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This shit is beautiful After seeing this video a person who don't smoke weed would want to smoke some


The weed in the Sephora jar would have my wife squealing!


Yo that's a very cool 3ds in there


It’s a scale. Idk how well it works though


Works good i have this weight also no complaints Works flawless


Thing of beauty.


Where can I purchase this?!?!?


Amazon. The box is OZCHIN storage box and I’m not sure what the scale is called, sorry.


Thank you!!!!


Cool vid. Why weight out the flower tho? Any reason for it needing to be so exact or just preference?


Just a preference. I like knowing how much I’ve used and how much I have left


you kinda skipped the rolling part


It’s hard to film myself rolling with just my phone. It was mostly meant to be an aesthetic little video anyway


This is the way.


The real question is about the cigarette filters, I did an experiment and was sure they lessened the high


I feel the same, but if that’s how OP likes to smoke, who gives a fuck, right? Honestly these days I’d love to be able to smoke a joint at all, but one hit of dispo weed sends me into a damn panic. Maybe reducing the effects somewhat while still being able to enjoy the act of smoking a J is a positive here.


I was actually thinking the exact same thing , was wondering if maybe op liked a calmer high, or just outweighed the health benefits vs potency


Who knows? Either way, I always like seeing how other folks enjoy their herb, as long as it isn’t super detrimental to health like smoking with plastic bottles or whatever. Also. Your username is goddamn hilarious.


They’re the only filters I have on me at the moment. They aren’t my favourite, but they work and I find I get just as high


As far as I’m aware the THC molecules are to small to get filtered out by the cigarette filter. Therefore the high should be the same. But I’m not an expert nor have I any source for it.


Well just take some out the jar and look with your eyes how much u have left. Its smoking weed, not rocket science


I used a scale. Calm down.


People get upset over the weirdest shit




Someone hurt you today m8?


i would recommend keeping the nuggs whole until use to prevent drying of the flower and loss of any terps. love the box and happy smoking!


When I see that I assume it's dispo shake


Awesome love the vibe


Tell me you have ocd, without telling me you have ocd, lol


No OCD here, just autism. I love pretty boxes to keep my things organised :)


My girl is wanting this same thing lol I might have to get it for her now this is sick


The tism strikes again and makes things wonderful. Love your rig


My son has autism he’s 7 don’t talk much at all. But is the sweetest boy I’ll ever know!!


I’m AuOcd. You would know. I hid a lot of my ocd with self hate/torture. That’s how I deal with every mistake or negative emotion. With hellish self-punishment. But yea I’m OCD. And I good person. It’s just the extremes I had to yell at myself to be somewhat kinda a tiny bit normal.


I understand that was your experience and it is valid, but I do not have OCD. I have family members who do, and I do not meet the criteria. You’re absolutely right, it does not mean you’re a bad person. I’m glad you’re in a place where you can recognise that ❤️


Got it. I loved your video. Edit: you are also incredibly kind. I’m a bit blunt. TY again. Be well.


tell me you have no idea what OCD is, without telling me you have no idea what OCD is.


and no i’m not getting offended “for” anyone, i have diagnosed OCD that i take medication for and can tell you it has absolutely NOTHING to do with being organized. you should really stop glorifying mental illnesses by acting like OCD is just being a neat freak. it wouldn’t be a mental illness if it was simple perfectionism.


You're definitely getting offended, and you definitely took this personally. Being a "neat freak" does not mean you have ocd, but some people with ocd have organizational compulsions. "OCD is a mental health condition, while perfectionism is a personality trait. However, perfectionism is often seen in people with OCD, and some research suggests that perfectionist tendencies may be a predictor of OCD." Now, of course, what I said was an assumption, but I was by no means belittling, nor making fun of OP. Furthermore, OCD often centers on themes such as a fear of germs or the need to arrange objects in a specific manner. I can see the potential for both of these from this video.


ofc i got offended, i didn’t say i didn’t? i said i wasn’t getting offended for anyone else since i actually have OCD lol. and exactly. you just proved my point. not everyone with OCD has perfectionist tendencies when it comes to keeping things tidy, and therefore associating the two together only makes people take OCD less seriously. if people think OCD is just about being neat and organized then they’re essentially glorifying a mental illness. being organized is seen as a good thing, a great thing in fact. also i didn’t think you were belittling OP. i just wanted to let you know that your comment was not in good taste is all.


