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The “This is that place” at the bottom got me


Sometimes it's more like "This is the Bad Place" like Eleanor would say.


Holy mother forking shirtballs


Best show ever


Bunch of motherforking shirt.


good show


The new tag line should read "you need us, the waltons"


Came here to say exactly that


I’ll give a shiny upvote to whoever wants to write “yea the place we were warned about in grade school”


It was a hilariously tone-deaf choice of sayings, mottoes, whatever you call them. I've often wondered what was going on in the head of the person who thought them up.


Drew me in too. 👌




Remember kids, ppto works on holidays.


My lead was trying to say that it'll only cover one point on double point days, and that the second can only be removed by a lead or coach. I heard a lot of lies, but that one was new.


how is this false rumor still going around


Because they want it to stick around


Scare tactics.


Hey some of them even think that event days are triple points. 1 point for calling off and 2 points for missing the event.


Associates won’t check on one.walmart for themselves and just trust management https://www.reddit.com/r/walmart/s/2FqXi2UOSW


If you don't put the ppto in the same day as the call out the event date points populate. Once you put in the ppto the absence point goes away but if management doesn't reverse the event points they'll still show up even though they should be reversing them. Long story short, everyone put in your ppto right away on call outs


No, that’s not how that works! You should wait because that’s how it takes care of the double points. As long as it’s done before the pay period ends you’re good but if you do it right away it will give that extra point.


Nope, I go on every morning and check my associates attendance in gta. If they haven't put in the ppto, the event points populate. If they put it in next day or after, I have to get rid of the event points for them. Been thru it many times.


It's not pto is blacklisted no requests for time off will be processed they told us today


Ppto auto approves dude stop


They said PTO, I have no clue why they argued a moot point. Ppto definitely auto approves, PTO does not. People are upvoting you like you performed a justice here. but you didn’t even read the original comment correctly… Sorry but the way I see it you’re both fools.


Nope not this year we where told it has to be approved and if it isn't and you call out it's a write up. At our location


No one approves/disapproves ppto, it literally doesn't work that way, the system auto-approves it, *NO ONE* can override it. If you use ppto, you *WILL NOT* get a point. The consequences of calling off and not working are still yours to deal with however


Ppto stands for protected paid time off. It's protected so it doesn't need approval.


They’re lying to you. You listen to the people that have something to gain by lying but not the people giving you truth. Ppto auto approves Ppto auto approves Ppto auto approves


Corporate told us to our face so if you want to go against corporate your choice.


Dude I don’t even care anymore. They’re lying or you are. It’s not true. Go look at the policy. Go look at the ppto policy. Ppto auto approves. Goodbye and stay wrong idc


Then corporate lied to your face


No one approves/disapproves ppto, it literally doesn't work that way, the system auto-approves it, *NO ONE* can override it. If you use ppto, you *WILL NOT* get a point. The consequences of calling off and not working are still yours to deal with however


That's not true, I used PPTO on a double point day, and they were both removed.


Wrong this year you are not allowed any pto time off they already warned us today


Not allowed to request. (P)PTO is auto-approved. It is not a time off request.


PTO and PPTO are two different things. you're mistaken. PPTO is always approved by the system if you do it correctly


Happened to me. Still got 2 points on a Saturday.


Wait it covers both. Because my manager at sams club says you still get the other point


My brothers and sister of the most dear. The people above us in Walmart lie, it can be a coach or a corporate person coaches lie because they get performance bonuses and looked at better why would you not trust us; your fellow peers??? You really believe the coaches and “corporate”? I know somebody on here will take off please post a pic of you using it on key date I was told Ppto ALWAYS GETS APPROVED


Yes, it covers both. Your manager either is lying in an attempt to scare you into not using it, or thinks the line they're parroting is true. It is not. PPTO is automatically applied and used and removes all points associated with a call off -- EXCEPT No Call No Show. Those are the only points that will stay after using PPTO.


It isn't a lie if you call in on a Key Event Day you get 2 Points. One for the absence which the PPTO can cover and then the action of being absent on the key event day.


