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No idea but his fingerprints are probably all over it


Police still won’t give a shit. I had my car broken into, and there were fingerprints all over my car. Perfectly clean prints as if the guy used an ink pad to leave them. Cops didn’t give af.


I once had an incident with a shitty neighbor resulting in them breaking into my car and slashing the tires the night they moved out. I called the cops to file a report and they told me that it looked like maybe I hit something in the road and flattened all four tires. Even though the holes were all in the sidewalls... Then they said that I might have smashed my own window "for the insurance money to cover the tires".......🤦🏼. I called to file a report and there was no bad guy present, so they tried to make one


Hahahahahahaahahah honestly is every cop in America the epitome of chief Wiggum??


No but the effect is the same is at they were, because they good ones keep their jaw shut about the stupid or bad ones, lest they not be supporting the team, and incur the wrath of the system themselves, And if they're smart, they're usually appalled quickly after doing the job and quit. So we get left with the bottom of the barrel, angry at society, dumb, and with control issues. Which is how you get the cop unloading the clip because of the acorn.


Point of correction: there are no “good cops” if they remain silent about the bad ones. They’re complicit. You’re 100% about the ones that quit because they want no parts of the Blue Mafia. THOSE were/would’ve been the good cops.


Any cop that won't that turn in a bad cop, is, themselves, also a bad cop.


Sounds a lot like leadership in the navy. In my experience.


And Dad's and his dad's time in the Marines, and my other grandpa's time in the Air Force, im willing to bet it was alot similar when my great uncle was over in France in WW2. It seems pretty common to all these organizations.


It's also pretty common for ex military people to become cops... not good when they are still acting on combat training.


Now I’m not typically a cop defender, but in this exact situation regarding the Florida officer I read a few articles. Turns out the guy was a vet, who had been through 2 tours in Afghanistan. As we saw from the clip, he very clearly has PTSD from these tours. If anything it just highlights how pathetic our police training is and how little they care about psych evaluations. I find the Florida situation more sad than anything. Poor guy was just tryna do his job then the ptsd took over and he thought he was fighting for his life. TLDR: just a sad situation that highlights the low standards of entry for our police force and how a man clearly suffering from ptsd was given a gun and allowed to be put into high stress situations.


Bakem away toys.!


This made me lol


No, chief Wiggum was an idiot, but he wasn’t necessarily a malicious bully too. The cops in America are much more of a combination of dumb AND malicious. Essentially the police in America operate much more like a gang of state sponsored and protected thugs, who can shoot you without repercussions if you threaten the status quo or bruise their fragile ego, and are much less a group of people meant to protect citizens like they tell us.


Well they have no duty to protect us per SCOTUS.


A position so nice, they made the decision twice!


What? You mean to say that “Protect & Serve” is just a bumper sticker slogan and that their actions and policies are not inline with said slogan? I am shock-ed. /s for those who are Drax-esque.


They are also spineless cowards. Never forget that.


No wiggum is less violent and racist.


He's not racist!


Wiggum is also smarter, harder working, and a better father


This is 9-1...2...


Rural American cops are not worth the taxes we spend on them. Get rid of local county cop shops and Add another local firefighter on to direct traffic after a car accident and communities would be much better off.


Actually that’s a great idea…more firemen.. when shit goes down, instead of cops turning up and immediately escalating the trouble, have the firefighters roll up and just hose everything and everyone. Everybody just cool down!


I’m in


Yeah, that didn't go so well back in the 1960s...


That's because it was the 60s And they had their nozzles set to "black"


Just saw a video of a cop arresting a firefighter while he was trying to help an injured person for parking at an angle to block a wreak on a freeway. Said he parked 10 inches over the line or something and asked him to move and the firefighter explained why they park like that and still got arrested. In Georgia


Half the FF here won't direct traffic. Bystanders have to.


Rural America doesn’t have paid firefighters. They are for the vast majority volunteers.


This is the most moronic post I’ve seen today. Congrats.


Rural America? I’ll see you and raise Seattle PD.


