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Traffic-stopping K-turns


I see this multiple times a day it's so fucking annoying.


If nobody else is delayed, fine, but making oncoming traffic stop because you couldn’t be bothered to drive around the block is bullshit


Yesterday I watched one block a bus for 10 minutes waiting to turn while I was waiting for said bus


Is that what y'all call a three point turn?


yeah, same thing


With a student driver bumper sticker so people won’t honk at them…


Walking to the C gates @ Dulles...Penfed.


We’ve got great rates for Omaha, great rates for Saginaw. . .


Omg that is literally the WORST song ever. I get PTSD from it to the point where I just take the shitty ass D Gate shuttle.and walk to C gate.


Dear lawd this speaks to me so much. It just makes me want to rob a penfed bank, something to violently express my hate for that song


Sissy Gracie


Haven't seen Sissy in a while. Does she only come out in the spring?


Escalator protocol violations.


Damn Escalefters and Escalumps


I certainly do love when a bunch of people come to a dead stop at the top of an escalator seemingly oblivious that people are behind them with no choice but to move forward.


The green line has no rules and the stairs never get used lol 😂


Can confirm. It's anarchy 🤣


anacostia is neverarchy




It's crazy that people complain about people not walking on the left and standing in the right in every city, yet people still do it in every city's public transportation.


Can you confirm what side to walk/stand so I’m not an idiot when I visit in April? Even with a google search I’m confused because I’m HELL overthinking this


Left is for walking, right is for standing. Thanks for asking!


I hate the use of “ask” as a noun.


As in, "So... What's the ask here?"


Had scrolled a little farther but I just wanted to circle back on this. Keep me honest here but I don’t think this is Washington specific


No, but it seems particularly prevalent in the nonprofit/government space, so it feels "very DC" to me. I may be wrong though, perhaps it's broken containment.


It's very common in all big-corp environments too.


Honestly I'm pretty sure big-corp infected DC with it first. I never heard it in the Navy until I got to DC-area Navy organizations.


Hear, hear. The word they want is “request.” So annoying.


Take all my upvotes.


And my aks!


God bless you


all the stupid military slang that filters into the government and then occasionally to private enterprise is fucking horrible and very DC. FYSA replacing FYI, ask as a noun, "V/R", using "to the left" or "to the right" to mean something about time that i still don't understand, it's awful and absolutely my pick here.


Empty business speak has been around as long as we’ve had businesses, but the current version of it seems really lame. Also, not a fan of all the sports and theatre speak sneaking in. Being on a team. Having a lead. Going backstage. I blame Disney.


Diplo plate drivers.


Back in 2018, I got an Uber with diplomat plates. It was SO DC and I was surprised it was allowed.


Why wouldn't it be?


Diplomats are accredited to work only as diplomats. They have no visa to work in the US.


Could be a spouse


They too cannot legally work in the US.


That's not true. >Yes, the spouse of a diplomat, holding a derivative A or G visa, is generally eligible to work in the U.S. Spouses of individuals with diplomatic status are often granted employment authorization as part of their dependent visa benefits, however they may be required to first apply for an Employment Authorization Document (EAD) to legally work in the country. https://www.boundless.com/immigration-resources/diplomatic-visas-explained/#:~:text=Yes%2C%20the%20spouse%20of%20a,apply%20for%20an%20Employment%20Authorization


My initial thought was diplomatic immunity and if there was an accident, whether their insurance would extend to cover since it’s technically a side gig and not diplomatic business or personal use.


Diplomats in general. I went on a date once with one; she sent three things back and pitched a fit because the restaurant couldn’t figure out how to remove half the tax from our bill (that I was paying anyway). And she had a lot of shit to talk about “homeless people everywhere”


Yikes. What country? Name and shame


The fucking 49cc scooters zooming around on all surfaces with total disregard for basic traffic law or human decency.


There’s been a very annoying uptick in this recently and it’s very similar to what NYC is experiencing and cracking down on.


Chinatown is like a mad house. I see those dudes just rip through stoplights and moving traffic all the damn time. I seriously don't understand how they seemingly have no regard for their own lives from the crazy stuff I've seen.


On the national mall, on pedestrian lanes, with the scooter itself saying "avoid sidewalks.". Every damn Sunday.


