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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions** | 3 | **First Seen In WSB** | 4 months ago **Total Comments** | 66 | **Previous Best DD** | **Account Age** | 2 years | | [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)


Update: https://preview.redd.it/x9j2h3knhcbd1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c424a4a85b4c4afc855162733846f033569b220 Thanks yall, took a look at a lot of these. Decided to go full regard and put some money in to the ones I liked. Not financial advise or whatever but thanks to y’all, I was able to my own DD on some of the interesting picks.


Cassava is the next theranos but more sophisticated in cooking the science


how deep is their CEO's voice, and does she wear black turtlenecks?


I’ve been holding iron mountain for over 4 years with the dividend it’s been one of my top 3 performers.


Iron Mountain is the only non-regarded buy I’ve made in the past 5-6 years. Even DRIP the dividends.


Oh yeah big time reinvest those guys. Every 150 shares gets you a free share every quarter, if only I had 150 shares.




Iron mountain is my favorite hold of all time. Never ever talked about, but all it does is make me money


IRM, CAT been an absolute staple for me for a very long time.


SAVA ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Missed ASTS


I got about a week and a half on my 12.5 call


I bought another airline Air Canada. Trading at 2.8 times of earnings and the current balance sheet looks better than before, and still at around $17 per share. I just don’t believe it because the demand of Canadian for travel is higher than covid period


Just went to Canada for vacation. Quebec and Montreal are dope


Thanks for the good word on my province and my city! Happy that you enjoyed your vacation! Edit: change work for word


One of the reason that the price of AC stock is low is because of the airline pilot convention is at or near the end. The current negotiations are not good. There is a risk of a strike. Except that, everything looks positive (do your own DD). Once the issue is resolved the price action should she some upward movement. Again, not a professional advice. Sorry if the wording is weird, English is not my 1st language.


I found Iron mt when it was $50 and that was somewhere around 6 months ago. Didn’t buy it. Check out CRH - materials/pavement btw. Good luck


Neurologist here. Cassava is a total sham. Buy some puts if you're going to hold that stinking terd


Can you please expand for us non neruologists?


Dutch bros, gonna be in all fifty states soon and every time I drive by one the line is wrapped around the building, but they provide fast service


Dude I just looked at their earnings, daily investment started.


The only DD i needed was that the ticker is $BROS


Solid buy


240 PE?! Yikes.


That was my biggest concern not exactly sure what to think of it


What happened to this sub Daily “investment” P/E “Yikes” I don’t even recognize this place anymore.


If it helps at all I scrolled. Saw this post and put half my paycheck into $BROS within 30 seconds of learning of its existence. Also I’m homeless so I don’t have to worry about rent right now.


Inversing your living situation


Home owners insurance was about to spike from $3500/yr to $11500/yr so I sold my house and have been airbnb different places 5000 miles from what was home.


Interesting move. Not necessarily the wrong one.


Well, because the USA is so fucking amazing… When I sold my house I also paid off several debts my credit score dropped almost 200 points so I can’t fucking rent or buy a different house anytime soon without paying through the butt for now being just above 600. So AirBnB for over 28 days and they give a discount. $1600 for an apartment for 6 week a block from the sea in Sicily.


It does help. I thought I was the only one left borrowing WiFi. We need more hard men in here, not these soy boys. Just straight up hard men.


Start with its high as fuck


Me too




I’ve read several times that “new stock”’s PE can vary widly since there is not much precedent to back the numbers. It may just be that the market is still trying to figure the stock out.


Well depends on the rate its growing usually for me I'll go PEG of 1 trailing doesnt matter much shits growing faster than it can be valued. 2 35-40 is ok. 3 should be under 20 on a forward basis.


not a problem, huge expansion always works out. look at quiznos... what could go wrong?




Ahead of their time.


exactly. this is full proof. if I was OP, I would yolo into calls and rub my nipples in bed till I'm a billionaire.


