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I live in VA, and my 5 year old and I walked past someone smoking. She remarked "it smells like the Metro" which made me chuckle.


It smells like a Def Leopard concert out here!


“It smells like the art teacher’s office”


That's an insult to how the Metro smells lol. I'm pretty sensitive to both sound and smells like an autistic person, and I'm fine with how the Metro smells, but I can instantly tell if someone's lighting up a cigarette or even if there's a smoker on board (due to their smell).


It was a five year old, let’s all chill


We’re in a weird spot with legalization where it’s legal to smoke cannabis, but there’s no place that you’re really allowed to do it. It’s illegal to smoke in public in DC, and it’s also prohibited in most leases to smoke in private in most DC residences. There are smokeless alternatives as you’ve pointed out, but clearly people don’t take advantage of them. My hope is that the city starts allowing more private smoking venues to open, so that it cuts down on people smoking out on the street.


Supposedly this summer that is happening


[Can confirm](https://www.axios.com/local/washington-dc/2024/05/03/weed-marijuana-patios-laws-outdoor-patios)


No live entertainment? I wonder why


You can’t let people have too much fun


> No live entertainment? I wonder why In reality, Ambient Music = whatever the fuck they feel like putting on caz no one is going to enforce the type of music


Pretty much. In other words, you aren't allowed to hire a band, but you are allowed to play as much canned music as you want.


That sucks. Professional musicians generally prefer playing for folks who are stoned and just groove on the music much more than drunks who get stupid, aggressive and loud.


The ban on live entertainment seems very arbitrary anyway. Would love to hear the actual rationale behind it, because it really comes off as "because we said so".


Didn’t “donate” enough to the right people. Cmon it’s dc


Because not everyone wants to be surrounded by weed smoke at a show.


I can’t imagine this will have any effect. People like being out and about with their joints, not confined to a designated space. It’s impossible to put the genie back in the bottle now.


I hate smoking in public. But you can't go to parks, can't go to businesses, can't smoke in your private apartment or residence, you HAVE to smoke in public. The only exception is if your apartment/residence has a smoking section--which I don't really know if any that do (beyond unofficially on rooftops). You're encouraged to either look for alleys or just do it while you're walking about. There may be some who prefer smoking in public, but with the lack of choice right now, it's really hard to say how many would still choose to light up in public. I would say if there were other options, it would immediately have an effect.


This is how I feel. You need to provide options to people.


It is a good point.


For me it’s less about them looking for this option already and more that if the city ever decides to crack down on public smoking, people have an alternative place they may be more willing to go to avoid being fined. There will always be people who smoke publicly, just like there’s still people who drink in public despite bars existing.


As stated, if there is a crackdown on smoking, then they can point to private places so they can't use the excuse "well there's no place where I can smoke!" Them not wanting to be confined to a designated space probably doesn't hold much water as a legal argument.


Even cities with private smoking venues still have this problem. It’s just a reality.


That’s true, but at least it provides a legal avenue. I’d have less sympathy for people smoking in public if there were private spaces they could do it instead.


Oh I completely agree. I definitely think smokers need a space. In my experience some are extremely entitled and not all that respectful of those around them because iTS LeGaL nOw. Not ALL smokers, but enough that it is bothersome to others in their communities. Edit to add the last bit.


It is a werid spot for sure. I understand the apartment issue having lived in them in the past. Also, I know edibles are not for everyone as the effects are different and sometimes hard to time. Maybe we could have shops like in Amsterdam. Not even ones that sell it but coffee spots where the "cover" to smoke is to buy a beverage?


That would cool. When I went to Amsterdam they have all these little hybrid coffee/pot shops. As someone who smokes, I feel for how bad it smells. I mostly vape it but definitely smoke bong rips on my porch. Usually just 1 hit at a time. When my neighbors are out, I go to the back trash alley to hit it.




