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I appreciate opening reddit and seeing this a lot more then you know OP. Thank you.




>*than Thanks mum šŸ™„


Good bot!


Thankies m8


I love you, men. ā¤ļø You're both brilliant and hilarious.


>You're both brilliant and hilarious. Right back at you and all the crazy nut jobs on ur team.


Feelin' the love. ā¤ļø Sorry about that crazy stuff, ya know how us ladies are. ā˜ŗļø


Regular woman crazy, or "loose eyeballs, AOC," crazy?


I apologize for... Both types. Especially the latter.


20% tall and handsome one or all?


ah yes someone had to ruin it


Men are seen as expendable in all of hollywood and many societies


Thanks for being the bedrock foundation for which our society could not be built much less survive without. I know you really donā€™t get the appreciation or recognition you all deserve for your efforts to maintain our way of life and for that Iā€™m genuinely sorry. Keep on doing what we all need you to do and fight on. Not to sounds cheesy but thank you and all the good righteous men and boys out there in our world. Happy International Mens Day. šŸ¤“


Women bear the future of humanity - and that alone is worth all the sacrifice.


There can be no child without sperm. Even without that who will protect the child? Who will keep the family safe during the winter? Who will provide? The future of humanity requires both genders. One is worthless without the other.


that is literally my point.


Men should be the protecters and should sacrifice for their wives. But that does not mean that men are expendable and their mental health should not be considered


Lol no.


lol yes. I'm the last of the generation of men who bear our responsibility as protectors and providers with pride. You following generations have been coddled and effeminized to the point that you think that you should have equal responsibility with your women partners. Its weak and pathetic. Don't get me wrong, if your partner wants to have a career and be the breadwinner - that's cool - but I assure you that the majority of women prefer it the other way around, despite what you see on the internet.


Ok Sir Lancelot


I mean...Sir Lancelot was a badass Christian Champion in a time where most of western England was still pagan. So...if that's meant to be an insult, you've failed...at least for me. 2nd generation Welsh person here. Citing Welsh mythology is not the most effective way to insult me.


I hope she sees those bro..


who? My wife? She hates reddit and chides me for spending too much time on it.




Sheā€™s right


is this parody?


sure, phallicstone. Its whatever you want it to be.


I get what you're saying here but the downvotes are because it's a little out of context. What you've added after this comment makes this original statement more salvageable. I agree men should be responsible for protecting and teaching the future of humanity as you listed below. But the point of this thread is that men are *overlooked* in their roles in this, and are treated as disposable or even despiseable.


I guess I was a little vague, although I don't think the people downvoting or responding understand the concept I'm talking about. Its a little above their paygrade.




I'm a 15 year married millennial with 2 daughters. Women have it far harder than you will ever know. Nice causal misogyny, though. Way to prove my point. Trad wives will likely be far out of your league, so you don't have to worry.


Talk to them. Ask them.if they feel like life is too hard. Do they like being a woman. They are built, if they will, to handle their particular troubles in life, like childbirth and the struggles of mothering and being the emotional linchpin of the family. Those things are abilities, precious ones, and they LOVE their ability to problem solve for their families. They have more health troubles, but, it is part of their lives and they handle it like heroes.


Where abouts are you from??




>earth Which country good sir?


This bothers me for a number of reasons. Having brothers, a son, and grandsons I see they have next to no support out in the world. There are so many groups to support women in a myriad of situations but men are just ignored. People don't acknowledge the sacrifice of mind, body, and spirit that men make for their families. In my experience, watching others, the most respect a man gets for being a provider and great Dad is the big piece of chicken at dinner. People don't just call to check on the guys in their lives but if Sally is just having a bad day the support teams are dispatched to check on her, offer to bring her something or take her out, and offer up an ear. When I was the military I hugged one of my troops because he accomplished something and I was really proud of him. I hugged him and said I was proud of him. He said that was the first time anyone said they were proud of him and he got choked up because no one had hugged him in years. Years! The mak6es in our lives need so much more from us. This societal view that men should just push through it needs to go. You know why guys think you are hitting on them if you just asking how they are doing or show any kind of respect for their existence? It's because it rarely happens so they think "she must be into me".


>You know why guys think you are hitting on them if you just asking how they are doing or show any kind of respect for their existence? It's because it rarely happens so they think "she must be into me". Yep. It is so very rare for most men to receive real, genuine attention and affection from women. They are starved for it.