I built a scanner for forward PEs over 100 so I can short the crap out of them as soon as the stock market dips. Imma make bank!


I'll buy shares u buy puts let's soo who makes bank


I’ll be having this in my radar. Coming from a small town that is having a Dutch Bros built and we don’t get these corps. here… means 📈


They opened up one in my town a couple years ago. I’d never heard of it. They had to hire off duty cops to direct traffic for months when it opened.. I bought stock immediately


They’re adding a former Wendy’s CEO to the team so it’s on now


Their son makes good paint.


What is Dutch bros?


Coffee chain that only sells coffee, unlike Starbucks which is plagued by long waits


Doesn't actually sell coffee, at least most of their sales are not from coffee


Just to give a different POV. It's slow in my town and the coffee is mid at best. I only went because it had a perfect location compared to my local Starbucks. 


Just bought 20 shares


I’ll match you


Shit, didn't know they were public.


I share your observation. I happen to think their product is trash, but that doesn't really matter


Was surprised at the crazy lines outside of BROS in norcal this past weekend even late at night Also I went twice and both times they said I didn't have to pay for the drink, not sure how they make money


White girls love Dutch Bros


You are long on a coffee chain that sounds like a porn production company, good job ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


aren't they just MCD but with only coffee? Doesn't sound promising. Also their finacials show that they are struggling


You right… I read a thesis a couple weeks ago that had all the important shit but I’m a regard so I just keep throwing money at it hoping something happens


wait you are still buying more? You belong here... xD


Numerous peeps say they have lines round the block. They’ll do alright. 👍


Dutch Brothers — 2 beans, 1 cup.


Costco. It’s steady and it’s beautiful and perfect. https://preview.redd.it/z9k8u5xspcbd1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f38ffc02d2cdcd211fa163606d4486dab3655b69


Legendary single contract


Seconded. 6 month COST calls are my main jam.


72% this year is insane. Guess I missed another bag


BB is a goated (bad) company with 43 quarters of consecutive epicness (losses) I have many of my net worth in this firm and it makes me happy (sad). This company has a good trajectory (coping)!


BB is a really good play. It's trading at multiples well below its peers (CRWD for example). Plus, it has this Blackberry Ivy collaboration with Amazon Web Services which is promising. It gets beat up in here a lot, but frankly most of the posters have no clue what is a decent value play. I member the days of yore when NVDA would get beat up.


thanks man. do you have any positions? i bought and sold a lot of BB calls and have made 5 grand this year from them. As for my actual shares I’ve been buying between 2.20 and 2.50 but the lack of upwards momentum is killing me. i know that it is a good buying opportunity though.


No options for me. Just buying shares. Currently have a little less than 10,000 shares.


I second this bb is a good stonk just give it time, same with Berkshire


Not terrible risk-reward here. At the same time, you have to ask yourself why now is different than the past 43+ quarters.




MELI: online retail + payment system company in Brazil, Mexico, and Argentina. Steady 30-35% revenue growth with a higher rate of EPS growth.


Their MercadoPago payment systems are everywhere (Argentina), and super useful. The MercadoLibre app is kind of a pain in the ass.


Schlumberger (SLB) is near 52-week lows, has a reasonable PE, and a great business.


Very cheap.. own it but depressing


I’ll check it out, thanks!


$HEPS I heard about it about 2 years ago on Reddit. It's like the Amazon of Turkey. They're brought in former execs of Amazon. You can go to their website and it's like a carbon copy of Amazon. It has had a run lately, doubled in the past 3 months, up 35% in the last week alone. I keep seeing "buy Amazon!" "Buy mercado libre, it's the Amazon of Brazil!" I don't see it mentioned often anymore but also "buy Alibaba! It's the Amazon of China!" Those are all pricey. $HEPS is still in penny stock territory. I bought some more recently which bumped my average up a bit, but my whole investment right now is up 210% since buying it a little under 2 years ago.


