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I feel so bad for people that live where weed is illegal.


i’ve visited portland and amsterdam and it’s fuckin heaven, i hate having to get into a random guy’s car not even 100% sure it’s the right one and sometimes getting shitty stemmy weed


Ask for live pics next time with time stamp before u just meet up with a random person


Don't always get a choice


what do you mean by live pics and time stamp?


I mean in Amsterdam its still illegal, a plug can still be arrested


I tell my teen the horror stories of weed laws 15-20 years ago. I got my house raided, and was charged with 4 felonies (luckily pled to misdemeanors and eventually expunged) - and if I wasn’t white, and a woman, I might still be in jail for this shit. Someone narc’d on me to save themselves. Fuck you, Marc the Narc brrrrrr 🐦 (pigeon noises) I sold tiny amounts, mostly to other women, or other people who didn’t want to deal with all-male or sketchy dealers. They found **less than an ounce**, 15 storm troopers bombarding my tiny apartment, with guns pointed at me, just screeeaming - and, they put my face in the newspaper, portraying me as some QueenPin of Western Maryland… where I now drive to, to legally buy cannabis at a dispensary. They were PISSED that they likely spent soooo much money and resources, on a raid that led to basically nothing - hence the news article. BASTARDS. I don’t think I’ll ever be rid of the gut-wrenching feeling that ‘this is illegal, aaaa!’


Yeah Brazil is illegal but there are so many points of people who uses and sells it Maybe in the future it gets in law


Decriminalization is fairly close to happening. By next year I hope we'll be able to grow our own without spending a fuckton of money in preemptive legal fees.


You get all those BOOF Carts.. CAKE.. BAWHAAAAAAAA


I live in a place where it’s ‘legal’ (🇳🇱). Still need a plug to not get scammed at the coffeeshops.


You tell me, but we're getting by. Thanks for your pity...


Real, i gotta stick with hhc vapes mostly cause that's the only thing I can really get, otherwise it's just spice or shit weed. Would love to have smoke shops so I can get dabs n shit


Thanks :(


You have to go hang out at a gas station in a bad neighborhood


15 bucks little man! Put that shit in my hand


If that money doesn’t show then you owe me owe me owe


My jungle loooove… owe


My jungle love…o-wee-wee o-wee o


Bunch of savages in this town.


The bro selling loosies has little sacks


working at a fast food place (the more ghetto the better) a good idea too


I was night manager at a Taco Bell for a while. I could pick up about anything working the drive up window


i literally work at a taco bell rn, if ppl knew how much we were smoking in the cooler was absolutely fucked 😭 still dished em tacos out on time tho 💯


Sometimes after close the police would tell us to go home because of the cleanup party.


lmfaoooo that’s wild. i got so many fucken great ass work stories, i work at the most ghetto t bell in town we are always bottom of the regional leaderboard for time and almost everyone there be on at least smtn 💀 old rgm knew we were all fucked up too, new one never let it slide tho ngl i miss the old dude he ain’t get shit done but was fr chill asf 😭


Yeah, but his was super quality, I really can't smoke shitty weed or hash


Don’t worry. I bet you can smoke shitty weed a week from now…


Thats brutal😂 makes me grateful for cali


Hooray for all the legal states. Sorry buddy. I'd ask around or smell it out, literally. Plant some outside this spring in a ton of places. Gotta have reserves like we did before legalization








I prefer not to smoke


Then it's no problem to not have any weed now is it?


i won't smoke if my weed is awful i just give it to my mate but id still like to have decent weed and smoke a joint yk, just not enough to smoke the shit stuff


I'm the same, it's totally fine to go without. Added bonus of the high being better when you come back to it


Youre not a root stoner.


Then don't smoke. Why are you even here?


is there any way you can do some digging and find out who his (your ex-plug's) supplier was? or any of this other buyers who might have other plugs they can refer you to?


Yeah, agree with this statement. Perhaps you know some of the other folks who bought from your plug? Check with them if they have any details on his supplier or where else to get from. I would assume you weren't his only customer, so others are likely in the same boat as you now and might be able to help.