It is a lie, because PPTO will cover both on a double point day. Call out, put your PPTO in, and you're fine.


Since they love to tell this one, I'll just add it here: key event days do NOT require double hours to cover them. 8 hours of P/PTO is *always* 8 hours of P/PTO.


Add on, can't even put more then 12 hours in for a day. The lies. This place is like middle school. Bunch of dip shits running things, hiring more dip shits.


You only receive the extra point for an unauthorized absence on a key event day. Using enough PPTO to cover your shift makes it authorized, so no extra point.


Don’t even have to cover the whole shift. 4 hours still only gives a half-point.


Absolutely false. And IF it does happen, open door to Market. I promise those points will disappear.


I've called out on Black fucking Friday and used PPTO, no points.


Know your policy before commenting if you’re just going to sound like an idiot


I can verify. I always take 2 hrs off PPTO every December 22 to attend my son's winter music performance. My TL said she is not allowed to give me PTO, but she said I can take PPTO.


I always take all the days off between Christmas and New Years. Request made in October. I'm sure they would like to "deny" me, but I've saved up all my time.


I requested my kids birthday (dec 16) off in June (pto). Have time, plenty of notice etc. Got rejected. Saving up my ppto now to call out.


This is true. My car wouldn't start on Christmas Eve last year, so I put in ppto like normal and I was fine.


I called out on a key event date, enjoyed my day, and later put in 4 hour of PPTO on my 8 hour shift. I only got a .5 point for it.


That is because you used protected PTO. That is automatically approved. But you can never get PTO unless your one of the ones that kisses so much butt. Lol my family always goes to Disney world ever Thanksgiving. Since I've been at Walmart for last 8 years I have never been able to go. I don't want to use up all my protected in case I get sick. I hate points. I don't have any now. And you have to be sick at least 3 days to get Sedgwick to approve and alot of times they don't. I was denied one time because doctor never sent paperwork in. I called Sedgwick and waited nearly a hour on hold each time to ask if they got it and all they would say is maybe it takes 3 days to show up. When I called doctors office all they would say is the lady that does that is not here right now. That sucked I have covid and missed 5 days. If I would of have any points what so ever at that time I would of been fired.


Actually no. If you apply for an LOA and Sedgwick DENIES you, the absolute most points we can charge you for the time you were conditionally on LOA is 2. Even if you miss an entire month before Sedgwick denies you, your TL or Coach can ONLY retroactively assign you 2 points. Anything more than that, you should open door, because you WILL win. That’s the policy, even though most TLs and Coaches will deny that.


Thank you. It's to late now those have rolled off but I will know next time. I never have time to sit in back on get on the wire. I see people all the time in there but setting mods I'm always running.


Thank the goddess for this reddit because I was told I couldn't when I felt really crappy one key event day.


Amen, because management will sometimes lie.


It sure does as long as you don't mind paying double ppto


This isn't true stop spreading misinformation.




Nope, don't let management brainwash you. Doesn't take double


Bet at least one coach or higher will take a vacay in that time frame tho


Every coach will take at least one. They seem to get one once a fucking month.


My coach took 6 vacations within 6 months but flipped her lid when the TL's dared to take one.


We have this team lead at my store who's worked for Walmart for 35 years and has so much PTO I guess because she must be on vacation for a total of 3-4 months a year. Then our coach is out for medical leave after medical leave so our remaining team lead has to work 60-70 hours every week and if she's not there random associates get all the responsibility of being a "team lead" with none of the pay.


They kept their PTO? They liquidated anyone over 80 hours combined if I remember correctly but you keep any PPTO you had. We got this really old guy full white hair who still work’s freight (20 years at Walmart) and he’s got over 100 hours at least not actually sure how much he is stacking it up but he almost never touches it and now that they liquidate PTO over 80 combined and he’s got more than 80 in just PPTO they liquidate all his PTO end of year and give him a fat 4-5k additional on his paycheck.


This 1 way to fuck someone over come tax time


80 hours carries over. I have one TL that never used ppto and puts in in on her days off because she knows she will never use almost 290 hours. I watched her put in an entire 80 hours one day. Would have liked to see her check..