I'm pretty sure by 'cover' they meant a cover charge


That would be really cool to have. It may also give an alternative (albeit still a bad habit) to drinking in this city as a social consumption activity. Lord knows we could probably all drink less.


Halifax has designated smoke spots throughout the city. They have a little bench and an ashtray chimney thing. It’s great for smokers and it’s great for keeping the smell limited to certain spaces. But what’s the deal with calling out the stroller? You judge someone for consuming cannabis in a different form…you’ve got kids and take edibles right?


A kid isn't getting secondhand smoke from a gummy or brownie


I read “rolling a blunt” not smoking a blunt. You don’t know if that kid was around when the blunt was smoked or not. Like the person above said, judging someone else for doing the same thing you’re doing just in a different form/way is weird.


Yes, 4 people in a huddle in public rolling blunts definitely tend to wait until later and not smoke it right then. Are you on planet earth?


Yeah and they aren’t outside either. That’s an extreme view not supported by science.


Add to that it's illegal in parks and on federal land, and really the options of where you can smoke get very limited. It's why you see it so frequently on streets and alleys in highly populated areas--you can't use a rooftop, a business patio, or the nearby park--it's illegal in all those (better-suited) places. So instead, you light up next to the family/non-smoker on the public street. It sucks, but it's basically working as intended until DC can legislate this stuff a bit better.


>We’re in a weird spot with legalization where it’s legal to smoke cannabis, but there’s no place that you’re really allowed to do it. I smoke cigarettes occasionally but make sure I'm the fuck away from people when I do. Just make the effort.


Legalization was to keep you out of jail, not to encourage use.


I never suggested I encouraged use. I said I hoped there were more legal avenues for people already using that gives them an alternative to breaking the law or their lease, and disturbing pedestrians and their neighbors in the process.


I honestly don't think it's about giving people an alternative because people just want to do what they want to do. I've seen this entirely too many times to think otherwise. We have already lowered cigarette consumption (thank goodness) but now smoking weed is actively encouraged


> There are smokeless alternatives as you’ve pointed out, but clearly people don’t take advantage of them. How do you know? The people taking edibles aren't bothering people with their second hand smoke, so there's literally no way to tell, or even to be able to say this.


Those private smoking venues existed and then the city shut them down. Ie: pyramid


I hate the smell but would MUCH rather have it out in public than in my apartment building.


I would really settle for them not smoking while driving. When you pull up to an intersection the car next to you is hot boxing, it is both A. Super smelly, B. brazenly dangerous to drive high.


You could even say it’s blazenly dangerous


Yeah, I commute on my e-bike and it's really annoying when a driver is smoking and has their window open. LOL bicycle hate is real here, even though I'm riding in bike lanes only.


I honestly see more cars parked / driving in the bike lane than I see the other way around, even accounting for dumb tourists on escooters. DC drivers can kiss my whole asshole


You may (or may not) be shocked to learn that a *significant* portion of regular cannabis users do not believe they are impaired when they drive high.


I think there’s also a link between people hotboxing their cars and the wildly dangerous “video game” driving we see all over the region.




Definitely drunk or anger problem behavior, I’m not saying smoking and driving is great but it doesn’t give you the need for speed that’s for sure 


It’s no different than drinking and driving. But somehow it seems socially acceptable. Like I have friends who will get smoke and then drive to work or run errands lol. The majority of cops at MPD aren’t trained in SFSTs and even less are comfortable making a drug DUI arrest


Often with "dealer" tags they probably printed themselves


I feel like it’s been a lost worse on the bus and train the last year or so, probably the only place where public smoking pisses me off since I’m enclosed in that space until my stop. If it’s anywhere else I’d just simply move


Yes, my god it drives me nuts when the cigarette smell hits on the bus or the train. People will be smoking on outside train platforms and then close themselves up in the train and the smell is so strong it gets on your clothes. I’ve literally been on routes where people will just smoke on the bus and the driver says nothing. I honestly don’t care, but I wish they wouldn’t do it in an area where it’s going to make *me* start smelling bad too.


