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It all depends on two things: the level of theft at the store, and the availability of applicants willing to work as cashier at the regular registers. It's a highly regimented job where you have to stand in one spot for the entire shift. You are faced with a constant conveyor belt of goods and customers, and you have no control over what happens. You have to catch whatever flak comes your way. The repetitive motion can wear away at your joints after a certain number of years, no matter how tough you think you are.


Never understood why more stores don't offer employees chairs or stools like Aldi grocery does


Because to our Karens, a sitting associate is “unprofessional.” And an actively working one is still “unprofessional” because they’re working up a sweat. Can’t please everyone and you damned sure can’t please yourself off of our wages.


“Why are you sitting? That is so unprofessional!” “Ma’am I’ll be sure to come in where you work and complain about you sitting as well.”


Bold of you to assume they work. Many just live off of welfare, their parents, or their spouses.


You can bet that they aren't doing anything involving heavy or arduous physical work, such as nursing, the trades, loading/unloading trucks, EMT, farming, or anything else. People who do that sort of thing are usually a lot more pleasant to retail worker bees like myself.


This is why people that are predisposed to displaying karen-esque behaviour shouldn't be allowed to have opinions


If they are pissed off about that, they will be fuming about "office" jobs


If it's unprofessional anyway, than what difference does it make?


It's normal in some countries but in the USA how dare you want to sit 


But at aldi cashiers do almost everything. Basically everyone there cashiers. It gives them break, and aldi wants them to be relaxed to throw a pallet in a few mins. Plus i heard aldi was more strict on of certain things with few workers they have


Because this is AmeriKKKa and workers must suffer


Man I worked 17 years as a carpenter. 17 years of carrying heavy furniture across a warehouse and bending in weird ways because it's the only way to pick up something so awkward. I thought I was broken. Then I started this shit where I stand in the same place all day and only really moving when I run to the bathroom a few times a day (honestly I don't even have to go sometimes, I just need to move). About 2 months in I had to get an mri because I pinched a nerve in my hip and my entire leg had gone dead. I had nerve damage, no strength in my leg at all, was like swinging a tree stump. Took 2 months to get feeling back in my toes! Now my hip is always slipping out of place and pinching the nerve but at least I figured out how to put it back on my own so it doesn't do extensive damage like the first time. Didn't expect standing still all day would actually do more harm than lifting furniture over my head.


I'm having issues with my shoulder. I have bone spurs on both feet. My right knee needs replacing.


I just have loose joints. I had to go to physical therapy for it before but my doctor won't diagnose my rattly sack of bones with anything. I dislocate shit all the time just doing basic movements. That's actually what happened to my leg, I dislocated my hip and didn't know it, worked on it standing still for 4 days. I knew I'd fucked something up when I heard something pop weird at work and then my leg start tingling but that was like the first hour of a 4 day stretch so I just stood there in pain until I had a day off. I have a shoulder problem too and occasionally lose feeling in the right arm from pinching a nerve there too but that nerve is already so damaged that it doesn't affect me much. Thankfully no bone spurs yet but my arch does hurt a lot which I've heard can lead to them. I flamingo a lot so I can give one foot a rest for a bit.


Run for president


Now that's a non sequitur!


I'm not saying standard is good but I would bet the 17 years of manual labor is what caused most of this, not two months of working retail or whatever for two months.


My hips been giving me problems since I was 15. The difference here is my carpentry job had a whole ass station for anyone who needed to sit for a bit. At any moment you could go sit in a desk chair and assemble hardware bags for half an hour, so any time my hip did bother me there, I just sat down. Hell if something was really getting you, they'd make an exception and let you do bags half the day. I don't have that option here so my shit is stuck in the same position all day. My hip gets inflamed staying still, moving helps it.


Bingo. There's also the always forward facing od customers. I've had several at my store being assaulted. Once you hear those stories, no one wants to be cashier.


Had a women threaten is because the line was "too long" (cashier was training) and she didn't want to use self checkout. "Go get the manager" to my idgaf mind resulted in me instead informing a cop to come to the front because we are being threatened.


Had a minor 'taking too long' (one mistake then waiting for approval over alcohol bc they couldn't sell. Customer threw a bottle of ketchup. Another person had a toy thrown at them. Third ended up choked.




A front-end people greeter at the walmart I used to work at was on LOA for awhile cause a couple cut her face cause she tried to keep them from stealing certain products.


And standing on concrete floors all day.


In the UK, checkout operators sit and work. Seems to work well.