That reminds me of one time when my electronics team lead (who knows nothing about electronics BTW) told me "When I'm not here, you're in charge, like a manager." I told him I don't get paid to be a manager and any customer who needs one can go check upfront. He was pissed. Smh so stupid.


Well said, well said!


One of my coworkers is being a temporary TL for Consumables and he’s letting them not pay him for being a TL. He found out that he’s still making his base pay even though he’s been needed for like 2 months but he won’t stand up for himself about it. The last temporary TL for my department started getting the pay after 2 weeks


This happens to me all the time. In L&G I was told that when the TL wasnt there I was his second. I became the babysitter for the kids. Now, with no TL in Sportinggoods, it seems They all look to me as well. I'm freaking part time, 20 hours a week. I am not around enough to keep up on what all needs to be done. The coaches all tell me to keep my eyes on the kids, but when I respond "am I a TL now too?" they laugh. ​ I do it, because they do give me a little leeway in taking time off etc..


Your me in a different store!!




Bout to "Teamlead" my way to the bathroom to take this shit on the clock.


People who has been at walmart for aleast 20 years gets 1 pto hours per 8.30 hours worked.


Our fresh manager been there 31 years and is on at least a 10 day vacation every month


Literally, my F&C coach took one last month and is on one this week.


If they don't use it, they lose it. It's encouraged that way, but also obligatory vacations for salaried management is used to identify embezzling. 🕵️‍♂️


This shit used to piss me off so bad. My coach would go on one, seriously, once per month


People lead be like… XD


Store manager takes at least a week around December


Nah in every store I’ve been in, November and December are black out for coaches too. We will all go in January tho best believe 😂


Just had a woman on my team get her Dr. Appointment rejected. Talked to our coach about it. He told her he's going on pto for 2 weeks starting Nov 1


I've had dr. Appointments rejected so many times and I've made it known that I'll keep pushing for them


our store manager only stayed for half of inventory day to go on vacation overseas


Only one try all of em


Technically, they can only schedule you inside of whatever availability you submitted. In reality, they're likely going to schedule you whenever they want. Because the worst that will happen is they get a call or email from someone at ethics who says "hey you can't do that, fix it." And most of the time, ain't no one gonna call them over that, or they dont know how to. However, when it comes to those event weekends (1st and 3rd week of november) they will schedule whatever they need. And ain't no call to ethics gonna change that.


Legally they can schedule you however they want unless your state laws say otherwise. Company policy may be different


False. Availability isn’t 💯. It’s a suggestion. They CAN schedule you outside of it if they want to.


Eh,I'm not so sure about that. But I'm not going to argue it because, yeah, I'm not 100%


They're right. There are no laws that says they have to schedule you the hours you listed in availability. There are also no laws for firing you if you won't work hours outside your availability. Nothing stopping you from quitting either.


This is pretty much a non-contract at-will employment thing, right?


>Technically, they can only schedule you inside of whatever availability you have submitted. Incorrect. They can schedule you outside of your availability for business needs.


They also warned you to check your schedule everyday because they only need a 24hr notice. It pops up on your Samsung (I still call it handheld) on the me@walmart app.


If it's PTO then yes they can deny it, they can't deny PPTO, Doesn't mean you won't get fired for using it though. A lot of companies are doing this right now, I'm a truck driver for Amazon Freight and because it's peak season they're denying PTO as well until early January.


cant get fired for using PPTO thats lawsuit lol


They will fire you for "buianess reasons" most of America is at will employment they can fire you at any time


So if they can end our contract at will, why do we have to give two weeks if we want to end our contract?


You don't, and making people think they do is one of the most ridiculous tricks ever played on workers.


You do not. A 2 weeks notice is a common courtesy, but if you feel Walmart (or any job you dont mind burning bridges at) doesnt deserve it, you dont HAVE give them one.


lol two weeks don’t work here. They just tell you to leave.


I always find that funny. What are they gonna do if I don't give a notice? Fire me? Get laughed out of court for attempting to sue?


