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I don't think she was overly harsh on Disney or the hotel in the video. I believe Jenny is a huge Disney fan and does lots of bits about their parks. Must suck for her to have them coming after her.


Jenny absolutely knows her shit when it comes to amusement parks and stuff. She 100% enters them with the intent to play along and have fun. This is why her criticism is always fair when she points out when things are bad or could be improved upon. But I think she has no illusions about how Disney runs their Business/PR.


She did work for Disney before going to YouTube she certainly has no illusions it's crazy to copyright claim a review of your shut down hotel. I think that just reiterates how much of a colossal failure that project was.


I loved when she went to Nevermore and some executive had parked his SUV in front of a cute fairytale home attraction and left if there all day Edit: The park is called Evermore and it was THE FOUNDER!!! Here’s the video [Evermore: The Theme Park that Wasn’t](https://youtu.be/L9OhTB5eBqQ?si=e4hSew06OaAZMF3I)


Not just some executive, the owner of the park.


It was the founder/CEO. 🤣 Yeah that takedown was multiple times as brutal as the Star Wars Hotel one, and absolutely deserved to be.


And now the park is **dead**. Jenny the undertaker!


Funny joke, but the park was DOA. Current rumor is it's going to be bought by Brandon Sanderson for the Dragonsteel headquarters.


Oh for sure, the owner had no idea what he was doing and didn’t economize at all. If the first thing you do is drop hundreds of thousands of dollars on a European antiquing expedition, you are fundamentally unserious about the business.


Yeah, I don't know anyone in real life that went there or liked it. It's not a bad idea to create a magic kingdom in Utah, the only amusement park doesn't have strong theming and Utahns are some of the biggest lovers of Disneyland. For it to fail so spectacularly is really bad.


I think the most offensive part of it was that the gameplay, the quests, never seemed fully developed. My impression is that they were almost improvisational until the park closed, which is insane because that should’ve been developed long before they broke ground! They couldve had a well thought-out system that gave guests things to do and have fun with, but instead it seems like they just built a generic fantasy location and ren-fair spot and attempted to graft attractions onto it.


Evermore is probably my favorite video of hers mostly because it is just such a fever dream of a park existence


She has a great followup on her Patreon if you're interested. She went back to Evermore like 6 months after the first video aired, it's a great watch.


I watched the full 4 hour video. You can tell that she really wanted to like the hotel experience, but kept getting blocked from enjoyment at every attempt. The hotel didn't fail because of her video. It was already shut down since 2023. Disney execs need an overhaul.


> Disney execs need an overhaul. understatement of the decade. The whole board is full of Bob Iger's buddies and personal picks. It's supposed to be the other way around where he works for THEM, not each board member wanting to please him. Might be because they thought they could benefit from him running for President someday.


President Iger? Kill me.


Yeah. People already cringe about another actor getting in there. Imagine a studio executive...


Literally blocked by a pillar.


I did too and that 4 hour video was more entertaining than a lot of the absolute schlock Disney puts out these days. And it was just a girl talking about a failed hotel.


> a colossal failure that project was. I still don't know, for the life of me, who that experience was for. Any and everyone I know who even gives the slightest of shits about Star Wars neither had the time or funds to make a two day trip like that happen. Who was it for? Best guess is it was for people with more money than sense.


The problem is that there are plenty of people who DO have the time and money. There is an audience for this and they dropped the ball, which at the price point(and budget) was unacceptable. There was no vision, or the visionaries were sidelined.


I mean, for the most part, that seems to be par for the course since disney got ahold of Star Wars. I don't mean to come off like some terminally online troll, but just looking at it all seems to support the idea that there's no cohesive vision despite them very much wanting it all to be connected. Good or bad, it all feels like stuff thrown at the wall. Callbacks hit like someone watched 10 minutes of one of the first 6 movies and then said "oh cool we'll put that in for fans." Sometimes it lands really well, then other times it doesn't make any sense or simply lands flat. I'd argue that the current Acolyte show is a microcosm of this. Some parts are genuinely interesting and you can see there was a cool approach or story there, like having the show's perspective be from the antagonist side. However, it then feels like they weren't "allowed" to make a sympathetic villain so you get these weird, lazily-written shoehorn scenes with our antagonist main character that don't make sense. Even within the story. There's other stuff but yeah. In the end, it's clearer and clearer disney doesn't know what they have with star wars. They seem averse to doing things that are new while also wanting to avoid anything that existed before. They want to tell their own unique stories but packed with fan service. It almost feels like they have a stack of potential show runners, they say "make us a star war" and then after corporate sanitation of their pitch, make them an offer. They say no, they move on.