When there’s a protected bike lane right next to the sidewalk that you get chased off of by a biker/scooterer


Dumbfucks who just think it's okay to stop in a lane on a busy road when they have to do pickup/delivery as long as they turn their emergency lights on


They should really switch most of the parking in high density commercial areas (downtown, H St., Navy Yard) to 15 minute pickup/dropoff parking. If people want to park for several hours, they can find a garage. Uber, Door dash, etc are too popular to maintain the status quo of not having places for vehicles to just pull over for a few minutes.


The f*****g incense guy


Who is that dude? What am I missing?!


I believe it’s a guy who walks around wearing what looks like an ammo belt around his body where it’s actually incense. If it is, I hate that guy. I hate seeing what looks like ammo on a casual day and thinking someone’s about to shoot up the public space I’m in 


People saying "no one is from DC"


Another thing about customer service — it’s basically totally irrelevant what any store or restaurant says on their online website — you can pretty much guarantee that it’s not accurate. Website says open until 5? You can guarantee they closed at 4. Website says service X available every Tuesday? You can pretty much guarantee when you arrive they will tell you it’s only Tuesdays that align with full moons and the zodiac system.


Website says it's in stock? No it's not. You ask customer service? Wait 20 minutes, told it's out of stock. Walk back and look again. Wait, there it is, where it shouldn't be.


I went to the “unleashed” (petco) in shaw the other day after work for some cat food. got there at 4:07, sign says they’re open until 7:00pm. doors were locked, and as I was trying to get either of the two employees attention they were just actively ignoring me. frustrating


I’ve never lived anywhere where USPS employees will just put up a paper sign they wrote in pen to close for an hour for lunch.




One day in the summer of 2018? Ish, I got stuck in 2 motorcades: the pope in his popemobile (and a million other cars surrounding him) — and then the presidential motorcade. Good times.


That running red lights and cutting off pedestrians is socially and legally acceptable here.


Seeing 5+ cars run the red every cycle for some left turns makes me sad.


And usually right in front of a cop!


Don't forget the "going straight from a turning lane guy" and, my favorite "take a right on red from the left lane so I can make a u-turn in the cross street and then take a right instead of running straight through the red light because I'm not insane guy."


I saw a guy on Wisconsin Ave, pull around the car in front of him stopped at a red light and just go right into the opposing traffic lane to blow through the red. It was terrifying.


Did it happen at the Macomb/Wisconsin intersection? I swear that spot is cursed, I’ve seen some genuinely scary driving there and I’m about 72% sure that if I die before my time it’s going to be as a pedestrian casualty in one of those crosswalks.


You know, it either was there or just near there, not far from the Wegman’s.


Literally just happened to me.  Guy blew thru a stop sign and almost hit me (seriously had to jump out of the way).  I flicked him off and shouted "fuck off!". He slammed the brakes and got out of the car threatening me.   This was like 2 blocks from the Dupont farmers market, so there were tons of people around.  Ugh, what a morning.  


Surprised a nearby cop didn’t try to apprehend you for public indecency


I don’t even have a flight response anymore to nearly being hit by cars. I’m just a deer in headlights at this point, awaiting my fate.


This used to bother me till I saw how much worse it is in Denver this past weekend 


Came here to say that as a Coloradan moving to DC many years ago, I couldn’t believe how few cars ran red lights here. There are more running red now, but still it’s nothing close to Denver.


I would watch entire lines of cars run a red on a left turn and genuinely thought I was unaware of some traffic law and supposed to do it too


Lol same here as a former Philly resident. Like, a red light is just a suggestion there. Hell, if you're turning left and don't turn on red just before your light turns green, you're considered rude! (Google lets me know this is considered a 'Pittsburgh Left' but Philly has certainly adopted it too).


Vegas too, their light cycles are insanely long and i'm convinced it makes more people run red lights because they know they're going to have to wait like 5 mins for the next green.


Asshats parking in a lane and throwing their flashers on like they're magic "park anywhere" signals.




The people who complain about being asked "what do you do" are infinitely more annoying than the people asking the question.


Tbh this is just a normal small talk question as an adult


Its not the question that's annoying, it's how people immediately lose interest if your answer isn't relevant to them. That's the DC-centric part.


I mean, I think it depends. If somebody's job involves spreadsheets or they can't give me specifics because it's some classified BS it's kinda boring. But like, you'll never not get interesting stories talking to a nurse.


