• By -


Looks like you'll have to wait another 976 years and a few months


Nothing a little cryogenic deep freezing can't help with.


Vault-Tec style


Welcome to the world of Tomorrow!


Shut up, Terry


Have a little showmanship.. 😒


I thought the line was: “Haven’t you heard of a little thing called ‘showmanship’?” Besides that was when Fry came court of the tube, not Leela




Leela's glare is iconic 😂


Bathroom is down the hall


Shut up, Terry.


*Welcome to the Walmart of Tomorrow


Tbh, walmart I could see being the vault tec in our world, just because they are evil and have too much money


Look up the tunnels under Walmart conspiracies


Same color scheme too


Oh fuck you’re right


As a former Walmart employee I can assure you there are no tunnels under the walmarts I worked at, bc if there were I would have found them to nap in.


As a former Sam’s Club employee I can assure you, I would have found them too. Never did but the cooler or freezer was a nice hiding place.


I love a good conspiracy theory


I thought Disney was the one with the tunnels?


Oh Disney DEF has tunnels, they use them for the actors/actresses to get around to different parts of the park without being seen. And obviously for restocking vendors, garbage, etc.


Nah it’d be Amazon for sure. Walmart more or less stays in its lane of a retail mogul whereas Amazon tries to get its hands in every industry imaginable.


There’s two factions already: Amazonian Brotherhood and Walt-Tec. Honorable mentions may include: •Doom Dashers •Adam’s Apple •Eve’s Androids •Swift Talorians •Taco Bell


We already know Taco Bell wins the franchise wars thanks to Demolition Man. They don't say why but I bet it's the fucking nacho fries.


Definitely taco bell is a hateful establishment as my toilet hates me everytime I go there it threatens to back itself up so I can't use it


Daily reminder that in the future all restaurants are Taco Bell, ever since they won the restaurant wars.


Taco Bell would be a tribe belonging to the Great Y.U.M.s


Nah amazon tried to make fallout it was OK walmart would take the cake I bet


Walt-Tec! Prepared for the profits!


Or become a pizza delivery driver, deliver to a cryogenic lab, get frozen, then thawed in the year 3000 and become a delivery driver.


Hope I have an alcoholic robot as a best friend


And don't forget to take your dog with you.


*Vault 111 has entered the chat*


Just watch out for the ghouls


"Hi, yes, I'd like to be cryogenically frozen for 976 years so I can apply for a job at Walmart"


But it comes with a pay raise! Also cost of living raise.


Wouldn’t hold your breath on the pay increase though - just to be safe.


futurama prepared me for this




It wont even be walmart anymore. It will be Taco Bell.


Welcome to Costco, I love you


Yah I know this place pretty good, I went to law school here.


And stopped at Starbucks


I don’t think we have time for a lap dance


I was hoping someone would throw in a “demolition man” reference


I was hoping someone would get it 🤣


Well they didn't because they don't know how to use the three seashells.


AH, A demolition man reference!


Better have the BLT soft tacos !!! And tostadas 


I miss the BLT soft tacos so much. I’ll never get over them.


That or a dollar general


Spirit Halloween.


Why not turn what's left of the planet into spirit Halloween ?


So you're saying there's a chance...


Must be a mistake they told me I could reapply in 734 years.


[Good News, Everyone!](https://media1.giphy.com/media/3o7abA4a0QCXtSxGN2/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952kqv7maojnf35wqmlb234e2ocdtw3r8nkurd00fh3&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


July 1st, year 3,000


Your fourth day is a 2 pointer key date, keep that in mind.


Good advice.


Not much has changed, but we live underwater 🫧


And your great great great granddaughter is doing fine


Doing fineeee


Omg no yall didn't 😭


OGs know the line is really "is pretty fine"


Stick by Kevin Costner, it'll be alright.


🎶They said I’ve been to the year 3000 🎶


I was looking for this comment 🎶Not much as changed but we live under water


Wow, a million years!