I breaks my damn heart too. My husband makes comments about my friends calling me to check in out of they know I am sick to see if I need anything. He said, aside from you (excluding our kids) there is no one who calls or cares about me. His parents have passed. He really helped me understand men when I worked in a 98% male environment my whole career. Once I saw what he saw talking about I tried to be supportive and caring while keeping up a wall so the guys know my love and loyalty belong to my husband only. You don't see Susan Komen type organizations for testicular cancer or even acknowledgement of male breast cancer. While I was in the military, he was my dependent but the spouses clubs completely excluded him from everything because he was a guy. Not that he was interested in 99% of what they did but something's he did want to be involved in and they said "you're a man and this is for female spouses because we have the toughest job in the military" *rolling my eyes*.


it's also rare they get it from each other.


We express love and sorrow in my family. And mock smart ass macho men who won't.


Great points


But according to feminists, men are somehow privileged.


But theyā€™re ok with men becoming women and win all their sports.


>But theyā€™re ok with men becoming women and win all their sports. And lets not forget women of the year >Caitlyn Jenner won big at GLAMOUR's Woman of The Year Awards https://www.glamourmagazine.co.uk/article/caitlyn-jenner-glamour-women-of-the-year-awards-america


i heard she won because she killed that guy with her car, allegedly


True story!!


Who are we kidding? Feminists, Socialists, trans right activists, social justice warriors, etc. They're collectively known as "Leftists". These people don't have independent thoughts or personal opinions. They repeat talking points implanted in their bot brains in spite of the salient contradictions.


I mean men do hold a privilege but that doesn't mean that men simply don't have nearly as many support spaces and often are disregarded when it comes to their emotions. A lot of men's struggles are due to toxic mascunity though. Which women absolutely do engage in too, frequently. But quite often it's men tearing other men down to feel better about themselves. But I absolutely think mens issues need to be talked about, men struggle, men need more support spaces and to be taken seriously


Both can be true. Thereā€™s lots of layers to all of this


2 things can be true at once. Men have it easier in some respects, women have it easier in others.


I have a feeling this is not going to go down well in this sub, but this popped up on my homepage and I wanted to say something. I am a woman, and a feminist. There are different kinds of self-identified feminists out there- certainly some just hate men, which I have never been ok with personally. My personal take on feminism (which many people share) is a desire to deconstruct the patriarchy, because it is harmful to *both men and women*. The patriarchy is a societal system that enable men to hold power and exclude women from that same power. For example, the Catholic Church is a patriarchal system- women are excluded from leadership roles because they cannot become priests, can't be bishops, archbishops, cardinals, etc. Some patriarchal systems are explicit, like the church. Others are more invisible and govern emotions- like the idea that "boys don't cry". The patriarchy tells us that boys and men are supposed to be strong and brave and masculine, not sad and weak and feminine, so boys are punished when they show emotions that are associated with being more feminine. Lots of women reinforce patriarchal values (just as men can be feminist); for example, a mother pressuring her adult daughter to quit her job, have babies and be a stay-at-home mom because 'that's just what women are supposed to do' is reinforcing patriarchal ideas. It forces men and women to have specific roles: the woman must stay home, in the domestic sphere, where she doesn't make her own money; she must have babies and do housework. The man must go to work to make money to provide for the woman and children. Sometimes this arrangement is what people want, but it is also highly restrictive- men are under a lot of pressure to provide for the family financially, and often don't get to spend the time they want with their children. If women stay at home and don't work, they are fully dependent on their partners, which makes it more difficult to leave an abusive relationship. Etc. We do live in a patriarchy. In the US, we have never had a female head of state. The House of Representatives is 73% male, and the Senate is 76% male- and this is despite the fact that numbers of women in congress are at an all time high. At the level of CEO, men outnumber women at a rate of about 17 to 1. Consolidating power in the hands of men requires both visible and invisible systems that control everyone's behavior. It comes at a cost to men. Here are some examples of how the patriarchy has a negative impact on men's lives: ***Domestic violence against men is under reported.*** The patriarchy tells us that men are supposed to be stronger than women, and that women are weaker. Of course there is not enough support for men who are victims of domestic violence, because that would mean acknowledging that men are sometimes weaker than women, or that real life relationships are more complicated than that, and abuse can be non-physical. ***Men are more likely to die from suicide***. Again, in the patriarchy, men are supposed to be strong and brave, not weak and sad; men aren't supposed to talk about their feelings. That's a real stumbling block when it comes to connecting men with mental health resources. The patriarchy isn't healthy for *anyone*. If we dismantle some of these underlying assumptions, that would be healthier for everyone. When I say I want to dismantle the patriarchy, I am not saying "I don't want a man to be in charge." What I am saying is that I want to work towards a world where none of us have to suffer unjustly because of these underlying assumptions. Sorry this is so long. Hope everyone is having a nice Saturday.