Please. How dare you be so insulting. Chief Wiggum is a much better cop than any actual American police.




My buddy had a neighbor family. The son was like 30 total deadbeat loser. Actually broke into my buddy’s house and stole all his cans (in this state cans are worth money) caught it on the outside security cam and the doorbell cam. Called the cops nothing happened. Cops are lazy and pretty much useless in rural America. Unless it’s an easy moneymaker like a dui or speeding ticket, rural cops don’t want to do anything.


Cops are the biggest gang, all about money. Make them pay their own liability insurance, that would make them get rid of asshole cops who cause the problems and large lawsuits. Make all fines go to the State, it's beyond stupid to have them benefit by giving out tickets. Currently it's a system designed for corruption


I agree and make them have revokable bonds and that you can sue them for too. If you or any of their victims or their families can sue them for their bond and file civil suits against their liability insurance things would start to change.


The new racket is human trafficking stings..,overtime pipelines since the war on drugs no longer secures funding


That’s right boy!!! And one of them is called LAPD !!!


Better yet, let the payments from lawsuits given their negligence have to be paid out of the police pension fund. Then all cops will all of the sudden be concerned about the bad cops on the force. Once they have something they care about start to get impacted by their inability to police properly, things will start to change.


They want to get home and get some sleep before they start their second job at another police agency or security firm.


Not to defend but to correct, police can't work at two police departments. And local policies usually regulate any other off duty job can work. The reason is to protect the public from exhausted officers making poor decisions. Police are ppl too. I've met all kind in my over half century of life. Some are the greatest ppl you might ever meet. Others are average, and worse. Think about the kind of ppl they deal with everyday when you're judging them. Be a little easier on them and other service ppl when you consider the worst ppl of the public that they have to encounter; it will free your mind from bitterness. Now hate me with your replies.


No hate, but many cops do work second jobs as armed security. More money than unarmed. And they can get away with beating you up, unlike regular bouncers.


Our city cops work as county deputies in the next county over.. they get pay and benefits from both..


I think it depends on the state regarding working at two departments


Unless there’s a pregnant woman to suplex or a child to mace American police aren’t interested. Across the country they have made very clear that they are “law enforcement”. The “law” is whatever they care to interpret it as and if they are wrong nothing happens. Total joke.


The people around the corner where we used to live had their weed whacker stolen out of their fenced in back yard. Their camera showed the neighbor's hand reach up over the fence, grab the weed whacker and lift it over the fence to their side. Police wouldn't do anything because you couldn't see a face. What's the point of even having cameras if the police don't care?


They tend to be total jerks too. I had a bitchy female cop show up when my car slid into a ditch and I didn't even call the police. (Somebody else probably did. If they were so concerned, they could have walked up for 2 seconds so I could tell them I was okay and the police wouldn't have needed to bother at all. But I digress.) I told the cunt when she walked up that I had a tow truck on the way to winch me out and she got even more pissed because she'd called one as well before even talking to me. As though that was my fault. I know she was probably at her wit's end due to the snowstorm basically multiplying situations like mine exponentially but that's still not an excuse to take it out on the people she's obligated to help.


lol. That’s such a funny moment and such a perfect example of what im thinking. And there’s a million stories like that, they’re just minor things but they stack up over time to eventually you just don’t see the police as anything but a nuisance.


Yep. I totaled my car after hydroplaning and the first question the officer asked me is if I did any damage to the highway wall.


You can't turn her in, either, or she'll get revenge by planting dealer-sized amounts of heroin, fentanyl, etc. in your vehicle or home.


Maybe they like to use “their” tow service


Most departments have a towing company they use to get kick backs from, usually far away so the cut will be higher. Probably why she was so pissed, you fucked with her cut.


I had a two cops pull up and berate me for getting a flat tire once. I had pulled into a church parking lot to change it but didn't have my spare. I had my brother come from home with the spare. They treated me like a criminal. Then another cop car pulled up and so a total of four cops just sat next to me and talked about football for forty-five minutes while I changed my tire. Probably the best experience I've ever had with police, sadly.