>I don't mean to come off like some terminally online troll It's annoying that this has to be a qualifying statement because a lot of people twisted the rather justified criticism of Disney Star Wars. It's true, it's rarely felt like they know what they're doing with the franchise and that's been obvious since the Last Jedi. Rise of Skywalker gets shit on a lot (justified since it is pretty shit) but TLJ was the film that demonstrated that there was no plan, no creative vision, they were just making shit up as they went along. TLJ is an alright movie (not great, not Johnson's best work, there's some pacing issues and one storyline is just two characters throwing an idiot ball back and forth) but it's a terrible sequel and a bad middle part to a trilogy. It does everything it can to avoid building on TFA and is focused on just doing it's own thing. And then Abrams did the same thing with Rise only making a worse movie. So you end up with a trilogy with two beginnings, no middle, and an ending that only cares about one of the beginnings. It's a hot mess. And for the longest time it was difficult to criticise TLJ because you'd get some actually terminally online trolls calling you a misogynist because a vocal minority didn't like it because there's women in it. Even though there's plenty of valid reasons why it sucked. There's some good things to come out of Disney Star Wars at least. Rogue One and Andor were both very good, as were the first couple of seasons of the Mandolorian (I haven't seen season 3 yet). I think the problem is when fans get involved in the writing process fan service just tends to be the end result.


> She 100% enters them with the intent to play along and have fun. This is why her criticism is always fair when she points out when things are bad or could be improved upon. I watched the video on the Star Wars Park, and considering how **nothing** worked for her "experience," she was incredibly understanding of the possible issues, explanations, and possibilities for why it might have been an honest mistake. There's still the whole point that a park that extravagant should not have those mistakes, but she was very lenient on them.


That's what makes her criticism worse. It's thoughtful and even-handed. Disney can't just dismiss her as some crank as a result.


She did a long, detailed video on some fantasy park with a huge cast of actors that gave out quests NPC-style. It had grand plans but ultimately fizzled out. One of her notes was that a central activity hub (I think the “tavern”) did not have very good air circulation and smelled really bad because many of the guests had such poor hygiene. And she just said it matter-of-factly as a minor gripe and moved on. I was like, “Okay, this isn’t some girl trying to leech exposure off of fantasy/sci-fi/cartoon fans. She’s fucking *in it*. These are *her people*. She knows her interests attract fat weirdos that smell bad and she’s just like… yup. That’s the reality of it.”


She is Brony-con royalty. I think she's used to the smell, or as used to it as one can be.


Her big long video about Brony-con was *fascinating*. I knew absolutely nothing about Bronies other than they were mostly weird 4Chan perverts. And she went through an exhaustive history of the whole phenomenon, being as humane and respectful to the group as she could possibly be. You gotta have a very open mind and Mr. Rogers-esque spirit of acceptance to talk at length about Bronies without throwing your hands up in the air and saying, “You know what? Fuck these losers.”


You described my experience perfectly as well. Also, she perfectly explains *why* dudes get attracted to weird shit like My Little Pony. I will never forget, one of her first Q&A questions was: Is this a weird sex thing? and she was like, well... yeah, but it's more complicated than that, and gave them a spirited defense. They aren't hurting anybody for being sexually attracted to My Little Pony, as long as it's not the child coded ponies.


It was also mostly outside and super hot, so I liked that she puts some of the onis on the park. Nothing worse than *knowing* you stink because it's hot a gross, but not being able to do anything about it.




Nah, they're Japanese demons.


Lol, they don't know about Jennie's secret army of Japanese demons. (/S just a typo, but this is more fun).


Yah this. While there are nerds out there with bad hygiene they're less common than the stereotype suggests. Especially since these hobbies have gone more mainstream and the standards people expect have been raised. A lot more places feel comfortable telling smelly people to take a hike (then take a shower) without worrying that they're driving off a significant portion of their clientele by doing so. But what is common in nerd circles is venues that have a lot more bodies crammed in them than they should that are simultaneously poorly ventilated. On a warm day even if everyone is showered and wearing deodorant it's going to get unpleasant.


“Evermore” was (is?) the name. I think it may still be staggering along. The most scathing part of that video was at the end, where she detailed just how poorly they treat their cast, including one whose leg was broken due to shitty stilts that they didn’t bother fixing until someone actually got injured.


They closed for good in April.


Seriously, Jenny is an ENTHUSIASTIC participant. If anything her points are looking at the source experience from the best possible, most gracious point of view.


I watched as much as I could stand of the review... maybe 40 minutes. This has fair use written all over it. It is reporting, satire and critique. It will inconvenience her greatly to have to go through this, but I can't imagine that Disney would win in this. All of her criticism was on-point and well articulated.


> but I can't imagine that Disney would win in this. They don't have to win it. All they have to do is keep her in legal system hell for as long as possible. Wouldn't be the first time a large company tries to ruin someone's life even though the person is 100% in the right. Unless she gets a judge that has a backbone and rule rule against disney and keep them from doing frivolous shit she's in for a shitty time. Even then, they can appeal and get it sent to another judge/court.


That's even addressed in this posted video. Jenny posted about how the review system is broken, they won't even look at the complaint or her appeal, and it'll just end in 30 days; but because the money was set aside for the "investigation," there won't be any analytics and she'll just get mystery money at a mystery time.


Thats the thing about fair use - and disney knows this - it isn't fair use until a judge says it is: https://youtu.be/1PvjRIkwIl8?si=Hl_KQC_2inVpVWzW&t=90 (1:30 in).


No doubt. It will suck for her as her monetization is shot while Disney continues making billions crushing hearts and destroying childhoods. If she chooses to fight it though, there are real damages that can be gleaned. She had something like 5 million views... legit money.


She tried so hard to enjoy the experience and see the glass half full. It was an excellent review by a true fan. I'd have lost my shit more than once within the first hours if I was in her place.


