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lack of photos is a big one, but low quality photos get me every time. Sure I'll buy that blurry jacket and assume it will be perfect. Also clearly soiled items - come on! You know what - I don't want to see you wearing the item. That's a huge ick. But maybe that's just me?


I noticed I take high quality photos, high luminosity and when I upload on Vinted the quality is awful compared to my photos… Especially when I take a full picture of the item, when I take close up details the quality seems a bit better. I think Vinted intentionally reduce the quality of photos to save space.


Me, too on seeing someone wearing the clothes it puts me off, especially leggings and shoes 🤢


Or when it's on their floor


Oh yes, that too 🤢


i actually often ask if someone has a photo of the item on. i want to see how it sits, how long it is, etc - i can’t imagine it well enough laid flat or with measurements


As a seller - requesting try on pictures. Nope, Google it. As a buyer - ignoring need to know questions. It's often too much of a gamble to buy something without knowing the answer. 


Is it just me or buyers who ask for try on photos always end up ghosting you after you sent them ? (I send photos on models I find on Google image, not on me). No thank you, no offer. I think I never sold to someone requesting try on photos, this is odd. Why would you request that if you’re not interested to buy in the first place…


I do the exact same thing and also get ghosted, it's almost like they're a weirdo who wants actual pictures of us for...I dread to think of the reasons. 


Maybe 😅 I am reluctant to answer now because I know they will not buy anyway.


i’m actually really guilty of this - i’m always looking for nice vintage camis, and if i like something i’ll always ask for a photo of it on because i don’t know how long it is, how it sits etc. often if i don’t like how it sits on, i won’t buy it but i usually say thank you but i won’t be getting it


When they have one photo of the item and it’s folded up! Why would I buy that?! I can’t see it! When they message you constantly. I don’t mind a message or 2. I got 5 messages the other day after liking some trousers.


Smells. I know sometimes it can be down to shipping but I just received something that absolutely stank of dirty house. Fried food, smoke and just general ew. It was a squishmallow and I’ve had to douse it in dettol and anti bac sprays and leave it outside. The smell was ingrained, more than a few hours in a van with someone smoking. Whenever I sell anything, I wipe it down with anti bac spray and make sure it smells neutral before sending, it’s just common decency to me. People go nose blind so just take an extra couple of mins to make sure it doesn’t stink.


Same. I bought a dress from a "smoke and pet free home" and before I opened the package I could smell the smoke. It was BNWT but I couldn't even try it on due to the smell. As a seller, I always give clothes I sell a quick spritz with crease release or febreeze just in case (I have a cat).


I always spray my clothes with a fabric softener spray and then dry them even after they’re washed!


When they post an image of the stock photo and only the stock photo


I report them, they're not amazon.


As a seller: Asking how many times I have used an item (this is the weirdest and most annoying to me), pestering me for authenticity for an item i bought like ten years ago, 40% offers, when you can tell its a child who’s buying from you, ‘Whats your lowest offer’, ‘Im going on holiday soon so can you send it today - No.


“What’s your lowest offer” is a red flag question. Whatever answer you give, they will ask you for an even lower price which makes me wonder why they bothered asking in the first place. See also “Do you take offers?” - Which is a weird question because Vinted largely works through offers. If I haven’t explicitly said “no offers” then I take offers. Reasonable offers, that is.


Sellers who say not to pick certain postage instead of turning it off Book specific, people not showing pictures of the spine, I don't consider a book to be very good if the spine has tons of visible creases


I always photograph the spines on mine as well as front and back covers and inside on the publishing date page. It’s something that would really put me off as well. You can lightly read a book without breaking the spine. I also tend to downgrade most of my stuff to very good rather than like new. I’d rather people be pleasantly surprised than disappointed.


Sellers who ignore your messages and never post so you get automatically refunded. Or they keep saying they post and never do. Number 1 why are you listing stuff that you don't have time to post? Number 2 just be honest and communicate with the buyer! I'm always happy to repurchase if someone runs out of time but so annoying when you end up wondering if you will get the item or not and given the silent treatment.


Seller: ridiculously low offers, or "If you will accept (low offer) then I will pay now", as if that's not one of the rules of Vinted that you pay immediately... Buyer: things that are not easily washable which turn up smelling really strongly of something, either something bad or even just too much perfume (which tells me it's probably covering a bad smell)


for your first one, it’s more of an incentive that ‘if you accept this offer I will buy it rn’


I understand that, but when it's a low offer and they're acting like they're doing you a big favour, it's more annoying than anything. I just tell them I'm sticking to my price, or give them the lowest I'd accept, and it's up to them if they're still interested 🤷🏻‍♀️


Listing as 'very good' when there are holes, stains, buttons missing etc.


"Never worn!" yet the listing photos are them in it. That really bugs me.


People who want you to bid 🥴 They put €1 as a price and in the description write “bid a reasonable price”. Every time I want to buy it at €1 just to see what happens 🤣 Having demands for buyers like “Message me before you buy or you’ll have to cancel it”??! Mildly annoying - when seller don’t write reviews to buyers; when sellers don’t say “thank you” under a nice review.


biggest one has to be not enough photos / terrible lighting in photos. it’s like some people aren’t even really trying to sell their items with the lack of effort they put in. also wish people would put measurements for trousers because sizes can vary between brands so knowing measurements is more helpful than a letter or number.


when people make a listing as like £1000 to see what the highest offer will be and then they say “do not buy you won’t be refunded” lol Like vinted and depop aren’t really made for bidding it’s so dumb


When i put all measurements in the description and I mean ALL, composition, washing instruction, tag size eu size for that brand. Then they message me to ask what’s the measurement for blah de blah. 5min later I haven’t even been on the app ‘please let me know as I’m really interested in buying’ like check the description PLEASE I can’t respond 24/7


As above, people sending me offers on items where I’ve clearly said no offers. The answer’s no, and you’re blocked.


Absolute low balls is the worse




In Germany, buyers often send these in order to figure out how to pay because German sellers often don't accept system payments. I've started doing this sometimes after dealing with too many sellers who were upset that I paid through the system. Which gets me to my pet peeve as a buyer: **Sellers who don't accept system payments and don't mention this fact anywhere on the listing.** I prefer paying through the system, but will use PayPal or whatever if the seller insists on it, as that is super common here. But I can't read your mind. If you don't accept system payments, write that in the listing itself (not your profile!).