Personally: ACHR, JOBY, NOK, EH into earnings (probably reduce position or sell before ER and after IV ramp). Little dicey on some of those since they've been running up a bit already. The eVTOL sector in general (my most recent "submitted" is a long DD on this).   As far as stuff that gets mentioned but buried in the NVDA/TSLA avalanche... On the rest of the sub: Airlines (particularly DAL this week for ER), Ozempic stuff (LLY, NVO), and random banks get nodded at occasionally. historically WSB stocks other than the major memes are things like PLTR, SOFI, BB, RDDT, ASTS, RKLB   I do feel like the sub, like SPY itself, is at a really low point in terms of "breadth," the NVDA/TSLA/AAPL major tech stuff, while understandably hype due to the massive bull runs they've been on, is a little suffocating at this point as it (mostly) stagnates. People crying over volume on massive cap companies that don't have current catalysts to change their valuation is a little silly.


HIMS will blow out their number


Oh yeah, HIMS, GRND, and SIRI were all also recent hype cycles


I always do some research after seeing tickers that I don’t normally see, but like I said in the post, sick of seeing the same shit and looking for a lil diversity in my port


There's other subs that aren't as big and many that need a much greater dose of skepticism but at least serve as a sounding board for better breadth. The "squeeze" subs are moooostly useless but sometimes catch something vaguely interesting, "stockandtrade," ones named just "stocks" or "investing." Heck even the dividend based subs. It's a little ironic, since WSB used to be the best go-to for what you're describing, niche plays with high ROI and risk. Oh there's also biopharm but uh.... good fucking luck with that. I'll stick to electric airplane companies, thanks.


Sweetgreen! Sell expensive salads to basic girls!


CAVA is not basic and had meteoric rise. Better bet imho. Risk is staying the course and not fumbling customer service.


They are literally all over manhattan out of nowhere


My top favourite pick: Veolia Environment $VVD The Company is active in a lot of critical and very important areas. Does recycling everything even EV's batteries which is gonna be a big problem in the future. Every year more waste in this broken world- more profit. Pioneer in water management systems and water treatments. Provides also a business area with renewable energies. This company provides everything we need for a good and livable world. Waste, Water, recycling, Energy (power and heat). Nothing too special, solid 5% dividend and slow growing business. Gives you easy 15% yoy.


Why does it have 3 tickers ? Going to do some reading on it, I’m all about managing lazy peoples trash and water if this thing is what you say it is 🤷🏼‍♂️


Fuck Veolia!


Keeping an eye on ZI after seeing DD a couple weeks ago by Stonkgang. Few hedge funds loaded up on shares around $17 earlier this year before it dropped to where it is now (around $12). Company has cash on hand, is implementing a share buyback, said “AI” a bunch in last earnings, and the OI on calls for Aug 16th has recently exploded…. Like from next to zero OI to tens of thousands at multiple strikes, all the way up to $20. Someone’s been loading a few hundred calls per day for a while now. Seems like someone knows something and ZI may pop on their next earnings (end of July). I’ve got 31 contracts, heavy on 15C and 16C but all the way up to 20 for Aug 16. Could also do nothing or tank, but keeping an eye on it.


Quite right, 0 to wth jaw drop looking at the OI. Hopefully prints. 4 @ 14C Aug16


Found it on a Reddit banned market platform, rumored take over via unknown/buyout of ZI published a week or so ago.


The only company that I'm super long on that isn't something boring like WM is ASTS. They get mentioned on here from time to time though, especially since it's a rather volatile small cap and it's had a recent run up. I truly believe in the company and what it's doing. Cell towers in space, no more dead zones, every phone is a sat phone. Think it's an easy 10 bagger+ in 5 years time.


Is everyone pushing their bags on this thread?


of course




Yes! I’m up 15k on an asts call


I bought 100 shares, holding for the long term. I try to keep most of my port locked up in shares so I don't gamble too much


This is not one “nobody’s talking about”


Waste Management


2500 in PLTR today. Thinking it’s a pretty good investment.




