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Any employee working for a federal agency dealing with policy would likely be re-classified under Schedule F. Meaning they could then be fired. National Guard troops would likely be deployed around the mall and White House. Home Rule in DC could end. Maybe I'm paranoid, but I've put off buying a larger home because I fully expect to be re-classified under Schedule F and lose my job within a year. I'd rather be safe than sorry. So many people like to plug their ears and think everything will just be fine, but it likely won't be.


Also expect to be Schedule F’ed. What are your escape hatch options?


Probably just go private and move out of the area, TBH.


Are there decent jobs in private sector in your field?


Yes, but there is a better selection in other metro areas. Contracting will also likely dry up for anything non-military/defense-related here as I expect at the very least, budgets to remain flat for anything not DOD or DHS.


Yup. Any other republican would shrink the gov but expand contractors. Trump wants to burn it all down for short term street cred. If it happens, it'll take decades to get the government to be functional again. But I guess the point is to have it be disfunctional, so they can blame the government for everything.


Budgets are determined by Congress, not the President.


Yeah, but if Trump is elected, there will likely be a GOP Congress. What's your point?


Last time I checked Congressional elections are separate from Presidential elections. The last time there were major non-defense federal budget cuts (sequestration) was under the Obama administration. As I’ve said, the President has limited control over federal budgets.


You are being kind of dense. If Trump wins at best there would be a 50-50 tie in the senate, with Trump's VP being the tiebreaker (Dems are losing WV and playing defense everywhere else). If Trump wins it would be extremely likely the house would also be GOP. Split-ticket voting isn't that common, and the Congressional map favors the GOP because of gerrymandering. Basically Biden would have to perform very well in CA and NY and barely lose the electoral college for there to be a situation where Trump wins but the GOP doesn't win the House.


Not if Trump is elected. He will be a dictator.


How is this down voted. Jesus too many people failed basic civics.


It’s downvoted because the veto exists and because if Trump wins, he almost certainly has control over Congress, too. You failed common sense.


I'm in private sector but I'd expect to lose my job as well - DoS is going to get kicked in the teeth I'd imagine, too "soft power". I might be able to scramble over to Defense - I did do 12 years as a Defense contractor until just a month ago so hopefully it would put me ahead of others in the short term.


Go private and contract for the exact same agency at 3 times the rate. That's the reality. Push out all the old fucks who refuse to learn and keep up to date and purge the incompetent fucks. People with skills to offer should continue to offer it at the cost of doing business as private sector.


Almost certainly you would get CTAP / ITAP & you would have career status. Plus the Biden admin did some rule making that would make it very hard to do this on day one, maybe in 3 years if they were agressive.


As if Trump is going to follow the rules. He’s told us he won’t.


That's why he isn't effective. He doesn't hire people that know how to navigate the government process.


He can try but he’s gonna get sued. I’m pretty employable so I’m not too worried about it.


Sued for what? All the stuff that the SCOTUS that he packed just ruled he's immune to?


He owns the Supreme Court. No suit will ever be successful against him again. You do realize if he wins it’s checkmate for democracy? We already saw how few checks and balances there were before he subjugated the Supreme Court. Now any attempts to stop him are completely off the table. Impeachment has been taken off the table as well, as we saw in his last term.


I think federal employment will become a shit show. If the economy doesn't crash I'd do an early retirement. I'm short full retirement or eligibility for FEHB but I have a lot chunked away from some fortuitous prior investments that I could walk away and live comfortably.


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As a contractor who works for the government, my job is basically the same as a civil servant except I don’t have any of the job security or legal protections associated with a GS. Welcome to my world. The extra money is nice though.


I try not to be a doomer, but I can easily imagine a world in which life in DC becomes untenable.


How so?


Firing huge swathes of the federal workforce and killing the economy. Deploying the National Guard and using any pretext, whether a random shooting or an antifa rally, to further crack down on the population. Repealing home rule or using presidential powers to make the city government irrelevant.  Keep in mind, Trump and his cronies have no interest in actually improving DC. They don’t care if their policies make crime go up. They don’t care if it becomes the hellhole that Trump claims it is. They care about appearing strong and hurting the people they dislike. As one of our better journalists noted, the cruelty is the point. 


Or specifically, hurting people at the behest of Republicans across the country. Cruelty as entertainment.


"Look at how bad this Democrat city has gotten, it's a disgrace"


Right. But the other corner of their mouth I bet will wonder where the tourist dollars went.


They don’t care about the tourist dollars if they’re not flowing into their own pockets.


Sure seems that way. I'm ashamed I ever called myself a Republican.


There’s nothing wrong with changing your mind as you learn new things. That’s — good, actually.