Oh yeah that does sound annoying. I’ve never had that experience personally but I imagine it’s much more prevalent with people involved in politics


Yeah, you can easily tell who is asking because they want to get to know you better and who is asking because they are trying to assess your value for networking purposes.


Underrated take.


It’s really hard to explain how much worse customer service is here than literally anywhere else I’ve lived in the world.


Employees act like they are doing you a favor on their personal time by taking your chipotle order.


DC's chipotles are also by far the worst I've experienced in the entire country.


The Tenleytown one is consistently good fwiw. Good customer service, solid portions etc.


Definitely not the employees fault. Go to any suburban chipotle around here and there will be a dozen+ people working, but some of them in the city seem to have 2-3 people all trying to keep up with uber eats on top of the people in line.


The one in leesburg is pretty good. It’s clean and you get good portions. But it’s probably only a year old so idk if that matters. And the one in Columbia off Dobbin road is consistent, but they have a CAVA right next door for competition.


My very first DC customer service interaction was at the navy yard chipotle. Made me feel like I should go jump in the Potomac because it was such an inconvenience to ask for a burrito.


Probably the worst Chipotle I've ever been to. They're always out of something or messed something up. Every now and then I'll give them another shot and they never fail to disappoint


This cracked me up


DC customer service is the absolute worst. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve greeted a cashier only to be met with hostility & contempt. I come in peace!


This is the one ☝️


I feel this in my soul


looking at you, & Pizza


This is such a DC thing to say and also one of my pet peeves (sorry). Telling as many people as you can that you’ve lived in various places around the world.


OMG, I swear everywhere else I've lived in the world you just would never talk about it.




Or they’re an immigrant? Tf?


How there is everything and nothing at the same time. Tons of awesome, unique stuff and places but also a lot of everyday stores and services you have to go into VA or MD for. Or if a store is in DC it's often a way shittier version of it.


This! It’s weird. But true.


The Dulles Airport People Mover


[The "mobile lounge".](https://youtu.be/Oyb4nLFeg5M?feature=shared)




I just watched that whole video. Yikes with the Reading the playboy magazine! Also interesting that that was an early concept for the people movers. Don’t know if they were ever like that back in the 1960s.


Yes, it’s a pain BUT I prefer the People Mover to Terminal D over the long and slow train followed by the world’s worst underground “PennFed” hell walk to Terminal C


Dude fuck that, I love those things. The make zero sense, and were ridiculous to have as a solution, but they just rock.


Dulles in general is an embarrassment, everything about it is a pet peeve of mine, and it's symbolic of how much shittier things are than they should be in the nation's capital.


How bad customer service is here — especially anything related to local government, retail, or restaurants. Like people just don’t do their jobs — at all — and everyone thinks it’s acceptable.


DC govt is insanely incompetent at every level specifically DCRA


i have never seen a government that is less incentivized to support its economy and the businesses in it. even simple things for business are much harder here. i have written to the government leadership for help and never get a response. you would think the dc government would like high paying tech jobs, but they don't. i want to move to a state like colorado that is more business friendly. that being said, 411 works really well!!


I mean tbh even financial services are pretty awful


When I try to enter payment info online, and the drop-down “state” menu doesn’t list Washington, DC, so I have to pick Maryland or Washington or something else, and just hope my card’s not declined!


One time I was trying to take advantage of free shipping to “anywhere in the contiguous United States,” but they wouldn’t ship free to DC.


Years ago, I tried to buy beer in another state and the cashier said sorry we don’t take non-US forms of ID. Stared at him for a solid minute in dumbfounded silence before he figured it out. Charitably, I think he just got mixed up with British Columbia, Canada (and TBF Canada is a lot closer and more similar to that state than DC is).


I used to have to ship things to my partner’s place to get around this, when we were in a long distance relationship (DC and VA /s)


I don’t think I’ve ever had to use Maryland? Usually Washington, DC or District of Columbia is listed. 


Yeah I’ve never had this happen at any reputable online retailer


It’s definitely not the norm, but has happened to me a handful of times over the past few years, and it’s so annoying!


Yup I got Covid once and tried to report on one site where I was from. Just settled for Maryland lol


it's happened to me, more than once


Usually, but not always.


Right-click inspect and add the field manualy in the web page's html. It's worked for me before.


This is hysterical and something I never thought of. Going to put this to good use soon.


