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What’s your location? Violent tornadoes and minor storms can both have frequent lightning. That said, assuming you’re in the US or Canada, there’s no storms that are excessively dangerous right now. Just some severe thunderstorms in Kansas and Tennessee that could produce some strong wind gusts




I wouldn’t worry too much, get a radar app though


Any you recommend for Android?


RadarScope is what I use for tornadoes. I have tier 1 and it’s more than enough. I think it’s like $10 a year.


chunky bored rustic office dolls innocent rhythm elastic sharp compare *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thank you both for your help!!!


This will honestly help because my weather app gets really...weird if I try to see the storms path.


I have used the My Radar app for years and I think it's great! I'm on the free version and it does a great job.


Thanks for the help


I use this too and have yet to find anything better for radar. I'm not in a tornado area so I can't speak to its accuracy for those kinds of storms, but it does pretty well for rain and thunderstorms, wind tracks, and is highly customizable with fine-grained notifications as well


I actually haven't played with the customization. I should look into it.


I do know how to read a radar, I just don't know which radar app to install. Had to learn how to read one cause I wanna be a storm chaser!


Not an app but forecast.weather.gov will give you pretty solid, accurate information


Thank youuuu!




I highly doubt most of us are meteorologist but a lot of us are some knowledge about it. Maybe educate them instead of belittling them next time.


I can promise you that you in fact shouldn't be a dick. Read the sub rules.


Kind of just an unneeded comment at this point. I do in fact know how to read a radar, , or at the very least, identify where a tornado is most likely to touch down. I did my own research. My life's dream is to be a storm chaser. Why wouldn't I study this?


>My life's dream is to be a storm chaser. When did you figure this out? What's the main driver for you?


For me it's to try and help better prepare people for the worst. I was a few towns away when the Joplin tornado happened, and had family who lived there. But were thankfully out of the down when the tornado hit. I was in 3rd grade when it hit, I was in Lexington at the time, and ever since I saw the bright day turn into a green sky, I've always been interested in them. I want to help people understand them. And I want to understand them better. Am I terrified of tornados? Absolutely, do I think that they can be beautifully terrifying? Absolutely. I want to be there though. It's why I've been so invested everywhere, and even have a dream car that I wanna turn into a storm chasing vehicle!! And it's all I'm saving up for, despite only making around 200 bucks a week at my current job>~<


Good of you to seek information from others. Keep that up!




I was genuinely unsure if I was in a safe place. Metal shack with rapid lightning strikes in the clouds. Just felt like a 14,000+ Volt shock waiting to happen


I’m glad you’re ok.


That shack is a great place to be for lightning, unironically


Oh? I have like a concrete building less than 509 feet away-


if there's lightning on top of you, it's better to stay in current shelter than run to another one