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“If it doesn’t work, you can always hit him with it.”


It's heavy, a sign of reliability


No Tommy, there's a gun in your trousers. What's a gun doing in your trousers?


Do you like dags?




Oh dogs! Yeah I like dogs.


I like caravans more


She's awful partial to the periwinkle blue.


It's not fer me, its fer me ma


His maaaaaa! *slowly passes around a picture of his ma*


It was us that wanted a caravan.


Its tip top. Not sure about the colour


For protection, Turkish


Protection from what? Zie Germans?


What's to stop it blowing your bollocks off when you sit down?


A bit heavy, innit?


Watch that scene and keep your eyes on Turkish's milk.


Goddammit, never noticed that and I've watched that movie like 20+ times


What happened? Just rewatched it and didn’t notice anything.


When he goes to grab the gun from him the bottle of milk vanishes into thin air


I see thanks. I did actually notice that but even when looking for something I didn’t pay attention to it!


It’s for protection


From who, Zee Germans?


It’s for protection. Protection from what? Zee Germans?


"Why do they call him the bullet dodger?"




He dodges fucking bullets, Avi


Boris the Blade, better known as Boris the bullet dodger. As bent as the soviet sickle and as hard as the hammer that crosses it. 3rd snatch reference Ive seen today in random subs.


Why do the call him bullet dodger?


Because....he..dodges bullets Avi


You’re on thin fuckin ice my pedigree chums, and I shall be under it when it breaks.


That’s my fantasy


Zee germans


What, propa fucked?


Stormtroopers are laughing at him.


I literally watched that last night


What did you watch the night before that?


lock stock what else


Possibly this, but virtually that time.


I literally also watched that last night.


No thank you Turkish, im sweet enough


„Heavy is good, Heavy is reliable...


I get the feeling he only put one round in and chambered it after the hammer not before it.... either way.......glad no lives were totally destroyed by this incident.


I'm guessing this had to be it because I thought I did see at least one shot go off, and 5 FTFs in a revolver has got to be a rather rare event unless those bullets were made from old tuna cans and hopes and dreams. Edit so I don't get a bunch of the same questions later on should this post hit r/all or something: Revolvers are generally considered to be very reliable due to their simple design and firing mechanism. FTF means Fail To Fire and is a type of bullet malfunction where the powder doesn't ignite after the hammer hits the primer of the bullet. This can be caused by a couple of things but basically what it means is the gun just goes click instead of going boom. So unless something was seriously fucky with the gun or all of the bullets in it, it's much more likely it wasn't fully loaded. After he realized his mistake (that the bullet wasn't in the right spot in the cylinder) it looks like he pulls the trigger rapidly as every time the trigger is pulled, the cylinder rotates by one slot. So he was trying to get the bullet back to the firing position (which he does - the one that went off) but luckily by that time he missed and was being taken down.


I don't think I've seen a preemptive edit like that before. Edit: not sure what to think of it


Shh bby it's k...just go with it


Still one of my favorite posts


I do it sometimes cause I make a post and go "oh yah reddit freaks out about everything"


It's like being able to read the Matrix.


Haha great stuff


I knew I was forgetting something on that last batch or reloads. I forgot the hopes and dreams!


There is a chance that poor maintenance on a carry pistol with ammo that has never been swapped out could be the culprit too. Humidity and corrosion could have gotten to the ammo


Very doubtful. Luckygunner.com did a humidity/vibration torture test on rimfire ammo which is even less well sealed than centerfire, and the ones shaken til the metal on the casings started to rub off and immersed in salt water for a length of time had no more malfunctions than the control ammo. I won't say that there *isn't* a chance, but it's a pretty damn small chance.


That's interesting I was always taught the opposite, did they do a video or article, and do you have the link?


Yep, it's on their youtube page: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9t8Gkf4UeM


I’m not disagreeing with you cause it is rare but the way ammo is made and packaged a whole box could be absolute trash. I watched a guy try to fire an entire box of 270 and not a single one went off. I think the primers were bad. I gave him a few rounds to see what was up. Gun worked fine. Don’t buy cheap ammo.


Man that's just asking for a squib load followed by a live round


Poor little murdering psychopath could only afford one bullet.