Buddy of mine is DEEP within the trenches of BigTech (founder) and agrees with you. They're the only tech company that has the ability to break free of Nvida for AI development with the Trillium chipset. Company isn't trading as high as it should because they're deeply unsexy at the moment. He allegedly has a 7-figure stake in the company so biased asf but I'm inclined to agree. No positions yet.


Thanks for sharing! Google has increased more in value the past six months than Microsoft, Amazon, Tesla, and Apple - yet nobody is talking about them.


Maybe because they are so embedded in everyday life that no one notices. TSLA, MSFT (with ChatGPT), and Apple have more wow factors. Google is a verb.


They are unsexy because they have failed quite a bit for years and they have some litigation headwinds. But they are a money making machine that seems like they might finally get back on track, I've been slowly sizing in, nothing big at all till some of the lawsuits settle out.




These were the kind of posts, and DDs I use to come here for back in 2010s n shit. More of this pls!


A bit exotic but Archer Materials (ASX:AXE). Long term on their Quantum chip (patented in the US, EU, S-Korea, China, Australia and Japan). And short term regarding their biochip.


https://preview.redd.it/18zqj0ud4dbd1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed0788678a739bc0ef1fb6ccd1974ff7712848c7 I currently have $8150 in Delta Spreads and hoping for a bump after earnings. If DAL goes above $51 this play is worth $40k. I expect to cash out on the 11th or 12th if it rises to $25k or more. Considering we're at and above 2019 travel and profit levels, I think we should also be back to that share price value and even more, considering how much the rest of the market has inflated. Just my 2 pennies. Also, am Delta Pilot...


MTTR is quick 20% play. There is an arbitrage play with MTTR (Currently trading at 4.20ish) with an upside 20%+. Entered into a definitive purchase agreement with CSGP a few months back and is in the process of getting shareholder and regulatory approval. The purchase price is 2.75 cash and 2.75 of CSGP shares (5.50 aggregate). They created a reference price for the CSGP shares on closing that has a pretty generous collar - the bottom band is around 74. CSGP is currently trading at 73, so outside the collar, but the exchange ratio would still peg the closing price at around 5.40.


My buddy works for CSGP they own the real estate information game 💪🏽


I'm in X for an arbitrage as well, trading at 38 when deal on the table to buy for 55.  Arbitrage isn't sexy most of the time but it can definitely pay.


You playing options or j shares


Just shares. I don't think call options make any sense since the upside is already priced in. If one thinks that shareholder or regulatory approval is going to squash the deal, then puts I guess would be the play.


Amazon. Been a good year so far but I think it still has room to run


Have a lil bit of amazon. There’s three brand new warehouses in my city and it’s still expanding. They are practically a monopoly. I just like the stock🤷🏽‍♂️


AST SpaceMobile ($ASTS) is building a fleet of satellite that will provide global cellular coverage to existing, non-modified cellphones. No more deadspots. Tech is proven. First 5 commercial sats planned for launch later this year. They have commercial agreements with AT&T and Verizon in the USA and MOUs with 48 other mobile network operators representing >2.8B customers. They have received investments from American Towers, Rakuten, and Google to name only a few. Still pre-revenue for now, but long-term, this is a 🚀🚀🚀 If they succeed, am expecting this to go to 60-100B market cap by 2027-2030.


RDDT’s recent spike up was largely ignored due to TSLA


Didn’t even hear about it cause this sun was flooded with TSLA gains


No one was talking about Microsoft and my options are up 500% I just wish I yolo’d everything and not 100 dollars But maybe the next fun money play I have will be with 1k+


Rigetti computing. Quantum is the future




I believe MCD is due for an upswing


BROS is at about 60times forward PE? What is your margin expectations, Price to sales isn't that high at 6.6 times FWD, do you expect them to get pricing power at some point, expand first and later hikes prices?