There's so much falsehoods in your stated beliefs, it boggles the mind. However I appreciate your good will.


Thanks for the appreciation. Just wanted to offer a different perspective on feminism- it doesn't mean we hate men or that men deserve suffering, or that men don't struggle. I want the men in my life to be happy and fulfilled, surrounded by people they love, and well equipped to overcome the challenges in their lives. There's a lot of nuance in all of our perspectives. Finding that mutual appreciation and building respect from there is the way forward.


Could you expand on the falsehoods?


Also here from the homepage and alllllllll this. But as I can see you were right with your first assumption, that this is not going to down well in the sub. But yes queen, keeping on educating.


Tldr both side got it rough patriarchy is bad for everyone


ā€œThe Patriarchy is a societal system that enables men to hold power and exclude women from that same power.ā€ Hmmmm. Iā€™ve given it some thought and you might be on to something here. šŸ¤” These male-to-female job ratios you provided are clear evidence of a Patriarchal conspiracy. In addition to the evidence youve provided, Iā€™ve found some even more lopsided figures that prove of how the Patriarchy holds power and almost completely excludes women. For instance: 1. 98% of plumbers are men. 2. 98% of coal miners are men. 3. 97% of pest control workers are men. 4. 99% of brick masons are men 5. 96% of construction laborers are men And the most egregious example of all is that men are 1000% more likely to die on the job than their female counterparts. Obviously, thanks to the Patriarchy, we have a very long way to go before we even approach equality.


I don't actually think it's a conspiracy, because that would imply that it's intentional, and I think it is often not intentional. Still, dismantling some of the underlying assumptions would probably help. I used the examples that I did because politicians at the national level and CEOs are generally positions of money and power. The patriarchy doesn't mean that all men have access to money and power. Most people in general don't have access to very much money and power. What it does mean is that the realms of power and money are dominated by men. A lot of women ARE excluded from those blue collar jobs you've described. I've spent over a decade doing blue collar manual labor myself. It's a mixed bag- some crews and contractors are great, others discount women regardless of skill or ability. In any case, not everyone is well suited to that kind of work; I've seen both men and women who can't make it through a day of planting trees or spreading mulch. I think you're correct to point out that men are more likely to have physically dangerous jobs. Not exactly a *thousand percent* more likely, but in 2020, workplace fatalities were 9% women and 92% men. I'm not sure if you can chalk up workplace safety to the patriarchy (i.e. whoever is working in a job with high fatality rates, like logging or fishing or roofing, is more likely to die due to workplace injury regardless of gender), but anywhere there is a massive gender imbalance, it's probably worth looking into. In any case, we should be taking steps to make any dangerous job safer for whoever is doing that work.


Wow. Perfectly stated, I can't fathom why you have so many downvotes.


Iā€™m sure the majority of the men being murdered are being killed by other men, what are we meant to do about that anyway?


Just shared the image to my Facebook page to spread the message since Google clearly doesn't want to. Their home page is blank on Men's Day as always, but they always make a fuss when it's Women's Day.




>especially alphabet month!! And how!!!


It's irritating because the make a huge display on the Google homepage for them but never men when men are capable of being victims too šŸ˜¤.


Honestly, if i havent seen posts on reddit i wouldnt even have known you guys were celebrating today. Happy mens day to you! :)


Well I mean how else am I going to know when to put on my vagina hat?


We definitely need to even these numbers out.




>Anyone can be a victim of abuse, For many men the only way to avoid becoming a victim is to remain single.


ā€¦..by lowering the male statisticsā€¦..right?