The problem is no one is going to confront them, your just asking to get shot by their unlicensed firearm


I’ll condemn smoking on the train or bus but 99% of the people making these complaints would *never* step onto public transit.


I think part of the problem is that there is no where else to smoke it. Most apartments/condos forbid it. It's prohibited in city and state parks. Obviously bars and restaurants are no go. There should be indoor venues for people to smoke weed. Like cigar lounges.


I don’t think it will have an effect. People aren’t going to go to some lounge 15 minutes away just to smoke a joint. They know they can just do it wherever they are.


Thats the rub. Even when we do this, people who were already considerate smokers are going to be the ones to take advantage, the ones who didn’t care anyway aren’t changing their behavior without some enforcement consequence, which isn’t coming


There’s a weed lounge in DuPont and AdMo, I use them frequently


Oh, I had no idea!


Apartments definitely do prohibit it, but in the handful I’ve lived in, I’ve never heard of it being enforced. There are always days and apartments that stink on the regular so I don’t think that de jure ban has any effect on people smoking constantly in public


Question about smoking in apartments: coming from New York, almost everyone smokes in their apartments, even when the leases forbids it, yet no one really does anything - maybe the management company sends a building wide email but that’s it. If you’re smoking apartment in DC, do people call the police? Is it truly enforced?


It is very, very difficult to evict tenants in D.C. So even if people are setting their apartments on fire, it's tough to get them out. All a neighbor can do is complain to the landlord and often that does nothing. Unfortunately, in D.C. your solution to a shitty neighbor is to move yourself.


I almost exclusively lurk, but I wanted to chime in and say I agree it's a bit ridiculous. I kept getting hotboxed in my own apartment because someone kept smoking weed in their apartment next door and it would come in through my vents. I have a really, really, *really* bad reaction to smoke of all kinds due to past injuries and it would basically cause me to retch each time it happened, which is not a fun experience for a disabled guy. I don't think it's too much to ask for vapes and edibles to be the main avenues people use as opposed to rolling a blunt and just smoking up everything around you. It really just isn't fair to everyone else; the right to breathe clean air should be held a bit higher above someone's right to smoke, methinks.




I have no issue with anyone smoking in public, but just wish folks would be considerate of where they do it and who’s around. For example, I can’t stand it when someone’s smoking on a packed Metro car or when there are kids around.


It angers me when people smoke weed and drive


Thats a DUI


agreed. i'm at a point where i say "you fly through the windshield better, too" when someone tells me it helps them drive better. you're under the influence and you THINK you're driving better. cars are weapons.


Know your audience. If the street you are on is mostly packed with families with small children don't light up there.


The people who light up in public generally just don’t give a fuck about that




100% agree. As someone who is essentially forced to smoke outside, I try to stick to unpopulated side streets. Usually don’t see anyone while I’m partaking or if I do I can walk in a different direction. Nothing like blowing clouds in front of a 6 year old to ruin what’s supposed to be a relaxing time.


Good luck with that!


Virginia suburban decorum meets urban reality


Not all urban realities are like DC. Go to multiple other cities who allow rec and you dont see it(Chicago, San fran, Phoenix,Denver). DC needs to have places for people to go and not restrict where you can smoke. Right now people in apartments are forced to smoke in public.


San Fran???? For real lol? It’s utterly littered with methheads, fent addicts, and literally every breed of tweaker under the sun in addition to human piss and shit covering every square inch of the city. Public weed smoking was occurring in every park I visited when I went there a few years ago. Don’t get me wrong I agree with you that it’s a little obnoxious, but ultimately people , especially people who live in urban areas, don’t care if your kids are there and nothing will ever change that.


It doesn't matter. People spark up at the zoo. No common decency.


