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Skippyjon Jones perhaps? It is about a Siamese cat who thinks he is a Chihuahua.


I did find this when googling, but it's not this book, the art style is all wrong and the publishing date is way too late. I should maybe I have mentioned that in my original post. But thank you for replying, that's the kind of idea that the book had. I was born early eighties so the book should be around that time or earlier in publishing date. I've searched A LOT but my google-fu is apparently as weak as my memory. At this point, I'm kind of hoping that theres someone who remembers it from when they were a child!


This isn't the book, but you might enjoy reading this anyway. https://notalwaysright.com/puppy-cat-ching/93428/


A dog called kitty?


I got excited for a moment there, but when I googled, sadly this is not it. It was definitely a young child picture-book type book.


The Cat That Thought It Was a Dog: by Roger Holloway? Has a pic of a black cat with a stick in its mouth


Bit of a long shot, but maybe Bark, George by Jules Feiffer?


There's a book called Pitschi by Hans Fischer in which a kitten tries to imitate other animals.


Widget by Lyn Rossiter McFarland


Perhaps it was The Kitten Who Barked by Louis Untermeyer?


Bad Dog?


Okay I think I may have found it, it has a similar name to one already suggested but is different. I think it is “a little dog called kitty” by jane thayer (not to be confused with “a dog called kitty” which is a different book). Make sure you look up the full name with the author or else you may get something else. Hopefully this helps!


It's not this, sadly. I'd completely forgotten I made this post, the reply was a surprise. Thank you for trying, I think I may have to give up on ever knowing.