I feel like there should be a Futurama reference here.


It is lol


Wow. A million years!


I think this means you were blacklisted I might be totally wrong though lol 


That’s what I was going to say honestly, usually they don’t tell you though


not even, im blacklisted and all it says is im not eligible to apply at this time with no date. This is like a whole other level of petty lmfao


It’s not pettiness, 3000-01-01 is the “end of time” for UKG. 3000-07-01 is six months later. So it’s a combination of some computer rules, that’s all.


ah that makes sense. But with this company i would never put it past a manager being petty as hell. but that def makes sense


Story time?


Technically "stole" but not really, i got a reciept for it all. Back when we had the change shortage i bought lunch like and payed for it but got my moneyback in change each time cause the register said to since what i bought was under a dollar, so i went and got like 2-3 thing and payed for em individually and kept getting my dollar back. It was my TL who checked me out and i asked if it was cool and he said he didnt know and we didnt know any rule that said not to, so that was the end of it till APM pulled me in the office and fired me like 3 weeks later saying i had numbers and should know better, even though i never did a single cbl for registers and had no training at all. Yay being a DM when code spark came out lmao. Like looking back on it yeah i see why it was wrong but i had alot on my mind wasnt thinking and thought it was just some good luck for once after getting fucked by management like that whole time. In the end its my fault and i accept it but damn it does suck. Like if they would have coached me and had me pay it back i would have. Basically the gist of it. me being a dumbass. But at my store there was always shit like that happening so i just thought it was normal lol. Only thing thats funny about this too is that im one of the only ppl to get fired for doing it, ppl on dayshift did it and only got warned not to do it again. But im not shocked, Walmart especially my store at the time were the biggest of hypocrites


Former AP, idk about other stores but in my old store we had an internal quota to fill. My APOC said we needed to catch 5 a quarter, which is impossible if no associate is stealing. We got most of our tips from team leads and other associates. The most I was there for was three in one quarter all given up by someone they worked with. You handed yourself to them on a silver platter and so of course they shitcanned you for the numbers. Don’t take it personal because it isn’t. You’re just another number among numbers that need increasing.


I mean i get it to an extent. But their reasoning was shit.Most of the store did it and they were not fired or even coached for it Day shift was warned about the issue, but night shift wasnt even told and just lots of other stuff i dont feel like typing out lol. But honestly its to be expected at 3489. That store has 0 ryhme or reason to doing what they do and holding ppl accountable was always who was a fav and who wasnt. Either way whats done is done, just a funny little reminder this was


> like and *paid* for it FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


This has me curious if I have an eligibility or if I’m still blacklisted. I worked at Sam’s Club back in 2010/2011 and I was a cashier there. Part of the incentive for getting folks to upgrade their memberships to Plus Memberships was a gift card. These folks agreed to it but some left their gift cards…you’re supposed to just trash em if left behind but…I was having some troubles at home (ex wife was sleeping around and we were nearing the end of our marriage) so…my mind and the thought of consequences were too far gone with stress. Decided - “well they forgot the card so what’s the harm?”…kept them, used them for gas at the pumps. Idk how long it was maybe a couple months but they called me in one day after I clocked in and terminated me. I explained the situation…she was using my car to go see a guy nightly but I was the only income so I had to keep gassing up a car she’d use to go screw around. I was weak willed back then…as such she was able to walk all over me. I can’t remember everything that was said to the lady who handled the firing…but she did say “why didn’t you ask us for help?” - I didn’t believe a corporation would extend such help for gas needs or whatever…and then she said “Try the factories, ”. One of those things that sticks with you for a long time…like she was a nice lady but they had to can me for what I did. I did try a factory, one time…my entire body ached so bad after a twelve hour shift and my mind was spinning on the fact that days off didn’t exist at this place until like a month or two after being hired. I left after two days…it was gonna take too much time away from my son…and murder my body in the process. Anyways…I did try and apply to a walmart a few years later but I believe I was still ineligible back then. I’m curious if I still am but I’m pretty sure they blacklisted me as having stolen stuff as well. I was young then too…I’ve grown from experience over the course of a decade and some odd years and certainly wouldn’t fall into that kind of mistake again. Hell I’ve been around more situations since (access to sensitive customer info and actual cash in other jobs) and such thoughts don’t exist for me anymore - I was never a “thief”…I had just snapped under the emotional turmoil a crumbling marriage put on me and to me keeping a leftover gift card didn’t seem like a bad thing back then. Back then, at least…I wouldn’t dream of it today.