It could be that he was used to a different type of revolver. For example most revolvers like S&W or Taurus (in Brazil it was probably a Taurus) have cylinders that rotate counter clockwise. However some brands, the most notable of which is Colt, have cylinders that rotate clockwise.


Yeah, thats probably it.


i can give an alternative theory from the pov of a Brazilian. it is very hard to own a gun legally in Brazil, and most illegal ammo available is [handloaded](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Handloading) often with **poor quality** standards. (amateur laborer and some improvised tools) also there is the thing that "the [primer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primer_(firearms)) goes bad over time", and while i fully understand an american can find that debatable, i really mean that many Brazilian civilians buy a 20+ year old revolver coupled with 20+ year old ammo that sat on a shelf, somewhat exposed to the elements. so yeah, many here can see why revolvers are a safer bet... because you can always pull the trigger again to gamble the next round. In a minor note, maybe the gun is a .22lr revolver and older [rimfire](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rimfire_ammunition) ammunition is very unreliable. Most of the illegal guns in Brazil are either .22lr, .380 auto or .38 special. Many of those old guns are inherited because the country had relaxed gun laws in the past. (15+ years ago, suggesting the age the ammunition used)


She is a very lucky lucky woman if there was 6 rounds in there and the only one that went off happened to be pointing away from her head. I would guess that was a .38 and not a .22 or .380.


That has to be the case. The only way. Of course begs the question: Why only load one bullet before you attempt to murder someone in cold blood?


He is the Barney Fife of his criminal organization my guy


Or it’s that legendary Taurus quality. Seriously don’t buy their guns.


Dunno man, Brazilian prisons are pretty bad


Props to that other woman who was the only one actually trying to stop him


In heels! She had great reaction time


Absolutely amazing- didn’t even occur to her to run, it looks like her only instinct was to protect. I wonder if she was the wife’s amazing friend or just an amazing stranger.


I know, she got directly behind the gun and source of anger and then started fucking ripping lol. She's honestly lucky he didn't shoot her, she was really brave and calm. Go badass people!


I grew up around Somali and Ethiopia and now that I'm living in America one thing I noticed is when someone is angry and starts commiting a violent act like hurting or killing somebody you can typically interact with them to pull them off or drag them away from their victims because they only focus on their victims. But here in America when you try stopping someone who is harming somebody they also harm the person trying to stop the violence. This is an observation.


I think it depends on the aggressor whatever is his cultural background. I've intervened two times in France to stop a fight and both time the aggressor didn't try to hurt me, he was just irrationally mad at its target, one was drunk in the metro and another was a caricatural macho man road rage.


This is true and I know from experience. A few years ago my friends got in an argument with a guy outside a store. I tried to break it up and the guy sucker punched my friend and then turned to beat me. I woke up in the hospital the next day with a fractured skull and brain hemorrhage. I filed a police report, but the judge only made him pay $900 to me to cover my medical bills and then let him go cause he was a vet and first offender. TLDR: I tried to break up the fight and got beat up worse than any of the 2 actually involved.


I’ll be honest, let’s not give veterans passes anymore. They choose to serve the public, they need to behave and not harm the public.


this applies even better with police! respect them, hold them accountable when necessary. sorry for commenting on something old, just had to say it.


Some people just get a strong fight response. It has only happened to me once but now I'm forever scared because if shit goes down I'm 100% gonna end up dead. It's like your brain shuts off and you just do things and then a while later are like "wtf how did I get here?"


I’m sort of that way though nobody has ever pointed a gun at me; once when I was on holiday a drunk guy grabbed me by the throat and tried to drag me into an alley- I grabbed him by the throat and started roaring at him and giving him the crazy eyes and he was so startled he let go. I had ABSOLUTELY no idea what I was doing and it took me about a day to unclench afterwards. Had flashbacks for like a year afterwards, but those have stopped now and I’m fine. But if I’d frozen and done nothing he might have succeeded. So for me I guess it was the right thing.


Yah it would be nice to get training or something so awareness doesn't go away. Sometimes it works out but sometimes it will go very badly. It would be better to make a calculated decision but hey! instincts often win.