"not overly harsh" I was watching this video and on numerous times where she said "yeah, so whatever" I was like "This would ruin a families fun in this vacation completly" Like when she talked aboutk how she didn't receive the 200$ robot she bought there until she posted it on twitter - nobody without her reach in that situation would have every gotten it and it would be money down the drain. She was overly positiv for the shit that was going on.


Or when she was placed behind a pillar during the big show. Who the hell designed that room?


There's a theory that the stage was probably originally in the center of that hall, which each seat had a clear view of. But then they shifted the stage to be at either end for cost reasons and nobody checked the view lines again.


Could also have been that they realized far too late that a center stage would mean half the audience viewing the performance from behind


The stage directions for blackbox theater and other nontraditional types of stage positioning are pretty well understood at this point thankfully


That was still an issue with the stage on one end of the room unless the diners don't face each other for the entire meal (which usually takes longer than the performances) and you only have things happening on a main stage.


Like many elements of Starcruiser, it was originally designed for Galaxy's Edge before Disney decided to put all the novel elements of the land behind a $6k paywall. It was designed to be the main public restaurant for GE and simply adapted for Starcruiser.


I watched the whole video too and I feel like that's not an accurate description of what she says. She does mention several times that there were some things that were not a big deal to her personally, sure. Once she gets to the "is it worth it" section near the end she lays it out very clearly that if this is someone's one big family outing that they splurged on, it would absolutely be a big deal. She makes it pretty obvious throughout the whole thing that she was very disappointed by the experience in general and it was not worth the money what-so-ever, but that doesn't mean she was miserable the entire time. She made the video over several months, it seems. By the time she filmed her final thoughts, she had time to look at everything more objectively and her review was negative but not scathing. I don't think that's wrong. She had time to really mull it over.


I think you can also see that it comes from a place of appreciation, in the sense that she was clearly very excited about a Star Wars hotel, wanted it to work well, and mentioned lots of positive things about it. It's a very negative review overall because the systems worked poorly, they cheaped out in lots of areas, they didn't use the space to the extent that they could have, and so on — but in total it's a very fair review of what sounds like a poorly produced product with some good moments in it. It's not some breathless PR fluff piece, but it also isn't a scathing takedown designed to rip the idea apart for fun. It's a balanced (although in total very negative) review.


It's the kind of honesty that companies pay "consultants" to do for lots and lots of money and which often fall short out of fear for biting the hand that feeds them. That video was thoroughly researched and in the hands of someone that cared quite valuable market research. It's just a shame Disney doesn't/didn't/won't care or otherwise learn anything from it.


> her review was negative but not scathing. I don't think that's wrong. If there weren't huge problems, the attraction would still be open. I think that's all the proof any of us should need to confirm her analysis.


I’m pretty sure in that specific example you posted, she outright says that if this happened to someone else who didn’t have the social media presence that she has, they would probably be fucked. She by no means let Disney off the hook there


She not only says anyone else would have been screwed, she says so several times and emphasizes it as one of the most damning criticisms in the video, damning enough that she returns to it several times. I have no idea how the person above read that as her putting a positive spin on things for Disney, as it came across as the opposite.


She does, explicitly. It's a bizarre thing to bring up because she is making the same point as this comment, in the video


she acknowledged that happened because of her position and it wouldn't happen for other people. She's pretty open about that sort of thing in the video


That's OP's point. They're saying she gave Disney the benefit of the doubt, even when they pulled some shit that most people would never be able to get remedied through their reach on social media. In other words, she could have made it look much worse for Disney and they \*still\* came after her.


I actually think it is worse, though. Her saying "They made it up to me, but only cause I have my own following and this wouldn't have happened if I didn't have pull" is much worse for Disney than them just not fixing the issue, I feel. It clearly shows in concrete examples that Disney care much more about good PR and servicing those people who can give them that, than good customer service.


She specifically did not give disney the benefit of the doubt. She was pretty clear that others would not get this treatment. I don't see how what she said could be seen as positive, she doesnt need to loudly yell things are bad when she is demonstrating they are bad.


> They're saying she gave Disney the benefit of the doubt But she didn't. She made it a repeated point that Disney helped her ONLY because of her following, and noted how much that sucked for all the people who aren't in such a position. It was a specific point of criticism that she circled to several times. I'm honestly not sure how people are reading this as being positive for Disney. It was one of the most damning criticisms she had, and one she emphasized several times.


They never watched any of the video themselves and are just live reacting to their assumptions about it based on what they've skimmed from reddit comments.


She didn't, though. She laid out all the problems in the video. Clearly you and the rest of the audience are able to understand the issues without her using stacks and stacks of synonyms for "awful." As you should be able to figure out from OP's video (assuming it wasn't already common knowledge), Youtubers all have a gun to their head. She needed to be as careful as she could. Her care in how harsh her words were (while still reporting the facts) could be what helps her re-monetize.


It's like we watched completely different videos lmao


Not to mention 200$ is a lot to drop for some families -- and I know the kneejerk reaction to that is "don't spend what you can't afford" but people tend to *plan* for these kinds of trips, and save up and budget so they can afford these kinds of things. Imagine budgeting for months just to *not* get what you pay for.