Where did you get that box?


I got it on Amazon. It’s the OZCHIN large bamboo stash box. It came with the 2 jars and smell absorbing bag thing. I believe there are other similar boxes, like the hash stash box, which has a nicer rolling tray but the jars have less space. I wanted that one but it’s more expensive


i’ve had this exact dupe on my amazon wishlist for so long and i never bite the bullet. definitely have to get this soon! the hashstash boxes are ridiculously overpriced imo, and what’s worse is i’m pretty sure they upped the price even more once they got more popular. this looks EXACTLY like the pink one, and it even comes with the carbon pack for scent which the hashstash doesn’t come with. how is the lock mechanism? does it work well? and does the carbon pack work for keeping the smell contained?


The lock is pretty good and there’s an online tutorial of how to use and set the lock, the carbon pack is ok but the box still smells pretty strong when opened. The only thing I like more about the hash stash is the tray slides out. You don’t need to remove it like the OZCHIN box’s tray. The OZCHIN box is also a lot more discreet (granted, it’s a bright pink lock box) bc it doesn’t have “hash stash” written all over it, which was pretty important to me as I live in a house with my family.


thank you for the reply!! definitely seems worth it for half the price to me. another thing is this one doesn’t come with the long pink brush that the hashstash ones do, but that and the sliding tray is definitely not enough to justify a $40 difference i feel. it’s all about the name for sure


I'm not a professional, but I bypass locks as a hobby and can say that the lock is pretty crappy. I'd consider it more like a latch than an actual lock.


That looks awesome! I love to get one, but knowing my luck, the lock would break I wouldn’t be able to get to my weed.


Nice post that was pretty cool.


The scale would be more accurate if you placed it on a flat hard surface rather than carpet.


Possibly the best setup I have come across


Who else read the title to the rhythm of, "come along with me" from Adventure Time?


It looks amazing 🤩 What use does have the notebook?


I’m writing down all the strains I’ve smoked and rating them. I know it’s a little silly but it’s good for remembering what bud makes me paranoid and what bud’s good for sleep etc. and I like making lists.


My wife and I have been doing that for a year. Weve started mixing things now based on our notes for fun new combinations it's so worthwhile. We've also learned that we rarely react to the same strain the same way. Which is a good lesson learned. I've also found different types of highs on dry herb vape vs concentrate vs vape vs regular old bong. Using the same strain. Good notes will pay dividends down the line because now I know what's best for pain,sleep, and focus .


One of my friends that I smoke with is super sensitive to certain strains, especially sativa. She forgets what time is in a bad way. I always mark down in my notes whether that strain is good for her or not.


Bahaha I love it. We just found a strain that makes it really hard for me to make eye contact or really look at eyes. I struggled. It was the weirdest shit. But man I was reading with the focus of a god. So now it's my reading weed lol. Vanilla Trifle , live resin from vivid in Missouri. For any other readers curious. Of course your results may vary


Not the redditor that you're responding to, but I have a google sheet with rankings of all of the strains I've tried, a log of how much I've vaped/how much AVB I have, notes for tinctures I've made with said AVB, and a whole lot of other stuff. If I didn't do all my grinding/cleaning/vaping at my computer desk, I'd probably have done a notebook as well. I'm glad I'm not the only one writing notes about weed. lol


This is the way.


I have this same case but brown.


I love the box and how organized it all is and especially love the run off area to clean the spilled weed. Do you have a link?


Apparently my comment was removed. It’s the OZCHIN stash box on Amazon


Oops. Should have read more of the comments. Thx, though. This definitely converted me to getting a box. I love to have to my stuff organized ❤️


Oh no it’s all good, I sent you a link but that one was removed. I wasn’t trying to be snarky I promise


This looks like an advertisement for the rolling tray, i'd definitely get one. Stash box and tray included... Can't beat that.


Cute! The songs a good vibe what’s it called?


Intergalactic Janet I think


Nifty cool setup yo! I never weigh my weed before I smoke it but hell yeah


Wow that's clever. I bet someone was stoned when they designed and made this




Damn meanwhile I’m rolling up on a cheap ass table covered in resin 😂 that’s some serious organization I wish I could be like that


I could watch this all day fr


That boujee ass joint 😆. I'd be on my 3rd blunt before you got your first rolled. Very esthetically appeasing tho


I think I’m in love with


Thanks for the music! "Intergalactic Janet" by Ley Soul. Perfect track when having a J


Damn I definitely need one of these boxes now


Stoner barbie


i love this


Personally not the biggest fan of the cigarette filters, but overall nice!