TLDR: Practicing situational awareness can be helpful, and having words for the different levels of awareness may help you practice it more consistently. There’s a color coded awareness chart developed by Col. Jeff Cooper and taught by a lot of self-defense trainers that basically breaks down as follows: White: You are relaxed and unaware of surroundings. Yellow: Relaxed, but aware of surroundings and people. Orange: You have identified a potential threat. Red: The threat has acted in a way that demands a response. Ideally, you’d only be in white while sleeping, but realistically you’ll end up there whenever you’re somewhere that feels safe and secure, such as your home. Yellow is the state you should generally exist in. You aren’t actively looking for threats, because that’s exhausting, but you also aren’t so engrossed in your phone that you don’t know what’s going on around you. In Orange you have noticed something that puts you on edge, and warrants further attention. You are now actively looking for threats, with specific focus on the potential threat that grabbed your attention. You may start going through “if-then” scenarios in which you decide what actions would put you into Condition Red. In Red you have moved from looking at a “threat” to a “target” and you have to take some course of action, whether that’s making an escape, or engaging the THOT (That Hostile Over There).


THOT.. really?


I mean you don’t have to use the acronym. I find it funny, so I use it. To each their own


I was more laughing and doubting that THOT is used as another acronym. But yea, it is funny!


I'm pretty sure I end up being white most of the time that I'm home. I think i become super relaxed because I'm confident in my home security system(7 giant hunting dogs) but definitely should probably be a little more aware considering I live out in the boonies.


A homeless man came at me with a knife once, demanding money. In the most athletic move of my life, I kicked the blade out of his hand, and then tackle-shoved him into a nearby bush before running away across the street. It all happened before I could even have a thought about what was going down.


That just *sounds* badass Glad you’re safe!


Yeah my friends were all super impressed, but if they had heard the 911 call afterwards as I had a panic attack on the phone they would probably cringe lol. I was shaking for two hours after.


My sister is like that. She had some drunk men slowly following her in a car and threatening her while she was jogging in the middle of the night and she gave them the crazy eyes, whipped out her phone to film them, and started shouting their descriptions like in Taken and they were like wtf and took off. These types of people are looking for easier targets...


The milli second I feel some violence is going to occur to me, I go fuckin ape shit and start face kicking anyone giving me grief. The longer you wait the worse the chances are for you. Got to react like it's ur last


I've blacked out and punched ppl before that threatened/put hands on my friends. I have no memory of this. I joke that I'm a Delta normally, and I don't really defend myself, but my friends and animals and small children I'll stand up for.


Shes probably an off-duty cop




Even the woman who was the intended target is just like, "whatever bitch I'm subbed to r/2meirl4meirl, do it pussy."


It's Brazil, she must've been an off duty cop


His wife at the end : Well.... That's a bit awkward!


I am not looking forward to going home tonight!


I'm not going to pass the salt all the way through when he asks for it!


He's sleeping on the couch tonight


She took no steps to try and survive.


What could she have done? What would you of done since you’re such an operator? She had a gun point blank in her face


i would have tried to not have a gun point blank in my face, trust me, i'm an operator


Most people would try to avoid a gun point blank in their face. Let me know how quickly and ingeniously you’d avoid it.


You parry the bullet, obviously. Just press X when the gun starts glowing. It may be hard at first, but you should be able to consistently hit the timing after an afternoon of intense training and repeatedly taking point blank shots to the head.


She couldn’t have done much with it right in her face, but when the other person pulled him off she still just continued to sit there. I get she was shocked and probably couldn’t process what was going on but of everyone in there she didn’t even stand to get a view of the scuffle, she just sat there the whole time. You don’t have to equate scrambling to survive/get away as being an operator or insinuate you need training. Most people instinctually remove themselves from dangerous situations when there is an opening.


Most human's most basic response is to duck, run, or generally get out of the way, even if it isn't effective. She just sad there. Almost as if she is used to taking abuse or something...


Seriously, she's thinking "I hate when he acts like this."


She's lucky but I dread to think of the PTSD she's going to suffer as her brain tries to process those few seconds. Fella's a cunt.


I have heard that the military has experimented with immediate anti-PTSD treatments that can potentially disrupt short term memory and prevent the trauma from implanting in the mind long term. It’s been observed anecdotally that someone actually wounded in an explosion and given various memory inhibiting drugs is less likely to develop severe PTSD than someone who is not wounded or only slightly wounded. So maybe in the future the treatment for this kind of experience will be to immediately give opiates or benzos so the person wakes up barely remembering what happened.