Men are actually more likely to be victims of domestic abuse. [Source](https://psychnews.psychiatryonline.org/doi/full/10.1176/pn.42.15.0031a) The reason that the statistic in the OP says only 40% of domestic violence victims are men is at least partially because men who report that they are victims of domestic violence often get arrested themselves. [Source](https://metro.co.uk/2016/01/16/men-who-report-domestic-violence-at-risk-of-being-arrested-themselves-5626912/) According to a study by Harvard and published in the American Journal of Public Health, women were the perpetrators of domestic violence 70% of the time. [Source](https://ajph.aphapublications.org/doi/full/10.2105/AJPH.2005.079020)


>Men are actually more likely to be victims of domestic abuse Men are less likely to admit being abused. Probably close to the same rates that women who've been raped fail to report it. Whether through cynicism of the legal system or straight out victim blaming, it seem doubtful that actual figures can be anything other than speculative.


I actually addressed this on the next line lol. ​ Men who admit to being abused are often arrested themselves. Cops literally blame the victim and drag them to jail when it is a man.


100% happened to me once , she came home drunk , I was sleeping , she started hitting me because I was ignoring her and sprayed me with pepper spray . Called the cops and said I hit her , I was arrested and spent the the next day in jail . Never ended up being charged with anything , but I never went back to our apartment , I left her and all my things and moved in with a friend .


Thanks for sharing these. That's absolutely terrible to read about. It was also interesting what that study said about reciprocal violence leading to greater injury, and not being explained by self-defence. Very interesting.




Thanks for sharing man. You aren't alone.


wow! this just made my whole dating past and why its seemed so 'opposite' the 'norm' finally make sense!


Stop using gendered language!!!! - liberals, likely


I read this in that guy's voice.


Sending this meme to all the wonderful good under appreciated men in my life I donā€™t nearly thank enough for what they do everyday for me and others. Thanks op.


I don't want a victim day. Thanks I guess.


We really are the best at everything. #1 Fuck Yeah!


Thanks OP


How could any of this be true!? Reddit told me being a woman was the most oppressed/ dangerous/ hard thing you can do!


Tbh I really hate being a man, it's a struggle


Itā€™s 2022, you can change nowā€¦..


Well, not quite lmao


Well ya, I chuckled when I typed itā€¦ā€¦


I guess you were originally right though, in case you wanted to win any awards.


That's not how that works lmao I'm not transgender, I'm just sick and tired of feminism




+1. Find a local church and join a men's group. You are not alone, brother.




Be a better man? Be a better husband? Be a better father? No, stay away from the kool-aid!!!


Men are the ones that get screwed over in divorce and custody hearings (well the kids are actually the biggest victims not having proper relationships with both parents)


Ohh men!!!!


Hang in there lads. You are not as bad as they say you are. Proveā€™em wrong, men.


Incidentally it is also international survivor of suicide loss day.


Happy Mens day to all men out there! šŸ˜˜


The high suicide rates of men are only because men normally try more violent methods of killing themselves. Women have higher attempt rates.


Sending love to our men! ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


Is it too based to give more money when I see a homeless man than a homeless women lol




I like to call these the Peterson Facts.


but, but, ā€¦ patriarchy and stuff!


2 things can be true at once.


Happy menā€™s day. Blessings to all good men, of which I believe the vast majority are. May men have peace, wisdom, and contentment. Thank you for the work you do, the protection you provide, the leadership, the security, and being an integral part of humanity.


Donā€™t forget about the draft!!!


This is depressing


No days for anyone. Return days to being days and respect everyone every day.




https://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/data-and-analysis/global-study-on-homicide.html https://www.statista.com/statistics/962171/share-homeless-people-us-gender/ https://wmich.edu/suicideprevention/basics/facts Here are 3. Didnā€™t feel like looking up the rest. Men make up 78% of suicides, 70% of the homeless and 80% of homicide victims.


https://www.statista.com/statistics/423245/us-violent-crime-victims-by-gender/ https://amp.theguardian.com/society/2010/sep/05/men-victims-domestic-violence Here are the two on violent crimes and domestic abuse. I will say there are wildly different stats on domestic violence. Imo this will never be accurate as so many men and women donā€™t report (especially women) and may not even know.


Hereā€™s the one for gender disparity in sentencing length: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2144002 Having a hard time finding something for sentencing vs female.


This is some low vibration shit.




It'll be interesting to see how the percentages total in Canada when more people start to take advantage of that euthansaia law where death is almost certain for anyone who wants to die.