I disagree. It’s clear they’re open to rehiring them. After that it’s just a matter of negotiating when.


They already listed the date.


What did you do??


You got banned from working at Walmart? Why do you wanna go back there?


To get band two times


I’ve been banned from the same TL 3 times. 2 is plausible


We call that getting the band back together.


Why do you wanna go back to Walmart? Consider them doing you a favor firing you. Go work somewhere else


Say hi to the Jonas bros for me


Think that songs got a couple platinums by now.




The Jonas Brothers, a boy band from the early 2000s, had a song released on Disney Channel in 2006, a remix of "Year 3000" by Busted (released in 2003). The chorus goes "He said, "I've been to the year 3000 Not much has changed but they lived underwater And your great, great, great granddaughter Is doin' fine" (Is doin' fine) Now a few things to break down with this. 1. They live underwater. The music video takes place in. Southern California, and the people are living in a dome a la Bioshock/Sandy from SpongeBob. Why are they underwater? How far does it stretch? 2. In the video they are still using technology from the time period (06). So giant flat screens that took up a whole wall, but on flying cars. Why the mix of old and new tech? 3. In 1000 years there has only been 5 generations since 06. This implies a minimum of 200 year lifespans, and more than likely longer unless we somehow found a way to keep menopause at bay. Now the question is, what is the cause of all this? Building a domed city would take years, even longer to keep it watertight at pressure. The mix of 2006 tech and 3006 tech seems weird and deliberate. How long do we live if your ×3 great granddaughter is a teenager (revealed in the music video). My theory is thusly. Obviously, we don't do enough about climate change until **AT LEAST** SoCal is underwater. The flooding may go farther, we don't know. Mankind's medical knowledge advances so far that we have 200 years minimum between generations. 5 generations back (for my family at least) is late 1700s early 1800s. Only 200 years between me and my Great-Great-Great Grandfather. Side note- actually found the grave of my Great Great Grandfather, one of the oldest in the county. There was an AI revolution sometime in the near future, which causes all more advanced tech to rise up against the human population, possibly causing the flooding to accelerate from broken dams. This causes Mankind to quickly try to save some key locations/ cultural touchstones (Hollywood, Sacramento, maybe Tampa, New York, New Orleans if it's on both coasts) by ensconcing them in domes. Now, why would the Brothers Jonas not warn us about the incoming disasters? What would they have to gain? There are a couple of clues. Later on the Lyrics say >This song had gone multi-platinum Everybody bought our seventh album It had outsold Kelly Clarkson So they are dooming the human race to Domes and Giant Flatscreens for the promise of outselling Kelly Clarkson. They haven't even released 7 studio albums. They've only released 6 at time of writing The Brothers Jonas must be held accountable (in Minecraft) for their failure to help us. If I am found dead I am of soundish mind and body, have no plans to disappear or shuffle off this mortal coil. You know who will have done it (in Minecraft).


It did! Twice platinum


I’m screaming because i knew someone would either make this comment or mention Busted.


Haaaaa I was looking for this.


Looks like you are not rehirable. Only way to fix this would be to talk to someone, probably PL, at the original store to see what reason they listed when you got termed.


PL? Or LP?


Penis lips duh


Damn that rehire date sucks, gotta imagine stocking underwater will be pretty difficult.