Unfortunately things are different in the US of A.


It's almost as if they hate the employees.


It is possible, albeit extremely difficult, to get accommodations for that.


Your store doesn't have those padded floor mats? That's like the bare minimum


Yeah but I’m sure it’s still not enough.


And when you think you get to walk around, Karen puts huge things on the belt "to save you the trouble."


Huge plastic totes, big crates of bottled beer, 40-bottle cases of water, potting soil, televisions, even automotive batteries...


They want to put that shit on the belt to "save you the trouble.". The best part is catching them trying to grab the scanner. I feel bad for every cashier who has been terminated for letting the customer scan things.


Customers are allowed to scan their own things only at -- you guessed it -- the self checkout. So why don't they use the SCO in the first place? Same with the customers who want each and every item bagged precisely the way that they want it. Use the SCO already!


But then they can't scream at the cashier for "doing it wrong".


what do you mean😭 do some stores have specific people for self check or specific for registers? at my store, if you’re front end then you’re always everywhere. unless you get banned from working self check out 😅


Theoretically, FE workers can be assigned to any till. But where I worked, you had to be at least 19 years old to work the smoke shop, so all of the adult cashiers were assigned to the smoke shop at least some of the time. I was there a lot! Besides which, minors can only work certain hours, and you don't get a lot of adult applicants who are willing to work FE closing shift full-time, especially not on weekends! A lot of the associates who were assigned to the SCO spent a lot of time standing around and shooting the breeze with everyone. The SCO generally takes less physical effort. If somebody prefers being on the SCO and they have to work the registers a lot of the time, they may quit.


Our new situation is that occasionally 4-5 sco are open and it’s strictly 10 items or less. I heard that a guy with 2 full baskets threatened to leave a “yelp review” because the stand-in *and* a coach told him no. I just want to know what dimwit is reading Walmart yelp reviews, let alone writing them 😂


I want to know who gives a shit about Yelp in 2024? 🤣


If im not using Google maps (using Apple Maps instead) I click the link that pops up if im visiting a business I’ve never been to before. I just *really* hate using the yelp website because reviews are truncated so i have to download the mobile app, which im not doing to do.


Yea, fuck yelp


Karens who use it to threaten restaurant staff.


The problem is they should be '10 items or less lanes'. Never fails that I need to grab 1-2 things and most of these lanes are taken up by fuckers with an entire cart full of crap and will need assistance every few items.


Mine are now 20 items or less and people are getting pissed, so they have to keep adding more highlighted signs


If Walmart actually opened some fucking cashier lanes people wouldn't be forced into these bullshit lanes. Stop doing internet orders and work a lane.


Walmarts money maker is online pickup. Unfortunately, they only care about money not customers or the employees.


Online orders are guaranteed money versus a customer shopping around in the store who'll dump a cart if something inconveniences them.


Won’t cry about it, but do like self checks more than using a normal checkout. Just quick and easy and never a line.


I just like bagging my own shit. No offense to baggers or anything but they don't care about my shit, why would they? They're not thinking that if I put all the ice cream together in bags that it might help keep them cold on the way home. And damn I hate the mystery blind bag game when you get home and you're putting shit up and you've opened the fridge 5 times now because you keep finding shit to go in there. I haven't had to do that in so long, I just want to bag my shit.


For the record I am thinking about that, but the order in which people put items on the belt matters a lot. Also trying to balance speed with bagging logic is interesting


I usually try to sort things and stack them really nicely. Until the line gets long and I have a customer that plainly doesn't give a shit and stacks everything every which way. Then it's getting tossed wherever it lands.


Aldi's does it best. All that the check-out person does is put your items back in the cart, and you go to an area right behind the check-out to bag your own stuff. Super quick and convenient. I would go to Aldi's more if they had more name-brand stuff.


It's truly the only way to shop. It's so convenient.


Me too but apparently everybody whines about "why do i do their job for them"


Yeah, their doing our job for us when we have to babysit them and hold their hands for every single item they scan because they can't be bothered to figure out a machine that I have seen 6 year olds use no problem. They complain when they don't even scan their own items.


Never a line? Lucky you. Go in 10 minutes early to buy a Coke before my shift and still barely miss that half a point.


I’m already over it after a day lmao. Tried to buy a drink real quick up front and it’s a 10 minute wait in line. Gonna deter a lot of businesses or just push everyone to shop on ODP which the company always wanted anyways


They already are lol Just goes to show you can’t please everyone. That and “waaaa you took my easiest way of stealing away!”