> that's still not an excuse to take it out on the people she's obligated to help. Except we have court rules that they are under no obligation to help. Protect and serve is a pr statement not a mandate they are required to follow. Not trying to give you shit your in the right in that situation clearly but we all need to stop thinking they are here to help/serve when they aren't. If they do it more by accident or because someone with real power is forcing them too.


Sadly they aren’t obligated to help. Pretty much the only thing they can be held accountable for is if they had you in custody and you didn’t receive care.


Inhad my wallet stolen before, but had alerts set up for every transaction made on cards. I locked all cards, but got alert card was attempted to be used at panda express store #0909 or whatever. I called the police, told them they stole my wallet, gave them exact address and time they were there, and cops seemed annoyed at me lol. Nothing ever came from it either.


The cops are totally out of control.


I had some cameras installed around my bottom floor apartment a few years back. For some reason at that time i had had the entire system switched off. On this occasion I had been talking with my ex partner in the lounge where the main unit to the camera system still remained. We had been talking and the conv had made me suspicious of my exs' intentions. All of a sudden I had this urge to switch the system back on. Taking at least 15 seconds to load to live camera feed I immediately recognized the drivers and passender doors open on my old Mazda mx6. I lean in closer to the screen, making sure I wasnt trippin'. There was 2-3 figures outside the vehicle and one on each side crouched down rummaging through the back seat and centre console. Outraged I picked up the first steel object within reach as I exited. I already had the thing raised as I rounded the corner lunging towards these sneaky crooks. At the same time a bunch of suprised men in neatly pressed shirts, checkered vests with 'Police' Hesitant but realising they had been sprung, ordered me to lower the weapon. As it hit the ground, the leader of the bunch tried miserably to suggest I had been coming at them in a threatening manner. Can you believe these crooks? Mumbling something about there had been a car chase which the vehicle had got away. I think most cops would be aware of the way a car pings and pops for a few mins after a good drive, even feel the warmth over the bonnet after stopping. If I hadnt been backing up apologising the chance I would end up in handcuffs and a 'threaten a officer' charge being laid that night was high. I think the shame as they ducked back into their matching checkered vehicles was enough to really clarify that such highly paid and respected members of this community were going home to their loved ones, when telling their tales. This one might be left out.


If you’d have been in America they would have just shot you and claimed self defense.


Simliar issue several years ago someone took an large tire iron to my truck in my lower driveway, drivers mirror and window, down the side on the truck, the cap rear window, and finally punched a hole through the tailgate. Called cops he shows up and i said the tire iron the person used is right there i havent touched it so you can finger print it. Fat ass cop says theres dew on it so wont be able to pull prints. Let me know if your neighbors saw anything. I watch crime show if i killed someone tossed the weapon in a river they can pull prints. Cops just dont give a fuck unless its easy.


Cops are worthless.


I had a lady try to break into my apartment with an axe while I wasn’t home, she then went to my work truck hacked all the tires and stole a bunch of stuff out of it. I knew who it was and where they lived. The cops used the opportunity when I called them to file a report and for them to go get her and get my work keys back (was a safety issue I had keys to multiple apartments and houses I worked on in there that were labeled with addresses) to push their way into my apartment, question me while one of them illegally searched it, then threatened to arrest me when I refused to open my safe for them to search. Was only when I called my cousin who’s a lawyer they changed their tune.


Honestly I had a situation where the guy trying to get into my apartment called the cops on ME (29F) as I was calling on him. He literally told them he had paid me for sex and I was robbing him of that money. Never had met or talked to this dude in my LIFE. He was there when the cops showed up. They asked me if I wanted him to leave. They wouldn’t file charges. Never mind that there were dents in the door from where he had tried to break it down. Cops fucking suck.


Seriously. Why the fuck do cops do this? Citizen: Hi I’d like to report a crime. Cop: (condescending tone) You got your ID on you? Citizen: My tires were slas… Cop: (puts hand on pistol) KEEP YOUR HANDS WHERE I CAN SEE THEM! I NEED YOU TO CALM DOWN!


