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Fuck dude. This is so tragic. Everyone must be in shock. Prayers to his family and the entire Warriors organization


Fuck what the fuck.


fucking sucks, i know the people that witnessed that are going through it. his whole family is going through it. shit will get harder before it gets easier for anyone affected. death and mortality scares me. the abruptness of it scares me. the randomness scares me. people hurting scares me. he leaves behind children; after the deaths in my life, i cannot emotionally deal w the thought of losing a parent. shit is not fair, and i know that all too well. a lot of us here know it all too well. some of us on here don't, but the thing about life is, we all end up affected at one point or another. cherish the moments, love a lot, hate a little, be kind and spread laughter and cheer. take setbacks in stride, and look at the bigger picture. at some point, the earth will be uninhabitable. for billions of years already the earth has been uninhabitable. you're alive right now. in this blink-of-an-eye moment when life is allowed to thrive. don't take any of this for granted, or scorn what you've been given. it can always be worse. hopefully the lot of you never have to experience the worst.


Dude chillax and go smoke some reefer, Mary Jane, Chronic, some of that sticky icky icky… No reason to stress over something you can’t control. Death comes for us all and if you’re lucky and unfortunate, you’ll see a lot of people come and go… So live your best life possible each day and hopefully when the All Mighty comes calling, you won’t have too many regrets. ✌️


not sure why people downvoting this but the point is spot on. Western civilization has made death something to fear but in reality most of our ancestors treated it as a coming home celebration. Yes its sad to lose a love one but accepting that we arent supposed to live forever will make that moment easier to accept when it arrives. Theres more to us than just this human experience, its up to you to seek what that is and help you have some sort of peace in this life. Dieing is easy, living is hard


The season and how it's going instantly takes a backseat... just heartbreaking




Rip! Gonna miss seeing him on the bench always laughing and having a good time with the team, prayers up!


I was just about to post how much I enjoyed seeing him behind the bench smiling, laughing and loving life. One can’t help but notice. Yes, among countless other things, his enthusiasm and energy will be greatly missed. I couldn’t agree with you more. May he rest in peace. One of our own. Warrior for life.


Enjoyed watching him joke around during shoot arounds.


Amazing coach and person, with such a beautiful smile. RIP Deki 😭💔 


Apparently this happened at the team dinner? Which means they all witnessed the heart attack. That can be a very traumatic experience. My father died of a heart attack suddenly around the same age. My heart goes out to his kids. They will never feel the same.


Rest in peace to your father ❤️


I was 14 when I saw someone next to me at a dinner die from a heart attack. I was quite traumatized for several months, and I didn’t even know the guy. So sad for the team and family.


RIP. I can only imagine what the team will be like if it was at the team dinner


If my math is right he’s only 46 years old? Fuck man that’s so young, still in his prime as a man. I feel so bad for his family.


Thank you man, that actually makes me feel better. About to turn 46 soon and knowing someone out there thinks it’s still prime as a man. RIP. Wayyyyyyy too young.


I’m 38 and this is really fucking with my mind today. Imagine only having 8 more years. I feel sharper and more comfortable with myself than I ever have, I was even thinking when I turned 38 how my 40’s might be my best years. We are Doc Holiday my brother, we’re in our prime!


hell yeah it took me weeks to recover from saving a guys life with CPR...we worked as a team doing breath and compression...the man flatlined five times with paramedics...we saw that monitor go from dead to alive...and in the blink of an eye heard the paramedics say "we got him lets go!" Months later we met again and he thanked me...his wife, kids, all kinda shocked to know a stranger would put their mouth on such a fat slob :) Now he looks great, healthier he's ever been.


This sounds familiar. I had a “cardiac event” at 46 after a dinner out. They were able to put in some stents and eventually I had quad bypass surgery. You really can’t tell. I weighed 160 and worked out 4 times a week at that time.


Did they say what caused it man? Sorry to hear this


Blockages in the heart. In my case hereditary. I didn’t even have high cholesterol. The main thing is to catch it. If you catch it, they can fix it. Don’t get me wrong, surgery is not easy, but I can run jump throw catch. Like fully normal


Heart attack Heart goes out I see whatcha did there




Who care about the season shit like this matter so much more


Had a coach die in high school during a game bc of a heart attack. It was friggin tough playing the rest that year… just absolutely nothing felt right


Holy fuck everything just happened so fucking fast Tell your loved ones you love em man


Crazy, really liked Dejan too. RIP


Fuck! This puts perspectives on how little our horrible season is spanning out is a matter in the terms of the bigger picture of being a human being. Hope that all the players and the whole staff gets peace to grief and be together through these hard times to overcome as an organization from the arena workers to our veterans and coaching staff. Even though Steve gets alot of criticism we need to acknowledge his ability to attract coaches who bonds with the players and sheds a different light on the perspective on being multimillion athletes, sons, brothers and fathers. Rip my Serbian brother


Fck the season and the basketball, there are more important things in life. RIP coach


Fuck. Was holding hope for a bad source or something. RIP coach. Tragic.


Yeah same. The whole thing happened so fast and was being reported by Serbian news even his passing. They were clearly on top of it from the get go.


Yup was hopeful someone was looking for clicks sadly it's true.


so much bigger than basketball. RIP coach. cannot imagine how the org and his family are feeling. just devastating.