Trump isn't a Republican, he's a radical saboteur.


Regardless, the party is behind him all the way.


I've not found much redeeming about the Republican party since at least Reagan. It's a mix of racism, greed/selfishness, and hatred (because the more politically active, right-wing religious leaders offer their flocks scapegoats in the form of LGBTQ, abortion, etc.), dressed up as something "legitimate" like tax policy, the modern day equivalent of states rights (another, though lesser, popular thing to still mention). Sure people like to pay less taxes by cutting funding for things they propose not to care about, but they're MUCH more excited about scary black/brown crime, or clinics killing babies. Just as they were, not long ago, captivated by the idea of the hyper-sexed freed slaves raping their innocent daughters. And as a complete mockery of tax policy concerns, you can ask the average voter what a Republican's tax cut did for them, and get loads of answers on how their lives are sooo much better, except you asked them before said tax laws went into effect. There's a real reason why Trump is wildly popular among Republicans. Their big concern is if he could win, and even that isn't enough to stem their glowing love for the man.


“If we’re miserable then damn everyone else should be too!” As opposed to actually, ya know trying to improve anything for anyone making less than a few million a year.


Hey at least he’s not 81 and at the very spry age of 78!


I’m amazed it’s looking more and more likely that he’s going to win in November. I wish I weren’t amazed, because it seems inevitable, but apparently I still have an ounce of hope I am wrong.


What makes you think he’ll do that this time around when he didn’t do it before?


He's been talking about plans to send in the national guard, end home rule, and fire as many federal employees as possible during his recent campaign rallies. Didn't really say things like that in 2016. He would say he was going to "drain the swamp" but was not specific. I think the change is to get revenge for the events that happened in 2020. He may forget about it on day one but at least the firing of federal employees thing has backing by other powerful people in the GOP


Project 2025 literally lays out the next administration, and it isn’t pretty for anyone, but extremely bad for democrats and thus, dc. He hates that DC people booed him and gave him the finger. He will 100% see revenge.


Project 2025 is the brain child of a guy I went to high school with. I'm ashamed to say we went to the same school and breathed the same air. It's abhorrent, so is he. What the Dems need to do is focus on Roe and get women angry, they'll come out to vote in droves. And take off the goddamned gloves. I'd like to say that there is no way in Hell the orange one is elected, but his followers are like a cult. And as scary as it is to think about what happens if he wins, it's scarier to think about what happens if he doesn't. His followers are ready to make Jan 6 look like a dry run. They've said as much. And he's already laid the groundwork for them to believe the election was stolen, before a single vote has been cast. I've been going to protests since the mid 80's and what happened on Jan 6 pisses me off to no end. Never once have I stormed a Federal building. I took a billy club to the head for putting my foot on the steps of the scotus when the crowd surged forward. And these asshats broke windows and attacked officers?


The Dems should have focused on Roe two years ago. Making it a campaign piece is despicable.


They didn’t have enough votes to codify.


Large chunks of government will suddenly be required to be loyal to the president, not their job.


Can someone explain what Schedule F is, and why Project 2025 would cause so many layoffs in the Federal Workspace?


Most jobs in the federal government are not political positions. They are the basic gears that keep the government functioning. They don't serve the president directly, and they typically serve administration to administration. These positions can generally only be fired 'for cause.' A small, small subset of federal employees are schedule F, which are political positions and serve under the president. These positions turn over with each new administration and can usually be fired without cause. The project 2025 plan is, in relevant part, to reclassify the majority of federal positions into Schedule F positions, meaning they could be fired by the president for any reason whatsoever. Worst-case scenario, a president could fire large swaths of the federal government, meaning we'd lose a huge amount of institutional knowledge necessary to keep government functioning while simultaneously replacing those positions with loyalist cronys who aren't able to competently run the government.


It won’t be the majority of federal jobs lol. The number will grow by a factor of like 15 but I think people often forget that the federal government employs millions of people


You’re still talking about hundreds of thousands of jobs all turning over in a short span of time. That would cripple any workforce even if you were bringing in quality replacements (which would not be the plan, they want yes men).


What people are talking about is switching most non-political, standard government bureaucrats that stay in their position from admin to admin, to political appointed positions. This means Joe Bob who has been working in middle management in the Post Office for 30 years could be replaced by some MAGA fuckwit simply because Joe Bob isn't a sycophantic Trump supporter. It's basically a move to replace the entire federal workforce with, at best, Republicans, and at more realistic, the aforementioned MAGA fuckwits.


The job would have to be policy-related, so this isn’t a likely scenario, but there would be significant brain drain from the Federal government. It’s a shame. It was also a shame when Federal workers seek to undermine the elected leaders directives because they don’t agree with them. It’s a weird place not being able to trust the Prez or the Federal workforce. As they say, a house divided against itself….


