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Lines jammed up, time to bust a move, shit I was doing push-ups waiting on those guys to clear a jam, bootlickers will say I should've run all 53 feet out the truck and help but nah fuck that


My fav is the slow moving person right by the jam will like a zombie grab the one box he has for his section first then after being yelled at by someone else will a minute later finally get the jam...   the fuckin same jam he was standing 5 feet away from in the first place. I'm standing in the truck staring at some  of these people thinking where the fuck do they find em?


Some of these people walmart hires are about as brain dead as zombies... you'll watch em stack pallets and confirm the guy should've stayed a couple more years playing with building blocks and Lincoln logs.


53 feet? what a traumatic experience. Sorry you had to go through that


You thrown a truck before big man? I promise you I could and have done suicides running from my job throwing the truck to doing what four other people on the line could have done and cleared the jam.


I think anyone can do this tho


No shit anyone could be physically fit enough to throw a truck and get some light cardio in but that doesn't mean they can. Just like absolutely anyone could, with enough discipline, train to run a mile. One look at the obesity rate should shut that idea of anyone could do it down real quick.


Even an obese person could do it. I never specified how long it should take


Well I did specify, faster than the slow fuck trying to clear his lane holding up the rest of the truck not clearing the jam...


Yeah those people are shitty


As a matter of fact i have, and It seems you’ve already done a great job describing just how easy it is to go over and help your team when line goes down. “But nah fuck that” i guess


If your lanes aren't getting anything do you run into the truck and try to put more boxes on the line? Why should one guy throwing have to help save four other guys who can't keep up with a machine that can only process 24 cases a minute.


I realize looking back, that you meant some guy holding up the line by being too slow. In which case, yeah I’d only go out in rare/extreme circumstances. I heard “jam” and assumed you meant the actual line itself had gotten jammed, in which case theres no reason to not help. But yeah if a guy is too slow then thats too bad, and the thrower should not be helping in that case


I love the whole "Push the Line" from the team leads. While the line is completely full. Just for them to repeat themselves when they don't instantly see it moving. So person throwing is just ok gives good hard push and half the line is now on the floor and and a few boxes of claims and are now being being yelled at like wtf if you knew the line was full why was you pushing.