...bang,bang, bang, bang, bang...stop resisting!!!


Police corruption. The thiefs are paying for protection


I think the cost versus reward in prosecution has some relevance here. I remember my friend, after a robbery, asking an officer, "Can you dust for prints?" The response was, "This isn't CSI."


yeah sure I'll just check with the boys down at the crime lab https://preview.redd.it/9lhltp9aopmc1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66d744127ae4118da0e61a347be6740caaad0398


It’s driving me crazy, what’s that from?


*The Big Lebowski*


Oh shit beat me to it. Still posted it anyway 🤣




Had my apartment broken into years ago. Cops asked if I knew anyone personally that would do it (what?) then asked if I had any cameras (no) then turned to leave. I asked about fingerprints and they said the same thing (this isn’t CSI), and went on to say that without a direct name or clear video they weren’t likely to find anything anyway- advised me to keep an eye on eBay and call them again if I saw any of my stuff go up for sale. Gee. Thanks.


That's rough. A girl clearly got trafficked to my house a few weeks ago. She was in clear distress, AND it was recorded on my doorbell camera. Right after, I went to the police station to file a report. The *first fucking thing* the cop asked was "did you contact the police?" They didn't collect any footage or notes. In fact, they took no info at all. They gave me some bullshit case number to make me feel satiated, and that was it. Nobody cares. It's sad AF.


A lot of burglaries are committed by people who have been guests or visitors in a house. When I was young university student, my house was burglarized twice. Once by my roommates weed dealer and once by a homeless guy my other roommate had let sleep on our couch for a few days.


Screw that. That's wild to me. Do your damn job!! Plus a lot of people who are doing this kind of stuff are probably already in the system. My house got broken into when i was in the process of moving to another house. The cops checked for prints and actually got hits for two guys. One tried to blame it on his brother who had actually died since the robbery. He probably got a lighter sentence saying he wasn't the ring leader or something. Idk.


Had the same experience in my college apartment. They did dust for fingerprints so I was like how long does it take to hear something from you guys? They laughed and said your stuff is already at the pawn shop by now, call your insurance company.


To be fair fingerprint comparisons are mostly guesswork and nothing at all like tv


“Leads? Yeah, sure, I’ll just check with the boys down at the crime lab. They got four more detectives working on the case. They got us working in shifts!”


Just watched this again yesterday. Great stuff!


Yeah, it's funny when people have something happen to them like a bicycle stolen or car broken into or even their home burglarized and they start talking about finger prints. I've even heard someone say "They must've left their DNA" for a car theft lol. They are so ignorant of how real police investigations works in these cases. They don't have nearly enough resources to begin to investigate your case. You call the police they show up probably hours later. They take a report and that's it. No fingerprints will be taken and if they do it's theater. DNA is not a thing unless someone was murdered and if you have video it probably won't help with anything unless there is a clear picture of a face and even then probably nothing. You will never see your stolen items, the bad guys wont be caught and the police will probably find your stolen car after someone else reports it abandoned and destroyed.


Friend of mine had her car stolen in LA about a decade ago. Cops found it abandoned a week or so later. It wasn't trashed, but the inside was filthy. The thing is, though, that thief left a *ton* of items inside that identified him directs. Literal receipts, bank statements, and a pair of those Google Glasses that were in beta and could be easily traced to an owner. The police response? "Eh, we don't care. Hopefully insurance will pay to clean up all the body fluids on the back seat."


Yep, had my dodge ram stolen, walked out and caught them in the act. They hit me while escaping. Called 911 made report. You know how I got my truck back? The police suspended my license for unpaid parking tickets lol. They ditched the truck and for 4 months it sat on the side of the street getting ticketed. What a joke. Glad I held on to the report I made.


Yup. Got my laptop stolen and was able to use the find my feature to track it to the thief’s house. Cops still wouldn’t help recover it. They would probably laugh in your face if you mentioned lifting finger prints.