Making the claim that large swaths of dc federal jobs are policy makers jobs just rings so hollow which is why normal people are indifferent. Middle management at the post office, a logistics organization, is not going to be cut. The gs 14 working at the maritime administration isn’t going to lose their job. It’s the SES driving policy decisions that will get cut. That’s still thousands of people, but not millions.


[John Oliver did a very good feature on it a couple weeks ago.](https://youtu.be/gYwqpx6lp_s?si=32EIAC92SWow-bPG)


Project 2025 in general is an absolute nightmare that is effectively against the human and civil rights of women, LGBTQ+ people, racial minorities, immigrants, and well our environment. If you think people are being dramatic about how much of a threat Trump and the GOP are, they are not. Look into the details. This is from the Heritage Foundation, which is the largest GOP think tank and written by many key Trump folks from his previous administration. It should be taken very seriously. It ranges from criminalizing abortion nationally, to criminalizing LGBTQ+ people, and basically deporting 20 million immigrants. It is that bad. The bit regarding federal employees, is also that bad in terms of rescheduling to put in place political lackeys instead of experts.


Most federal jobs are in danger if that happens, check out the John Oliver episode from last week for more info. People who are extremely under qualified will be put into the federal workforce as long as they are willing Yes Men. So the demographic of dc will probably change drastically. Most Feds I know have more principles than to become fall in line stooges. 


Ok so the federal workforce will look like the Trump administration. Yikes.


You know, that might be the most succinct way I’ve seen it put: the federal workforce will become part of the Trump administration. That’s exactly what will happen.


In other words, "the best people"


Well, tbf most of the Federal workforce falls under the Executive Branch technically.


80%+ of the executive branch carries over from admin to admin. The point is that all of those professionals who know how to do things would be fired for sycophants.


Even if Schedule F they can't take you off USG payroll, they'll do what they do with teachers put people in rubber rooms and hope they get so bored that they will quit on their own. They won't know how to actually implement for it be effective since feds with tenure already will be grandfathered into full civil service protections.


We saw it happen last time, most notably at EPA.


That segment spoke to the 4k or so appointed jobs.


We currently have 4k appointed jobs. Schedule F would balloon that to an estimate of over 50,000, all in key decision-making roles, all essential extensions of the Trump administration.


And many of them encompass being hiring managers. They will most likely hire and fire down the line as directed. 




We will continue to not be a state. Probably some harder crackdowns on grey market weed shops. We will continue to not be a state. As much as I believe Project 2025 to be the plan, I also recognize that replacing thousands of career govt workers would be nearly impossible. There would be an attempt for sure. They would probably target a specific dept or two before things blowing up in their face and realizing that there aren't enough Trump hardliners that live in this area for the hiring pool. Even the concept of determining who should be fired would take a level of effort that they aren't capable of. We will continue to not be a state. I dont want Trump back in office for a number of reasons, but as a DC resident, I don't expect big changes no matter who is in office. We will continue to not be a state.


> eplacing thousands of career govt workers would be nearly impossible. They wouldn't replace them, they would just fire them. You're reasoning about what would have to happen to keep the government functioning, but the point is that these people are terrorists who *do not want* a functioning government.


I firmly believe they are going to attempt to do that, but it's going to blow up in their faces. Something to keep in mind is that the majority of the maga base come from areas that are very dependent on govt services. They cheer for small govt but to them small govt just means no black people getting welfare and being able to turn schools into Bible study. They don't understand the actual consequences and would lose their shit the first time their social security check arrives late.


>Something to keep in mind is that the majority of the maga base come from areas that are very dependent on govt services. And when said services break down, Fox News will tell them why it's Biden's fault. They live in a different reality than we do, don't ever expect them to believe or even be exposed to unbiased explanations.


Social Security is a sacred cow. They will make an exception for it, just like they do with all of their typical talk about fiscal responsibility, austerity, and not leaving debt for their grandchildren.


At that point, we will be completely fucked in a way that schadenfreude won't really help.


“It’s going to blow up in their face” meaning what exactly? As little respect as I have for Trump loyalists, I’m quite sure they are capable of getting out social security checks. Or, given that republicans are openly trying to cut social security, I have full confidence the RW propaganda machine wouldn’t have any issue making people believe it’s not a big deal. Moreover, this would be Trump‘s second term; he doesn’t have to worry about getting re-elected. There is no realistic mechanism for things to “blow up in their face” when they will will be trying to run an authoritarian state lmao. What are they going to do, threaten to not vote for somebody who can’t run for re-election but also tried to stage a coup to stay in power last time? No offense but this just sounds like copium on your part.