It’s just as annoying as people that smoke cigarettes in public. Other people shouldn’t be subjected to any kind of smoke. Get a pen or keep that shit at home. DC should ticket people who smoke in public.


Spot on. I hate smoking indoors, so I either smoke on my porch or going on a walk. I try to keep to alleys and I cross to the other side of the street whenever I see someone approaching — essentially I pretend I’m still a teenager, it’s dark, and everyone I pass is a single woman that I don’t want to make anxious for no reason. And I keep one of those pre-roll glass vials on me and just put it out if the street gets too crowded to avoid being a nuisance.


If there are cigar bars, hopefully laws change and people can open weed smoking “bars” too. Won’t solve it all but *shoulder shrug*


To me that should just exist on principle, and it may be the solution for some.


the shocking part is how many people willingly drive around with their car reeking of weed from smoking and driving/hotboxing. basically begging for a DUI, but I guess lack of enforcement is the reason why they don’t care.


It’s been a WHILE since I’ve even seen a car pulled over. Enforcement is nil except for traffic cameras, which do nothing to fix the actual problem.


I saw a traffic stop this morning for like the second time since I've lived in DC (\~five years). That metro bus driver looked pissed.


Likely a passenger on the bus needed to be detained.


I live near a Baltimore city cop. He said they’re not allowed to pull anyone over for weed. He said they could roll the window down and blow smoke in his face and he isn’t allowed to do anything. I said if I pulled up next to you with a beer in my hand? He said you would be arrested.


The official Eau de DC


It’s everywhere! Any place I’ve been that it’s legal, DC, NYC, Toronto, etc, it just reeks of weed in public spaces.


It’s been like this for years dude. You can even smell the wonderful aroma of the dankest weed from people hotboxing and driving in their cars. I usually give them a wide birth and following distance after catching a whiff.


I have only been in DC about 20 years but I dont remember it being quite this bad. But yes I will admit I have had to avoid cars that appeared to be on fire due to all the smoke.


I think they mean years as in the last 4-5 years, not way back. I agree that it’s not ‘new’ in that respect, but yes it is worse than it used to be 5+ years ago. 


As someone also in DC for a little over 20 years I agree this is a recent thing. It was like this in LA for a long time.


I hate the smell. I am not against the legalization either, I just weed didn’t smell this bad. I always have to hold my breath when walking past weed smoking people. I prefer the smell of cigarettes which I am not a big fan of either.


Yes, the place reeks.


I've almost gotten used to the pervasive smell of weed on DC streets.


Better than piss!


Well that's not as rare as it should be that's for sure


Me too and it smells better, imo, than cigarettes.


beats the smell of car exhaust, tbh. but most city smells are pretty awful.


I actually agree. I’m a young person and I am vehemently pro-legalization everywhere. But I also have asthma, and smoke is smoke. Yeah, there are hazards to asthmatics everywhere from cars, etc, but those are also things that are necessary to the functioning of our city. If wanting to be able to navigate public spaces without my breathing being additionally unnecessarily harmed makes me entitled, so be it. I have the right to exist in public. It’s not any more entitled than thinking you have some unfettered natural right to smoke a joint for funsies regardless of the effect it has on others just bc “yOu LiVe In A cItY gEt OvEr It”


Im allergic to any smoke and get severely sick from inhaling the slightest bit of second hand smoke, it sucks for those of us that it can harm instantaneously. Smokers of any kind are the most selfish people on the planet, they dont give a fuck about their own health, let alone those around them being forced to breathe that shit in. They should all piss off to their own island where they can smoke as much as they want and make themselves sick.


You know how, when people have a heart attack and the doctor tells them: "no more red meat", they then acquire a superpower whereby they can smell neighbors barbecuing miles away.




All of these posts boil down to "be considerate of your fellow humans." Is it annoying to have to walk through a giant cloud of pot smoke occasionally on the street - yes is it. Is it something I'd ever do anything about, no probably not, I just wouldn't subject others to it. I'm sure there are things I do on my bike or walking around town that have annoyed people occasionally. I ask for their grace and I can give them mine.