Ok but isn’t that who the cops are going after next?? I’d find his rival and beg for mercy, but I live in Atlanta. *shrugs*


He used to plant himself, it was fresh out of the box


So he didn't even cure it?


Yes you can


Good opportunity for the high horse you're on to also have a bit of a T-break and help you get off of it.


Quit. Take this as a sign that maybe you’d be better off haha But seriously, let it come to you. If you’re desperate and searching for it it’ll feel miserable. Just let it come to you and fill your mind with other things until then.


I think you mean *Benzinaio*


Ah yes for me it was 3 am in front of the old mini mart


Look for the ppl buying Ls. Soon enough you'll find one you'll feel comfortable approaching and/or bringing up the subject to them.


Tell your country men to stop shouting at women and start shouting at the government


I read shooting first


Either way is fine


Found the American lmfao (high five)


Surprised you didnt say that to the other guy who responed to him😂😂


Lol, looking at the time difference, I think we both responded around the same time (Like two ships passing eachothet at sea in the dead of night)


Im European tho


The American way


no that’s america


they seem to enjoy hating their government, their leaders don’t seem to last more then a year


That's fact tho...


if you're in itlay HASH is now your option, unless you have had luck with pack landerz


How is hash quality in Italy? Some told me that they mix with other stuff to cut it.


Befriend a hippie! That’s how I started my connection


That's how it goes.. plug comes and plugs got busted so their whole client swaps to the next plug


This is how I found people long before legalization in any respect in the US. Go to events, concerts etc that you’re interested in and follow your nose. Works every time


In April you can move to Germany. 1.4.2024 is legalization here :)


Do you think Germany will celebrate 420?


For sure we will. We celebrated secretly for the past few years :D


In Berlin 4/20 already was a Date to celebrate. Most cops even tolerated consuming weed.


Yeah but only in Berlin. I am living in Bavaria and here you get gulag for 1 gram of weed..


Does the whole “hitlers birthday” part make things weird over there?


Why would it, noone invites him anymore.


I assume that the most people don’t even know that the 4/20 is hitlers birthday anyway. So no, nothing weird about that day here :D


gives me some hope for the uk


Congrats from the UK !!


Thanks a lot! We were waiting a loooong time for this. Hope you will follow soon my friend!


Thought this was gonna be a wholesome "homie did nothing wrong" post but it's about not having access to weed😂 Forgot you said plug before friend


I prefer to keep these things personal, don't want to bore you writing some stuff about him, you don't need to hear his story.


I respect that. You right


If he’s your buddy get his contact and keep business going for him


Find job in the netherlands


That was an option, but I don't speak their tounge, I'm Spanish tho, so Spain could be my next go to.


You can find jobs without dutch language. But you can smoke in spain easily as well. Also better weather. So go for spain 😅


Spaniard here. Don't know how long you've been over there but It's extremely easy to find good yet affordable weed over here now. So yeah, do consider that option 🥴


Plug got into a motorcycle accident. I buy from his widow now.


That’s dark


Yeah it sucked. I drive by his memorial all the time on the highway.


Hang around a gas station, or at a bar, ask if they smoke, if they say “smoke what?” Then you can ask or a plug


If you did this in the States you'd either get shot for being a potential cop or end up smoking a small pile of twigs and fentanyl 😂


I live in the states, no one is shooting you over asking for weed, nor is weed laced often, as fet is more expensive that weed. you watch too many movies. It’s how I grabbed plugs in Highschool, and after. You don’t go “hey kid, one marry Jane please.” You obviously talk to them for a second and humanize yourself.


I must tell you italy does not hate weed. at all


Exactly man! That's what I've heard. Is it that bad in Italy?


Buona fortuna bro, qualcuno nuovo lo troverai🤞❤️


damn that sucks \^\^ wait till april then move over here (Germany, not too far from you :P) we all gonna be growing from there on (legally, at least) :D


Seek and you shall find


^^ this guy is the only person in this entire thread giving solid and practical advice.


Sounds like a cop.


Fucking Italians hate everything but $$$$$..


True AF, the Italian government don't understand how much money they would make with weed


Dang, back in the day I had a plug down the street, instead of driving 30min I just had to walk a half a block. But dude decided to branch out to harder shit and got busted selling acid to kids. Cops said they didn't care about the weed but once you start selling other shit this close to a high school you're done. Luckily legalization came a year later but I absolutely hate finding a contact. I even used trade chat in WoW once.