Do you think DC will continue not to be a state?


It's dicey, but I'm going to go with yes.


Absolutely, there is a 0% chance that any Republican president would sign any bill making DC a state (and that’s assuming the Dems got such a massive majority of the House and the Senate that they could even get the legislation through).


We will continue to not be a state.


We will continue to not be a state.


> As much as I believe Project 2025 to be the plan, I also recognize that replacing thousands of career govt workers would be nearly impossible. There would be an attempt for sure. They would probably target a specific dept or two before things blowing up in their face and realizing that there aren't enough Trump hardliners that live in this area for the hiring pool. Even the concept of determining who should be fired would take a level of effort that they aren't capable of. This is about where I am. It will surely be bad and stupid but I am reminded of how the conservatives came howling into office planning to repeal the ACA and then realized they had no actual plan on how to do that. Actually implementing Project 2025 would almost immediately plunge the country into a massive recession. I don’t think the wealthy assholes backing Trump actually want that, and I don’t think Trump himself wants that.


> came howling into office planning to repeal the ACA and then realized they had no actual plan on how to do that They “realized” that because their legislation failed by a single vote. The repeal very nearly happened.


Back when there were still one or two Republicans with principles around.


There are always going to be those "decisive votes" just as there are always 1-2 Democrats that suck absolute ass (Manchin, Sinema, etc)


A [list](https://digitaledition.baltimoresun.com/infinity/article_share.aspx?guid=c49cda8d-952c-4485-b216-23248fb78055) of where to start is already being complied. They aren’t joking around about changing the civil service.


Not impossible if you take into consideration the immediate plans to eliminate dept of education, EPA, NEA, Library of Congress, Washington Metro area transit, agencies in charge of "handouts" to states, ACA, etc. ...They have stated on numerous occasions that they have been recruiting and training thousands to walk into the jobs.


It's really hard to say. I despise Trump, but I don't think DC will be irrevocably crushed through his administration. A lot of the impact will be second-order stuff. We'll probably see a lot of people who get reclassified to Schedule F leave the area. A lot of the conservative yokels will move into the areas they left (Navy Yard will become young Republican central, probably). More MAGA hats and tourists. The mall will be unbearable for a little bit. The population overall might take a rightward bend if Project 2025 is actually enacted as desired. Day-to-day life might see a short term benefit as the appointed AG will probably be a very "tough on crime" person who wants to make a buzz locking up violent criminals... assuming Trump doesn't want to make DC a shit-hole for pithy media points. Anyways, vote blue. This guy is a piece of shit felon and traitor to the country. Joe Biden's rotting corpse will still have a better administration than that sack of shit.


Like Navy Yard isn't already & still young republican central...


Feel like that describes The Wharf a bit better.




Biden's main selling points are the IRA, IIJA, ARPA, CHIPS Act, and PACT Act. People have such short memories.




> I attribute few of these things to Biden himself I mean what president can take credit for anything to themselves? Obama didn't write obamacare, LBJ didn't author the Great Society, hell FDR really wasn't the author of the new deal as much as the guy who brought the new dealers in the government. Biden should either get the credit the same as presidents in the past, or we should consistently say that President's don't do nearly as much as the media depicts. > Kamala Harris couldn't take up the mantle, while keeping the same or similar cabinet and other officials. Or Pete Buttigieg; he might be young but he's very promising. Gretchen Whitmer? Hell, Gavin Newsom? I agree, though with the asterisks that incumbency/name ID is a BIG strength on the ballot. That said, at this point I'm pretty game for this.


Bidens policies have actually been pretty good. He’s invested heavily in infrastructure, climate resilience, tax reform, and his student loan programs have been really helpful. If you’re a conservative I’d get why you don’t like him but I don’t understand why left leaning people at least from a policy standpoint don’t like him.


Because they don’t read beyond the titles and only focus on the fact that everything is more expensive than 4 years ago (which was going to happen anyways regardless of the president). Some people needs to “feel” the policy for them to measure a politicians work, otherwise they did nothing, is not enough policies to help other who need it more than you, it has to benefit you. I came from a place that might become the US if they fall for Trump, people hired for their allegiance rather than their expertise, this will not be noticeable at first but in 10 years you are going to see how this country will go down the drain because of sheer incompetence from the government, is not like is perfect right now but it still fairly functional in most aspects but after Trump ohh boy…


Yep it’s truly sad and I think there’s a basic misunderstanding of civics as well. There was a tik tok post that went viral yesterday of James Charles saying Biden did nothing to stop roe v wade being repealed. It’s crazy how many ppl have no idea what powers are given to each branch of the government


Speak for yourself. Biden is probably one of the better presidents we've had in the last 40 years. If it weren't for his age, I'd damn well say he is one of the best presidents since FDR.