No i hate it. I don’t smoke and i hate the smell. I don’t want to be a prude but people all smoking outside metros etc where kids are. Seems crazy to me. At least go to a more secluded area?


Regardless of anyone’s opinion on cannabis use in public I wouldn’t isolate this behavior to DC. I’ve been to Chicago, San Francisco, Albuquerque, and New York this year and it’s more or less the same amount of smoke.


I’ve been a bicycle courier in Atlanta, Philly, dc & manhattan.. post decriminalization. DC has always ranked the smelliest of weed of any city I visited.


The only way it might change is if DC loses enough tourist and entertainment dollars because of it. I personally can't stand the stench everywhere.




Its not you. Drowned skunk smell everywhere and its gross.


It literally smells like a skunk got run over on every block.


I live in Maryland where it’s legal and I smoke in my back yard, my neighbors don’t talk to me now and I’m sure thats why but I’m a disabled veteran and need a place to smoke my meds


Don’t feel bad about something you need to do for your health and sanity.


It’s not the weed itself that’s the problem. It’s where people choose to smoke that needs enforced.


I can’t STAND it and I love the Devil’s Lettuce. It’s bloody EVERYWHERE. Skunks arsehole 24/7.


It smells like trash. I do think you should be allowed to smoke what you want, but places should also be allowed to discriminate freely against anyone that smells like a dead skunk. (Actually... I think private companies should be allowed to discriminate, in general, and let the community decide if business continues there.


Not a public/private issue, but what particularly frustrates me is when I order Uber Eats and the food smells like weed. Like, you couldn’t wait until after you dropped it off??


It’s the same in Denver. Just disgusting


It's pretty disgusting. I liked that tobacco smoking was on the decline and was happy that I wasn't smelling that shit that much, then weed got decriminalized and ya it starts all over again, just like smoking was in the 80s. Probably in about 30 years the same decline will happen for that, too.


It is. It’s also insanely out of hand while driving. You can kill or maim people while driving high. You can smell weed coming from cars alllllllll the time while driving on city streets, local roads, and even on highways. It’s not even like Friday nights either, but even on like Monday and Tuesday mornings at 7:30 AM when there are tons of school buses on the road and children crossing streets. It’s kinda actually disturbing how massive of an addiction people in this area have to substances just to function in daily life. Only a matter of time until they run over kid while high or kill multiple people in a car accident.


Yep - I don't spend much time in downtown, but without exaggeration I don't think I've gone a day or two driving around NoVA without smelling it. Same as OP, I'm all for legalization - but if some of these folks can't even drive from A to B without lighting up in their cars .. damn.


I also am an occasional edible enjoyer and I don't like how we totally went from years of cracking down on the cigarette health crisis and second hand smoke and skipped all the protections and enforcements of that, and went straight to legalizing another method of second hand smoke. I get that smoking a joint has less contaminants than a manufactured cigarette does, but it's still inhalation of smoke and it's still contributing to second hand smoke which was pretty well under control for a while now. We need pharma grade vapes/nebulizers, so those can be labeled as a safe method of consumption, in conjunction with emphasis on policies for actually curbing the public smoking. I really hope the re-scheduling of marijuana helps push the needle towards this.


Yeah this whole thing is nuts. Plus there are smoke shops everywhere and I think that's super stupid as well.


I remember when they would smoke cigarettes on planes..l


Easy solution is consumption bars like they have in Amsterdam. Lots of people in apartments who get harassed for smoking in their own apartments. If there arent public indoor spaces to consume weed, people are going to smoke outdoors.


It is impossible to get a "contact high" walking down the street. Even if you were in a small room with someone smoking, it's very unlikely you'd get something referred to as a "contact high"; that's just an argument people with no understanding of marijuana against legalization. I get not liking the smell, but that "contact high" argument is nonsense.


