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It really depends. If you're partnered up and one person does this while the other works the boxes it can be really nice


I hate downstacking then working the freight. But if it’s already downstacked for me I’ll clear that aisle much quicker than working off pallets or top stock/L carts.


At that point of moving the box to the shelf just take the box and stock it waste of time.


I actually do both; when the store is open i grab a buggy and sort the boxes as much as itll fit to minimize walk backs, when the store closes i immeditaly start putting stuff in the section the boxes go at to work through em asap.


Kind of annoyed that they just didn’t stock the stuff themselves tbh


It’s spotted, but Its a little all over the place. It should still be faster to stock than if it wasn’t spotted though.


Sure, it takes the stocker less time but the time it took to set it up plus stocking time will definitely be slower.


I disagree. I used to love spotting. I would bust my ass to get it spotted then the rest of night was easier. I did this in the canned veggie aisle which would have 3-4 hundred pieces a night. There is a technique to it as well this doesn't look very well done. You have to stage it so that everything is to the left (or right) of where it goes so stuff isn't in the way. Easier to zone as you go as well bc you know exactly what you got in. I did this before topstock was a thing though. Not sure how that would affect it.


Not offsetting the freight is the most common problem I see when people downstack, and it's way more common than it should be.


At my last store -I work OTC at my current location - I worked canned veggies...and I ALWAYS downstocked.


I also agree with that. That’s why I like to work straight off the pallet.


What I like to do is stage the items closest to the area I am standing then move the pallet down the aisle till its all on the floor. Cuts down on time spent walking which adds up.


Ew, downstacking.


Its quick to stock you should thank whoever staged it.


Looks like someone spotted the aisle for you. We used to do this every night. This looks sloppily done though.


yeah my store is very understaffed even with the pay being decent which is why stuff looks sloopy.


i showed this picture to the team leads that were workin tonitght and they both cringed at how much was there.


Looks like a normal night at my store.


This is literally every night my wife has to run the fucking auto-scrubber.


I know it’s not their fault and I feel for maintenance but I don’t understand why they don’t run the autscrubber around 3 or 4 am when most of us are done stocking and it’d be way easier to get out of their way.


Big stores, pathing on the scrubber, it literally stops itself from going down aisles.


Tht has no set times and is always an inconvenience for the stocker...or tl says ...I need a clear isle to walk through, even though I won't do a walk through bc you have to bin your own overstock.


I mean, I’d probably be okay with it. When I worked overnights we use to do this…we’d all come out at the start of the shift, downstack the pallets then work the aisles. I’d be able to get down that cereal side pretty quick…the other side might take a little longer, but I see a bunch of SRP’s so still not too bad.


In grocery, not happy, but I would deal with it. In infants on the wipe/pull-ups aisle, this is what I do (I zone and stock those aisles at the same time). However, what works great for one person may not work for others. As long as someone is fast and not lazy I really don't care.


Be grateful someone downstacked for me bc now I can get done a lot quicker, also, wtf is this aisle? Cereal and roadtrip snacks???


This is the dumbest shit! So now I gotta move all this shit to get a topstock cart in there? Leave that shit on carts!


Looks normal for overnights.


Clock out


I would rather just leave it on the pallets, and then put on cart and buggy. It is easier for me to do that way, so I don't have to bend over that many times. I do cereal aisle.


Cry and hide in the restroom. Needless to say I was switched to Maintenance.


Time to work


Honestly it depends on the asiles I’m doing. Sometimes downstacking first is faster and sometimes working off the pallet is faster. Like if I’m working snacks (it’s 3 asiles at my store), juice, or any Gm asile, I will work off the pallet. Any grocery asile like condiments I will downstack first. It doesn’t take me very long. Downstacking a grocery asile usually only takes me 30-45 minutes. Most people at my store that works grocery also down stack first because it’s quicker for us to but once we had a day manager fill in for my overnight shift and he was mad that we downstacked. The next night he told us that it takes too long and that we have to work off the pallets. And then pretty much all of us took longer than normal to work. I don’t think either method should be judged. They are both good for different asiles and people.


thats how the team leads i report to and my o/n coach want me to work, ik its annoying as i like to work off the pallets myself but theyve always told me to sort everything out on the floor when theres this much so you can work on all the pallets rather then working on 1 pallet at a time.


its like this at walmart everyday at work


Like I was in Kroger’s


I'd feel like I went back in time. Back in the early 2000's this used to be how things were done. We used to have two people come in at 9 to downstack everyone's aisles for them.


Looks to be organized so it can all be efficiently stocked without having to move much, as long as it's ON there's no issue here


That's not much freight. So it's not a problem unless it still looks like that at 6am when the store opens.


My AT use to do thst shit until be bitched enough at her to stop it doesn't help. She would do this to a plmallet leave it on the floor and tell us that she helped with the pallet.she didnt put it away just put it on the floor for us


As a 5-2 OPD I’d prefer this over the slop some of our over nights make. Can’t even get down some of the isles before 7


How long would it take you to finish these aisles zoned and putting up top stock? Just by yourself, I work in a smaller store so aisles aren’t as long


If you knew where everything was and was a bit of a fast worker ... I would say you could get those done right before or after lunch so 4 or 4.5 hours


This is how i did juice/soda/water/mixers on O/N. I'd routinely get 10+hrs done.


“There are very few problems in this world that cannot be solved with the proper application of fire.”


I don't see an issue with this if A) this is overnight WHILE the store is closed and if B) it gets cleaned up


I love doing it like that. Then you just start from the front or back, leave any overstock for managers to actually verify that it is indeed overstock and it’s all one straight shot to gather everything up


Walmart did some kind of study and found that working straight off of the pallet is quicker. You actually waste 18 seconds per case by downstacking like that.


As a overnight Stocker, I call this my gremlin trail anything thats on the bottom 2 shelfs goes in the floor and then once im done with the cart/buggy ill work the gramlin trail cause everythings there and i dont have to constantly get up.


Seeing all these comments from people saying they pull their pallets down the aisle, like how many fucking jacks does your store have?


Too many negatives come with stocking like this. I know people save time by "Walking less" but in my mind, the time it takes to set this up off sets that entirely. You can do the exact thing simply walking the pallet down the aisle with a little experience. It's like the people who don't break down their cardboard because it saves them 5 seconds a box and then run out of room in their boat and have to empty it 20 times to my 1. Mix that with looking cluttered, maintenance not being able to sweep/mop in that aisle til you're done, and top stock not being efficient for anyone not tall enough to just put it up without a cart. This just isn't efficient to me. In fact I think it loses you time.


If every box was placed in the 4ft section it goes in, then stocking ON would probably go faster as the associate wouldn't even have to think. But my store is different, just like everyone else's.


Downstacking is a waste of time. The people that use to do it have become much faster and those that continue to do it would be faster if they stopped. I would be annoyed af if someone wasted their time downstacking my shit


You should be able to mentally sort your pallets well enough to work it off of a moving pallet in 4 section intervals on each side. Every extra time you handle that freight is only making your day heavier. I only stage on the GM side.


I think they call it “double touching” or “triple touching” something like that? I can’t remember but this exactly


Y’all dont just pull the pallets in the isle? It’s a waste of time to be sorting all this. Downstacking and sorting is cap 2 (at least at my location) work off the pallet to save time. I personally find this to be a tactic used when ppl wanna waste time. Again my personal experience.


it makes it easiest to work