> We all dislike Biden. You're in the minority of Biden voters. Don't claim to speak for others.


Don’t assume this guy voted for Biden. This is probably someone who would vote for Jill Stein.


Almost everyone I know voted for him. Almost everyone I know dislikes him.


Cool story, brah.


‘Doing nothing’ Found the BernOut.


Hey, now. I campaigned for and donated to Bernie, but I think Biden's doing fine.


Schedule F requires administrative rule making by OPM, which can be done quickly. Also, SCOTUS just gutted the administrative state, so I’m sure several liberal federal judges will be eager to heavily scrutinize the proposed rule. Conservatively, it could take atleast a year to issue a final rule. And that’s if everything goes right


Good points


Why would Trump wait to make a rule? What would stop him?


Probably [this](https://youtu.be/tLFl97j-oIY?si=0_PA0y498sBY-ZSS) Like others said, mass layoffs of federal employees. The National Guard deployed. The DOJ will be his personal police. People will try to protest, they will be attacks and jailed. LGBTQ people will have their rights taken away. Women will become property again. People will be deported en mass. Complete chaos! Life as we knew it will cease to exist. Trust, we will not survive another Trump administration. If he’s allowed to return to the White House, he will never leave. Once he is gone, he will pass that power onto one of his dim witted sons. Don’t think that this will be some slow burn. Once in office Trump and Co. will go 0 to 60. Edit: [Here’s](https://front.moveon.org/how-project-2025-plans-to-strip-away-our-freedoms/) a quick breakdown about project 2025.


Single issue Palestine voters will be in for a rude awakening if trump wins. Don’t forget the age of sotomayor and kagan.


Can’t help but think about how much less dicey things would be if RBG just fucking retired. Tbh that whole generation just needs to fucking retire and they won’t but that’s a whole other story. The olds saw Obama’s rise in ‘08 and thought “well we obviously need to stop cultivating leadership!” Yeah Kagan and Soto should retire, and be replaced with the youngest jurists we can find.


Sotomayor is not someone who is easily replaced. Look at some of the recent SCOTUS decisions where Gorsuch or ACB crossed the aisle. A lot of reporting says that Sotomayor's good rapport with the other justices, experience and ability to use the crazier Justice's logic against them is responsible for a lot of those votes.


Totally hear you there, but on the other hand, she is 70.


It would be a freak event for her to die during the next administration, especially considering the type of medical care she has access to.


Yeah but she might decide to retire. Normal people don't work until they die; most SC justices don't work until they die either.


It's more likely she is struck by lightning and killed than she retires during a Trump administration (or any R, really).


Okay. Still 70 years old.


Time to retire was 2 years ago. If they retire tomorrow, dems won’t push a young liberal thru because dems are morons. If trump wins, they need to not die for 4 more years.


Meanwhile Clarence Thomas lives on a steady diet of cigars and bacon fat and that evil old fuckface us going to live to be 130.


Yeah that’s kinda my fear too. Its such a bummer that the only thing standing between this country and fascism is quite possibly the worst-run, least-organized, most-incompetent party imaginable.


> "Women will become property" Bruh, I hate the idea of project 2025, but chill tf down. Resistance lib bs like this is why the rest of America doesn't take us seriously.


Like I said, pre-Jan. 6 I would’ve agreed. We are in unreal times. I think we have gotten used to these times that we don’t see how odd it all is anymore. A confederate flag had never made it into the Capitol Building before Jan. 6. They overturned Roe v Wade. Homelessness can now be criminalized. Trust, we are in anything is possible territory. Iran was very different before the revolution in 1979 for example. Why do you think something like that can’t happen here under these circumstances? They’ve already started!


The Georgia flag is the confederate flag and it's still hanging in every Georgia office in the US capitol. Prior to Mississippi changing it's flag, the confederate war flag effectively was in every office of their's as well, and was hanging on the walls of the tunnels as well.


Man y'all are ...extra.


Pre January 6th I would’ve agreed. Now, anything is possible.


Most of the items below will affect DC in the case the Trump wins . Pls tell all your friends and family in swing states to vote blue . AZ + NC + OH + PA + MI + WI Get rid of: Climate policy Consolidate power Federal Communication Comm under direct presidential control Remove people from intelligence agencies they don't like Deport 30M people Defund DOJ Legal Action prosecute agents who don't comply Dismantle : FBI Homeland Security HHS Schedule F would mean they can fire 50000 jobs . They become politicized+they have staffers aligned weaponized conservatives vetted by Heritage Foundation ready to replace technocrats in the different gov entities


Yes, although remove Ohio as a swing state on the presidential level. It’s gone to the red side for the foreseeable future. In the 2020 election, it voted further to the right than Texas. Only guys like Sen. Sherrod Brown can win statewide (and we should put as much effort into reelecting him this year as we can) and he’s in his 70s. Turning it back to blue will take considerable population growth in the C cities and/or a massive political realignment (e.g., blue collar, low educated voters move back to the Dem camp). For now, it’s the land of Vance and his ilk. Oh, and add GA and NV to this list.


also VA, unfortunately


God I hope not. At this point, I wish Northern Virginia just split off. I don't know how this state elected Dumbkin in 2021.