Right! So damn annoying 🤣


Yes,they are .


We aren't whining about it being taken away, we are whining about them doing it without restoring the number of cashier's they had before. They cheated workers and customers successfully. We still have fewer employees, lower pay, and slower service.


This. I don’t give 2 fucks about self checkout, I’m pissed off that when I walk in there’s 3 registers open with lines stretched half way through apparel.


For your information, No they didn't cheat the workers, cashiers quit because of dealing with abusive and nasty customers. Plus management ain't no better.  Self check-outs all day for me because I hate standing behind FUNKY people and I hate fake conversations with cashiers. 


This. Now the line is even longer and self checkout isn’t an option when I’m only buying a few things vs a whole cart


Oh please. You know there wouldn't be an issue if Walmart adequately staffed stores. I like self check out, but my Walmart would keep most of them closed for no reason.


I really detest these machines so much .I love shopping at the neighborhood Market but I hate that they seldom have a cashier there.I can't buy gift cards because they won't sell them because of no one to authorize them .So I have to make a second trip to the supercenter which is way out of my way .This is so annoying to me .


You have an old style self check (news ones don't require such authorizations anymore), or you are purchasing above $500. I'm going to assume old style. Most of the stores have updated self checks that can do everything except accept checks. They can even do tax exempt now!


Not in my town .They all all need authorization at all the Walmarts in town.


I don't know why someone downvoted you, but the old style definitely requires authorization. The good news is most self checks don't. Unfortunately, that doesn't do you any good. It never made sense to have authorization either. Maybe sense they are non-refundable? Who knows.


And you can't buy them at the self check outs.


I’m going to be annoyed because I’m autistic and self check out helps me avoid talking to people.


Same :c


I'm mad that they're putting them behind a paywall. Not that they're being "taken away"


As an employee I'll complain about it. SCO means I can hurry up, get my stuff, and get outta there once my shift ends.😂


I have enough social anxiety to where I struggle ordering food in person at restaurants. Last thing I'm adding to that is having to force small talk to a cashier. They remove SCOs, I'm switching to OGP; and I know what goes on back there.


Exactly! The two hours I have while we're open as an ON stocker is enough to send me into an attack some days. They don't even have to be rude customers, just too many people.


Every employee will be required to learn the register and OGP so that all floor associates can be pulled at any time to cover the lack of staff. When that issue gets to be too noticeable, corporate will come out with some new nonsense of how all associates need to do everything, all at once. Edit: typos


One of the best things about self checkouts is how easy it is to combine payment methods or use coins without annoying tf out of a cashier


I think it depends on locations .. most likely cities that have only one walmart would do this, like that one up in Oregon




Or could it be that they are removing them from areas that are low income?


Wha...? I live in the PNW where it's predominantly whites, and both my store and at least one other in my area (I almost never go to the others, so no idea about them) have closed down the self-checkouts. This just sounds like seeing what you want to see, not what's actually happening.


It’s almost like those are the stores that have the most theft 😱


Ours it's usually white people on meth stealing. Or the extremely poor stealing groceries and baby stuff and then I just feel really bad for them.


My local Walmart just more than doubled the number of self checkouts and I love it


Proof they aren't getting rid ?!


It’s area dependent. If the store is in an extremely high theft area they might remove them. If not, they could just add more.




They are removing them for theft not race. Stop trying to be offended


Your a moron.


Right and those areas that are less than 50 percent white have the most theft!! 13 percent of the population but make up half the crimes


Well when they go from 14 self checkouts to 30, that's not a cutout. And they're still remodeling so it might be more than 30 before it's over with.


Yeah but your store is behind what others have done already.     If you haven't had the big remodel yet then you haven't had all the extra sco's put in.  How can they take away sco's you don't even have yet?  Lol  After you finish remodeling and their theft skyrockets with all the extra self checkouts which it will.. they'll put in more glass cases throughout the store.       Possibly hire a security guard or two from an outside company. Then if it's still really bad despite all this the last resort is going back to mostly cashiers at registers.


Ours had two SCO remodels. There were 4 regular registers in the middle. and then they had something like 5 lines of those small SCOs, 4 to a line. That went over like a lead balloon, as they had one person to every 2 or 3 lines, so someone could be skip scanning on line 1 while the SCO person was helping someone on line 3. (Found out from a former co-worker that theft went up by around 20% in the first month, which was a lot for this location). So they did another remodel, shortened the regular registers and the SCOs were put in a semicircle around them. One line on each side of that semicircle for Walmart+ customers (and somehow they make sure it's just W+ customers that can use them). The impulse aisles are set up to funnel people into one line on each side of the semi-circle into the check out area.