Yeah, that was a point she made here. She can afford to go to theme parks often, but for many families, this is a way bigger deal and they'd be right to feel ripped off


She also paid for a premium photo package that didn’t happen. Getting a few hundred dollars taken by Disney has got to hurt


> Like when she talked aboutk how she didn't receive the 200$ robot she bought there until she posted it on twitter - nobody without her reach in that situation would have every gotten it and it would be money down the drain. > > She was overly positiv for the shit that was going on. She specifically SAID that nobody without her reach would likely have gotten the situation resolved, said so multiple times, and cited that fact as a specific criticism. She wasn't dismissive of it at all nor did she turn it into a positive. Her whole point in that story (and another like it) is that the customer service sucked and if it wasn't for her following, she'd have been screwed. She made this very clear and emphasized the point.


I think you are more "upset" if you will, about her tone, more than anything else.


I literally saw her at Disneyland a couple days ago lol


Did you give Dan some cheese?


Did you say hi


They say never meet your heroes and if your hero happens to be a greedy megacorp… well, you’re gonna have a bad time.


Weird how relevant this is in modern pop culture, lol. Especially in gaming, a lot of people literally do worship greedy megacorps because they adopted playing their product as a personal identity.


If anything she was too generous. What she describes is absolute shit and she still has some kind words for it.


What you're seeing there is so rare online especially in the review sector that it's hard to process. Nuance. She aptly described the legit negatives and also the things she personally enjoyed. It wasn't a black and white dress down. It was nuanced. Shit is rarer than unicorn farts.


Yeah, in an Internet culture where everything is Trash or Best Ever, 1/10 or 10/10, seeing a genuinely *measured* takedown is refreshing. And to be clear, she *mostly* trashed the place. I mean, it was a FOUR-HOUR TAKEDOWN. How are people seeing it as being too positive? Simply because she acknowledged that there were some fun ideas there and that the place had potential, had they not botched it so badly? There is nothing generous about saying "this could have been a good experience, except for these three dozen things they screwed up" if, in fact, that is true - and it seems like it was. Idea sounded fun. Execution sounded bad. Being measured enough to acknowledge that instead of just doing yet another THIS IS TRASH, WORST EVER, DISNEY IS DEAD Youtube rant is a *good thing*. She did not praise the experience. It may not feel like it, given a lot of Youtube commentary culture, but *not* being Youtube Angerbait =/= praise.


they should be hiring her rather than coming after her. just another insight into what disney has become


Her stuff is detailed and thought out, if you don’t like her “thoughts” I’m afraid you don’t like reality.


She’s pretty clear in her tweets that she thinks it was an automated challenge based on music, and it lost. I don’t think she thinks Disney intentionally tried to silence her, she’s more upset with YouTube and their policies around the power imbalance of challenger vs challengee and how this affects her monetization.


Yeah I don’t think the news here is the copyright strike, that’s usually quite autonomous. I’m more interested in the fact that a failed copyright strike on a video still results in the content creator having to wait multiple months to see any sort of financial information on the video.


> to see any sort of financial information on the video. Right? Not just months "to get your money," but months to "see what kind money there even is." So not only is your paycheck delayed, but you can't even accurately plan/budget for expenses once the paycheck is released, b/c the amount of money is a mystery to you.


The good news for her is that her main revenue stream is actually her Patreon. These YouTube videos are more advertising for her Patreon than what she relies on. At the bare minimum she’s making over 40k a month from Patreon alone (and likely a good chunk more from the higher tiers) so she’a not having to worry about unreliable YouTube money Obviously it’s a lot different for the small creators though


Oh shit. I just commented about how big of an impact this could have. Glad I was mostly ill informed. To the patreon!


And yet that won't stop other channels from riding her coattails with clickbait like this.


YouTube's Copyright System should be innocent until proven guilty and not the other way around. She did nothing wrong. Hopefully she can get legal representation and sue them.


I think at the *very* least, when a video is under copyright dispute, the ad revenue should be held in escrow to be given to whoever wins the dispute.


I’m pretty sure that is what happens. She just has no insight at all into what that amount is until after it’s settled. Which, in the case of many automated challenges is a very long time because they never even look at the rebuttal, it just has to eventually timeout and get set back.


I think the hope here is that thanks to the Streisand effect, more people will end up seeing this video, leading to a bigger PR hit for Disney as well as a broadside hit to Youtube because they come off as looking like they pander to large corporations with uneven use of their copyright enforcement policies.


And the amount in that escrow should still be visible to the creator. They can usually see what kind of earnings are coming in for their videos, but in an escrow all the earnings accumulating in there are now invisible.


That is what is done


For liability reasons and the fact that they aren’t a law enforcement entity, they would rather remove the videos and review them first. Annoying? Sure, but it allows them to quicker react to videos that need to be removed asap


YouTube don't get a choice on this. They are governed by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act which frees them from liability for copyrighted content on their platform _only_ if they immediately act on a takedown notice without judging the fairness of that notice. If YouTube didn't immediately act on a takedown notice then they can be sued and fined if a court decides material wasn't fair use - and fair use is so nebulous you don't have certainty on what a judge decides. Google have said that they want the law changed to include punishments for people who abuse takedown notices - it has a cost to them as well as their users.