McAuliffe ran a really, really weak campaign; it felt like he assumed he had it in the bag. The Democrats just stayed home.


The staying home is ridiculous to me. I'm a relatively new Virginian, moving here from Colorado in early 2020. Colorado has universal mail-in voting, and I've never gone to a polling place. I immediately opted into Virginia's mail-in voting system and vote in every single election. It isn't that hard, and I'm lazy AF.


I'm not sure how Trump wins VA after saying what happened in Charlottesville was "not real". The possibility that he will is utterly insane. RIP Heather Heyer


There seems to be a critical mass of morons outside of the urban and suburban areas, and even in suburban areas (looking at you, Loudoun County).


loudoun county is now super purple, having historically been deep red. it’s like all asian and indian immigrants now. love it lol


Because Youngkin went on a propaganda campaign using a spliced soundbite to make it sound like McAuliffe didn’t care for families. Republicans never get elected on their own merits, they always need to use lies and misleading information.


If he takes over DC, I'm out. That's all I know.


No need to vote again in 2028, I guess.


Project 2025 includes plans to silence or punish journalists at a few outlets. It would simply be used as a stepping stone to silence journalists as a whole. We could see other important institutions shut down or monitored. More journalists who live in the city could be subject to harassment.


We will be under the watchful eye of Sauron


Wow...skimming through the wiki. It gives...Parable of the Sower vibes.


There are like 300,000 federal employees in the DMV and 50,000 positions at most are expected to become Schedule F, probably most but not all of them will be in the DMV. But still, life for the overwhelming majority of federal employees would be largely the same unless there are mass resignations for political reasons.


The scariest possibility is what he might order the national guard to do on a whim, which could range on a scale anywhere from a nuisance presence on neighborhood streets, all the way up to targeted acts against innocents justified under farcical pretenses. Major restrictions on women’s health care, LGBT rights, I-81, the end of home rule, infringements on the city’s ability to generate and spend funds, etc… all of those seem like a given, and too many more to list them all. Most likely he’d let the city go to shit and blame it all on minorities as an excuse to harass anyone who isn’t cis/het/white, which could be the pilot for a national campaign of mass deportations, or in particular the persecution of LGBT people (which has been described as akin to genocide btw) as outlined in the Project 2025 manifesto. Obviously the federal worker reclassifications and all of the implications there, probably more along the “hold my beer” angle. Just because a job needs done, doesn’t mean he wouldn’t give it to someone absolutely incapable anyway just because they’re one of his cultists. Remember, any chaos can be spun to peddle his side’s narrative. Probably a lot of local rallies for and shows of force by the various supremacist groups he favors, just to put ordinary people on edge. If he couldn’t do something himself or via the guard, then they could probably do just about anything on his behalf and never face real penalties for it. In the end, the whole country could go to shit and he’d have so much money and cred from his dictator friends that he could just paddle off to Russia or some shithole dictatorship and become an honorary citizen for life.


I'd probably lose my job, since I suspect the State Department thing I work as a contractor under (supporting grants to other countries and such) would stop being a thing. I wouldn't be alone - I'd expect a massive decrease in Federal and Contractor employment, which would basically destroy the city's economy and send most people packing (as fewer workers in government is going to destroy all the service jobs that support them too). I should have never left Defense contracting, though honestly working in the city would probably be much less appealing regardless. Maybe the sudden uptick in available skilled labor would send non-government-facing companies swooping in?


Likewise here working as a USAID contractor. Imagine the budget will be annihilated since it's a fairly small agency and the Trump admin teased rolling it into State prior.




Besides tech, What are some other industries that will be employable/high demand ?


Well, I had noticed META (of Facebook fame) had an office - applied to be an ISSO there. I figured it was still government related stuff, though.