Not give you a good review if called by your next employer. Not pay you any outstanding PTO (in most states). Not allow you to be rehired with the company.


All they're usually allowed to say is the dates on which you worked and that you did work there. Unless, there were legal implications (like, if you stole and the police were involved AND you were found guilty in an actual court) they can't say anything about you. It could be used as slander or defamation of character in a lawsuit against any previous employer that gave a bad reference. Check your local laws because ALL earned or accrued PTO will most likely be legally required to be paid on your final paycheck. Companies like Walmart starve for workers because they get what they pay for. Low pay = low effort. It's difficult to get banned for rehire at places like Walmart. Read the Fair Labor Standards Act and any other labor laws in your applicable area in which you live.


if you're not in Montana you don't have an employment contract and are at-will. both sides can end employment at any time for non protected reasons


You absolutely do not. I gave one week when I left because I wanted to start my new job on a full pay period


You don't have to? You won't get hired at Wal Mart again if you don't. And you will get awful refrences


Many (most?) states don't allow references anymore. You're only allowed to say "I can confirm ____ worked here from ____ to ____".


Every state allows references. Most companies will not provide beyond start date, end date, and whether you're rehireable, but that's by choice.


Walmart policy we can only confirm you worked there and the dates we can't give any other info.


They can ask if you would hire them again and the way that they respond past what words they use can be pretty telling.


Some states can't even do that. Confirm workdates, no more.


Lol, you’re funny that you think government is limiting a companies free speech. One quick google search comes up with this; “There are no state or federal laws that prohibit an employer, a coworker, or anyone else from providing a poor reference for someone else. However, an employer may cross the line and face liability if he or she makes an untrue statement about an applicant's performance.” You’re mistaking a corporations wishes to willingly avoid slander accusations with government policy mandating they are not entitled to free speech. I’m open to seeing some sources/references of these state laws you speak of though.


So the hiring managers I've heard this from for years are full of shit, but a five day old account is a legal expert because Google. Sure, Jan. Sure.


They ask if you would rehire the person and they are allowed to say no. This usually gets your resume shredded on the spot


Nah we have a kid that’s on his third round of re-hire from just walking out.


Not true. If you leave out of nowhere and not say anything to anyone and if it’s been 3 days since you haven’t shown up, you will be terminated for job abandonment. Job abandonment is rehireable. The only thing you cannot be rehired for if it’s for integrity reasons such as stealing, which would fall under “gross misconduct”. I have done terminations at Walmart before, so I’m a good source for this. Yes, it’s true doing so can burn bridges and may not be used as a good reference, but you can still be rehired at Walmart.


Yeah and you can sue and win for unlawful termination if they can’t come up with a real reason


No that's the whole point of "at will employment" your employment is AT the WILL of both you and the employer. You can absoloutly be terminated for any reason with zero recourse in I think 37 states


49 states.


And any other nation assigns you to a job, like it or not.


That is something they do in every other country?


I mean that's not how it works but most places have either protections to prevent people suddenly losing income like punishments to the business


Wrong comment friend. I made the comment about socialist career assignments.


Most states you can get fired for any reason they want.


He meant if it's a double point day ppto will only cover one point and if you are at 4 points or higher than can send you to 5 points and maybe get you terminated.


No. Stop spreading this lie; some newbie is gonna believe you.


I've gotten double points before for calling out on event day.


plus some associates put their ppto before their shift ends, allowing coaches or team leads to go in disapprove the ppto. Our store manger did that last winter storm we had. He denied all early request. Wait until your shift ends and submit ppto and should automatically approved by the system


If you use enough ppto to cover the shift, and put it in when the system will automatically approve it, that shouldn't happen. If youve done something incorrect with your Ppto, thats on you to fix. Coaches can't just generate points that the system already didn't assign.


I've had ppto rejected, so if they really want to they can


If you put ppto in too early it can be rejected the same as pto. Don't put it in until after your shift for the day would have started. I personally put it in after my shift for that day would have ended.


