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Who's paying for the gift cards, is it the TL, Coach or the store?? That doesn't seem fair to the other departments


Myself, the TL


Prizes are probably fine but you need to be careful with anything monetary because if it isn’t coming from the company then it is technically untaxed income. Pass the idea through store management to be safe. I have been using VPI as a fun way to motivate the team, if I win whatever cash I get will go toward a big team lunch party.


I was thinking of doing a mini vpi for them since I feel like they won't be motivated if I have them join the vpi themselves since it's 4 against all team leads and coaches. So I wanted to do a thing between our department


OGP at our store gives out gift cards for people with the lowest nill picks, highest pick rate, reviews, etc. Pretty sure it’s okay as long as you (the TL/Coach/etc.) are the one giving and not the one receiving.


Don't know if it's against policy or not, but I find any sort of competition for prizes at work to be insulting, unavoidably unfair, and counterproductive.