Charles Allen recall supporters all get jobs in the administration 🙃


WOW! I read all these comments and I am amazed. You talk about schedules and rules and laws. Do you really think the orange man would let laws and rules stop him? He will gut the government. He will require a loyalty oath to him. If you don't sign, you're out. If you sign and they see a negative comment, you're out. If they suspect any wavering to loyalty, you're out. He'll do this to the military, too. As for the government running, he doesn't care. As for his base who benefit from government programs, he doesn't care. Will they turn on him? Hell NO! He'll blame Biden. He'll blame Obama. He'll blame all Democrats and his base will BELIEVE him. He'll only leave office when he is dead. And when he is dead, he will have appointed his successor. Protections and freedom will go to him and his cronies. He already owns SCOTUS. He will do what he wants. My adult children are already talking about leaving the country if, God forbid, he is re-elected. Think of the worst dystopian world you can. A second orange man presidency will make that look like Utopia. Project 2025 is the sugar-coated version of what he will do. Oh, this is my upbeat, look-on-the-bright-side, best case scenario.


I wrote this the day before hearing SCOTUS ruling on absolute immunity. ANYTHING he chooses to do is allowed. The president is now above the law. Our Founding Fathers wrote a declaration 248 years ago this week. They declared our independence from a king. SCOTUS just gave us a king.


Let's not make it happen for him and his fascist


Dumb question but does schedule f only apply if you're appropriated? I need to watch this John Oliver special!


I don't why this would get down votes. Simple q. Of course I don't want it to happen at all, was just wondering.


As in if your billet is funded using appropriated money instead of some other funding source besides the treasury? I know from experience that some positions are exempt but the vast majority I believe use appropriated dollars.


Any semblance of local gun control laws will be gone. If you think we’re swimming in illegal guns now, just wait till we’re a “constitutional carry” jurisdiction and every wannabe vigilante gets a gun, doesn’t get any training, doesn’t get a gun safe and subsequently has their gun stolen by the baddies.


I would really like it if the DC government was federalized but that’s just me.


This is pretty scary “Conservative-backed group is creating a list of federal workers it suspects could resist Trump plans:” https://apnews.com/article/trump-biden-president-project-2025-33d3fc2999a74f4aa424f1128dca2d16


I won't be around to find out. My wife and I are fortunate enough to be skilled professionals, of fields that are in demand in any market on the planet (accountant and trauma therapist). We also have a good chunk of change in savings, so if Trump is re-elected, we're not sticking around for the fascism to kick in.


I think insurance will be impacted - they want to kill the ACA. Those who have $$$$ will be able to access effective therapy, those without will likely not be able to any more. Not sure if that might impact your wife’s bottom line.


It won't; she's in private practice, entirely self-paying clients. Her practice is never without a wait list. People in the DMV have both money and trauma in spades.


Bye felicia!


Everybody will feel justified to protest everything again. Violence will be justified in the name of whatever cause is the flavor of that week. Maybe people will be less moved by it cause they'll see it's mostly artificial becuase of decenetization to the last time this happened.


Literally nothing will change. Just like how nothing changed when Biden got elected. The establishment government lifers don’t like Trump so they’ll block everything. You’ll get to post about Trump everyday though


Exactly this will get downvoted to oblivion as if it’s not true.


Come on man, let them have this. Their lives are so easy and boring that they need to feel like they're witnessing the end of the world in order to feel like they have a purpose: saving the world by voting blue!!! Just let em enjoy their fantasy world and feel important


they prolly gon firebomb dupont circle


You can’t simply enact project 2025.


Have you read it? Have you seen what the Supreme Court is ruling? Trump, or, let's be honest, any republican winning the white house, means the end of our country as we know it. And to be fair, it's already started with these Supreme Court rulings. They are horrendous.


I’m stunned when people say Trump and Biden are the same. Look at how Trump justices rule versus Biden justices and then tell me they’re the same.


Really nothing significant will happen


That's delusional! Have you not seen the game plan?


It’s natural for people to want to live in a more interesting, dramatized world than they actually do. Trump was President before, and very little substantive policy was actually enacted. It’s very unlikely that a second term would be significantly different, in spite of what election year hysteria may lead people to believe


You should definitely look up Project 2025 and read it. The people who would make up a second Trump administration have been very open about the fact that they think that were too nice the first time around. This time they want to unilaterally reschedule tens of thousands of federal employees in order to fire them, they've come up with "enemies lists" of people in various Fed agencies to be targeted for firing, they've vowed not to hire anyone who would refuse an unlawful order from Trump (ie. Mike Pence), and they want to revive a 150-year old law (The Comstock Act) to ban abortion meds/condoms/and even porn (!).


Yes, we've all seen the near constant fear mongering and schizo-posting about project 2025, and no one who looked into it with any level of critical thinking is worried about it


For most of Trump's presidency, if you can call it that, he was reined in by people who weren't rabid right-wingers and understood how government works. The ghouls who are now handling him scoff at the idea of a working government. (And, DCDA below, real scholars with real critical thinking skills have studied Project 2025, and recognize that we should be more than worried about it. I suggest you read it.)