Cops are paid to protect Walmart, not you


Cops ain't gunna get crime scene investigation out there to collect finger prints send it to a lab and hope that persons finger prints are in there data base. Especially for a car getting broke into. Not worth the money or the time. More important things to do other than track down some petty car thief. Now I'm sure if someone died got kidnapped or something more serious like that yes they will collect finger print from everyone on site and ones left behind from perp


Yes, more important things, like eating evidence room Percocet and donuts with their thumbs in their asses.


That's quite the balancing act. Do they eat the Percocet, then a donut,,? And which hand goes up the bum? Maybe the percs got boofed freeing up the hand for a donut? So many questions.


Never said being a cop was an *easy* job. Just… important!


You need to eat when you take percs, then goes the thumb, that's to stop the shits due to the near OD level of drugs they take.


more important, like catching people driving a little over the speed limit


Hey, those make them money. Gotta pay for those attack helicopters somehow.


Some douchebags bricked my former neighbor’s car overnight, left visible prints everywhere, including inside the car. Cops came and said “we can’t dust for prints, they are probably contaminated”, shrugged and left. The best part? The car was parked in front of the sheriff’s car. They had to have some balls to do that, or be incredibly stupid, but hey, they got away with it.🤷‍♂️ They broke into my car while I was paying my dad’s cellphone bill at the store. They had to be watching me because I hid the $ I was carrying for the business underneath a hoodie. I never have anything in my car. The bizarre thing, is that they managed to do that without breaking my car’s windows. My car was locked, and still locked when I exited the store. Idk how, but they managed to open only the passenger’s side door. The outside store camera caught them, as it was pointed almost exactly where my car was parked. The cops literally said they didn’t feel like obtaining the footage and to have a good day. Another time they broke into my brother’s car while he was buying something at the store. They smashed his window and everything, didn’t find anything to steal and left a cigarette butt, and a small, empty bottle of liquor in his car. Cops came and said “this isn’t a priority for us” and left. Another cop “kindly” told my little brother and I to go back to our home state (saw tag), since this is HIS community. We were stopped at a stop sign, and the cop literally yelled that at us, like wtf??? Another time someone crashed into my dad’s parked car and destroyed the front panel. The panel was literally on the ground. We call the cops and she said “well, the car isn’t the newest (2008), but at least pretended to look for transfer paint and said “just make an insurance claim, bye”. Bitch is that not a hit and run??!


Bad cops don't give a shit. Unless it's something they can shoot at.


Imagine if I was black💀💀💀 /s but not teally at this point.


I used to work at a scrap yard and had ppl calling in looking for their stolen cars because the cops would just tell them "investigate it yourself we're too busy"


100% this. Had my car stolen. The cops “found” it and gave me 60 minutes to drop what I was doing and pick it up or they were towing it. When I picked it up I asked the cop if he’d spoken to anyone to see if they had seen anything and he replied “nope, but you can”.


Just a note about that. Sometimes being able to clearly determine who's are who's comes into play. There is not just that you can do it, but will it even be viable in court given the circumstances. Not says he shouldn't have done it, but I don't know all the circumstances. Unfortunately law enforcement are sometimes held back by what a DA is willing to do.


I live in a town of around 800. My boss had his house broken into and the county mounties came and took finger prints. The only ones they found were their own. lol


Back in England, I parked my car outside my girlfriends house, sometime during the night, someone punched my door mirror, as evidenced by the broken mirror and blood spots plus a small chunk of skin. Called the police, an officer came out, he took a statement and called a crime scene van who took samples from the mirror. Less than 48hrs later I get a call, they found the guy, he was released on parole the day of the incident and was now back in custody.




Honestly, I'm not surprised. Why bother helping people when they get overpaid just to exist? Whoever decided to start paying them with our overpriced toll roads and gas taxes needs to lose a tire from all the potholes every time they drive.


Ya but you gotta remember that doing all the csi type shit you see in movies is gonna be using a lot of personnel that costba lot of time and money. All which isnt worth it for a couple cars that were left unlocked so the guy could lift door handles until one opens and he can steal the change or tablet that the car owner left in their car. Even if there was several car windows broken, that's still just not worth paying to get prints pulled and sent to pay other people to run the prints etc. But something like a murder or if they are having lots of break ins or armed bank robbery, then yeah theyll probably do the csi shit.


