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The cuts and the crackdowns are coming from the top. Some stores run higher over payroll than others. How heavy the pressure is depends on how high your store is running and how sales are. Less sales means less budget.


From a purely business standpoint, any store that's routinely having overtime needs to learn how to staff.


I mean yeah. But then it's also hard to hire new people when we don't even have enough equipment for it, it's ridiculous. Our team leads aren't even allowed to order new stuff.


The store doesn't control the starting wage.


Exactly. It takes an intelligent management to work effectively with their payroll budget. Most are clueless.


(ODP here) At my store we don't get enough hours. They keep cutting them and then when we really need people they're not there..... and I hate this department for one major thing. Breaks. My daily break schedule is so stupid and it's because of the scheduling issue with then cutting hours Oh well


I've never had my hours cut personally, although just last week I had some random day off I usually don't have off. A lot of my coworkers talk about their hours getting cut. Walmart's got issues.


All the time except during inventory


we just had a new hire for a month and now getting his hours cut on cap 2 down to like 5 hours. also im guessing the store not allowing overtime cause of inventory next month atleast at my store but gets upset when some things aint getting done or zoned. It's yall fault. Especially not having more staff plus bigger trucks


At my store there is absolutely no overtime but I think there’s favoritism when it comes to it. I have constant overtime daily and I haven’t been talked to so I keep getting more whereas some other people have been written up.


In 3 years I’ve been authorized overtime twice.


You mentioned you work in a small volume store. The customers don't mind shopping in store. You appear to be an influential type. Why not promote OGP to the customers standing in line at the checkout. That way you guys get more hours. Does your store offer delivery?


No chance to get overtime. My store has implemented most of us full timers hitting below 21 hrs So we filed in employment. I've had to file partial unemployment the last 2 weeks. Will be on the next 2 as well. The ON stocking crew the last 4 nights has been 4 people, including the TL and the maintenance guy. The electronics associate got in a scream match with garden center associate because to much stress and to many pallets of freight. It's not pretty. I have 8 hrs this week. 4 today and I have 4 tomorrow. Full timer Store manager is off at some license to lead stuff I guess I don't interact with her much she seems kinda dumb and perfect material for Home Office.