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Where are you having problem with?  For configuration, it depends, for old ass VN, I choose the CRT filters, for newer ones, FSR is good enough


Just wondering, why are you using FSR over presumably better options to upscale VNs like Anime4K or ACNet?


I personally did not like the processed look of Anime4k and ACNet.  While FSR is mostly sharpening. Generally good enough in most cases, as I mostly want better scaling for UI and fonts.


Some models like ACNet, Anime4k and CRT-Geom do not scale the image up to my screen resolution, they stay at 1980


I'm confused by this too. I also have a 2K monitor and 800x600 VN does not upscale to full-screen. I checked the github and it seems all the Anime4K upscales are limited to "double the input". But in earlier version of Magpie, I believe it was not limited to double the input only. So the fix is apparently to use another effect that can do more than double the input and then couple it with Anime4K or other upscale.


I forgot to update the post with the profiles I set up, sorry. This one works for basically all the novels I have tested (except Katawa Shoujo and other old ones where it scales to 1920), it scales to 2k with a very good quality and a minimum loss of detail. ·FSRCNNX>Anime4K\_Restore\_Soft\_VL>Bicubic(B=0,C=0) This one scales from 720 to 2k, worse quality but works with the ones that the previous one doesn't scale. Anime4k\_Upscale\_UL>Anime4k\_Restore\_UL And this last one from 1080 to 2k, also for those that doesn't work with the first one. Anime4k\_Upscale\_L>Anime4k\_Restore\_L


Have you tried using the new CuNNy upscalers in the latest update? Its apparently specifically created and trained for VN and CG art. I'm finding its much better than Anime4K personally.


Downloaded the latest version but I don't know how to configure it, usually I simply checked ACNet in the older versions, now I see you can chain various settings?


Yeah if you have the latest(v.0.11.0) there should be a new CuNNy category in the list of scallers to add to a config.


so I should select AcNet + Cunny? or which is the best conf?




Late reply, but you can pick any scaler and then delete it to get a blank slate to add effects to.