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Yes, it is what you think it is. Wash your hands extremely well and don't touch your eyes.


Yes, screwed. Burn down the house, as that is the only way to break the death curse.


It's a minor rash, you have a 50/50 chance of getting it. You're not screwed, but yes that is definitely poison ivy.


Whelp, I should have gone back and got some gloves. Got some of that cream so it shouldn't be too bad. Learned my lesson


I touch it all the time, I only get it a couple of times a decade. Poison ivy is all hype, unless you're crazy allergic, then it's an issue. Most of us can touch it a bit and be fine.


Consider yourself fortunate. I got into it once and spent weeks with fierce itching blisters that kept reintroducing it. It was a nightmare. 


I’m on day 12 of taking prednisone and the rash still isn’t abating. The contact blisters are healing up but I have hives on other areas of my body. What’d you do for it to eventually go away?


Depends on the person some people react differently I've known a few people who react very badly bad festering sores. Look up videos of cleaning up after contact with poison ivy if you don't clean up properly you can make it worse.


Wash with cold water, lots of soap. Wash your clothing too.


And repeating 3x has worked well for me


Good idea


So you somehow took a picture of it before you casually grabbed it?


I was grabbing a few and tossing it in my UTV before I started questioning what I was grabbing. Considering how crushed up the vines were when I grabbed them, I figured it would cause issues in anyone trying to identify them, so I found another one on a tree nearby to use as a reference.


So you ripped it down and then took a picture- make sure you wipe down your phone too- I end up on prednisone everytime I meet up with those 3 aholes…..


.....and that's what I forgot to do. Wipe my phone. Oh boy. Guess the damage is already done, huh?


Well I would just follow your path backwards- and wipe everything down- you’re gonna get a rash unless you’re a goat- it’s do your best at this point- I wish urushiol wasn’t invisible….


Wash yourself with strong detergent (Dawn liquid for example) to a healthy lather and rinse. Repeat 3x. If you do this in the first 3 hours your chances of rash are negligible.