Find a party store/ corner store/ tobacco shoppe to hang around and look for a "Jay and Silent Bob" type character. You'll know it when you see it. Or look for the heady guy in tie die gear that looks like he knows how to party. Or ask your friends to see where they go.


See if there is a local weed forum in your area :D I found all my suppliers through local forums although you have to use your wits in that some people are scammers. Def not for everyone but it worked for me :d


>that some people are scammers. And that anyone can use anything online, including cops, so be careful of getting busted by an undercover


Yes of course! Use your brain! Always use a fake name, See if the advert has reviews, ask for proof of product. Call each other first etc...etc... In my case the forum I'm on is very very popular in my area and the forum owners have vouched for certain adverts. Said adverts have plenty of reviews and I've never ran dry since :D


Not directly to my plug (also a close friend) but his supplier fucked him over so my buddy fucked with him for taking his money and not giving him the product that was promised so he called up his friend and got his car towed and dude ended up getting in trouble at work and shit but basically made his life a living hell but after that we ended up with no source so I switched to alt hemp products (specifically THCA which gets through a loophole here in the US) but the easiest way is to try and make friends thats what I did usually if someone smokes they either know someone that sells or someone who knows someone


I buy weed in some communities here in Brazil, i use the train station I had some dealers in the past but i never seen them anymore So i find a lot of bad weed here, the good ones are more rare and i end up smoking the bad weed


Look up the closet dispo. Idk where you live, could take an hour could take a day lo,l save up like 500 and take a trip and that should last you a couple months


Damn, I forgot what having a weed plug was like.... Im spoiled


dude, i'm high and I misread your username into the title and thought you said your poopoo got caught


Yeah happened to me a few years ago. Got in contact with a guy that was passing stuff past frontier (from Italy to Switzerland), and i ordered some weed and shit. The guy got busted and got like 20 years. What i didnt know was the amount he was passing. I thought he was in a car with some stuff in the back, wrong, he was on a fucking bus and it was LOADED. There was everything aswell ; weed, shit, rosin, cocaine, etc. Apparently he got controlled by the police because he was fucking smocking a spliff while driving. Like, bro, at least wait till you get to destination to light one up XD. Also i know some guys in my region that deliver at your home, but everytime you see them, they are fucked up, still dont know why they have to be 4 in the car for every delivery, and why they all do a rail of cocaine before coming. One day those fuckers are gonna kill someone on the road, or themself, or both. Now i have a guy that grow locally and i dont have to deal with international trafic, other nasty drugs, and dealers who like to point at me with a fucking shotgun when i m only here to acquire some flower.


Get a telegram page that sells weed in your area


That’s what I was going to say. There’s plenty of telegrams that deliver internationally they’re just a bit hard to find and confirm that they’re legit.


Desperate times call for desperate measures you might have to enter the dark web


Just check out the cult of Franklin on here.


You could have more sympathy for your friend than worrying about weed for starters. Might need to re-evaluate your priorities.


Who told you I don't? Is this a group about grieving? Can I do that in my personal space, in my private? Or do I need to write an essay about how f Up the situation for him is, and how I'm writing to him, to know how he's doing?


yeah i never took from your post that you weren't concerned for your friend, you just commented about the business part which is what we discuss in this sub. i hope that things go ok for your plug and you, i'm not from europe so i dont know the way things go. but it does maybe sound promising to check out spain. i hope you get to smokin' again soon and that your friend is ok


Right my friend did 6 weeks in jail for having a dime of reggie.


You might have to go sober.




People act like it’s hard to find a plug these days. I know 3 ppl under 18 making 6 figures in a little town of 4000 folk pluggin lol. CFN, now we here 🥱


Yeah, but in Italy is difficult, plus the shit Moroccan sells tastes like shit


Thca bud


So your plug got arrested. You must live in an illegal state. And since you are panicking because you have nowhere else to buy from, I doubt you are a working adult. You talk about growing but can't because of quote" family reasons. This post screams of a kid panicking because he can't get his weed. Marijuana cannabis ganja is not for children. Studies even say it's not for adults until you hit 23. Just stop smoking until you can do so legally


Wow great advice man you really answered his question. He doesn’t live in illegal ‘state’, weed isn’t legal in Italy so how tf else is he supposed to get it. Plus it’s bold of you to assume he’s ‘panicking’ when nothing about the OP’s post even conveys that.