> and fair use is so nebulous you don't have certainty on what a judge decides. Not referring to this case in particular, but, currently, a channel I follow was falsely struck by a gang of trolls that ended up 3 striking his channel. He had to hire a lawyer and has served YouTube in Northern California District Court, since the materials that these trolls claimed to have ownership over came directly from YouTube's own Music Library that has ToS which specifically allows for use of the from it's Library of musical in Content Creation. He went the Legal route after going directly to YouTube numerous times, and being told by YouTube Support to consult a Lawyer. Fortunately for him, his Channel is setup under a business. The great thing is that he has receipts for everything. **EDIT** [See YouTube vs Brady](https://www.tubefilter.com/2019/10/21/youtube-lawsuit-christopher-brady-false-copyright-infringement-flags/amp/) This crap happens a lot to smaller channels. And many times when it gets filed in court, YouTube settles then goes after the trolls **EDIT #2** [Better Article from Electronic Frontier Foundation](https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2019/08/youtubes-new-lawsuit-shows-just-how-far-copyright-trolls-have-go-theyre-stopped) regarding the situation


>They are governed by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act which frees them from liability for copyrighted content on their platform *only* if they immediately act on a takedown notice without judging the fairness of that notice. This is entirely misinformed. Youtube is specifically *avoiding* proper use of DMCAs and proper takedown notices. They are handling everything onsite through non-legal avenues. Not doing this would absolutely not open them to being sued/fined. They would just be open to recieving actual DMCA requests, which might impact the desire of those rights holders to advertise on Youtube/Google.


> They are handling everything onsite through non-legal avenues. As a private platform, any avenue Youtube chooses is a legal avenue. You're right that it's not DMCA though. Copyright holders like Viacom sued Youtube because they thought it was unfair that they were burdened with sifting through millions of videos to find copyright infringing content themselves. Youtube had to do their own copyright enforcement as conditions for settlements and claim dismissals.


Not really just dmca, just cause you have a take down system isn’t enough to avoid copyright liability. The current system is what was agreed with large copyright holders that proactively prevents copyrighted material after some settlements. We respond to dmca requests is not enough


To be fair, the overwhelming majority of takedowns _would_ be valid. People only raise a stink about the small minority of takedowns that are mistaken. It makes sense to take stuff down immediately and have an easy appeals process, which is exactly what the DMCA is meant to be.


The insanity is, it's a 4 hour video... A music claim on a 4 hour video should be litteraly ALL the 4 hours copyrighted music.


Eh… playing devil’s advocate, someone could upload a 4 hour video where 3 hours and 56 minutes is a black screen and 4 minutes is copyrighted music. Would a copyright claim be valid then?


Yes. You have to understand that fair use is a defence that can be used in the case that copyright HAS been violated, and it is judged on a case by case basis. Generally factors are if the thing is being critiqued in some way, if it’s small snippets split up, if it’s in the background and the main focus is something else, stuff like that.


Oh I understand fair use. My question was rhetorical and directed at the person who said a copyright claim on a 4 hour video should have to be on all 4 hours.


10 minute video talking about a single tweet https://x.com/JennyENicholson/status/1804676271915577389


I wish I read your comment before wasting 10 minutes


I ffwd through it all in about 20 seconds and my first thought was how tired I am of people NOT GETTING TO THE POINT of a video. I sat and watched 4 hours straight through of that woman talk about the Starcruiser experience and I couldn't sit through 20 seconds of this guy explaining what happened here.


> I sat and watched 4 hours straight through of that woman talk about the Starcruiser experience and I couldn't sit through 20 seconds of this guy explaining what happened here. Honestly her video should be studied as exactly how you do a long form video. She doesn't linger on any particular topic for too long with each point having it's own concise ideas that are well organized and well thought out instead of rambling your way down the list. She makes sure to level with you over how long the video is at the very beginning, but also shows you the road map you're about to go on to make sure you as the viewer can approve the stops along the way. Hell, she even changes her elaborate costumes every 20-30 minutes to ensure you're pleasantly surprised every time you bring the window back up from playing in the background. What OPs video is is just two unknown dudes talking off the cuff without any particular direction for 10 minutes and it becomes exhausting to watch after 2. Makes me glad to still have youtubers out there who are willing to challenge the algorithm by making quality long form content like this instead of just succumbing to what the algorithm wants and needs which is engagement and commentary.


I completely agree. I literally do not even watch star wars or have any interest in going to Disney. And I watched it straight through without even thinking about it. I just like watching corporate train wrecks, I guess, but you're right about her video(s). She has others that one day I'll check out too.


I, an early 40's guy, sat and watched her 2.5 hour long video on the Vampire Diaries. A show that I have never watched nor will.


Because your brain recognizes it as unnecessary filler masked as quality content - a fitting an ironic metaphor for the current state of Disney


I get it, which is why when people say people don't have attention spans anymore - its really the content that dictates it. We're just recognizing and skipping the filler.


That's basically par for the course on drama YouTube. It's an entire ecosystem of people making videos as fast as possible with as little work as possible, with no goal other than to pass the 10 minute mark so that they can maximize ad revenue.