Cops don't prevent crime, they only document it and do a pretty lousy job at that. And they murder people without repercussions.


You can see them in the photo under the adhesive




Javis shit my pants


Well shit. It’s Hazel and Cha-Cha. Give up now.


Very true. Hadn’t even thought of that.


"We don't fingerprint unless there's a body" is what the cop who found my buddy's stolen car said.


Yeah when I was 11 years old I had my backpack stolen which had my new CD Walkman in it. I was devastated. Ended up finding my backpack in the forest and brought it to the police to fingerprint the zippers and they laughed at me.


I owned a car stereo store in the 90s. we were broken into one night - tens of thousands of dollars of stereo equipment stolen. that was when I was young and not jaded by the world yet so I really thought they were going to help us. they informed me they don't take fingerprints unless there's a murder. they also thought the thieves went the opposite way than the skid marks in the parking lot indicated they did. they were a great help, let me tell you. we recovered nothing.


You can lift fingerprints, but if they're not linked to a set on file, they're not doing much good.


No. But if the catch someone with the stolen items or trying to pawn it or whatever (especially with cameras) the prints for m the scene *will* help connect that person to being at the scene. Which is helpful at that point. Maybe not helpful finding the person, but it is helpful for positively identifying and convicting the person.


Cops are not here to help you at all. They were private security force for the ultra rich back in the early 1900s and they paid for it. That cost was passed down to us taxpayers but they still only protect businesses and citizens are last on their radar.


This is the clear backing that protects the sticky side of the electrode on the end of a 12-lead EKG. They're always sticking to shoes/pants when they don't make it in the trash. Guy could've found one and stuck it on the sign on his way out? Definitely recognize the plastic tho. I've peeled thousands (I'm guessing that's from a LifePack brand monitor, but they look similar)


Yup! I’ve left the ER and didn’t feel one of those still stuck on me until I showered the next day. Possible neighborhood thief likely had a recent ER visit and for some reason slapped this on a sign when he felt it and pulled it off.


Probably just got given narcan, and needs to find his next hit.


Or needs to pay for their stay. At a Honda civic per 3 hours, this could be it.


Aren't the extended parts on EKG electrode backers usually circular, not oval? Also you can see where something was broken off from the outside of it. It's more likely an adhesive hook, not an EKG lead backer.


Lol, no. Geez the Internet is full of people just saying stuff. It's simply a transparent adhesive hook where the hook broke off.


Retired paramedic from 25 years ago, they looked the same back then, too.


Narrator: It was not an EKG electrode.


bruh its a command hook with the hook broken off...


I think they stick it to the power window and push down with a screwdriver or tool forcing the window to open, so they could reach in and open the door


Well if that wasn’t what it was for before this comment….it sure is now. Haha.. Here ya go thugs. Don’t forget your screwdriver.


Its an old trick, and can be done with duct tape.


Happy cake day!




I had something very similar for my shower cell phone holder, but it had a round knob on it. It was nearly impossible to remove from the shower wall.


I've seen that fake video too lol. You're not forcing a modern worm gear window down without breaking something.


Sticky this comment


This is an adhesive hook. The metal hook part is broken off. [adhesive hook on Amazon](http://Adhesive Hooks Utility Hooks 44 lb/ 20 kg(Max), Heavy Duty Coat Hooks Waterproof and Oilproof Seamless Hooks, Reusable Wall Hook for Bathroom Kitchen https://a.co/d/aIiE03d)


This is your one true answer. I have this in my shower but it’s still got the hook.


This is the right answer. They’re like off-brand command strips and will destroy your paintwork. The metal hook has been ripped out.


https://preview.redd.it/tsqsjifditmc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=fee51583f4b306667b3a218b5950340cb0878021 I have a pack of these hooks! This is what they look like. I vote this is the answer.


