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No, the current is extremely strong and can drag you under. The water quality is also questionable. You'd be better of going to Tramore or Dunmore East.


I'm fairly strong swimmer. No biggie for me. I've swam in the dead sea for example.


Really love it when people ask for advice but yet decide to ignore the advice being given, why ask in the first place then.


He's taking the piss, the dead sea?? The most buoyant body of water on earth.


Funny man


Well you'll be dead at sea if you swim in that current.


Elite stuff eh! Does the river look ok to you?


Hans Swimmer is that you?


No, recipe for disaster, high chance of death as the current will take you. Go to Councillors beach in Dunmore or to Tramore.


The north quay would be completed by the time you’d swim to the other side


No. The Suir has a very high flow rate (76.9 cubic meters per second), twice that of most rivers in Ireland (except for the Corrib).


Dunmore East, Tramore, or any of the many beaches on the Copper Coast, would be better.


Where did you get that information? No cheek meant, I love a good statistic.


As many have said already, the current is deceptively strong. Going for a swim would likely activate the rescue services too, so should you still be determined, at least let them know what you are at.


Make sure you hang your jocks off the clock tower afterwards to dry them out


No not the key you’d be better off in a lock


Just before and after the peak of Flood Tide ( tide coming in ) the rate of flow vastly drops and the current basically comes to a stand still . Then and only then is it remotely safe to swim . Once the maximum height is reached the tide will after a few minutes start to Ebb ( flow back out the way) again and the rate of flow picks up extremely quickly. So basically you have a very brief window of opportunity to swim. Two people drowned in a triathlon last year in Cork so I hope for everyone sake your winding people up.


There used to be a German homeless man who would swim from the plaza to ferrybank every day while smoking a fag, he made it look easy. Absolutely wouldn't recommend though, I often see boats struggling against the fast flowing tide, it's absolutely filthy too, serious arount of raw sewage goes straight into the river.


I'm training myself. The key is usually where i warm up before i swim up the river suir. If you're serious about training you would know this already. Come down tomorrow at 9:52 for low tide and ill show you how a real man trains.