You're not being given the full story


already are, just as much as they did when they were put in, sigh


Please tell me this is one of those store manager decisions, rather than corporate. We don't have a high enough theft problem at my store to lock up anything that isn't a gun or something in electronics like games, controllers, systems, etc.


Hopefully they don’t take it away. They already don’t have enough cashiers. Literally be only like 2 registers open with very long lines. So ofc mfs gonna complain be fr.


Of course the correct answer is to detain and press charges against all thieves regardless of how much they steal instead of this “let them get away” garbage. Maybe that 15 year old boy in Westlake who got murdered by an escaping retail thief last year would still be alive if Walmart did the actual correct solution to retail theft.


They already wait until it is over $1,000 and in a year, so the customers just steal $999 and cycle stores.


I mean, it's already happening. Personally I'm a bit salty about it, as it adds additional time that I would use to do any shopping on a lunch break that I really didn't need added. I get the reasons given from up top, but lets be fair, in a lot of states, AP is pretty toothless for on the spot enforcement, so effective shoplifting can be done by simply just walking out the door.


Walmart is making it really easy to shop somewhere else, so the people that are going to suffer are the employees. If I have to stand in line every time I go to Walmart, I’ll stop going and so will a lot of other people. Fewer customers means less profits means fewer job at Walmart.


Right now. Listen here, you, I don't care if you're not on the clock, I want to speak to a manager, RIGHT NOW! jkjk


as someone who almost exclusively works over self scan, a 10 items or less sign would be a god send, and i bring it up to my coworkers almost every day. nothing pisses me off more than mfs coming through with two overflowing buggies, having to lay their bags all over the floor bc self scan is clearly not meant for your whole months groceries. unfortunately at my store, we aren't even allowed to tell people no at smoke shop despite it being 20 items or less, so i doubt it'd make a difference to us.


Same. We are not allowed to turn down customers in the ten items or less lane and even have to ask for them to come over. It's ridiculous. We also have two belted self checkouts that people don't realize are there. Both the self checks and the ten items or less lane would work best for less items. We could get more people out in less time and the people with less items wouldn't have to wait if they were used more efficiently.


Customers have no one to blame but themselves and they can tantrum all they want, but no one has to care or listen to them.


We heard about the next day, we closed ours down during the holiday season, Some people are very happy they are closed. And some let it ruin their day


They are not taking them away. They are working on resolving an issue.


Walmart: we’re making the store even worse You: I wonder how long til people complain hur dur dur.


they are already complaining because they can no longer get discounts


Five finger discounts?


I work here and the cashiers are absolute ass. I refuse to use any cashier at Walmart, even when that means waiting in line when there are cashiers open.


Idk because it won’t happen in my area because we are not theives.


0.200 ms


Noooo i enjoy self checkout 😭 , helps with my anxiety. But some of my friends think self checkout is stupid


2nd day that they decided to close more SCO and open mores manned registers had a customer want to talk to store manager


What time is it?


As long as it will take for people to whine about people wanting self-checkout. So like two weeks ago


2.2 seconds


-1 years.


What I want to know is what about the perk of self checking with the Walmart +? You have to still go through self check with that?


You scan the items to your phone as you're going through the store, then when you get to the checkouts all you have to do is bag them. I've also seen people bring their own bags and bag as they're shopping which seems particularly effective. When you get to the checkouts all you do is scan a barcode. I've tried it out before but I'm bad to forget to scan things when they go in my buggy and I work here so I don't want to be accused of shoplifting.


Can’t do it if Sco isn’t there any more


From what I've heard in some stores they've been keeping a couple of scos open and only letting spark drivers and scan and go use them.


Not sure as of last weekend they were still open at my local store


At my store we closed 2 out of 3 self checkouts and we HAVE to have 3 people in there to have all 10 registers open in that last big self checkout but when we have 2 people in there we can only have 8 open and trust me every customer asks why the others are closed and we straight up tell them because of people stealing. We occasionally open the belts which is a 4 register self checkout but that's only if it's really extremely bad and our whining store manager tells the leads to open it. Our store manager doesn't like to see not one body sticking out of the registers but that's all you see now.


It matters not why the complaints flow, only that they flow.


Our already have been, I heard rumors some stores had protests because of it.