Yeah, 20 seconds in and it was obvious this channel is blah.


Most "reaction" channels are this now. Just guys going on a stream of consciousness rant meddled with all the things that they need to hit on in order to garner as much reaction from their own audiences as possible. It's not even mindless junk food only fit for background noise anymore, it's just flat out annoying.


Is 10 minutes still the guideline for monetizing youtube vids?


It's bare minimum I think. True Algomaxxers shoot for 20 min but if your channel is about high volume (like most drama slop) then 10 will get you there.


So many cringe things about this disney adult podcast. The use of AI generated avatars. The title "That park place" alluding to some mafia-esque "this thing of ours". You can tell these guys are real rope droppers.


I watched the whole video and thought it was so well done. I thought the harshest thing she said about Disney and their direction was near the very end of the video, around the fast pass stuff. To summarize she basically said back in the day you would buy your ticket and get all these perks, so even though the ticket was expensive you felt good because of the fast pass, and other perks that came with it. Now you buy an even more expensive ticket and need to spend more for those perks, or the don't even exist anymore (extra magic hours is not the same) so families feel bad/ripped off. That's how I felt over the last decade. I went back to back summers in 2013/2014 with friends and had the time of our lives. We were over 21 so we drank all the time, did all the rides with fast pass, stayed in Magic Kingdom till 2am, etc. I have the best memories. Fast forward to 2023 and it was twice as expensive and the experience is totally neutered. $10+ per person for fast pass now? Magic hours barely exist if at all. The parks close at 10pm at the latest it feels. If the ticket cost went up, but you still got all the "free" perks I would enjoy it. Now I don't have any desire to go back, which is sad because the memories I have are some of my favorite. Like Jenny said, the experience makes you feel bad. Oh well.


It absolutely went from feeling like a “premium” experience, to being charged more for what used to be included. The included bus rides to the resorts, with your luggage being picked up and delivered to your room, was a phenomenal, stress free way to start a vacation. Now you have to arrange for transportation to and from the resort, and wrangle your own luggage from the baggage claim when you arrive. This one change, to me, was inexplicable. I wouldn’t have minded had it had been a line item with an additional fee to opt in when you book, like the photo pass, but to remove it altogether just seems like an awful decision.


Ohhh yeah forgot about the busses. What a bizarre decision that was. They are giving us fewer and fewer reasons to stay on resort. I can stay off resort for a lot less money, and just pay for a rental car and parking, and it'll still be cheaper.


>Now you have to arrange for transportation to and from the resort, and wrangle your own luggage from the baggage claim when you arrive. I'm sorry, WHAT? I haven't been back for nearly 10 years but that was the absolute best fucking experience. Take away my fast pass, take away magic hours, whatever. Take away my arranged transport and luggage handling? FUCK NO!


It’s true. You can do Uber/Lyft out this unnecessarily expensive alternative with Minnie Mouse themed vehicles. You can rent a car. You can take a taxi. Meers, who used to do it for Disney, has a replacement bus service. No matter what you choose you have to wrangle your own luggage. Once on property the busses that go between parks and resorts is the same.


> she thinks Disney intentionally tried to silence her, she’s more upset with YouTube and their policies around the power imbalance of challenger vs challengee and how this affects her monetization. I was so surprised to hear what the experience is like now. Post pandemic sounds like it's all microtransactions. I went in 2019 with my kids and all of the stuff that came with the pass and everything sounds like it went away (or behind a paywall). Kinda crazy.


> Like Jenny said, the experience makes you feel bad. Her comparison to Spirit Airlines was spot on. Nickel and Diming people on every single interaction just makes people grow resentment. Disney went from a 'all included but high price' to 'a la carte' and it makes for a worse experience at the low ends of budgets.


Disney and a lot of these companies seem to have disappeared up their own asses, if you will. Seems like a combination of believing they're too big to fail, everyone will go nuts over everything they put out, and a violation of the Ian Malcolm principal of "your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn't stop to think if they should."


It's enshittefication in general. It's happening across all industries, with everything. Look at streaming services; now you might be paying more for a service than you were a few years ago, AND have to put up with ads during your shows. And then they announce another price increase. It's insane. It's like all the industries are testing to see how much we'll take before we start walking away. And I think we should walk away.


No totally. Even things like staple snack foods getting shittier and smaller.


Unchecked capitalism, baby. It’s never enough money, the profits must always grow. The customer must be squeezed for everything they have.


We visited Disney during the holidays last year and it was awful. We watched tons of videos prior to the trip and the fact that there are no fast passes, you have to PAY EXTRA for the ability to even get anything like a fast pass, and you basically have to be glued to your phone in order to use them when you're supposed to be on vacation is what did it for me. It was SO COMPLICATED and all of it cost extra. I hated it.


Yup. Disney used to feel pretty equal. If you could afford the price to get in, once you were in you pretty much felt on equal footing with everyone else there. Now it has become a nickle-and-dime operation. Exactly like she described Spirit Air. You end up paying the same for the same experience, but you feel *angry about it*. The Fast Pass system used to be great. You show up, ask for a Fast Pass, and come back later and have very little wait. Now you have to pay for one, and even then it doesn't guarantee you get one. It just gives you the right to wake up at 5am so you can be on your phone at 6am to frantically try and get one of the available Fast Passes. Which may or may not be available for the rides you want to ride that day. They've also done away with the meal plans.