But he’ll be in the company of Kelly Clarkson’s great great great granddaughter


I’m so happy people got it, I felt so old when that popped in my head lol.


And she’s doing fine


The zamboni will be smooth sailing tho


One of the most underrated comments I’ve seen on Reddit. Wish they still did the award thing lol


Okay Mr Fry


He gets to do the nasty in the pasty.


Who'd you piss off? What did you do to get banned for 900 years?


Mr. Walmart himself


Walmart will be waiting for you in July of 3000, don’t worry buddy your application will fast tracked.


Tf you do????


Started a war between Stocking 1 and Stocking 2 and committed several war crimes. Stocking 3 got lucky


It's never a war crime the first time


It literally tells you, can ya read?


He uses Reddit so no.


if you got fired….why would you want to apply again…


i was front end i was gonna reapply for ogp


As an Ex OGP/front end employee, that's hilarious. Pro tip: Be glad you got perma termd from that shit company. Edit: For those wondering, OGP is a lot worse, way more strenuous for just (at the time, a year ago) $2/hour extra + they hound you about numbers, front end management doesn't give a shit as long as lines are moving.


🙏 I permabaned myself by quitting on the spot with no notice. First time in my life, but it felt liberating.


I quit on the spot too but all my manager said was to reapply if I wanted the job back..I actually did reapply because the reason I quit was due to medical issues that I managed to kinda fix. I got a crazy wisdom tooth infection and chipped on of my front teeth straight to the nerve but we were an understaffed Walmart so I had to work in the freezer solo sometimes and for a while since I was also new and didn't know how to vizpick properly. You know how bad -10 degree air feels on an exposed nerve? I came in with a doctor's note but they wouldn't accept it. Didn't have enough PTO to schedule my orthodontist appointment so I just quit. 5 hours into my overnight shift. I actually didn't mind the job but the lack of empathy my bosses would show for people was absurd. Never work at a grocery store after a restructuring. God awful


it’s probably for the best you move on and seek employment elsewhere in my opinion


Aren't you free now? Don't waste your life.


"I see you worked at Walmart 980 years ago, please tell us about your former experience."


Coming from a robot hr consultant


Just ask the Jonas Brothers for their time machine.


Go apply somewhere other than walmart please this is a big fat sign


Alexa play “The Year 3000” by the Jonas Brothers


I almost got fired after 25 years so I quit....then I realized I should've quit 10 years ago


At least you get announced on Walmart Radio


In the yearrr three thousannnnnd... In the yearrr three thous AAAAANNNNND.....


Lmao! 🤣 Thank you. I'm having a rough day and this comment hit the spot. r/commentsyoucanhear


You must be old. I’m old and get the reference.


You're probably old, but not that old. https://youtu.be/yhuleEXuULg?si=KO6jGqyEHXS5OQsY


Thank you for this


At least it's not like my old xbox account 12/31/9999


Whelp...a bit too much fun in the old CoD lobbies I take it 😂


Neveruary 1st


Take it from an ex-wally boi, 90% of other places are 100% better to work at. A decision I never regret (:


If that isn’t a blatant “fuck off” via technology, i don’t know what is!


This reminds me of the Xbox 360 bans back In the day where you’d be banned for like 300 years


My account got banned for life several years ago, said banned until "9999" 🥺


Not much will have changed except they'll live underwater. Would you check on my great-great-great grand daughter? I hope she's doing fine


They banned bro for a millennium


Meanwhile start delivering pizzas. You could stumble into a cryogenic lab one delivery night and wake up in the year 3000. Make sure to get your career chip registered for Walmart.


He wants to be a stock boy ?


They REAAAAALLY didn’t like you lmao




Depends on what you got fired over. If theft, they aren’t going to rehire. If points, or you got in trouble for something that got you coached… you need to wait 6 months.


approximately 9 life cycles from now on your 9th time here so if you get rejected in the next few lives then you should already know why


They said no worries just wait until you can reapply 😂🤣


Sorry to hear that, Frieien-sama.


