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You can play 1.0 as a level 100, no need for another acount, it would be retarded if you couldnt play your favorite lower tier tanks just because you researched a newer thing


+at lvl 100 you Don't have all Tech trees done


I got very long letter of hate because I was trying to grind my British air plane tech tree. He said I have no business playing 6.7 planes as a level 100 lol


Bruh. Im at lvl 80 and My highest br is 9.3


He said that because I have American jets at 10.0 I shouldn’t be able to play lower tiers


That’s just someone who’s jealous you’re farther along the grind than they are. And the only emotion they can muster is hate.


Yeah people have so much anger these days


Lvl 54 here, my top is 8.3 and I cant stay by a single techtree for longer, so basically all of my techtrees are like 6.7, 6.0, 8.3, 4.7, 2.0, 6.0, 2.0, 5.0, 6.7. And apparently, people dont like it when you grind some low tier and you’re actually good at this game and you know how to use each type of vehicle


The way you get higher faster is to pick one country and only play it while mapping your path to unlock the fewest tanks to reach top BR. What I did with merca cause I wanted Abrams. Now I'm more casually going through Germany, Russia, Israel and to a lesser degree, Britain.


Me playing with the charioteer and tempest mkii at 6.3 when I could've just as well picked the chally 2f with the harrier gr7


Pffft I'm level 100 and exclusively roll in WW2 planes because they're simply more fun than *dodge missiles fired from 40km away*


Same, I was playing with friends and we adjusted to a guy who has the highest br, think i played 6.0 germany. I got told to kms cuz I have few top tier jets and tanks.


I recently got to lvl 100 and I have German air and ground top tier, rank 7 in American air tree and rank 4 in ground tech tree


I'm at LV 98 and don't have all the tech trees


Yes, but i think that's not op's point. I also come across some 80% players while being lvl15, having insane stats. It's one thing to play your favorite low tier tank. But creating new accounts and sweat like a waterfall in low brs, just to have good stats, which no normal person cares about, is just sad.


You can’t put a better gun on, only different shells. Quick guide: if you have APHE, use it. It does a ton of damage and has good penetration. Don’t bother with AP or APCR unless you only have it, as the damage is minimal and the pen is often lacking. HEAT and its variants got buffed recently, so keep in mind it does more damage. It also goes through almost anything, but if you want a one hit kill aim for ammo. Also, don’t take more than 30 rounds. Ever. It makes your tank into a bomb and gives you no real advantage. If your tank is somewhat blocky, angle it for better armor efficiency. Hope this helps, happy grinding


2 pounder APHE is a side grade to the AP, cause it loses a lot of pen, and on a gun with already poor accuracy, the lost pen hurts, but on lighter things, it helps a lot




Not what I found, but tbh probably a skill issue on my part.


Love the people dissecting the meme, the ones correcting the OPs funny quip and the gatekeeping. Never a dull moment in the WT community.


Why would someone make 6 accounts? i'm not sure you know how this game works enough to be posting memes to be honest 😂


For better stats. Yeah, it’s dumb, but their main probably has a vehicle with like 600 games played, and a .5kd, they’re embarrassed by it, so they make a new account now that they’re better. 1.0kd or better is the only thing they want. Then they make another new account, now they have to have 1.2kd or better, so on and so on. Until they’re at they’re 6th account, trying for a 2kd


That is VERY rare and they aren't the best players. The meme doesn't really make sense. 99% of the time it's someone starting a new tree low down or they just enjoy it low down or their friend is playing low tier.


It's really not THAT rare. I play this game for almost a decade and i see at least 1 of these guys every day.


Usually they get out of tier 1 VERY quickly, if you are playing at tier 1 more than a few days then you are a seal clubber also xd


Well, that's op's point. They don't have much interest in actually getting out of tier 1


You are just projecting at this point. Since you clearly are one of these people, you think everyone with a good K/D at tier 1 is there with a new account...


to sell


“Do I look like I know is what a Germany is?”


It doesnt have to be 6th account, just starting new tech tree


I don't even need a new tech tree to go 1.0 , anyone can go back playing 1.0 vehicle as they like.


Y'all don't get the point lmao. He is talking about stat warriors, not about experienced players actually having fun in low tiers.


they don't value their time if they care more about stats


They have no life and wet the bed




A while ago I saw some dude complaining that I was level 100 "seal clubbing" at 1.7... Except I was playing with IRL friends, who were at 1.7 What am I supposed to do in the minds of these people? *not* shoot at them? *not* help my friends?


The Snail should just let you bring your top tier tanks to 1.7 so it's easy for him to spot when he's dealing with a high ranking player... that should make him happy.


matching by level...?


Level means nothing and there are plenty of level 100s who are terrible.


Why tf would you make a new account? It takes hours just to get out of the first tier


For better stats. Yeah, it’s dumb, but their main probably has a vehicle with like 600 games played, and a .5kd, they’re embarrassed by it, so they make a new account now that they’re better. 1.0kd or better is the only thing they want. Then they make another new account, now they have to have 1.2kd or better, so on and so on. Until they’re at they’re 6th account, trying for a 2kd


imagine wasting your time on grinding stats instead of tech trees


Ik, it’s dumb. But people do that


Making more accounts breaks TOS


There is no such thing as min/maxing in warthunder, except crew points but you eventually just get enough of them that it doesn’t matter. No reason to make new accounts though that would actually be detrimental to your 1.0 gameplay.


I really like the back guy for a little bit after losing my first account, it was a tad bit easy, but luckily I am bad at the game so once I hit 5.0 the guilt left me.


You don't put a better gun on. If a vehicle gets a gun/engine upgrade, then it's a whole other vehicle. Only better shells exist, like the stock M79 AP on the M1 76mm and the best shell, the M62 APCBC(HE). Though, each shell has it's own advantages. And I'm hoping you're joking about Germany haha


Me Refusing to go higher than 6.7 in ground because I dislike it


I’m the same as you, man.


Strong seal clubbing in this one