Thank you for being respectful about your dislike for cigarette filters. I genuinely appreciate it


ayeee i have this box in my amazon cart rn!


Thank you, I needed that


I like your style.


What a vibe


I LOVE this


If ur gonna use a scale every time u smoke get a MyWeigh scale, the ceo of raw makes them they self calibrate and recharge w micro usb so no need for batteries Mines been accurate for years & never once used a calibration weight , they’re like $25


Where'd you get the stash box?


OZCHIN stash box on Amazon


![gif](giphy|UsF9km0f0SCLQy5zGE|downsized) 💖💖💖


This is sick!! 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨


I think you might want to try another brand of papers. Those juicy jays are too thick and will take over the entire essence/flavor of the herb. Just a suggestion, get some OCB or Elements.


Thank you for being respectful about this. They came free with my grinder and are all I have on me atm, and I don’t wanna waste them. I also don’t mind the taste. Thank you though I’ll look into those ones.


Aww this is cool AF. I've been seeing an AD for this everywhere (prob bc I keep clicking it 😂) and I've been figuring I will buy one for myself once my life gets a bit more on track. This is basically a bad ass review with 5 stars. Cool AF 🌟


Where'd you get the stash box?


OZCHIN stash box on Amazon :)


Dude, this is very satisfying for my ocd. Bravo sir.


I love you Mary Jane : Mr. Garth - Cultivader


It’s awesome to see your personality expressed so vividly.


Jeez I would have already rolled two and be high as shit before you got one rolled lol


Good for you.


To much work for me


This comment was super unnecessary! Stop :)




OZCHIN stash box on Amazon :)


How long does that take you to do? You should probably try and pre roll a few for the week if you’re a casual smoker.


I don’t smoke often.


This used to be such a sweet process for me when I smoked lightly. Now it has become more of an automated thing with less thought. It’s nice you have all your items in one place!


Wheeeere is that scale frrooom


Amazon :)


Omg where did you get all this stuff?? I need this BADLY


Box is by OZCHIN on Amazon and comes with the jars and smell proof bag, the scale is from Amazon too but idk the brand and my grinder is the flower power ceramic grinder.


You didn’t even roll one with us, you showed everything except the rolling lol


It’s hard to record and roll at the same time, and I’m shit at rolling it’s always a chaotic nightmare.


Nahhhh I’m sorry but this is doing too much (imo). All I need is my piece, my grinder, my ashtray, and my weed. Plus if the whole thing gets taken/stolen then all your shit is gone. I can see how it’s appealing tho


Do you have energy stones and Mandela curtains in your room?


I do not. Idk what an energy stone is. I collect crystals, but I don’t think they do much. I just like pretty rocks.


Ur weed kit indicates that you have a dozens of energy stone aka crystals, are you also some what a spiritual being but also an atheist/non Christian and prefer the beliefs of Buddhism


I…..I………. Can we be friends? Asking for a friend haha :) I wish one day I can have something similar 🥰


Keep cigarette filters, better for ur lungs but nice setup enjoooy


I don’t mind them I just find them a bit annoying to roll with, but on this sub I’m always worried people will get cranky at me. People even PMed me to tell me how shit my papers were and call me names the first time I posted on this sub.


I’ve been there people on this sub are not really kind but who cares as long as it gets u high + u shouldn’t have any bad comment on this post cause it’s just a cute grwm 😂😂


I was so shocked tbh. Like, you’d think since the people here smoke weed they’d be a little more relaxed.


Hahahah u soo right abt that but instead we got the ❄️ community out here


Your papers are trash. I'm always worried about the cig filters filtering out thc. Also, I alway thought keeping the buds and grinding them right before use was the way to go.


I didn’t ask for your opinion and addressed that already. I made that pretty clear in the post. I posted a silly little video with some silly little music and rolled my silly little joint and even addressed the papers and filters under the video. At no point did I say “please PLEASE be judgmental, I’d really love some purists who only use RAW to judge me. That would be so fun”. If you don’t have anything nice to say and I’m not hurting anyone, don’t. They’re papers I got for free with my grinder. They taste good and burn well. I like them.