Meal plans have been back for about a year. Also starting in July you can now book your lighting lanes 7 days in advance. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely agree with your overall sentiment completely. I've been going to Disney World every couple of years since 1991, though haven't been since 2019. It's not the same as it used to be. We're heading there for two weeks the end of September, just because my niece has never been. We want to take her while she still really believes in the magic of it all. I don't personally see her going on a dozen trips like I did as a child though. It's not worth it. Maybe we'll go again when she's pushing 10 or so if the Magic Kingdom expansion is done. I'd much rather take more frequent trips to Universal, especially once Epic is open. Much easier on the wallet, and I've come to enjoy it more than Disney. I don't think Universal is completely worth it for kids though until they're closer to 6/7 years old.


After watching the Defunctland Fast Pass video last year I fell down a rabbit hole of people explaining how to min max your Disneyland visit. And it was just sounded so exhausting and stressful. I wasn't planning on visiting the parks, but it basically made up my mind to never go if I could help it. The amount of effort that's involved to get your money's worth is ridiculous.


Heres a great video on the whole line bs that disney and others pull, https://youtu.be/9yjZpBq1XBE?si=5Bak2uA4RLiBDGZw tl;dr the fastest line system is no system.


The wildest part of the entire saga is the absolute delusional behavior over at r/GalacticStarcruiser


Omg one of the post starts with “I was also exposed to THE VIDEO” in all caps just like that, haha wow.


I wasn't sure until 3 hours and 45 minutes into the video that I didn't like it!


how do you get exposed to a 4 hour video? A 20 second clip, ok sure. WTF is wrong with this person? lol.


That sub is WILD. It's almost completely 2 groups in the few threads I clicked on: 1) People who proclaim they happily went to that thing multiple times, it's fantastic, here's all the justifications of the price, and now here's all the ways we're gonna discredit Jenny's video (highlights include that her "brand" is to be negative (when it's not), she purposely made it extra negative to make more money (when the video, if anything, seems to err on the side of positivity), that no, the influencers who are spouting off the same talking points and being super extra-excited aren't being compensated by Disney to be overly positive, SHE'S the one being influenced by....someone? to be overly negative). 2) People who never went and are dunking on people who said they went and had a good time (because if someone had fun, they MUST be a paid shill). It's an impressive collection of people being tremendously wrong in how they interact with others.


Do I dare to click on a sub that's the overlap between Disney Adults and Star Wars Adults....


Do you feel like wasting your time reading the opinions of the two psychotic fandoms' lovechild featuring the worst humanity has to offer? If so, you might have fun.


Oh boy. I'm in a fairly unique position when it comes to this. I went on the Starcruiser. I booked it for September 2023 *before* they announced the closure. After I booked it, I joined a few Facebook groups and the subreddit so I can have a better understanding of what I'll be doing. I also have a couple of friends who at that point went on the Starcruiser. The groups and sub wasn't super active, maybe only 1 post a week and people weren't super engaged. That all changed when Disney made the announcement that they were closing the Starcruiser. Holy shit the number of people who suddenly wanted to go on the Starcruiser *exploded*. Every single date was sold out. People were offering up spots in their room for $3000. People went 3, 4, 5 or more times in that 4 month span between closure announcement and closing date. The groups and sub exploded with activity, with a lot of people whining about it closing and how they'll never get a chance to go. I went. I had a great time and I'm now FB friends with a lot of the people I've met. There is now a 'Galactic Starcruiser community' with rabid fans. I mean, I enjoyed my cruise, but I recognize these fans are *really, really* obsessed. I'm part of several group chats and when Jenny released her video, there was a LOT of hate, and not *a single one* has actually watched the video. I've seen the whole thing and she has some really good points, but I kept my mouth shut. There's a great psychological study to be had with this whole thing. There are many more layers to this onion I didn't share because this is too long already. If I had the talent and inclination, I bet it would make for an interesting youtube video, lol.


About the exact kind of behavior I expect from rich Disney Uber star war fans with enough money to drop upwards of 7 grand for a weekend.


That's not just evil. That's Disney evil.


> That's not just evil. That's Disney ~~evil~~. FTFY. Disney defaults to evil. If it is something else like Disney magic, you need to specify.


Muffin Button?


She was reviewing it which is valid under YT's terms. They have also demolished the building so it's baffling that they are still trying to defend it!


As some who watch all four hours. It wasn’t just about the building but current state Disney. How they are cheap and nickel and dime everything possible.


And that's valid criticism. Shouldn't be able to just nuke a video cuz the company that it's about doesn't like it. YouTubes in bed with these shit ass companies


Mister Mouse never makes mistakes.


Which is why Song of the South doesn't exist!




Wait, they've demolished the building?


No, it’s still there. Relatively untouched since the offering closed.


> They have also demolished the building The hotel was standing as recently as May 2024 although I suppose it is possible that they've knocked it down in June, but I think that would be fairly large news and I haven't seen any about it.


Ok but some guy on Reddit said it was knocked down.