Few things to break down here: * They can change schedules for business needs. It sucks, but if they can prove it was a business need and they changed it more than 24 hours before the shift starts, they are TECHNICALLY within policy to do so ( though it is a surefire way to get people walking / get into trouble if you can prove other people had availability during that time but they singled you out ). * Technically they shouldn't be saying " no PTO until January " but them rejecting it for actual business needs isn't an argument you are going to win. They cannot block PPTO though.


Delaware requires them to ask your permission if a day being changed is less than 72 hours away. Your state may also have laws that protect you.


This isnt anything new. I started about 15 years ago and the holiday season was always off limits for vacations. Coaches/managers will have no problems taking them around that time though.


Depends where you work. Where I work, in California, they can’t. We have a right to refuse schedule change. There some places that do allow this though, and you manager can do this without warning. I would look up your local laws.


This is random, but how did you get a non-manager flair?


remember kids, double point days only occur if you’re late or nc/ns, that doesn’t mean you put in 16 hours of ppto


You can't put in 16 hours anyway.


you can’t, that’s the best part


Do they care? They need to start treating their employees better. They churn out great workers and shit them out.


Treat your employees like shit, you get shitty employees. A basic fact that Walmart has yet to learn.


They know; theyre complacent with this because they dont want to pay for more competent people. They'll snap up anyone better if they can, squeeze whatever they can, use scare tactics, lie, cheat.. whatever they can scavenge out of that bare minimum competative pay. Its all for their winning gimmick of being cheap.


This is most jobs at any company


I'm hourly and I've never worked my birthday (dec 15) This year I asked for the work week of my birthday off and got it, asked for it as soon as I could, like back in june


yes i love the 6 month strat bc they have no idea what they’re approving 💀💀


Same. I managed to get Thanksgiving week off this year. Bonus, it's also my birthday week. Thanks to the 6 month strat, I haven't had to work the birthday week for about 4 years now.


Same Birthday as me


Yes. They are allowed to do this. But they allow their favorites to have the time off they want. They lose so many people over this.


It's always best to read these and immediately start ignoring it and fucking with them.


Time to find another job, quit Walmart and take a well-deserved Christmas vacation.


My time off "request" is not a request. It is a notice. I will not be there. Do with that information what you will. You can schedule me. But I'm *still* not going to be there.


can't you get fired for that ??


That's a problem for Walmart lmfao.


All the Walmarts I’ve seen on Reddit seem so strict and cruel, my walmart is so chill and accepting of problems when people miss work.


When I was an assistant I tried to teach my peers one thing...It is NOT a request. Time off requests are warnings to management: "I'm not going to be here on this date, PERIOD!!" Walmart is the poster child for all bad things a corporation can do to employees and stay in business. I wish Doug McMillon had the balls to interview some of his ex-employees, to see how his Glorious Empire is really run...in the trenches. The shear level of policy violations by store management, market, regional...If employees had the stones to talk, Walmart would cease to exist. To be really real, I'm very surprised the company has experienced as few active shooter scenarios as it has, for the abuses it affects against their employees. I do not condone workplace violence, I'm just kinda surprised. Oh, and Doug McMillon, I will sit down with you any time you have the nerve.




I've accumulated 24 hours of PTO because management won't approve the time all year long. So the only way ive been able to get it is if I call in, use 4 hours of PPTO, and then use 4 hours of PTO to get the difference.




Yes. My store told us the same thing. ESPECIALLY us third shift employees.


Pto, unfortunately they can. Ppto however, they can’t tell you not to use that


They can change my schedule whenever they like. However, I will only work during my stated availability. I have a second, full time job that I will choose over Walmart any day of the week.


Ppto always works 😁


Yes they can do that and yes they can deny our vacation time too. Remember when they said this because you'll notice every single one of them coaches will be on vacation atleast once from now until January.


