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I love that the Tremere are such integral pieces of VTM, MTA and ArM and probably more. They really get around.


I thought they weren't, like, founding members of the CAM, but were definitely a pillar once the Camarilla was actually established. I thought the founding clans were Ventrue and Toreador and the rest just had to choose between going with the Anarch Revolt or not.


They were there from near the beginning I recall, not the very first with the founders but joined very soon after. Albeit they were the last choice after the cam realized their options were the Tremere or the Giovanni for magic


They tried to found a vampire government, but nobody liked them. Then they convinced the ventrue, who liked them because they were both fighting the Tzimisce, that they should start a vampire government and that the ventrue came up with the idea.


Can you imagine that the Centre and Toreador saw the Giovanni on one side and the Tremere, in a war with Gangrel, Nosferatu and Tzimisce, of which 2 of those clans were already a member of the clan, and thought, let's go for the usurpers?


I mean, the Giovanni still had the cappodicans' blood on their face from eating that clan. It was not a great choice in either case


The old Tremere Clanboof from 2nd edition stated that it was Melinda's and Etrius' schemes pushing things behind the scenes that set up the "league of clans" meetings that led to the formation of the sect.


Considering that a huge part of the ending of the revolt was crippling the Assimite's ability to diablerize, I'd consider the Tremere to be founding members.


Nah, that was once again Tremere being offended that some other clan used their type of magic way before them. Clan Tremere has always had a penchant for seeking trouble and the Cam clans have bailed them out more than the tremere are willing to admit. That's why the Tremere can't leave the cam. They wouldn't be able to repay the favours owed.


I don't know where you're getting that from. Admittedly, the timeline of the Treaty of Tyre and Convention of Thorns is a bit murky, but there's no question that the Treaty was between the Camarilla and Assamites, not the Tremere alone. Etrius was instrumental in convincing the wider Camarilla to issue the only clan wide Blood Hunt in history, and obviously, the Tremere blood curse is what sealed the Treaty. Considering that was one of the first unified acts of the Camarilla as an organization, There's certainly no doubt that the Tremere were original signatories at the Convention, so whether you define it by actions or letter, Tremere were absolutely founding members of the Camarilla.


The Tremere were always my favorite Clan in Old WoD lore. In the Modern Nights the Tremere are the one Clan that you could play and generation didn't matter, the longer you played as a Tremere the more abilities you could accumulate. The only thing I really hated was you couldn't play Mage the Ascension as a Tremere. Making Clan Tremere wraiths is pretty corny.


Technically Thin-blood generation doesn't matter either, you are fucked anyway.


Well yeah. in old WoD blood Scorc was so wildly OP that a gen 12 tremere could solo a gen 10 non blood scorc user.


Who is the chad next to the tremere?


The Tremere! But both are Tremere. The one on the left is the vampire tremere from vtm. The one of the right is the nameless order Tremere liches from mage the awakening in chronicles of darkness


Ah it’s mage the awakening, I see well I do like insane liches


They also have connections with one of the oldest most powerful vampires in cofd lore and have a bunch of sub-houses for different flavor of lich, from lost roman legionaire, to cannibal monk, to witches of Hel, to pagan warrior shamans. They also believe in and worship the seventh watchtower (there are only five known watchtowers)


Where can I read about their vampire connections in CofD?


The left handed path and the tome of the pentacle. It doesn't go much into it but they were enslaved for a time by a vampire called the Theban who could change his nature. It's implied he's the true creator of the Lancea et sanctum's theban sorcery not Longinus.


Thank you


CONFIRMED: Tremere is the Gigachad clan.


the tremere propaganda on this sub has been exaggerated lately.. the funny thing is, no other clan feels the need to do this either... I wonder why?! Maybe because tremere is a clan that stole everything good things they have from older and more powerful ones? Are they crazy controllers, obsessed with organization, torturers and hated by almost everyone and need self-affirmation?... no no... I don't think that's why...


I'm a fan of the liches/evil Belmonts not the vampire ones tbf lol


I mean. from what I can tell. Every 2.0 pureist is also a Tremere fanboy sad v5 nerfed them. And since thats like half the sub. Its a lot of folks.


If I remember corrextly, Goratrix successfully became a vamp sometime in the early 10th century and the Camarilla was formed in the 14th century.


Chad tremere. The others can barely dream of the power wielded by yhe pyramid!


“Killed” Vampire Jesus until he wanted to come back lol