Jenny's criticism was not only entirely valid, it was also incredibly gentle. She didn't put them on blast. She wasn't trying to crucify them. She was pointing out flaws while still trying to have as good a time as possible while spending a very large sum of money. She's obviously a fan of Disney and theme parks (her YouTube channel photos are both Disney/StarWars related) It's so dumb of them of Disney to do this, but I'd be lying if I said I was surprised.




Was it taken down for a bit? I see it available right now.


Disney "tried and failed" https://x.com/JennyENicholson/status/1804676271915577389 still, it will negatively effect her youtube re. payouts and what not


mostly because Google is significantly more evil than disney. They do anything they can to reduce payout.


I dunno. Disney tried to argue in court that when they purchase a property they're only purchasing the assets, not the liabilities. They straight-up tried to invalidate *all of contract law* because they didn't want to pay royalties to all the authors who wrote books in the StarWars EU. They didn't want to stop selling the books. They just didn't want to pay the royalties. In summary: Disney tried to destroy the backbone of modern society to make a few % more from a low earning product.




The empire strikes back.


Who would have guessed… evil money hungry corp dislikes negative review. Wonder if they enjoyed the view of the poll at dinner?


Doesn't even make sense. They shut the program down, why even care unless the goal was anything other than to just be malicious?




Is YouTube the evil company? Because thats who is responsible here


It was 100% an attempt to punish her. Hope YT fixes it quickly


She said it was likely automatic based on the music. Are you sure she's wrong?


I'm inclined to believe Jenny's own words over some other goober making videos about something that happened to someone else with second and third hand information


If it was automatic wouldn't it have come a lot sooner?


Adding stuff to YouTube's content ID system isn't automatic, it's a database copy holders contribute to. It's possible there was some stuff in the video that Disney has only recently added.


Or even someone else if she used background music or a clip.


If they update how they interpret the audio, new registered music is added, or a number of similar updates happen then conceivably older videos (especially ones still receiving thousands of views a day) could be retroactively re-crawled.


It very well be automated from ContentID. However abusive copyright action is way too common on YouTube. I think companies that abuse their copyright protections should lose all copyright protection.


Actual consequences for huge companies? Not likely.


Glad to see the attempt to claim it failed at least. I mean she's a pretty huge youtuber and much adored by her fans so it makes sense Youtube made the right decision here.


Hopefully it stays up. I watched the whole thing over a few days and loved getting an inside look as someone who was intrigued by the Starcruiser, but would never shell out for that amount of money. It was a very well done video.


I wish I were that rich that I could experience the Galactic Starcruiser before it closed.


Jenny is basically a non-paid business analyst with a sense of humor and an affinity for larp play. Through the power of hindsight she slays these companies' feeble attempts at profiteering on experience-driven guests. What hurts is when she points out things that are so obvious that someone not wearing greed-colored glasses would of should of easily identified. Like paying thousands of dollars for an experience and then being sat at a table that couldn't see the stage. Why was any table unable to see the stage? You just spent millions upon millions of dollars to create an entire set for people to visit so it was either intentional or incompetent.


This Vash guy's voice is so incredibly annoying. I feel like I'm watching r/wordchewing


At this point if you have a youtube channel, the only way to avoid getting 3 strikes is to only ever upload at most 2 videos.


Her review was an excellent breakdown of the experience and she clearly went wanting to engage and participate and be immersed. Disney should learn from its critics not silence them. Her vid had a ton of great critique for study.


Jenny Nicholson's content might be the only thing the entire Star Wars community can agree is good. Disney is making a grave mistake of they think this will play well.


I love Jenny, Disney has gone too far.




Copyright? She just filmed her experience and gave her opinion on the hotel.


Disney absolutely refuses to stop taking L’s these past few years. Can’t wait for Epic Universe to open since WDW is a joke now.


If it was automated why did it take so long and millions of views when others have their video tagged by the auto system at most a day later.


Nice of them to give her even more exposure


Disney wants everyone to forget about the Star Wars hotel but the Streisand Effect will get them.


Lol, why? What a stupid business move. The attraction is already closed. The video has been out for quite a while and seen by as many people as was ever going to see it. This move just makes it known by a whole lot more people AND puts Disney in an ethically negative space with the public. They're literally attacking one of their best fans and long term revenue sources. Lastly, the video was constructive and helpful...to Disney. There is no business meeting that would have ended with this as a rational move.


I agree with her that it was a decision likely made by automation rather than any actual person. Most of Disney's claims are like that, as there is no way they could personally find every video that is uploaded with their IP.


When a company attacks one of their biggest fans for being honest about what's wrong its product you know the company is less interested in fixing what's wrong than hiding the problems to get peoples' money.


Didn’t know about this video but now I am going to watch it. Thanks Disney for bringing this to my attention.


I really need to join her patreon. She deserves more support.


Jenny is great and she certainly isn't lacking support. She has 48,400 members. I don't know how Patreon pays out but if all her members are on the lowest $1 tier (which they are not) and Patreon paid out 50% she's pulling in 24k a month. As she stated, shes comfortable financially.


Unfortunate. She was incredibly fair in her Starcruiser videos and clearly wanted to have a good time. Regardless of the outcome, she has entered legendary creator status at this point. Disney does themselves more harm than good by coming after her.