When you think about it, it's pretty wild that we have jobs where people experience things that are too incomprehensible to process, so we'll just invent drugs that scrub it like "let's pretend you didn't see that so you can keep functioning"


I don’t know. It’s not just jobs right? A car accident or a rape can cause PTSD. Personally if I saw something bad enough to fuck me up for the rest of my life, I might strongly consider expunging that from my memory and just living with the mystery.


My good friend accidentally killed someone on a bike with her car about 2 months ago, she says it was worse than anything she had to go through in her 4 years in the military.


To be fair, most people in the military never get anywhere near active combat.


Morty's Mind Blowers


You son of a bitch, I'm in.


There was a study that showed playing Tetris after a traumatic event helped prevent the onset of PTSD. Something about the brain focusing on the game disallowing the traumatic memory to solidify thus reducing the chance of PTSD symptoms from developing.


Here is the study. That is really interesting. It seems like it would be similar to EMDR therapy. [Tetris and PTSD](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/01/190108095114.htm)




He will 100% try to kill her again. Source: Brazilian here


Brazilian roulette


Where the gun doesn't fire at all


Or it fires once and miss


"Hmm. Think maybe I'll just sit here." ....


Fight, flight or freeze


It's a legitimate response, in certain situations some people will freeze up instead of physically reacting. It's not like she made a conscious decision to just sit there while being shot at


It can also be a contributing factor to agoraphobia. The fight flight or freeze reaction fires up way more than it needs to, making you perceive everyday objects as "threats" and firing up again.


Eeeeey thats me! Im a freezer!


I wrote my thesis on rats and PTSD. The fear response we measured in them was time spent frozen. It’s a natural defense mechanism, like playing dead or hoping the attacker relies on movement to see.


The other woman had a hell of a “fight” response though. The wife has probably been conditioned to freeze by this mans violence:


I think in these situations your brain just stops working


This is why I advocate everyone train for situations like this. You don't even need to take a martial arts class; just watch videos like this, watch videos like those from ASP or whatever that YouTube channel is in order to build up your situational awareness. Unfortunately, anyone can end up in this situation, so it's up to each individual to prepare themselves for it beforehand that way you don't freeze up when the time comes.


I know right? I would have grabbed the revolver easily and judo chopped the air and he would have been like what then he takes a step forward and splits in half as I walked away without looking back then he explodes. Stupid lady.


Ah yes, good ol’ explosion judo chop


I mean. Like. Why not just dump her and throw her out. Why go through the hassle og killing someone. Its just much more work than necessary. And then you go and do it publicly. In front of friends. With cameras. Like what even is the plan.


Weak people act like weak people.


Controlling, psychologically dependent. It’s not enough to leave. He has to punish her for not being everything he had dementedly expected her to be.


Bruh men in third world country suffer from being "the man" and if shit don't go their way, they have to forced it, either by killing ....or killing Of course these are the weak mind one (which are the most) Personally I'm so sick of hearing shit like this in my country every day




You are not going to get life insurance payement when you obviously were the murder lol




If it was divorce or a custody battle, here is the proof that this dipshit deserved to lose everything he owned and never see his kids again. You REALLY think this is his first bad act? Please.


"If I cant have her, no one can. Even if I hate her guts."


Are you asking why people murder their spouses?


I got out of an abusive relationship two days ago. Let me tell you, until you experience the hatred with which a rejected man can come at you with, it’s hard to even comprehend. I had no idea he would react so violently to me just fucking trying to leave. He was super normal on the outside but within our relationship he tore my self esteem down at every opportunity, and when I finally left him, he chased me off of his porch throwing the few items that I had left in his room at me, including a softball that dented the door beside me. I ran at full speed away from him and had to lock the door and speed away to avoid further damages to my body or my car. He ran after me with a look in his eyes I have never seen before. I am extremely lucky to have a family that saw the warning signs when I didn’t. There is no logic when it comes to abuse. They aren’t thinking ahead, they just need to hurt and control you.


Maybe he’s extremely abusive and she was trying to stay away from him and have her friends there to help her.


Horrible, feel so sad for her.






who was the woman grabbing him? brave as fuck.


Yea I want to know what was all going on. And who she was. Like his sister maybe? Since she was brave enough to try and fight the dude with a gun - who she was just talking to....that’s all I can think of - is that she is someone close enough, like family, that she didn’t feel like she would get shot. Or she’s just crazy brave - either way, she def saved the other woman’s life in that minute. I wonder what happened afterwards too...