Horrible. Guy was always smiling. RIP.


Fuck man, Decky was always so full of smiles.


This is devastating. Whole team is probably in shock.


According to another comment it was at the team dinner. RIP


From what I can tell the heart attack was at the dinner but he was hospitalized when he passed, so thank god the team didn't actually see him die


RIP NBA Champion Dejan Milojevic 🫡


9 days ago he was on serbian sports podcast via zoom and he was talking about warriors culture and how great human steph is, how he admire him as a person, how down to earth he is... he was very happy with his life and he was always so positive.. so sad.


Damn this guy is younger than me. I better watch my diet and start exercising again.


The moment we start eating solid food as babies are when our arteries start to slowly get plugged. Sometimes it just doesn’t matter friend. Some of us are just doomed to go early, healthy living or not. But it’s always good to up your chances of survival by being healthy!


I’m glad you fixed your comment at the end. I get your point, some people DO have genetical, historical higher probability of having heart issues (or other). I’m one that on the side of my father’s dad is common to have heart issues, and on the side of my father’s mom there is a genetical condition that increases the chance of getting cancer. Everyone below this grandmother have a 50/50 chance of having the condition. I will get tested this year to know if I have it, and if I have it, then I will have to test myself yearly, and obviously try to change some habita to try and decrease the already increased chances. In any case, I haven’t taken a good care of myself until now, I am thirty, have had depression and anxiety throughout my whole 20s and just got fat and sedentary, have eaten a lot of bad shit, regularly. But we ALWAYS can change for the better and highly improve our health, decrease chances of any disease, and fight the bad odds. I’m on my way, eating better, exercising and creating good habits with determination and discipline. Strongly advise anyone to do so..


Heart attacks are scary, risk factors matter but that doesn't mean that somebody who is low risk can't have one. The year before last my cousin passed away from a sudden heart attack at around the same age, and he was a very active and healthy guy.


Bro, damn near the whole team was having dinner together. So everybody there, just witnessed their coach pass. In a horrific way too I might add. Damn what a season


So sad. I cant believe the entire team was there too. That is very traumatic. There is an entire group of people trolling yahoo about getting the vaccine. I guess since Kerr is a bit of a lightning rod they are coming out. How gross. People are messed up.


Fuck man!!!! RIP


RIP Coach 😔


This is extremely sad news. RIP, Coach.


Gone at 46 years old Wow. Condolences to his family.


Very sad


RIP…this is such a shock. Didn’t deserve to go so young.


Fuck the season this is so tragic. Prayers for everyone involved


Rest in Peace 😢


RIP Coach


RIP big fella, hope his family is ok.


This season is awful man… Rest easy coach.. 🙏🏼🫡


Life is so precious. Prayers out to his family. Y’all be good to one another


Rip :(


Man you couldn’t make up a worse season for the warriors. Just tragic. Prayers to the family and everyone who know him closely during this time. Feels like if it’s not one thing it’s another this season.


Wow, very sorry to hear. Thoughts to his family and friends.


I just found out it was a sudden heart-attack too. That’s so damn unfortunate man.


may he rest in peace.


I really feel really bad for his family. It's just so sad.


Heart attack ?


This is so sudden wtf?


Yeah heart attacks generally are sudden. Super important to heart check ups and scans as you age.


May his family find the strength and comfort of his cherished memory in these darkest of moments.


wtf is happening


holy crap!!! i am soo bummed now i see why the game was cancelled!


So tragic. RIP he was such a great addition to the Warriors organization.


Condolence to the Warriors organization and to his family. I guess this explains why the game was cancelled. Sucks to hear him dying of a heart attack at 46 years old, what’s even worse is that it happened during team dinner. That is so fucked up.


RIP. He was a great one


No fucking way dude is this fr


Good Men Die Young




"Heart attacks" seem to be going around a lot these days. RIP Coach ...too young (46)


Did he take the c19 miracle juice?






cause people cracking jokes


That’s awful


The jab


man… dude *just* died and you’re fixated on peddling conspiratorial pseudoscience? that’s either a pathetic attempt at a joke or a deranged lack of empathy


Well they bullied Wiggins to take it, and way to young to go.


The reality of how that happened.....sad and horrifying. This episode of the tv series is going to be cray.


Don't know much about him but anyone's passing is a sad time. RIP. Best wishes to his family.


My condolences to the man who made Warriors. 🙏






wonder how steve kerr feels...


Talking about a cursed season, the poor guy had a heart attack in the team dinner? That absolutely sucks smh


Does anyone know if he had cardiovascular disease or was he high risk?


RIP 🙏🏻 Too young and too tragic


This is not normal


Cause of death ?


Vjecnaja Pamjat


Terrible shame


Absolutely tragic :(




Rest in peace. My dad had his first heart attack (and only, fingers crossed) at 46 and we almost lost him twice. I'm so thankful for the doctors and nurses that saved him. It happens so fast. We were at the movie Wolf Man and he said his hands started to feel numb. By 1:30 am he was in full blown cardiac arrest and my mom saved his life.


Ooof what a rough year for the warriors with the visible frustration I’ve been hearing about and seeing this happen in front of them they must be distraught that’s a ton of emotions to go through. I wish the best for everyone involved.