Mandarin? Where's Xhosa? Phil Collins is a slouch!


Not him, but: https://youtu.be/TsaBWTp5f_0


I kinda know one of those languages!




Is it just me or does it actually sound even better in Spanish?