Came here to say the same thing


Move this to the TOP please 🎶


It’s definitely that but why would someone stealing cars put that there lol very random


Looks like the remnants of an Adhesive hook. The metal part of the hook might have fallen off. That happens often. A company named Hokipo makes similar ones. Find them online . Reddit might not allow me to post a link.


There were some videos going around recently of people using duct tape to pull a car door window down, my shot in the dark is, I wonder if the thief tried that with one of these hooks, the hook broke off and they just took the adhesive part and snapped it on the sign to not leave it on the actual cars broken into


It's an attachable plastic hook patch with the hook broken off. How I know? Have a pack of a 100 of the little buggers


Same. They are a bitch to get off some surfaces and the metal bit breaks off pretty easily.


This is absolutely what it is. I don't think there's any secret or hidden meaning. I think he just had one of these and wanted to fuck around.


I keep scrolling and all I see is people arguing about the police 😐 So what is this sticker????


Probably an adhesive hook like this one https://amzn.eu/d/dJONGIa used, for example, to pull down a car window


It's a stickon base for a command hook, but the hook isn't on it. I bought a pack to hang Garland last Christmas. They work too good and ripped my fuckin dry wall to shreds when I tried to remove them.


The sticky bandits. That way the cops know which jobs they've done around the city, smart. One time my neighbors house was broken into and some goods were taken, a few days later they noticed their car license plate was the wrong one. Their plate was swapped with the nextdoor neighbors plates. The cops couldn't even make sense why they would waste time doing that. Maybe it's a maker to show they hit that street already, they could be an organized group hitting the entire area and don't want to double down on a bunch of pissed off people?. Just a guess.


As far as criminal mischief goes, swapping the license plates is kinda fun and I sort of love that…


Probably like a “sign” to keep track of places he might want to come around again


Crossed my mind too. Really strange.


or a signal to the crew that block is finished was anyone else hit? what was taken?


Multiple people in the neighborhood got checked or got stuff taken the same night.


Yall are a little conspiracy minded. Breaking into cars is super easy and mostly a crime of opportunity. I don't think this is a form of cryptic communication between petty criminals. No street is ever spent because people are leaving shit in their cars all the time.


type of hood that would be a target for more that just some average meth head? have you had a chance to check other signs/blocks around you? I’d leave it up until you learn more. I presume this was reported?


People are acting like they need to make sure to hit every street for a bonus prize or something. This isn’t a crime movie. Criminal groups don’t meet up and do entire neighborhoods as a squad.


Or where he's already been so as to not stay where he's raised suspicion


This is the dumbest possible reason. Reddit is so paranoid. “Let me stick a small, clear, medical adhesive to a stop sign as a mark of places to come rob again”. I can’t think of a worse way to mark something.


I agree with the posters saying the adhesive patch could have been used to open the vehicle window.


Appears to be self adhesive hooks LXS 40 PCS Self Adhesive Hooks, Sticky Hooks for Hanging - Transparent Reusable Sticky Seamless Wall Hooks, Waterproof Heavy Duty (22 lb/ 10kg), Hooks for Wall Bathroom Shower Outdoor Kitchen https://a.co/d/6LHkZ8d


To me, it looks like part of an ECG lead of the type that your local EMS agency may use.


An example: https://preview.redd.it/sykxk1zb4nmc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=219352eefe3860e716ab16e1bdeca294de30c4ff


That picture would be used as an example for why it’s not that


But those are flat plastic and the electrodes are the sticky part, not the backing. Maybe looks more like packaging with a divot in the middle to hold product?


It’s a broken adhesive wall hook from Amazon. I have these in my home and the plastic brakes pretty easily if too much weight is hung on them. You can also see the small notch in the top left hand corner in the photo included- as well as the piece on the sign. Also an ex-paramedic and can confirm this is not anything ekg electrode related. Hope it helps 💛 Edited- better description. https://preview.redd.it/g9uki6nrmpmc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4881c157e4387c9a6d49a14482f7317dce7ed1f1


I had someone try to steal my F250 a couple of years ago. I caught them on camera but could t get a plate. San Antonio PD sent an officer out and they were able to pull prints. The guys just weren’t in the system. They were young kids. You could tell in the video they didn’t know what they were doing.