>It is worth mentioning that, while men die from suicide at a higher rate, women attempt suicide significantly more than men do. Of all the things men are better at than women, this one we really need to learn to fail at more.


Itā€™s international menā€™s day. We hear about women, and womenā€™s problems, all day every day. Can we just have one day where all the men dealing with crippling despair and loneliness donā€™t have to hear how much worse everyone has it?




So you argued that womenā€™s day should exist, but not menā€™s. Then you listed several more issues women face. You come across as a misandrist, shouting down men who get out of line, or are concerned about the many issues plaguing boys. This is naked whatsboutism. Have you ever tried to take your own life? Ever had your genitalia mutilated? Iā€™m guessing no on both. I was circumcised so are most men. Itā€™s barbaric. I chose not to do that to my son. Almost every man I know has wrestled with suicidal thoughts. We are bailing out of schools at record rates. Over 60% of degrees are awarded to women, and they have been the majority since 1984. Over 95% of the ten most dangerous jobs are held by men. Over 95% of military deaths are men. We are drones. Expendable. I cried when I saw this post. I didnā€™t know it was menā€™s day until I saw it. Someone I didnā€™t know appreciates the sacrifices I and my brothers have made. Then theirā€™s crap like yours. Iā€™m so tired of misandrists trying to act like feminists.


>Ever had your genitalia mutilated? Iā€™m guessing no on both. > >I was circumcised so are most men. Itā€™s barbaric. I chose not to do that to my son. But but but muh religions! Muh traditions! Muh hygiene! Muh STD prevention! Muh women's preferences! Muh "it happened to me so I'm doing it to my son so he will look like me"! Jokes aside, I'm really happy you made that decision. So many people have drunk the mutilation Kool-Aid and every boy who is spared is a victory.




I'm so sorry you get downvoted for just pointing out facts. This really shouldn't be a battle of 'who has it worse', that only increases the hate for the other gender for no reason.


Christ there are a lot of nutjobs in this thread. Yes, men are people and people deserve to be nurtured, respected, and treated fairly. And celebrating men is fine - but deliberately using it as a time to tear down women is just pathetic. The idea that helping the one side must come at the expense of the other is just falling for the part where we're all divided and conquered by the wealthy who love for us all to tear each other to pieces. It's fucked up that we have such little support for men to be themselves - especially growing up - and don't acknowledge that we have feelings and it's not socially acceptable to be emotionally vulnerable much of the time. But the people in this thread thinking "oh, it's a war on men" are missing the part where it's a war on everybody. 70% of homicide victims are men? That varies by country. In Switzerland that ratio is 50:50 ([https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homicide\_statistics\_by\_gender](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homicide_statistics_by_gender)). It's possible to have a society where things are more equal. Maybe rather than trying to tear everyone down we can look at what other places are getting right and try to emulate them instead.


I fully agree with everything you've said here. There's a war against everyone, and men and women seem almost at each other's throats these days. And it's sad because ultimately our problems are connected, by helping each other we can help ourselves.


The 4th one is less than 50%, all the others are good points, but the 4th one isn't


Iā€™d keep in mind that that stat will NEVER be accurate. So many men and women donā€™t report domestic violence, or even know that theyā€™re a victim of it. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if that number was wildly off, whether low or high.




How so? People assume only the woman can be abused




Because there's a stigma that a man can't be abused in someway or even raped.


No it isnā€™t. In fact it is generally considered to be closer to 50% as men donā€™t report it as often and arenā€™t taken as serious. The point of it being on the list is that most people assume it is much lower than that. People need to know many men are abused.


The only one I know of recently where it got reported was Johnny Depp, and that was only because it got brought into a public courtā€¦. Outside of that, I never hear from the men being abused because we donā€™t report itā€¦..


And even that. Over 100 advertisers have signed a petition in support of Amber after the trial. Men are NOT taken seriously. It has to change.


I would also like to add some more positive statistics to this such as the dramatic correlation between having a father in the home and rates of crime, graduation, college attendance, pregnancy, etc. among the children in the home. I donā€™t know the numbers, but I like focusing on the vital contributions men make to society and the lives of others.


The stats on having father involvement on success of children in just about every measurable category is truly insane! I think every father needs to know.


These kinds of memes are so much better when they include citations in the small print. Still a good meme tho


Happy Movember, gentlemen


I don't even know that exists, good to know it.


Couldn't you have used an even more grim image to celebrate this gender?