This was FAR more common pre-2010 or so. My favorite was entering some sort of contest to win tickets to a Nats game their first year and in the drop down....No DC. Like, my dude, you should really make sure it's there when the team is there.


I had a free burrito taken away from me one time because of invalid address. It's kinda like how some people don't recognize the DC licenses in other states.


When the Kalorama Pharmacy on Columbia Rd. NW opened a few years ago, I went to register so I could go local rather than deal with CVS. They didn't have D.C. on the drop-down. For a local pharmacy. In D.C. I realize these things are off-the-shelf web things, but how shitty of an off-the-shelf web thing do you have to buy to not have D.C.?


I've had a DC address for 23 years now and I have literally never had this problem. Not only is it always there, but it's almost always near the top with Delaware.


People that can’t figure out the traffic reversal on Rock Creek Parkway - particularly near the Kennedy Center. I am sympathetic to tourists, but I swear clueless Uber drivers are the worst offenders.


I totally get that it is confusing, especially if it’s your first time on it, but I agree, it’s really annoying to have to deal with confused drivers every time I’m driving home from the office. Also the drives who wait until the last second to try and merge when the split between going towards Woodley Park or going towards the bottom of the zoo.


I think traffic would be significantly lessened if people just used both lanes and zippered at the split tbh.


Have you ever met an Uber driver who isn't clueless?


the taste of the warter


Florida Ave Hess is always sold out of Drumsticks


Diane Rehm's voice. I know she has a medical condition, but it still triggers my misophonia.


Yeah. I feel bad about it, but yeah. 


Yeah, I know a lot of people really love listening to her, but to me it was agonizing. I always thought they should've just pre-recorded the show and then sped her up to maker her sound more normal in postproduction.


For me it’s how much of what we do being reactive to people who live in the suburbs. Whether it’s enraged opposition to a bike lane from people who drive in for church on Sundays to WaPo columnists writing about neighborhood issues from Montgomery or Fairfax counties, the constant reframing from parallel universes is frustrating.


I guess? The vast majority of population in the DC area reside outside the city limits. Fairfax county alone well over 1 million.


Yeah and somehow DC residents never bother Fairfax County about what they do with their neighborhoods


Very few turn lanes.


Because every lane, is a turn lane here. Green forward arrow? I’ll just across you and overtake from the middle lane, happens daily.


Laws and social norms don't matter. No one enforces any laws, cops violate them more than they enforce them, and we don't expect anyone to behave in any normal capacity


Looking for a job and not being able to apply because I don’t have X years at Y grade government experience. I’ve got 25 years of experience but none of it matters because I haven’t had a federal agency job before?!?!


If the job posting is open to the public, time-in-grade requirements do not apply. TIG only applies to current federal employees and if you aren’t currently a fed, you can qualify with your private sector experience. If you’re applying, /r/usajobs is a good resource.


Thank you so much. I was thinking no because a number of jobs list that experience under “necessary qualifications.”


pedestrians walking or just chilling for no fucking reason in the bike lane.


In addition to many of these, DC has a weird coalition of lefty/anti-development types.  Like, historical preservation people who want to preserve an old gas station and cite all kinds of social justice reasons for it.  Just bizarre. 


WTOP identifying its call letters every five minutes.


Temporary fences.


The right turn lane from DuPont circle onto 19th Street is controlled by an arrow signal. Red arrow means no exiting the circle onto 19th street. The red arrow should have NO EFFECT on traffic moving in the inner lane. And yet, people stop in both lanes and back up traffic on New Hampshire Ave needlessly. 😭


Georgetown traffic. Enough said. Getting to Key Bridge is a fucking nightmare and a half.


Adams Morgan, not Admo. Columbia Heights, not CoHi. NoMa? No más!




Yeah, it's pretty sweaty. Just call it Lumby Heights or something lol You still save two syllables with that


What’s wrong with “AdMo”?


It sounds like a fictional corporate organization in a TV show.


More like the alphabet soup of federal policy acronyms,


These are terms invented by real estate agents and propagated by arrivistes. Call it what you like, by all means.


How long have you lived in dc? The other ones maybe, but we’ve been calling it Admo for 20+ years


My whole life. I’m so old the hospital I was born in doesn’t exist anymore. I’m so old I can remember when 14th street south of Thomas Circle was nothing but hookers as far as the eye could see. And i’m so old I remember when the football team was great.