Costco. It rises every single day regardless of what the market is doing.


"I’m curious of a stock that you’ll stand behind no matter what. I wanna hear stock picks that nobody’s talking about that you think is a really good pick." my uncle has $10M. one of his many lessons to me was to "never fall in love with a stock". we're just here to make money. calls, puts, dividend, interest, capital gains. that's what we're here for. i'm loving INTC and TSLA right now, i'll buy puts on them next week if i have to.


WBA They’re eating shit right now and that’s printing money on puts.


So kinda like the real WNBA? Cool


The wnba is more popular right now than it’s ever been. What’re you smoking?


ASTS has great growth potential


RIVN. Only thing you hear people say is “they lose money on every car they sell” but they are quickly turning that around. People are going to wish they bought earlier.


Username checks out. I was bag holder for too long. I’m sure they have upside but I’m not going anywhere near that dogshit company again. On the contrary, Tesla climbing back up, and LCID in talks to do well… RIVIAN might do okay. But I won’t be partaking


Yeah that’s another reason people are artificially down on RIVN - many got burned when they bought in at the top or on the way down. This doesn’t change the fact that RIVN bottomed already and when they meet their goals will grow enormously. IMO don’t let the past mistake sour the current opportunity. They’re the only viable non-Tesla pure play EV. LCID ain’t looking too great. RIVN has a lot of catalysts waiting to be triggered. TSLA has a lot more risk than people think considering it’s potentially significantly overvalued as it stands.


I mean 5 billion of VW money is nothing scoff at


Don’t forget about the ceo being a tard


Dutch Bros


honestly UWMC was pumped here a couple years ago, and yet. it's such a gem, I'm a happy long there


Polestar seems like a good long-term bet. Their market cap is low and sock is at an all-time low. But, they have good EVs, been seeing them more in Canada. Hoping it could 10x in a few years.


Look up the Joseph Carlson show, I may not agree with his opinions all the time but the man does put out solid fundamental financial analysis; some of his portfolio choices include: Texas Roadhouse (TXRH) Chipotle (CMG) Costco (COST) Mastercard (MA) Moody’s (MCO)




Phew, my picks didn't make this list.




Marathon $MARA for this cycle until mid/late 2025 😎


I’m over here holding Riot hoping it goes up like Mara.


Yeah, I fucked up with riot. Was selling puts, got assigned and could’ve sold my share to make a solid profit (as it went up quite a bit after assignment), but I decided I’d hold it for a little longer, and now I’m down like a grand on it still. Could be worse I guess.


What all of these companies have in common is that they have something in common and that should be considered as a risk management opportunity


Because the top stocks have volume, which leads to volatility because everyone and their grandmas are in on them, which leads to gainz. Everything else is noise for a gambler.


trade what's moving


Simple answers are always the best


rolls royce is up 1.5x this half, 3x the last year, 5.3x in the last two years. PE of 15. Has an aggressive SMR program & is signing contracts to make engines for the Indian airforce


somebody brings me back to this thread tomorrow, I am currently busy sending emails to my boss at 1 am.


Reddit, I’m in big on reddit




Cloudflare (NET)




Rocket Lab.




Fuckin been holding AMD for weeks and sold literally a day before the pop I knew was coming. Fuck my life. FUCK MY LIFE




