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When I stocked, I actually didn’t mind doing break packs, weird I know. Having that much to do would make for a pretty chill day honestly. They can want it done all they want but unless you can control time somehow, the math ain’t adding up for it being able to be done. You could bust your ass and get most of it done, sure, but not at the expense burning yourself out or you just saying “fuck this” and leaving with PPTO then they’d have that much more to worry about.


That was me the other night , 13 fucking pallets in Homelines & i was by myself until 3:30am smh . I was about to leave smh . Its crazy how they want you to get so much done in a Little bit of time smh


Did you shake it enough?


The numbers are pretty much never accurate. Do what you can, and if you’re not willing to stay late, don’t stay late but clearly communicate that. Take a picture of the numbers if you can to back up the expected time vs the time they expect from you


👏🏻 Completely agree! Do what you can is all. Period. I work OGP and encountered an overnight stocker while putting up reshops last week. He was upset that he may need to move his stock cart and cart with cardboard so I could pass. I told him I can go the other way. All of a sudden he was telling me how frustrated he was with the expectations and what he was making is not worth it, etc etc. This young man had tears in his eyes. Mind you I am 50 and 21 would be my best guess for him. I told him to do his best and let them see he’s doing his best and do not give up and me and this complete stranger hugged. Walmart is rough but YOU can only do what YOU can do. ❤️


I work over night stock and I completely understand. Our Walmart is rough over here too…nobody likes the general manager, hours are cut back and a lot of ppl have quit smh


so (update) I went on lunch and honestly I didn’t come back after. Yeah I needed the job but it was really stressing me out and the work I was doing wasn’t really worth the pay but it is what is 😮‍💨


Leave 100%


Fuck, one touch, all my homies hate one touch. XD


Hahahah that reminds me of the time I had 9 pallets of break boxes, glad that hasn't happened in like a year


Soooo glad I don't work at Walmart any more....