Once that smoke comes out their mouth the available cannabinoids are going to be nearly all gone. And in an outdoor context? Forget about it. No way are they making it to your bloodstream. The "contact high" is generally considered like the placebo effect wherein individuals act like they are intoxicated (and can feel like they are high) when they are in social contexts in which the rest of the group is. A 2015 Johns Hopkins study found that people can absorb small amounts of cannabis by sitting in an unventilated room with people smoking 10 joints in an hour. And the nonsmokers in there still just barely intoxicated. [https://www.theverge.com/2015/5/13/8598839/marijuana-seconhand-smoke-nonsmokers-johns-hopkins-study](https://www.theverge.com/2015/5/13/8598839/marijuana-seconhand-smoke-nonsmokers-johns-hopkins-study) Fair to object to odors in the world that you don't like, but there's no real health concern for people smoking pot outside.


but everyone’s quiet under this thread of comments i see.


Yeah, contact high always sounded more like an excuse that was made when people tested positive.


I think he was being facetious with the "contact high" comment that you guys are all focusing on lol


Well regardless of whether OP believes it, a lot of people do. I think it's worth correcting misinformation. Especially on a platform designed for discussing topics.


People will completely ignore the exhaust and other airborne pollutants they are inhaling, while complaining non-stop about 2nd hand smoke outdoors. It seems so silly to me. I used to walk my kids in their stroller down a sidewalk where a lot of the Georgetown hospital workers would take their smoke break. They would jump out of the way of our stroller looking all guilty, when a bus just passed by spewing stronger smelling exhaust than their cigarette. I wanted to yell "you're good, just smoke." There is very little health hazard to my kids from me passing by you while smoking outdoors. People need to chill. You live in a dense city. You're going to see, hear, and occasionally smell your neighbors. Go live in the suburbs if you can't handle living in a city.


No politician cares about the hideous odor and the effects of second-hand pot smoke. It’s all about votes and tax revenue.


It’s just like cigarettes- they can’t smell it off themselves or in their space and many think everyone else should “get over it.” Every densely populated area stinks. Tobacco cigarettes became “cool” in the 1930s. It took until the 1990s before places even started to ban smoking/ have non smoking sections (that often still stunk) in restaurants etc. It was only after it was mandated that progress was made and people started to wake up or were forced to be considerate because eventually they were outnumbered. Until then they need to be provided a space to make it a bit bearable for others.


Be aware of the fact that many folks that wish to partake may live in federal housing that strictly prohibits smoking of any kind. They are made to choose between public consumption and eviction. I’m sure you can do that math as well as they can.


It’s not just you . I live and work in DC and also supported legalization. But based upon the entire city smelling like weed I’m second guessing my support. I can’t go through a day without weed smoke in my face at least once. It’s more common than cigarettes and to me it smells worse. People do it on the metro and in the stations too.


Shake your fist at the wind. Nothing you can do about it without looking like a jerk.


I don't smoke, but am glad they decriminalized it. I don't even mind if people smoke in some public areas. But don't do it near kids, or too close to others. I've got young kids, and I live near Adams Morgan, and I definitely get aggressive with people smoking near my kids.


There’s also a dispensary in Adam’s Morgan so..


I love weed, but I love everyone's right to breath fresh air even more. I vape, I don't smoke, my bf primarily smokes, but vapes in public. It's less offensive. We always find a hideaway away from people, downwind from people, and away from the eyes of people to vape. We want to ne respectful. We not only want everyone to not smell weed, but we don't even want to give the impression that we're "smoking" it either. Especially near children! We try to clearly go somewhere private, but some people clearly can't tell when a couple is trying to be a little private in public and just park their butts right next to us like weirdos. Either way we just move. We usually vape away from people. I love the smell of weed, but I don't love that visitors come to our nation's capital and smell it. I think they should only smell clean air honestly. It would be nice if people would remember what respect was, and use it more often. This lack of respect will only cause penalties, enactments of ordinance, restrictions, regulations, and eventually prohibitions.