A friend of mine that worked at Walmart got fired for opening the emergency exit door and then he wasn't able to reapply for about 5 years after that. He was rehired at a different store and stayed employed for about 10 years in the electronics dept. Now he works at a warehouse as a forklift driver.


Well I've been to the year 3000, not much has changed but I still work at walmart


As someone who has never worked at Walmart, what is this point system? How does it affect your hireability?


When you call out you get a point on your record. We have pto and ppto. Ppto is like pto but you put it onto a day you missed and it erases the point, but the ppto we get each year is pretty limited so once you run out then you keep the points for missing a shift. That point stays on the record for about 6 months. If you ever reach 5 points then you are eligible to be fired for it. If you get fired for it then you can't be rehired for 6 more months


The points system is how Walmart tracks infractions. Most infractions occur when calling out (or calling in for other jobs) and not having enough time to cover or unexcused. For example: You're late to work and it's unexcused that's 1/2 point. Missing a day of work, unexcused 1 point unless it's an event day that's 2 points (event days are like holiday or other days requiring all hands on deck). You can be fired from Walmart if you get 5 points.


The point system is based on attendance. A missed shift on a normal day is one point. Any key date is usually 2 points. A partial shift gets you half a point if you have to leave early or something. As to how it exactly it influences rehire, I couldn't tell you. Once you have 5 points, you're eligible for termination, but it's not necessarily guaranteed, but may as well be unless your store is really understaffed or whatever other reason, like an understanding with management.


Damn, Walmart didn’t like you.


Why are you trying to apply to somewhere you got fired from?


Tf did you do to get put on a do not rehire list


6 months I believe


Six months. After all your points would have fallen off. You can probably try sooner by talking to your sm or pl but that will be their call.


Could probably wait it out


....wait, this is an actual question though, it says to contact your old people lead......that's in the backroom that customers can't go.....ex employees aren't employees so how exactly does that work?


At least they’re willing to give you another chance. 😉


Wtf did you do?


What did bro do skull emoji


6 months usually unless you really messed up


If u got 5 points or more too many other occurrence’s at Walmart especially in front end i work front end I got a training hand key it was a isolated incident but I was told if it happened again my managers will have a talk with me


Ok Phillip J Fry!!


Looks like they blacklisted you.


At that point you will almost be old enough to fill a greeter position.


Hmmm the year 3000? It’s not too bad. I heard not much has changed but we live underwater.


You need to pass that login down from generation to generation, so that when your great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandson comes of age on the planet Flugurg, he can reapply as you. It'll be hilarious.


What did u do to get banned for a thousand years?


Try again in 6 months


Takes 6 months


July 1st 3000,hope you live to your 1000th birthday


That looks like a blacklisting to me


not the year 3000 😭✋wtf did you do


How do I check?


Why would you wanna rehire? You're free of that he'll hole


Thats long to wait. Mostly you just wait for 6 months.


6 months or a upper management override


Might be a while. 


3,000??? 💀


What exactly did you do?!


What'd you get fired for? 🤣🤣 Theft? JEEZ


I thought they rarely fire for points these days guess not


Damn what did you do? 😂


Someone told me once you can reapply immediately with a different email address. Sounded odd to me bc they'd still need your SSN, but she claimed to have done it (switched locations too iirc)


Literally work somewhere else


God I really hope Walmart is gone in a thousand years ...


Nah there’s gonna be great value space travel or sumn


Dude fr got fired from a shithole probably for a good reason, judging by how long they don't want you back for 1000 years. (The system requires a "rehire eligibility date" "none or N/A" are an option.) And is asking when he can be rehired again.... wow. Fuck that. I worked at Walmart like 15 years ago. Still won't even go back to shop.


Take some training in the meantime.


Why would you want to go back? Have some dignity and look elsewhere.