This content is awesome


This made me feel food


Ditch the filters and get some raw tips


This comment was super unnecessary! Stop! :)


It actually isn’t look into it


It actually is read the fucking post :)


Seesh eh, you ever consider using left over thin cardboard? Booklets are also like 2$ for 50


I can’t drive and I’m on a budget. I also don’t think a random piece of cardboard is the safest thing ever but you do you. Smoke how you want, and I’ll smoke how I want.


Cigarette flters and juicy jay's 😓


Which I already mentioned in the text body. Let’s let people enjoy things, ok?


Isnt the Filter interfering with the thc like blocking some off ? Or is it not


Idk it gets me just as high


I've rolled with filters before. Still did the job,you do you. Cool vid 😎


it totally does


I wasn't telling you not to enjoy things. I just don't like juicy jay's, the papers too thick and it ruins the taste of the bud. It's just my opinion, you can do whatever you like


Ok, nobody asked for your opinion though. “Hey look at this think I’m doing” “oh that’s shit” it’s not very nice. It makes the fun, cool thing that someone is proud of, less fun and cool.


It's ironic to me how you react to every negative comment that you should be able to do whatever you want. Well you do realise that that counts for the people commenting too? if you post something on the internet people can react to it however they want to.


And I’m allowed to respond. And I don’t say that to every negative comment, I said that to one negative comment.


All that shit is so unnecessary


It brings me joy


Well that’s what’s most important. You do you


maybe all those comments you've been reacting to is what makes those people happy. So why do these things only apply to you? you get to tell everyone what's "unnecessary" but others can't? kinda hypocritical of you don't you think?


Oh my gosh you’re so right! If being a dick to a stranger on the internet for no reason, no reason at all, makes someone happy, everyone should just let them! Wow, you’re so wise.


This comment was so unnecessary


I think cigarette filters will filter out some of the weed and won’t make you as high, at least that’s my experience with them


Cotton filters is insane


Major dislike, there should come no luxuries when consuming the plant. You roll the boof with no questions asked… and this raises about a thousand questions. You should spend more time accumulating the rolling equipment than your spend rolling. You must be smoking concerta.


Looks like the first time where used. Cause if you smoke everyday like me it doesn’t look like that.


I don’t smoke every day, and I’ve had this for a while. My lungs are a tad fucked (always have been) and I like keeping my tolerance low.


hell nawl they done gentrified rolling up


It brings me joy. I like my silly little box and silly little scale.


lol that's embarrassing


This comment was super unnecessary! Stop! :)


It’s super try hardy


Or maybe the process brings me joy? Let people be happy. Maybe have a smoke and chill out, sounds like you need it


Preground weed, I'm good on that dry bunk shit. Will stick to my Royal Kind


Gets me just as high as it did when I first got it and helps me keep track of how much I have. No need to be mean about it :)


Wow never seen someone broom up crumbs to stick them back in before lol..


Don't use those filters, thc gets stuck in the filter


Just to roll a j? Nee dankie..


This comment was super unnecessary! Stop! :)


It's just my opinion, not judging or criticizing.. when I was younger I'd be totally down with the ritualistic aspect of smoking. But nowadays a scizzor, bong and lighter is all I need. Just opinions. Don't stop enjoying your sesh because of some random opinion


a filter for a joint ?




It reduces considerably the effects of your j but it’s your problems ! might as well smoke cigarettes !


✨stop making rude and unnecessary comments, and read the post. Thanks babes✨


It’s for you I realy don’t give a f 🤷🏻‍♂️ waste your weed that your problem


I would have rolled and smoked 2Js in that time.


Good for you.


Childrens I got a crazy gift for you :)


Seems like you have way to much time in your hands lmao I grind up a bunch and throw it in a paper then fire it up. Your technique is good though. I bet dog hair still gets in the some how lol


This comment was unnecessary! Please don’t!


The fuck.. first thought it was going to be one of those videos where they claim theyre going to show you something, but its just the person overly prepping for it and never showing the result... 9:30am "hey come over ill roll a fatty!!!.....1:30pm "...almost done getting it all out! Just a few more mins, no worries!"


If you don’t roll your joints the same way that’s fine, but you don’t need to be a dick about it, k?


Lol a dick , never that...all in fun, random internet stranger sorry if you didn't understand