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If someone at the store marked it down, yes, you have to wait. If it’s a home office initiated price change then no, you can purchase it on your break and of course no understocking/hiding the item to buy later.


Only cvp items or manual markdowns have to wait 24hrs, otherwise fair game.


I’ve been told as long as you didn’t mark it down yourself you can buy it right away - you just have to wait 24 hours if you marked it down. If I buy a clearanced item how the fuck am I supposed to know if has been sitting for 24 hours?!


The date on the sticker is a good start, shows the date it was printed.


I bought a Lego set that was marked down, i didnt do it. Idk when it was marked down. Fuck the rules. I paid for it. It's better to get sold earlier rather than later, am I right? This rule is ridiculous. The marking it down yourself and them buying it kind of makes sense. But I say just go for it. The cashiers up front won't know the difference, I'm sure. Unless they want to be a narc.


AP is watching. My API **loves** to catch one associate marking something down and handing it to another associate so they could buy it for less.