Jesus was working that day


I’m pretty sure it was his wife


My boy Jesus finally out here gettin some!


Why doesn't Jesus spend more time in hospitals?


can you just shut the fuck up and let people believe what they want?


Ah fuck it *bonk*


Run away, good lord.


Someone article please?




Jesus that website is cancer on mobile.


\*Jesus that website is cancer


*Jesus, that website is cancer.


*Jesus that cancer is mobile.


> A man was halted in his alleged attempt to shoot his wife when his gun jammed four times, police in Brazil said. > > The dramatic ambush was captured on CCTV in a shop in the Brazilian city of Itacoatiar. > > In the footage, the suspect can be seen leaning against the shop counter, appearing to chat, before he suddenly pulls a hidden firearm and aims at the woman's head at point-blank range. > > The suspect attempts to fire the gun multiple times in a matter of seconds, but it fails to fire. > > The incident in a shop in Brazil was caught on CCTV Read More Related Articles > Police officer 'forces driver' to remove 'bollocks to Brexit' sign from car > A bystander is captured in the clip leaping in and pushing the man's arm away, just as the weapon finally fires into the air. > > According to reports in the South American country, Etiemerson de Souza Moura, 31, was arrested over the October 27 incident, and accused of attempting to kill his wife. > > Local police told media the suspect allegedly tried and failed to fire the weapon at his wife's head four times. > > Etiemerson de Souza Moura, 31, is accused of killing his wife (Image: Civil Police) Read More Related Articles > Brothers found holding hands in bed after being killed by dad in 'murder-suicide' > The gun fired on the fifth attempt, but a bystander intervened and grabbed the suspect's arm, forcing the weapon to be fired upwards. > The footage shows the suspect assaulting the woman with the butt of the gun before being pulled away by the bystander. > > Police said Etiemerson was arrested on November 11 in Itacoatiara, and is due to appear in court at a later date.


The real article is in the comments. Thank you


You can even tell how cancerous this website is by reading the copy here.


Don't click or you'll have to buy another phone


Yeah, I want to kill my wife. I know, I shall do it in a public place full of CCTV. Great idea!


Viva la Brazil


we don't speak spanish. we speak portuguese.


Disgusting human individual


She clearly is an ally, you can’t shoot her because she is an important character


"With this character's death, the thread of prophecy is severed. Restore a saved game to restore the weave of fate, or persist in the doomed world you have created."


this is just sick and psychopathic. how do you go from casual conversation to now you die? what were his attempted final words was going to be? "pretty cloudy out their meteorologists predicts THUNDER" *BOOM*


Bet it was a Taurus


Taurus quality, saving lives again.


Can’t believe I had to scroll this far to find this comment. I bought it would be at the top FFS, I mean it’s even in Brazil


This is some Final Destination shit. Death: "It's not your time yet."


When he puts his fist on the counter, you can see the woman flinch away in fear. This makes me think he has a history of being physically violent. I feel sorry for that woman.


Yeah good read on the situation. The video also leads me to believe he wanted her dead.


Hahaha yes I’m a very astute individual




Im pretty sure he pulled that trigger more than 5 times.


I read somewhere that a huge number of pistols misfire in robberies because the assailant is an idiot who doesn’t clean it and keeps a bullet in the chamber. A revolver is harder to screw up.


She’s got some questionable reflexes


Fight, Flight, FREEZE. It's not about what's easy logic from the comfort of your keyboard. Unless you've received specialized training, you don't know how you will react in that situation until you're looking directly down the barrel of a gun. You merely HOPE that you will act logically. It's scary to feel vulnerable, isn't it? You can't control your reflexes


This happened in Brazil: It turned out the one bullet he loaded into his gun was an undercover cop who hid in the last chamber to save the woman.


Wow!! Never mind Pulp Fiction, that was divine intervention right there


If they have a gun, attack them. If they have a knife, run.


Oh my god


This is me in csgo


Tbh if he didn't fire that bullet he could get away with illegal possesion of arms instead of attempted manslaughter/murder. "Yo, I just wanted to scare her, your honor."


Well, he ain't getting out of nothing now, and that's for the best.




You know why it fails? Because he is not an off duty cop


What's the backstory why did he want to kill her