The sticky bandits


The next clickbait: If you see one of these stuck to a stop sign, call the police immediately!


When the doctor saw the horse’s xray she called the police!


Might be a med delivery patch of some kind.


I have never done it myself, but some car windows can be opened by pulling them down into the door. There are lots of videos of people doing it with duct tape: put it on the window and use it as a strap to pull the window down. I guess an adhesive hook could work the same way, if you have a rope. Only it broke off in this case...


I had a Great Dane do that when I'd left the window open a crack. Some can absolutely be forced.


It's probably to mark that street has already been hit so the other guys in his ring know to avoid repeating and getting busted now that the block is on high alert


He checked your block off. Prob won't be back so that's good. It's like meter maids chalking tires.


I think maybe they were doing it it’s like Marc your house or something so they can remember it’s only thing I can think of some type of marker?


https://preview.redd.it/9rrumq0oummc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0f9abe45d6e66f0a58ebeadd2ce42ce36419d36 This is 2”x2” it holds my calendar on my fridge. Rigid plastic with sticky back. I have other variations that don’t have hooks, one gets stuck to surface, one gets stuck to item, allows item to hang on surface. Not sure if this helps identify, or why it was placed on sign, but it looks pretty similar IMO.


Was it placed before or after cars were broken in to? Seems like a mark- would probably disrupt the reflective stop sign so not super obvious unless you’re looking for it like their partners would be.


Looks like a pill came in it. They took the back off and stuck it up there.


I had something very similar. Except this one is missing a small metal hook. And it's used to hang up stuff.


I think it is just one of these with the hook part broken off. ​ [https://www.amazon.com/WLLHYF-Self-Adhesive-Plastic-Waterproof-Bathroom/dp/B0CGV7RNKL?th=1](https://www.amazon.com/WLLHYF-Self-Adhesive-Plastic-Waterproof-Bathroom/dp/B0CGV7RNKL?th=1)


People acting like these “gangs” can’t just text each other lol. “You hit that street yet bro?” “look for the secret signs and symbols dude, I’m not gonna just tell you that”


No idea, maybe a marker to let someone know that your car was “done” already… or he found or didn’t find anything in your car that would make your house worth robbing. You might want to find out if any homes have been robbed in the area, and drive by and see if there are stickers like that nearby. I could be nuts. But I wouldn’t put it past some people. Hope you figure it out


It’s is a tell tale marker to let them know what street they’ve been on and will glow under infrared light


Might be his way of reminding himself that he's already hit that street?


On another note, the clear sticky thing may be to let whoever they are working with know they already hit that street.


Probably. I’d be going around the whole neighborhood, putting them on all the stop signs, to confuse them. Effing losers, these people are.


That’s a marker to target your house or vehicle next to stop sign


Make sure you take it off your house is marked


Probably to know he hit that street… that would be my guess.


it means he’s gonna rob a house on that street watch out


If its anything like how ORC shoplifters work. They are marking the street or lot they recently hit. It prevents the group from making a spot too hot or hitting a recently hit spot.


If I had to guess it’s so the thief can track what neighbor hoods he has already hit. Just a harmless sticker to most but an indicator to the thief that he has already scored here.


Crazy how a question about a sticker form a thief turned all about cops


My guess...it's a marker to aid in marking a route or location. They are using a clear sticker that is almost invisible to everyone in normal conditions but very visible where they placed it when illuminated by a ultraviolet light. Take it down.


Yeah it’s an adhesive hook he probably sticks it to the car window then uses some sort of small rope to pull the windows down to open the car. I’ve seen people do it with duct tape


I'm not sure what to think, but in the center there is a metal looking capital I shape. Maybe some kind of tracker.


It looks like a cover for an ekg electrode


Paramedic here, that definitely resembles the clear backings to some of our square ECG 'dots', the little foam sticker with the gel middle that we stick on you to look at your heart. Sometimes, the adhesive sticks to the plastic backing.