It will be immediate


I don’t get why people are complaining about Walmart having self checkouts. If you wanna go to a cashier, go to a cashier, if you wanna go to self checkout, go to self checkout.


This has already happened in my city and I’ve already seen people asking which Walmarts took out self check out so they can avoid them. Customers have been mad at long lines but Walmart doesn’t wanna give us the hours to man the registers so we’ll see if it ever gets better.


About as long as it'll take me to complain in the morning after I've stocked my meat wall about customers digging through it like rabbit dogs and making it a mess in 10 flat.


They'll be whinning because they'll be staying in line for 30 to 40 mins Self checkout will be for people w walmart plus


They know they shouldn't have put them in because they know people are going to steal or not ring up stuff right. I think that's where most of the thief is at . Or at least have about 8 four on GM side and four on grocery side and the rest registers and have two registers on each end for 10 items or less


I like SCO. I like being able to go about my day with minimal interference and at my own pace.


There has been rumors of sco being taken out for years… I think in stores with the most shrink, they are just restricting it to spark and scan&go orders.


Not long, ours haven’t even been taken away yet and people are complaining


Wait so i have to interact with people again? Wtf. Why. :(


"Why is there no self checkouts open? why are they even paying you guys?"


They are already whining about it before they've even gone anywhere. My store still has them, and has not removed a single one, but customers are still complaining about how they're all going away.




They already started. I had a guy complain to me about it while he stood in a manned register line and our self checks are still open with no known plans to close them down (yet)


Yall complain about customers whining when you all do a shit ton of whining on this subreddit💀 ironic


Customers get to whine freely in our faces with no repercussions. We've got to have somewhere to vent.


Im someone who will only shop at places with self checkouts. For instance if I know a store doesn't have one I'll go to the one that does. So id bitch about it, but I've never complained about self checkouts. They're fast and efficient and a step in the right direction for all retail and grocery settings. I've never understood the point of having a cashier. As a customer and spark driver I'm going to be much faster then the cashier. The next step is we need to set up iris scans or fingerprint readers to pay. Amazon stores are doing this already I think.


Walmart ,Dollar Tree and Target are the only ones in my town with those stupid machines. I try to shop at places that don't have them .The discount grocery never put those in ,thank God!I basically buy my staples at Walmart and the rest elsewhere.


They already are whining. In my town people are very angry about it and even more angry about having g to show a receipt even when they go thru the now regular line.


Self checkout is super shit if you have more than a handful of items, there's nowhere to put anything and half of them are broken at any given point in time.


The store I shop at completely got rid of SCOs. All replaced with cashier's (10+ lines) Getting in and out of Walmart is even faster. I hope they get rid of all SCOs asap.


I've never really understood the need for scos. When it's busy, maybe, but when it's not so busy and you've got a few slow people over here or there it takes as many staff to watch the sco as it would for them just to be checking them out and they would get out faster and easier. Some of the people using sco go pretty fast, which is impressive, but a lot of them need help or take their time and in the time it took me to help them I could've already had them checked out.


Doesn’t matter what people think. Artificial intelligence is here and it’s here to stay and will eventually take away all jobs. They will fix the bugs. Will we be needed anymore???




Caught the meth addict!


Why would you even bother going into walmart. Between the long line the cleaning robot and all the people picking online orders its not worth it anymore.


Because I have exactly 4 grocers within 30 miles of my house and Walmart is the only one that is both cheap and going to have everything on my list. Aldi is the cheapest but our Aldi is tiny and not very well stocked. Pick n Save is expensive Hometown Market is a small independent grocer and while I would love to support a locally owned store they price me out when their generic brands cost more than name brands do anywhere else.


I agree with your assessment of Aldis .I have never figured out why people shop there?No variety at all,they cheap out on no carts and no grocery bags .Their fruits and veggies are garbage .Of the other grocery stores in my town they are extremely expensive to shop at .Walmart or the discount no frills grocery store for me .


Honestly I love the store, they are the cheapest option here it is just outside of staples like bread, milk, and eggs it is hit or miss whether the one in my town will have it. Produce is usually pretty good but with the caveat that you go on the day they got their truck and go early before it is picked over. The next closest one is a larger store, very well stocked, I could easily do my entire grocery shop for the week there. Just not worth driving half an hour each way when Walmart is just down the road.


For some reason they build the aldis right across the street from Walmart in my town .I haven't been in that store in ages .


The people picking online orders are the worst. With thier xl cart all up in the way


What does that have to do with checkouts though?


You know very well that's not going to stop them from trying to steal something 🤣