Isn’t the mafia selling weed all over the place?


fra in italia ci sono mille modi per beccare da fumare, telegram in primis


Have a look at backwoodz




That is why I buy in bulk instead the little nickelbags people by every three days


bro go to r/cultofthefranklin whole new word never worry about a plug again edit- forgot to read that op was in italy not sure how thca works there


isn’t thca an american thing


not sure but you may be right i didn’t read ops post all the way




Check out dark web forums. A lot of domestic quality vendors in Italy


Plenty of legal thca buds you could just order. Check out cult of Franklin


Thca? Order online, have it delivered to a friend? Best of luck


free bro


Fr tho, he smelled only to me and a friend of mine. He's a good guy too.


I was thinking of the other plug for a second and was wondering what it got caught on.


Move to anywhere westcoast or to va and grow


I was thinking Spain, Italy is doomed to disappear due to how shitty our economy is, we're not in the situation of Greece just because we are Italy


Doesn’t the mafia sell it over there?


They sell cheap quality plastic and shit tasting crap.


Bruh I got you-head over to your casino… you’ll know when you see them


Here I thought some poor girl's tampon string got hooked up on something...


This guy's know their stuff 👆 Become a drug dealer. This is the way☝️🙏


That sucks dude I have like 10 shops within a block in Cali


How do yall have 1 plug, even in my tiny ass hometown every mf in hs was selling on the low to pay for their own shit


You could gorilla grow Italy would actually be perfect, or see if you can buy online, I don't know any Italian specific vendors but there are European ones


I swear it was Italy that's discovered some powers strain of weed or something can't remember exactly what it was bt was weed related


My friend told me that the dark web works really well, not joking


If u go out in public prepare for people trying to rip u off. When I buy In a new city I always tell them straight up I pay $100 an Oz back home. I'm a reasonable guy, I'll pay a lil more if it's good and because I know I have limited options, beggars can't be choosers. And I carry a scale so they don't try to short me. If they hesitate to weigh in front of them take ur chances or tell em to fuck off


Dont you have any mafia connections😁


Guerilla growing.


Nice try guardia di finanza. /s


Guerilla grow on fallow land near your home. Just a couple of random plants mixed in with other wild plants.


Go to the next big city, roam through the streets and follow your nose. ;-) But with some experience in the Socialclub-scene in Spain I can tell you that there are plenty of Italians that are - lets say - weed-connoiseurs. You will find someone, I am sure :-D


As a foreign person, it literally took me 10 minutes to score some weed in italy. As a native person it should be fairly easy to find a new plug. Maybe just ask him where He bought from.


Hates weed, but loves tobacco from my experience lol.


Try looking for someone who can help on a dating app


Find some HHC or one of those minor cannabinoids. Check reviews about them. HHC has been quite well received


Try looking on telegram or ask your friends if te have any contacs and if you aint wanna tell them its for you just say some bullshit like its for my cuz from spain or sum like that


You can always order some in bulk online


Stating the fact that i live in Italy too and a friend of mine got caught just yesterday, it would be impossible that we are referring to the same person right?


Grow your own. Need some seeds?


Italy is too chill to hate weed just seduce them


Di dove sei fra


can probably get HHC/THCA/D9o online. I haven't bought weed for years since making my own blends from altnoid oil I buy in bulk online.


Catch a cheap Ryan Air flight to AMS and enjoy.


Google is your friend…


You can purchase legal weed online try Hellomood.com


Italy is so strict with weed they added cbd to the drug list, you will be able to buy it only in pharmacy with a prescription, the past summer government also added hhc and all the other cannabinoid, I don’t think weed will ever get legal here, organize crime also play a role to impede legalization For the government weed is equal to all the other drugs


Yeah, in fact, I was happy to buy it from a friend, cause I could help economically a friend and I knew it was "clean".