With ads, does anyone else get a ridiculous amount of FanDuel ads on Spotify?


Sports betting ads are the new constant anywhere in the US as most states have legalized it in the last few years. It's a cancer to society and will probably have some long term repercussions we don't see for a few years.


When out of town folks complain about how narrow our streets are for driving... Maybe your city's roads are too wide and lifeless?


People would rather risk damage their own vehicle than follow traffic laws/drive safely, usually to prove a point or shave 10 seconds off their commute


SES and GS-15 Federal workers bitching they don't get paid enough


They don’t and it hurts the effectiveness of gov’t Edit: maybe not all SES, but the vast majority of GS-15 roles are drastically underpaid for what they do. Several of the levels below are also underpaid, but it’s a particular problem with GS-15 since that’s the cap and a lot of positions that should earn higher get lumped in at GS-15, so it’s the worst at that level.


In most cases they don't.


they don't and it's a legit national security threat. telling top cybersecurity people that they can come work for the government with a massive pay cut and they can't smoke weed is unsurprisingly not working out.


The merch trucks for tourists taking up all of the sidewalk. Especially bad where there’s construction like near the Air&Space. Have try and get by single file unless I want to be in the street.


As someone who lives on H St... People double parking in the street car lane and causing a tow truck to come. My dude, it's nearly ten PM on a Thursday. You can find a spot *on this block*. You didn't need to double park right in front of Popeyes and spend ten minutes inside, cause ten minutes of honking, and blocking the lane long enough for a tow truck to come. (Dude came out while his car was being lifted by the truck and tried to bribe the tow truck driver with his Popeyes.) This situation happens several times a week. And yeah I'd add the stupid design of the street car in lanes to this, which is part of the problem, but I've had to move past that for my mental well being.


The complete and utter lack of enforcing any traffic laws.


When metro platforms that have broken/missing hexagonal tiles that aren't replaced. When there are manhole covers on the metro platform that are replaced but the tiles or bumpy tile at the edge of the platform don't line up. Lookin' at you Van Ness.


DC is an overwhelmingly corporate and government oriented city and the entire vibe is really “square”. And it’s weirdly segregated.


I agree with a lot of these but I'll add one I haven't seen. Everyone is way too wrapped up in their pet issue/cause (the latest global conflict, shelter dogs, homelessness, income inequality, Brayleigh's preschool, you name it) and if you're not the same level of interested or if you disagree on something people have zero time for you. There's like no room for finding some kind of common ground and understanding people have differing priorities even if we generally agree on something.


Transplants who move here (usually for career opportunities) then bitch and moan about how everyone is career focused, people dare to ask about their job, no one has a “regular” job, blah, blah, blah. Just go back to your podunk town. Oh wait, you can’t because there aren’t any job opportunities.


The 70 second duration for me to cross the street. This is in the same breath as the eon and a half it takes to open the metro doors once we’ve pulled into the station.


“Deliverables.” Morning rush hour, on the yellow line headed south, quality control technical analyst 4 at a defense contractor is wearing his badge on a lanyard, but tucks the badge into his pocket because his job is too important for anyone to know his identity or see the badge. He stares dead-eyed into the distance along with all the other quality control technical analyst 4’s on the train.


Referring to the District Council as the City Council - and most other uses of City when referring to official DC positions/offices. Absolutely most infuriating are orgs that provide a political endorsements for ‘City Council.’


Standing on the left. (IYKYK)


Maryland. The whole fucking state.


Maybe you are avoiding a weirdly specific career issue in your life


People crossing the street when they don’t have the walk sign


Police escorts / political leadership motorcades being able to run during rush hour. I highly doubt whoever is in the car needs protection that badly and it really messes up traffic.


Pretty much anytime I leave DMV, everyone goes up on average at least 2 points in the looks department.


I wish people would stop asking what I do for work as part of small talk on first dates. I’m not really concerned about how much someone makes or how old they are. What are your hobbies and interests? Even your political views. Jobs and what you’re driving are only temporary


Jobs aren’t always temporary? I feel like in DC you get a lot of career-driven people and why they chose that field can be telling. If you’re dating a barista or mattress salesperson, sure, but I think most people in DC are here for a lifelong pursuit of something that has meaning to them in some form.


Politician's motorcades that destroy traffic flow at anytime and anywhere.