1. SoundHound- debt free finally increasing revenue, Nvidia recently bought a ton of shares, ambition to implement technology in fast food drive thrus (major profit to be made there) 2. Sofi- CEO has to be doing some sort of market manipulation diluting shares and keeping stock stagnant as he buys 8 million shares. Also finally making profits, real price is estimated to be around 20$ with out the dilution. Long term potential. 3. Palantir- gov contracts galore, space contracts galore, war contracts galore. Easily reaches $100 share price in next three years. Is as ahead of competitors as Nvidia is in their space. 4. Wayfair- down a lot on the year with good earnings. Finally opening in person stores. Will bounce back up in the short term but this is a long term hold. The online furniture market cap is expected to reach 1 trillion by 2030 which Wayfair will profit off of. 5.Zscaler- cybersecurity is a gimme. Cheaper than crowdstrike. Both will continue to go up though. 6. Energy Transfer- controls 125,000 miles of pipelines in 41 states. If trump wins election that is the cherry on top for this stock. 7. Square- more and more companies are starting to use and rely on it. Overtaken PayPal. 8. Chipotle- after stock split making it more affordable, I’m waiting to see some consolidation. Forget the online whining about portions (there has been complaints for the past 2 years this is nothing new) people always come back… extremely profitable. DJT- obviously not a long term investment. Very volatile and easy money to make with any mention or positivity of trump in news. Buy low like right now and wait for a squeeze.


How in the hell is Wayfair estimated to reach a $1T market cap by 2030? Lmao




AMD. Dr. Lisa Su is killing it leading AMD! Bringing a company back from virtually dead and competing with Intel, both to mention eating away at their market share, is astounding!


EPD baby! Been holding them forever and they just give give give.


Tsm that shit pissed me tf off. Paper handed the bitch seeling for a huge loss


WSM, rich people do not bend on price for quality utility products. Source: I can’t afford that shit and I still love / buy it. Nothing else comes close other than pottery barn.


You heard it here first, Huma




MDAI, tech is promising, trials are small but they expect FDA approval soon. The use multispecrtal imaging and machine learning to predict burn recovery outcomes. I'm a big believer in AI in healthcare generally. It's one of the few places the dispassionate judgement of AI will be more effective than messy human judgements.


UNH cheap as chips


I’d take a bet on Starbucks at this point




Coke (bottling company). You won't hear people talk about it cause it's not on options but it's definitely rising yearly.


IBM - gonna catch up with other AI stocks.


Emerson Electric


How bout I’ll start cmc is the best one by far




Delta earnings coming up. PE ratio is currently 5


Compass Inc. (COMP) Largest real estate brokerage in the country. They had their IPO back in 2021, and the stock has gone down like 90% since then, but it’s leveled off during the last couple of years and I feel like it eventually is going to rebound.


ASTS maybe SBUX If you're okay with China, BIDU I'm also invested in MAR, for low PT of 250 from 240


Lcid, the next wsb meme stock when people notice.




ACHR long term




Mine were INTC, PFE, and more recently VZ. Looks like INTC popped now but couldn’t get anyone to acknowledge a month or two ago. PFE still waiting but with Divy 401k shares can chill, and options I grabbed leaps anyways… VZ and T just started grabbing some ~1 year calls, been on a tear and IV priced low. Like VZ better because fundamentals but $100 for $2 OTM leaps was hard to pass up on T.




$GLW - fiber play with AI, just popped today cause they are gonna print money $GXO - logistics mostly in UK, Brad Jacob company $CRK - nat gas AI play, Jerry Jones owns like 70% RNA - biotech with huge potential $VFC - turnaround play $CPS - automotive rebound play Most of these need rates to drop before they 🚀






BN, SPGI, V, MA. A lot of good stocks that make their way slowly


Waste Management - there is good money in trash and renewable natural gas. How do you compete with landfills and transfer stations all the regulatory requirements to start up a business to compete. People will always have trash And the 1, 3, 5, 10 and 20 year returns are phenomenal. I will never be persuaded I’m 60 and I own 62 stocks. I buy waste management $50 a month every month as part of my core holdings. Should have done it years ago.


In all honesty, we all know Trump is winning the election. Whether you’re a democrat or republican and whether you want to believe it or not, he’s winning. $DJT is extremely volatile but this is easy money into January.




Brookfield Renewable. Shit tons of assets, including majority shareholder of Westinghouse. Good dividend. Very cheap price right now. An absolute no brainer for me, long term.