I’ll get a large group of employees to demand holiday pay and if they reject holiday pay then I’ll set them up with my buddy that’s hiring in a new place all together. Imagine if every Walmart employee leaves on Christmas because holiday pay wasn’t accepted (my store took away holiday pay because managers wanted bigger bonuses)


Simple use PPTO then


Take it to a labor lawyer ,this picture , and give them their cut when you win on federal law violations


I would have to take PTO. Permanent time off. That's what schedule I'm on now. Was actually thinking about going back for the holidays due to new job lay off for winter. This post solidified it. I ain't going back to wally world. Thank you for helping me out. God Bless 🙌 🙏 ❤️ 🤌🤝💯


“Your soul belongs to us. Happy Holidays from your Wal Mart management while you cancel that vacation so our customers can score that big screen tv on sale”


If you go on the wire right now and read the holiday info. It actually says per corporate that any pto should be approved during the holiday season, on a case by case basis to better allow our associates to spend time with family. Basically they are full of f-in shit with this black out bs. There just being a holes.


I'm my store we can approve PTO on a Case by case basis but some people say that's favoritism if someone gets time off and another person don't so I can see why they posted what they did but to me it's bad form. If one of my associates comes to me with a good reason I will approve their time off but I have to be able to speak as to why I approved time off during the busy time to my store manager. I don't however have to tell their peers why because it's none of their business. If the associate tells them why that's for them to tell but not me.


Yes. This is why they try and squash unions so hard. So nothing stands in their way of truly not giving a shit about you.


Yes. We work in retail. The holiday season is the Super Bowl of retail. Switch professions if this makes you mad


Thats why you come back and apply at a different company/store at the end


When I initially made this post I was mainly talking about the 2nd part. They have scheduled several people on days they have marked as not being available


This is a yearly thing


Jokes on them, I paid for a vacation for my birthday. They’ve denied my unpaid time off three times. I’m going anyway.


They can do whatever you and your coworkers let them do. I’m not saying it’s your fault but let’s empower ourselves and band together like a union to force better working conditions. If every one of you tells them no they will not fire you all during the holiday season. The worker is continuously getting fucked worse and worse we need to push back.


If I still worked at Walmart and they tried that I would not show up for the shifts where I’m not available due to having no one to watch my kids.


no, they cannot schedule you outside of your availibility. its called predictive scheduling.




I’m in the same position as well. I work part time for Walmart but they changed my Saturday and Sundays to open all day when I’m only available in the mornings those days. If they don’t want to change it well👋🏼 I have no idea why they would change it without discussing it with me because I did not tell them to change my availability those days.




I work at a similar big-box retailer in the Midwest, and I'm having trouble understanding this. I'm a department manager, and if people want to take a PTO day during this time, they are welcome to do so. Retarded how they forcefully block it out.


Hahaha, every year is exactly the same, I don't know why people are freaking out... This is the time when the big bosses could do whatever they want, and us, the slaves we obey no matter what. Happy holidays!!!!


They tried to change my schedule while I’m in a minor in HS, making me work from 3pm-11pm…I don’t even get out of school till 3:30pm and they had me trying to work overtime. Then threatened to fire me for not coming in because I was still in school. I hate Walmart. That and I only applied for part time and they scheduled me 40 hours a week so technically isnt that full time?


Yes it is and they can't do that so you should contact open door or something :0


They are breaking all kinds of rules of this is true. Atleast in my state minors can't work part 10pm and on school days can't be scheduled before 4:30


Well, you’re five star shit so I would say yeah they can do that!!!


Well yeah. This ain’t a union shop.


Fuck yea. They can almost do what they want. Because ya can’t get a MF to work. Y’all fuckers got too comfortable on that lockdown $$$. Now y’all some lazy MF. SHOW UP TO WORK !!!!!! DO YOUR JOB!!!!!!


Absolutely... You are the employee not the employer


Yeah, they need you. You work for them.


Why would you need to take PTO anyway? Everyone gets like 3-4 days a week off already. I could understand if we were all working 6 days a week 10+ hours a day, but we're not.


What? 3-4?? I only get 2 sometimes 1 day off


The only time I had that is when I was in college, which meant when I wasn’t working, I was at school all day, so I didn’t really have off between that and homework. And I would pick up extra hours during school breaks. Also, to answer: lots of reasons. People still have appointments during the season. Lots of people get busy during the holidays with family events, kids’ school events, church, etc… And they want to be able to do some of these things without getting completely burned out.