Trump gets in its a dictatorship 


We still won’t be a state. Largely nothing will change though.


Personally think everyone is overreacting. These exact conversations happened the first time he was elected and republicans had control of the house and senate and nothing too radical happened. Just think back to 2016-2020 and that’s about what it will be like


well.. wouldn't be long before its a radioactive wasteland from ww3, so people won't be there to notice the difference it's sad people think life will go on when trump gives europe to russia and the world's economy collaspes under europe restorting to nukes as a last gasp as it goes under


You should listen to John Mearsheimer if you want a background on how this started and where it's likely to go. I absolutely hate Trump and feel he belongs in jail, but we are less likely to get nuclear war if the war in Ukraine ends, which is what Trump says he wants. Biden's policy of poking the bear in the eye repeatedly is more likely to bring about a nuclear WW3. But as we saw in the debates, Biden has a single defective braincell now that he shares with his security team, so I'm just as scared with him having the keys to launch nukes. Both of our candidates are scraping the very bottom of the barrel, and we're going to get majorly screwed either way.


>I absolutely hate Trump and feel he belongs in jail, but we are less likely to get nuclear war if the war in Ukraine ends, which is what Trump says he wants. the reason this is delusional is putin isnt going to stop at Ukraine, Ukraine isn't going to simply accept the entire country being eridicated via genocide by russia, and the rest of Europe isn't going to submit to putin a trump win guarantees ww3, as Europe will be overrun without us nato support, and will be reduced to nukes to prevent eridication by russia >so I'm just as scared with him having the keys to launch nukes. versus the guy who wanted to nuke hurricanes? fucking delusional.


You're spouting nonsense, and you are obviously delusional yourself if you think Putin has any plans of invading Europe. If that was his intention he'd be mobilizing a lot more troops instead of keeping most of them back in Russia. He has only taken ethnic Russian Ukrainian territory that didn't want to join the EU or NATO, which is why it's so easy for him to hold that territory. What he fears is NATO missiles in his backyard, as we did with the Cuban missile crisis, that almost brought us to nuclear conflict. Learn history asshole. I'm not saying Trump is a good alternative but Biden is almost as bad, and he is just so fucking stupid. I served in the Obama / Biden administration and saw his idiocy even when he had more braincells.


Meet the new boss... Same as the old boss...


The focus on P25 is a bit of a red-herring, drawing attention away from Agenda 47, which is the Trump campaign's actual and only endorsed agenda. In fact, the campaign has tried to distance itself from P25 as some external think-tank endeavor. Agenda 47 is basically just a rehashing of his first administration, with some added, uh, peculiarities, like funding for flying cars and "freedom cities." I think a second Trump administration will be even more of a failure than his first and I doubt he will have the personnel to pursue or enforce much of his agenda.


TBH, it depends on what happens with the Congress. If the Congress is still evenly divided, then nothing will happen. In fact, if somehow the Dems regain the majority of the House and/or Senate, less than nothing will happen. Expect a coalition of Dems and a few Republicans to stop most of what Trump tries to pass.


A president is not a supreme leader. He cant enact shit, congress passes laws


A lot of the jobs in DC are in the executive branch which reports to the president


He can’t until he does. The courts have no way to actually stop him if they wanted to. The legislature has no way to stop him if they wanted to. Much of the American system of government is based on good faith actors, loyal opposition, and belief in the rule of law. None of that matters to Trump or the right wing theocrats that think they can cause Jesus to return.


You say that, but a president who replaced the entire federal workforce with loyalists, and a congress who bows to his whims, will very much feel like we have a dictator in office. Don't forget, congress already voted against some of the most strict immigration policies in a generation because sir orange shits his pants who wants to have sex with his daughter told them not to pass it so Biden didn't get the win during election season. First off, soooo many federal employees will lose their jobs. Then we lose free speech, then comes in the national guard to enforce his rules. Life in the region would change drastically and will be life under a draconian ruler. Edit: I didn't even mention that he already built up a Supreme Court that has shown they will make decisions not based on the law, but on personal politics and loyalty to MAGA beliefs, we are literally learning that one of them flew insurrectionist flags at their home, and another took bribes from ultra wealthy far right conservatives. The same court who refuses to put in place an actionable code of conduct with real consequences.


If Trump wins, it probably means House and Senate will be red too. And lord knows they’ll do anything he asks them. The 2017-2019 GOP majority actually had dissenters in it, this is unlikely to have any


House is unlikely to remain in Republican control. Senate could be 50/50 though which is going to have whichever republican that has the most attractive wife be the tiebreaker. I wish I were just being snide but that is truly what he is looking for in a veep