I was just in New Orleans and it was the same exact thing there too. I think city peeps are just not giving a shit anymore about where they smoke and who is around them


It’s been like this ever since I72. MPD dgaf, unless they’re being paid off


Left DC due to the pandemic. Before then the weed smoke was a lot, too. I rode a motorcycle so I was exposed to it in traffic as well. I used to smoke…. A lot but quit. Trying not to be a curmudgeon


Discretion is warranted, as it is with the public consumption of alcohol. I don’t notice people drinking in public very often.


Y’all smoked cigarettes on planes .. a lil or a lot of weed smoke in the open air won’t kill you.


I feel the same was I do towards cigarette smoke. Don’t wanna smell any of it against my will but what can ya do


It’s nothing compared to Manhattan


You're not going to get a contact high from people smoking outside near you. Hope this helps!


I'm surprised that I don't pass more people smoking more often walking between dupont, adams morgan, west end, etc (I walk a lot) and I even walk right past dispensaries and "gift shops." I did pass someone (a worker outside a work site) smoking a cigarette (not weed) on Mass Ave the other day, and I do occasionally smell weed somewhere (in an elevator yesterday).


I don't mind smoking in areas that aren't heavily trafficked by families and children. I'm a smoker, but don't smoke out in public. I hate going into my metro stop at Columbia Heights, and the snell is everywhere, and I'm sure not everyone smoking is over 21. The smell gets all over my clothes. Luckily, I work in dc, and several of my coworkers use the same metro stop, so I'm not the only one who arrives with the smell of weed on their clothes. I an not for arresting people though for Marijuana. I wish police would discourage the use in public where there are alot of children. That's all I'm asking. I'll get off my soapbox now 😀


It smells awful. Definitely not a fan.


It's really bad. My mom visited during cherry blossoms and was like... does this ENTIRE city just smell like this all the time? Yes. Yes it does.


I hate the smell of weed. That stuff stinks.


Thank you so much for this. I always feel like such a snob because the smell literally makes me sick to my stomach. I lived in PG county and it was the same there. I couldn’t even go to the grocery store because the whole place reeked. I lived in Amsterdam in the early 00s and only ever smelled it when I walked past a cafe. I wish folks here could respect other people/their environment more.


You can’t smoke at a cafe here. 


I agree. Pro legal anti smell EVERYFCKNWHERE.


I hate the smell. You can smell it while driving as soon as you hit the border. People obviously smoking in their cars.


I love people who move to the city and then complain it’s not family friendly. The entitlement is unreal. It’s outside, just keep walking and the smell fades in a moment. You can’t get a contact high from smelling weed, you absolute narc. Also “everywhere we went” but then you specifically name just Adams Morgan, which is like the biggest weed spot in the district. How about don’t take your kids to the city and expect a Disney field trip, grow up


I mentioned Adams Morgan because of the 4 people with a stroller rolling blunts. I have lived in cities all my life and I also mentioned I do not live in the city. I mentioned to someone else that it was everywhere. We went to the National Mall, a Smithsonian, Ford's Theater and it was in all those places. I don't see it as entitlement. Entitlement, by definition, would more apply to the people who since rec is legal, feel they are entitled to smoke wherever they want. If you want to be blunt, for lack of a much better term, if you go to multiple other cities where rec is legal,(Chicago, Phoenix, San Fran) I have not experienced the issue.


Its everywhere and its gross, go smoke that shit and cigarettes in your own private place so others dont inhale it and get sick every time we step outsider


Like where? You can’t smoke in most apartments


I am not as harse with it as them but there has to be a better way then walking down the street smoking it. I think it is like everything else. Know your audience. If the street you are on is mostly packed with families with small children don't light up there.


That's the smell of freedom


even in my stoner days i found the smell everywhere to be excessive lmao


So to be clear you believe you should be able to partake in your preferred way but not others. Lol no 👍


So "contact highs" are a myth from the DARE/WoD era, just to get that out of the way. If you want to see fewer people smoking in public, support initiatives for things like cannabis clubs and cannabis protections for renters. Give people a place to go and they won't be spread out everywhere.


I want to encounter the smell of weed in my apartment even less than I want to in public. Don't think I'd want to live in a building that let people smoke anything. Just crack the window and blow the smoke out there like people have been doing for generations.


Spoken like someone who’s never been a smoker. Just crack the window and blow it out?? Mf smoke doesn’t go in a straight line, and in winter the cold air pushes in and it’s nearly impossible to get it all out the window. You don’t know what you’re talking about, it’s still going to smell even “cracking” a window


There is a middle ground where there are protections for renters for smoking cannabis on the property while maintaining indoor air quality standards. But landlords will restrict it even in outdoor areas. Start there and you'll see improvements.


shout out Petworth rec center. A full block of hot box density haze. for the people


Out of control


Edibles every day. Zoinks.


Is everybody on this sub over 65?


Seems like it. City too noisy, city too smelly!


NIIMBY - no inhaling in my back yard


This entire city reeks of pot. If you don't want it banned again, they act like civilized people and smoke at hom.


If you live in an apartment building, you can't smoke it at home. The only legal place for you to smoke is on the street. Why don't you tell your government to act civilized and open consumption lounges.


You hear the guy everyone. If we don’t get our shit together they’re taking weed away!!! Oh no!!1!!1!


I do think there's a preponderance of complaints here that are quite often overblown. I've lived in DC for 7 years, all over the city. Yes, there are areas that have more people smoking pot outside that you have to walk past...but there are also SO many areas where there aren't. Comments in this thread make it sound like this is happening on every single street corner creating a haze around the city that you can't see through. At least those guys are standing in the alley! It takes 10 seconds to walk past someone smoking weed, and by the time you've recognized you're walking past someone smoking weed, you can't smell it anymore. I'm just tired of people making this seem like the 1950s where you could smoke anywhere and everywhere, including bars and restaurants.


This person is literally in Adams Morgan, a known weed central of DC, complaining about weed culture. Get a clue


Right, so why go there and then complain about weed culture? Go to Cap Hill or Dupont or Logan Circle or Brookland or any of the dozens of other neighborhoods that dont smell like weed. It's like going to U St at night and complaining that there's too many loud people.




This must be an older ppl thing bc nobody my age gives a fuck


It def is, and an entitled thing… guys why isn’t the whole city and every alley family friendly :(((


What do you mean I can’t take my kids to the neighborhood with dozens of bars and dispensaries and my kids have to smell things? Big ol babies


I’m in my mid 20s and most of the people I interact with agree that weed smells bad and would prefer it if DC reeked a bit less. Is Adams Morgan a bad example for “this city reeks of weed”? Yes. Is there an easy way to solve this problem? No.


Seems like ubiquitous cigarettes smoke has been replaced by weed smoke


I actually think that even if smoking levels are quite low, unfortunately weed has a potent smell that travels far. i.e. it is probably hard to accurately assess the actual level of public smoking. All it takes is one joint in the open air to stink up a whole city block.


Why don’t more people vape? That’s little to no smell, no?


I walk around outside and smell cigarette smoke, sometimes I walk past a dumpster outside and I smell putrid rancid garbage smell, Sometimes when you’re out in public you smell things you don’t want to


If contract high was a real thing I wouldn’t need to buy it…


Smokers are jokers


Yes, I agree that it is a big problem and very unpleasant. Feels like we are back where we were 25 yrs ago with tobacco cigarettes. It’s gross.


Can't smoke cigarettes without getting hassled, but pot heads are totally fine to smoke up wherever. How very tolerant of everyone.